Even though we keep talking about counting our blessings, looking at brighter side of things, being positive and so on, do we really practice them when things fall apart at the seams? That is the time we crib and grumble the most. “Why me? Why this? Why that?” and so on are the questions uppermost in our minds. That is the time to remember God’s innumerable mercies and Blessings showered on us in the past. That is the time to practice what you have been saying so many times. Rekindle your faith and Hold on to Him. Remember that there are still things to be thankful for.

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Do you feel that you are in a complicated situation today when nothing seems to be going right for you? Are you bewildered or baffled by what is happening around you? Relax! God always has our well being in mind. Reach out to Him, pray with all your heart, talk to Him about your fears, share your worries with Him and you will feel much lighter. You may even see the purpose of your present situation. A lady was having her breakfast, her 7 year old daughter, who was in a playful mood, accidentally dropped coffee on her. She yelled at her and had to go and change her clothes. When she came down, she found her child crying hysterically. It took a lot of time to pacify her and in the commotion the girl missed her school bus. She had to go and drop her to the school knowing full well that she was going to be late to office and would get hardly any time to prepare for an important presentation that she had to give later in the day. She cursed her fate, looked up to Heaven and muttered, “O God why me? Why did this happen on such an important day?” After dropping her daughter at her school she found that her office block, which was in a high rise building, had caught fire. The fire which had started two floors below had quickly spread to the rest of the floors and her colleagues were trapped in the building. Had she reached in time she too would have been one of them. Delay in reaching office had, in fact, saved her!
So, look for God’s message in everything and have patience as well as faith.
Latika Teotia