Está empezando un nuevo día. Quizá sea un día como los demás, o quizá sea un día relevante que, por diferentes razones, quede grabado en la memoria. En cualquier caso, por el momento, todo el mundo tiene ante sí un hoja en blanco, sin nada escrito.
Haruki Murakami
Related El día en que te conoci, es un día que nunca jamas olvidare, ya que fue escrito por amor en mi cor... PHILIP T.M —Llegará un día en que todos nosotros estaremos muertos —dije—. Todos nosotros. Llegará un ... JOHN GREEN Ponerse un huipil era toda una iniciación, al hacerlo uno repetía diariamente el viaje interior ha... LAURA ESQUIVEL Añadió que nada en este mundo era un regalo: todo cuanto hubiera que aprender debía aprenderse po... CARLOS CASTANEDA El que no sabe llevar su contabilidad Por espacio de tres mil años Se queda como un igno... JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Hemos pasado muy buenos momentos, mientras erais jovenes, pero está en la propia naturaleza del Tie... T.H. WHITE Había una vez un hombre bajito y extraño que decidió tres cosas importantes acerca de su vida: MARKUS ZUSAK Nuestro mayor error en todo el mundo es nuestra insistencia en considerar cada nuevo acontecimiento ... ANNE RICE La magia de cada día no está en vivirlo como si fuera el último, sino en disfrutarlo sintiendo qu... MARTíN BALAREZO GARCíA Algunas veces te levantas de la cama y ya no sabes porqué estás luchando. ¿Estás luchando el dí... EMILIO BUESO Me encantaría creer en un mundo invisible. Eso destruiría todo el sufrimiento y la presión del mu... CHUCK PALAHNIUK Por un momento siento un destello de esperanza al pensar en el último verso del poema: «En alguna ... JOHN GREEN Pero el tiempo pasa, y dura. Y hay un momento en que todo se estanca. Los días dejan de contarse, l... ARTURO PéREZ-REVERTE Hace poco encontraron en el bosque un caballo salvaje. Estaba muerto. En otro lugar, una liebre. No ... SVETLANA ALEXIEVICH Cambiar una ortodoxia por otra no supone necesariamente un avance. el enemigo es la mentalidad de gr... GEORGE ORWELL En ese momento me di cuenta de que el anochecer es solo una ilusión, porque el sol sigue estando pr... NICHOLAS SPARKS Hoy en día la gente conoce el precio de todo y el valor de nada. OSCAR WILDE Pero los escritores mienten, aun los más sinceros. Los menos hábiles, carentes de palabras y frase... MARGUERITE YOURCENAR Bea dice que el arte de leer se está muriendo lentamente, que es un ritual íntimo, que un libro es... CARLOS RUIZ ZAFóN Soy un gato, un ser extremadamente sensible a los más sutiles cambios en la mente o el alma del mun... SōSEKI NATSUME La desgracia de Adam Appleby era que, en cuanto despertaba del sueño, su conciencia se inundaba inm... DAVID LODGE William Rackham es lo que podríamos llamar un cristiano ateo supersticioso; es decir, cree en un Di... MICHEL FABER Regalos insignificantes como un beso en un momento inesperado o un papel escrito a las apuradas. Pue... JULIO CORTáZAR La única certeza, transcurridas más de dos décadas desde los años de facultad, era que aquella a... SíLVIA SOLER Pensó que cada recuerdo evocado debe violentar en alguna medida sus orígenes. Como en un juego. El... CORMAC MCCARTHY Un solo día dedicado a cosas que no alimentan el espíritu es un día robado, mutilado y arrojado a... MICHEL FABER ¿Quieres entender que es un año de vida? Pregúntaselo a un estudiante que acaba de suspender el e... MARC LEVY Este primer episodio también podría llamarse: El día en que no fui a clase y un robot quiso matar... CARLOS J. EGUREN - Estoy enamorado de tí, y no estoy en el negocio de negarme el simple placer de decir cosas verdad... JOHN GREEN ¿Ha estado alguna vez enamorado? Horrible, ¿no? Te hace tan vulnerable. Te abre el pecho y el cora... NEIL GAIMAN ¿ Por qué morían tan jóvenes?, se pregunta Stefan Zweig hablando de aquella generación y de su ... WILLIAM OSPINA Llega un momento en que nos damos cuenta de que nuestros padres no se pueden salvar a ellos mismos n... JOHN GREEN La memoria imprime en blanco y negro, los grises se pierden por el camino. ISABEL ALLENDE porque el camino recto del amor, ya se guíe por sí mismo, ya sea guiado por otro, es comenzar por ... PLATO Todos los días Dios nos da, junto con el sol, un momento en el que es posible cambiar todo lo que n... PAULO COELHO Cuando somos niños, casi nunca pensamos en el futuro. Esa inocencia nos deja libres para