Ethically and morally, public safety is a responsibility of the elected officials. Disasters start and end at the local level. The local governments need to respond to that.
DeWitt Sagendorph
Elected officials
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we get what we deserve. They are our elected officials.
— George Carlin
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I frequently feel when I listen to him and to many other elected officials that they are speaking to an audience not in the room.
— Deval Patrick
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I want you to ask your local elected officials — I don't care if it's the county commissioners or the governor — ‘What are you going to do about this issue,'
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I think the public deserves better from their elected officials,
— David Dewhurst
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We would welcome a more proactive role from elected officials at the national and state levels in broad-based strategies to address the U.S. health care crisis.
— Rick Wagoner
Elected officials