Every horse show is exciting. But all these horses (at the championship) are the best of the best.
Amara Packwood
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You have to train them, you have to train yourself, you have to train together. Sometimes I relate it to ice skating somebody has to be there to catch you.
— Amara Packwood
He doesn't care what it looks like. He just wants to jump he loves it.
— Amara Packwood
You have to train them, you have to train yourself, you have to train together. Sometimes I relate it to ice skating  somebody has to be there to catch you.
— Amara Packwood
He has a jealousy problem. He's knocked a man down before, and he chased an ex-boyfriend out of the field.
— Amara Packwood
He doesn't care what it looks like. He just wants to jump  he loves it.
— Amara Packwood