disfrutar ... PATRICK ROTHFUSS El amor empieza a ser un demonio desde el momento en que comienza a ser un dios. C.S. LEWIS Si el honor y la sabiduría y la felicidad no son para mí, que sean para otros. Que el cielo exista... JORGE LUIS BORGES Pongámonos de acuerdo en qué es la igualdad, pues si la libertad es la cima, la igualdad es la bas... VICTOR HUGO Como si el mundo se encogiera en torno a un núcleo de entidades desglosables. Las cosas cayendo en ... CORMAC MCCARTHY - La gente debería tenerle miedo a Ursula Monkton - afirmé - Quizá. Y a qué crees que le ti... NEIL GAIMAN Así, la suerte de la mujer y la del socialismo están íntimamente ligadas, como se ve también SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR El que tiene fe en sí mismo no necesita que los demás crean en él. MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO Porque no vivo ni en mi pasado ni en mi futuro. Tengo sólo el presente, y él es el que me interesa... PAULO COELHO Una de las mejores razones, si no hubiera otra, para la abolición del dinero, es precisamente que s... EDWARD BELLAMY Con tal disposición y determinación, ¡qué país es éste para el viajero, donde la más mísera ... WASHINGTON IRVING Pero yo creo en el amor verdadero, ¿sabes? No creo que todo el mundo se queda con los ojos o no enf... JOHN GREEN Hay libros que tenemos a nuestro lado veinte años sin leerlos, libros de los que no nos alejamos, q... ELIAS CANETTI Como ve, todos tenemos en nuestro interior los elementos necesarios para producir fósforo. Es más,... LAURA ESQUIVEL Te quedas atrapado en ser algo, ser especial o guay o lo que sea, hasta un punto en que ni siquiera ... JOHN GREEN Esa pareja equilibrada no es una utopía ; existen tales parejas, a veces incluso en el mismo marco ... SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR Que haya otros que estén en desacuerdo con nosotros (que no tomen en cuenta lo que hacemos sino lo ... ZYGMUNT BAUMAN La felicidad no existe…solo existe ser feliz cada día. Si piensas en el concepto global de felici... ALBERT ESPINOSA Los Gamins se acurrucan en sus cubículos, como dulces palomas en un campanario, y examinan manuscri... SALLY THORNE y entonces, de pronto, apareció él, estaca en mano, corriendo por el pasillo como si fuera la muer... RICHELLE MEAD Si el libro que leemos no nos despierta de un puñetazo en el cráneo, ¿para qué leerlo?… Un lib... FRANZ KAFKA Así se reanudó una amistad prohibida que por lo menos una vez se pareció al amor. Hablaban hasta ... GABRIEL GARCíA MáRQUEZ Pero es más que sólo un arañazo. Es un puñetazo en el estómago y una bofetada en la cara. Es un... JAY ASHER Cuando pensaba en él muriendo, que admito que no ha sido muchas veces, siempre pensaba en lo que di... JOHN GREEN Sentada enfrente de mis borradores, de repente me invadió el pánico como cuando un mago descubre q... ZHOU WEIHUI Te pasas toda la vida atorado en el laberinto, pensando en cómo vas a escapar de ahí un día y que... JOHN GREEN Ella, sin duda, era la encarnación de la belleza que encontraba en la Tierra. Tenía que pasar por ... ANAGABY ARRIETA Es una mera ficción eso de que no existe un puente de unión entre una y otra gente, y que todos vi... HERMANN HESSE No hereden el odio. Después de cuanto acaba de pasar (las infinitas matanzas, los campos de extermi... JOSé EMILIO PACHECO El amor verdadero no era precisamente uno de esos absolutos; pregunta en la cual la palabra <>... ERNESTO SABATO Siempre hay un momento, justo antes de empezar a leer, en el que el corazón me da un vuelco y me pr... NICHOLAS SPARKS Un minuto más tarde, Annabeth puso el pie sobre un trozo de musgo y resbaló. Por suerte, con... RICK RIORDAN Confieso que el Elixir de la Larga Vida me seducía más: antes de entender y sentir la presencia de... PAULO COELHO Era peor la herida... eran peor muchas heridas... que saber la profundidad de lealtad y amor que yac... ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE Cosas detestables Cuando uno tiene prisa por salir, llega alguien de visita y se queda ha... SEI SHōNAGON ¿Llegará el día en que sea capaz de sacármela de la cabeza? Incluso ahora que la situación en l... ADRIANA GONZáLEZ MáRQUEZ Desde temprana edad eran conscientes del escaso valor que el mundo daba a los libros, de manera que ... JEFFREY EUGENIDES Porque la mejor parte de nuestra memoria está fuera de nosotros, en una brisa húmeda de lluvia, en... MARCEL PROUST Si quedaba alguna esperanza, debía estar en los proles, porque solo en esas masas... GEORGE ORWELL Es difícil guardar un secreto cuando lo llevas escrito por todo el cuerpo JULIA HOBAN La voluntad, el deseo de vivir, es tan fuerte en el animal como en el hombre. En el hombre es mayor ... PíO BAROJA La verdad es como una manta que nos deja los pies fríos. Ya puede uno tirar de ella hacia sí en to... N.H. KLEINBAUM La competencia de un empleado no es determinada por los extraños, sino por su superior en la jerarq... LAURENCE J. PETER Ese chico roto en la playa parecía como hace una vida. Los años habían pasado, colegio y la NFL, ... NICOLE WILLIAMS La rutina no está tanto en las cosas como en nuestra incapacidad para crear a cada momento un vínc... CARMEN MARTíN GAITE —¿Por qué sigues creyendo en Dios? ¿No estás enfadada con Él por todas las cosas malas que te... SYLVAIN REYNARD me habia quedado tambien casi por completo sin contactos con quienes anteriormente mehabia permitido... THOMAS BERNHARD Y escribir cada día, ganar la lotería de al menos una frase que nadie ha dicho nunc... HéCTOR ABAD FACIOLINCE Lolita, luz de mi vida, fuego de mis entrañas. Pecado mío, alma mía. Lo-li-ta: la punta de la len... VLADIMIR NABOKOV La high society de aquí me cae muy gorda y siento un poco de rabia contra todos estos ricachones, p... GéRARD DE CORTANZE Queremos que el fotógrafo sea un espía en la casa del amor y de la muerte y que los retratados no ... SUSAN SONTAG Rue,, la niña que, cuando le preguntas por lo que mas ama en el mundo, contesta que la musica, nada... SUZANNE COLLINS Heredé de mis antepasados las ansias de huir. Dicen que mi sangre es europea. Yo siento que cada gl... ALEJANDRA PIZARNIK Tu casa, al ser el lugar donde lees, puede decirnos cuál es el lugar que los libros tienen en tu vi... ITALO CALVINO Mi última relación había sido casi dos años atrás. Lo vi por última vez en un café, donde me ... MARIAM PARRA El amor es lo que mueve el mundo. Es la única cosa que permite a hombres y mujeres seguir en pie en... STEPHEN KING En cierto sentido, la visión del mundo que tenía el Partido se imponía con éxito a gente incapaz... GEORGE ORWELL El sufrimiento es impuesto a nosotros una y otra vez hasta que un día seríamos valientes sabios am... SUZY KASSEM -En mis ojos, fuiste mía desde el momento en el que te vi en el Starbucks con tu amiga. En mi mente... MEGAN MAXWELL Que yo sepa, lo único que no da resaca y que disipa momentáneamente la muerte —tambié... MILENA BUSQUETS Fue un buen partido. Lo hicimos todo para ganar este encuentro en un campo muy complicado, creando m... FRANK RIJKAARD Te pasas toda la vida atorado en el laberinto, pensando en cómo vas a escapar de ahí un día y qu... JOHN GREEN Me abrazo a la almohada. Pido, aunque ya sé que no me será concedida, una noche tranquil... MILENA BUSQUETS Que mis lágrimas corran así bien lejos, para que mi amor nunca sepa que un día lloré por él. PAULO COELHO Como saben, me gusta recordar viejos episodios de nuestra Historia. Sobre todo si causan respeto por... ARTURO PéREZ-REVERTE
More Haruki Murakami
És com si en aquella època cada nit també mirés una lluna de gel a través d'un ull de bou. Una ... HARUKI MURAKAMI Desde el principio estuvimos unidos en la frontera entre la vida y la muerte. HARUKI MURAKAMI Aquel silencio recordaba todas las lluvias del mundo cayendo sobre la faz de la Tierra. HARUKI MURAKAMI A veces me siento como el portero de un museo. Un museo vacío, desierto, que ya nadie visita. Y yo ... HARUKI MURAKAMI Dentro de aquella casa con las persianas cerradas, sentí un odio profundo hacia la primavera. Odié... HARUKI MURAKAMI Quizás yo no soy muy inteligente. Pertenezco al pueblo. Pero ¿no es el pueblo el que hace funciona... HARUKI MURAKAMI –Watanabe, ¿puedes explicarme la diferencia entre el condicional simple y el condicional perfecto... HARUKI MURAKAMI En este mundo hay gente que, a pesar de estar dotadas de un talento excepcional, son incapaces de re... HARUKI MURAKAMI En el mundo exterior la gente no suele hablar con franqueza, ¿no es cierto? HARUKI MURAKAMI Eso es lo que éramos el uno para el otro. Al morirse, ya no supe cómo relacionarme con la gente. D... HARUKI MURAKAMI Está exteriorizando sus emociones. Lo preocupante es cuando no logra sacarlas fuera. Se acumulan en... HARUKI MURAKAMI Había pensado tantas veces en ello que acabé distorsionando la noción del tiempo. HARUKI MURAKAMI Of course, she must be sleeping, sleeping deeply, wrapped in the darkness of that strange little wor... HARUKI MURAKAMI I must be in love with this woman, Sumire realized with a start. No mistake about it. Ice is co... HARUKI MURAKAMI Don't pointless things have a place, too, in this far-from-perfect world? Remove everything pointles... HARUKI MURAKAMI Silence. How long it lasted, I couldn't tell. It might have been five seconds, it might have been a ... HARUKI MURAKAMI Beyond the edge of the world there’s a space where emptiness and substance neatly overlap, where p... HARUKI MURAKAMI Not just beautiful, though--the stars are like the trees in the forest, alive and breathing. And the... HARUKI MURAKAMI The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of ni... HARUKI MURAKAMI Sometimes, when one is moving silently through such an utterly desolate landscape, an overwhelming h... HARUKI MURAKAMI When people tell a lie about something, they have to make up a bunch of lies to go with the first on... HARUKI MURAKAMI Adults constantly raise the bar on smart children, precisely because they're able to handle it. The ... HARUKI MURAKAMI Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart. HARUKI MURAKAMI From the girl who sat before me now...surged a fresh and physical life force. She was like a small a... HARUKI MURAKAMI If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is t... HARUKI MURAKAMI Why do people have to be this lonely? What's the point of it all? Millions of people in this world, ... HARUKI MURAKAMI Whenever she felt like crying, she would instead become angry—at someone else or at herself—whic... HARUKI MURAKAMI I dream. Sometimes I think that's the only right thing to do. HARUKI MURAKAMI here she is, all mine, trying her best to give me all she can. How could I ever hurt her? But I didn... HARUKI MURAKAMI I think you still love me, but we can’t escape the fact that I’m not enough for you. I knew this... HARUKI MURAKAMI Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes.... HARUKI MURAKAMI No matter how much suffering you went through, you never wanted to let go of those memories. HARUKI MURAKAMI And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive... HARUKI MURAKAMI Nobody likes being alone that much. I don't go out of my way to make friends, that's all. It just le... HARUKI MURAKAMI Things like that happen all the time in this great big world of ours. It's like taking a boat out on... HARUKI MURAKAMI لا أحد يحب العزلة. أنا فقط أكره الخيبة HARUKI MURAKAMI Which is why I am writing this book. To think. To understand. It just happens to be the way I'm made... HARUKI MURAKAMI I made up my mind I was going to find someone who would love me unconditionally three hundred and si... HARUKI MURAKAMI It's because of you when I'm in bed in the morning that I can wind my spring and tell myself I have ... HARUKI MURAKAMI Something inside me had dropped away, and nothing came in to fill the cavern. HARUKI MURAKAMI She's letting out her feelings. The scary thing is not being able to do that. When your feelings bui... HARUKI MURAKAMI Memory is a funny thing. When I was in the scene, I hardly paid it any mind. I never stopped to thin... HARUKI MURAKAMI People leave strange little memories of themselves behind when they die. HARUKI MURAKAMI So what’s wrong if there happens to be one guy in the world who enjoys trying to understand you? HARUKI MURAKAMI Not that we were incompatible: we just had nothing to talk about. HARUKI MURAKAMI I didn't have much to say to anybody but kept to myself and my books. With my eyes closed, I would t... HARUKI MURAKAMI I don't care what you do to me, but I don't want you to hurt me. I've had enough hurt already in my ... HARUKI MURAKAMI What makes us the most normal," said Reiko, "is knowing that we're not normal. HARUKI MURAKAMI If you're in pitch blackness, all you can do is sit tight until your eyes get used to the dark HARUKI MURAKAMI I really like you, Midori. A lot.” “How much is a lot?” “Like a spring bear,” I ... HARUKI MURAKAMI What a terrible thing it is to wound someone you really care for and to do it so unconsciously. HARUKI MURAKAMI Only the Dead stay seventeen forever. HARUKI MURAKAMI No truth can cure the sorrow we feel from losing a loved one. No truth, no sincerity, no strength, n... HARUKI MURAKAMI I have a million things to talk to you about. All I want in this world is you. I want to see you and... HARUKI MURAKAMI Letters are just pieces of paper," I said. "Burn them, and what stays in your heart will stay; keep ... HARUKI MURAKAMI Despite your best efforts, people are going to be hurt when it's time for them to be hurt. HARUKI MURAKAMI I was always hungry for love. Just once, I wanted to know what it was like to get my fill of it -- t... HARUKI MURAKAMI I want you always to remember me. Will you remember that I existed, and that I stood next to you her... HARUKI MURAKAMI But who can say what's best? That's why you need to grab whatever chance you have of happiness where... HARUKI MURAKAMI Don't feel sorry for yourself. Only assholes do that. HARUKI MURAKAMI What happens when people open their hearts?" "They get better. HARUKI MURAKAMI Is it possible, in the final analysis, for one human being to achieve perfect understanding of anoth... HARUKI MURAKAMI Of course it hurt that we could never love each other in a physical way. We would have been far more... HARUKI MURAKAMI Things change everyday. With each new dawn, it is not the same world as before. And you’re not the... HARUKI MURAKAMI Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. HARUKI MURAKAMI I'm your phantom dance partner. I'm your shadow. I'm not anything more. HARUKI MURAKAMI It's like Tolstoy said. Happiness is an allegory, unhappiness a story . HARUKI MURAKAMI In everybody’s life there’s a point of no return. And in a very few cases, a point where you can... HARUKI MURAKAMI Sometimes when I look at you, I feel I'm gazing at a distant star. It's dazzling, but the ligh... HARUKI MURAKAMI Anyone who falls in love is searching for the missing pieces of themselves. So anyone who's in love ... HARUKI MURAKAMI If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets. HARUKI MURAKAMI No matter how much time passes, no matter what takes place in the interim, there are some things we ... HARUKI MURAKAMI ''Fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing directions. You change direction but the sandst... HARUKI MURAKAMI I learned that realism can come in all shapes and sizes. The world is big enough for different ... HARUKI MURAKAMI So the fact that I’m me and no one else is one of my greatest assets. Emotional hurt is the price ... HARUKI MURAKAMI No matter how far you travel, you can never get away from yourself. HARUKI MURAKAMI ...most people in the world don't really use their brains to think. And people who don't think are t... HARUKI MURAKAMI We survived. You and I. And those who survive have a duty. Our duty is to do our best to keep on liv... HARUKI MURAKAMI You are 27 or 28 right? It is very tough to live at that age. When nothing is sure. I have sympathy ... HARUKI MURAKAMI That's when I gave up pinball. When the times comes, everybody gives up pinball. Nothing more to it. HARUKI MURAKAMI I am living in hell from one day to the next. But there is nothing I can do to escape. I don't know ... HARUKI MURAKAMI If you're young and talented, it's like you have wings. HARUKI MURAKAMI When Debussy was seeming to get nowhere with an opera he was composing, he put it this way: "I spent... HARUKI MURAKAMI Whether you take the doughnut hole as a blank space or as an entity unto itself is a purely metaphys... HARUKI MURAKAMI Nobody's going to win all the time. On the highway of life you can't always be in the fast lane. HARUKI MURAKAMI My peak? Would I even have one? I hardly had had anything you could call a life. A few ripples. some... HARUKI MURAKAMI If you try to use your head to think about things, people don't want to have anything to do with you HARUKI MURAKAMI You can have tons of talent, but it won't necessarily keep you fed. If you have sharp instincts, thr... HARUKI MURAKAMI I lost some of my friends because I got so famous, people who just assumed that I would be different... HARUKI MURAKAMI For novelists or musicians, if they really want to create something, they need to go downstairs and ... HARUKI MURAKAMI I didn't want to be a writer, but I became one. And now I have many readers, in many countries. ... HARUKI MURAKAMI Please think of me like an endangered species and just observe me quietly from far away. If you try ... HARUKI MURAKAMI Most young people were getting jobs in big companies, becoming company men. I wanted to be individua... HARUKI MURAKAMI They tell us that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself,but I don't believe that." he said. ... HARUKI MURAKAMI And it came to me then. That we were wonderful traveling companions but in the end no more than lone... HARUKI MURAKAMI Kindness and a caring mind are two separate qualities. Kindness is manners. It is superficial custom... HARUKI MURAKAMI No truth can cure the sadness we feel from losing a loved one. No truth, no sincerity, no strength, ... HARUKI MURAKAMI Listen up - there's no war that will end all wars. HARUKI MURAKAMI I do feel that I’ve managed to make something I could maybe call my world…over time…little by ... HARUKI MURAKAMI This is one more piece of advice I have for you: don't get impatient. Even if things are so tangled ... HARUKI MURAKAMI I can bear any pain as long as it has meaning. HARUKI MURAKAMI Being with her I feel a pain, like a frozen knife stuck in my chest. An awful pain, but the funny th... HARUKI MURAKAMI Sometimes I feel as if I'm racing with my own shadow, Korogi says. But that's one thing I'll never b... HARUKI MURAKAMI sound is of no use to human evolution. in fact, it gets in the way. HARUKI MURAKAMI Yeah. The more languages you know the better. And I've got a knack for them. I taught myself French ... HARUKI MURAKAMI Languages are like games. You learn the rules for one, and they all work the same way. Like women. HARUKI MURAKAMI Because, in the final analysis, the language we speak constitutes who we are as people. HARUKI MURAKAMI We're on the border of this world, speaking a common language. That's all. HARUKI MURAKAMI Learning another language is like becoming another person. HARUKI MURAKAMI Some things in life are too complicated to explain in any language. HARUKI MURAKAMI If you look at it the other way round, that's the only reason why this world is inside of me. Maybe ... HARUKI MURAKAMI To know one’s own state is not a simple matter. One cannot look directly at one’s own face with ... HARUKI MURAKAMI If you can't understand it without an explanation, you can't understand it with an explanation. HARUKI MURAKAMI Yo no soy tan fuerte. A mi me importa que me entiendan. Hay personas a quienes quiero comprender y q... HARUKI MURAKAMI In the spring of her twenty-second year, Sumire fell in love for the first time in her life. An inte... HARUKI MURAKAMI Maybe it's just hiding somewhere. Or gone on a trip to come home. But falling in love is always a pr... HARUKI MURAKAMI When you fall in love, the natural thing to do is give yourself to it. That's what I think. It's jus... HARUKI MURAKAMI We each have a special something we can get only at a special time of our life. like a small flame. ... HARUKI MURAKAMI Taking crazy things seriously is a serious waste of time. HARUKI MURAKAMI For me, running is both exercise and a metaphor. Running day after day, piling up the races, bit by ... HARUKI MURAKAMI I'm often asked what I think about as I run. Usually the people who ask this have never run long dis... HARUKI MURAKAMI All I do is keep on running in my own cozy, homemade void, my own nostalgic silence. And this is a p... HARUKI MURAKAMI Memories and thoughts age, just as people do. But certain thoughts can never age, and certain memori... HARUKI MURAKAMI Every day I go to my study and sit at my desk and put the computer on. At that moment, I have to ope... HARUKI MURAKAMI And, well, mine are kind of on the heavy side anyway. The first day or two, I don't want to do ANYTH... HARUKI MURAKAMI No, I don't want your money. The world moves less by money than by what you owe people and what they... HARUKI MURAKAMI From the moment of my birth, I lived with pain at the center of my life. My only purpose in life was... HARUKI MURAKAMI I know I have a pretty good sense for music, but she was better than me. I used to think it was such... HARUKI MURAKAMI I shouted into the phone, but there was no reply. Silence floated up from the receiver like smoke fr... HARUKI MURAKAMI Whatever it is you're seeking won't come in the form you're expecting. HARUKI MURAKAMI Lost opportunities, lost possibilities, feelings we can never get back. That's part of what it means... HARUKI MURAKAMI There is nothing in this world that never takes a step outside a person's heart. HARUKI MURAKAMI Hajime," she began, "the sad truth is that some things can't go backwards. Once they start going for... HARUKI MURAKAMI We were, the two of us, still fragmentary beings, just beginning to sense the presence of an unexpec... HARUKI MURAKAMI Once she was out of the car and gone, my world was suddenly hollow and meaningless. HARUKI MURAKAMI No one could say how long that life would last. Whatever has form can disappear in an instant. HARUKI MURAKAMI Look at the rain long enough, with no thoughts in your head, and you gradually feel your body fallin... HARUKI MURAKAMI She was, if anything, on the plain side, at least not the type to attract men wherever she went. But... HARUKI MURAKAMI sometimes i'd wake up at two or three in the morning and not be able to fall asleep again. i'd get o... HARUKI MURAKAMI Inside that darkness, i saw rain falling on the sea. Rain softly falling on a vast sea, with no one ... HARUKI MURAKAMI Once thing goes wrong, then the whole house of cards collapses. And there's no way you can extricate... HARUKI MURAKAMI I didn't feel like I was in my own body; my body was just a lonely, temporary container I happened t... HARUKI MURAKAMI Because memory and sensations are so uncertain, so biased, we always rely on a certain reality-call ... HARUKI MURAKAMI I always feel as if I'm struggling to become someone else. As if I'm trying to find a new place, gra... HARUKI MURAKAMI Everyone just keeps on disappearing. Some things vanish, like they were cut away. Others fade slowly... HARUKI MURAKAMI Autumn finally arrived. And when it did, I came to a decision. Something had to give: I couldn't kee... HARUKI MURAKAMI But you know Hajime, some feelings cause us pain because they remain. HARUKI MURAKAMI Reading was like an addiction; I read while I ate, on the train, in bed until late at night, in scho... HARUKI MURAKAMI Even castles in the sky can do with a fresh coat of paint. HARUKI MURAKAMI Lots of different ways to live and lots of different ways to die. But in the end that doesn't make a... HARUKI MURAKAMI If I stayed here, something inside me would be lost forever—something I couldn't afford to lose. I... HARUKI MURAKAMI The sad truth is that certain types of things can't go backward. Once they start going forward, no m... HARUKI MURAKAMI I wasn't in love with her. And she didn't love me. For me the question of love was irrelevant. What ... HARUKI MURAKAMI I hurt myself deeply, though at the time I had no idea how deeply. I should have learned many things... HARUKI MURAKAMI Have you heard of the illness hysteria siberiana ? Try to imagine this: You're a farmer, livin... HARUKI MURAKAMI No matter where i go, i still end up me. What's missing never changes. The scenery may change, but i... HARUKI MURAKAMI For a long time, she held a special place in my heart. I kept this special place just for her, like ... HARUKI MURAKAMI I was always attracted not by some quantifiable, external beauty, but by something deep down, someth... HARUKI MURAKAMI For a while" is a phrase whose length can't be measured.At least by the person who's waiting. HARUKI MURAKAMI You can see a person's whole life in the cancer they get. HARUKI MURAKAMI When I open them, most of the books have the smell of an earlier time leaking out between the pages ... HARUKI MURAKAMI Before I became a writer, I was running a jazz bar in the center of Tokyo, which means that I worked... HARUKI MURAKAMI Most near-future fictions are boring. It's always dark and always raining, and people are so unh... HARUKI MURAKAMI George Orwell is half journalist, half fiction writer. I'm 100 percent fiction writer... I don... HARUKI MURAKAMI You live by yourself for a stretch of time and you get to staring at different objects. Sometimes yo... HARUKI MURAKAMI I began running on an everyday basis after I became a writer. As being a writer requires sitting at ... HARUKI MURAKAMI If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets. HARUKI MURAKAMI These days I just can't seem to say what I mean [...]. I just can't. Every time I try to say somethi... HARUKI MURAKAMI From his shoulder on down, the Rat felt the supple weight of her body. An odd sensation, that weight... HARUKI MURAKAMI Time really is one big continuous cloth, no? We habitually cut out pieces of time to fit us, so we t... HARUKI MURAKAMI Loneliness becomes an acid that eats away at you. HARUKI MURAKAMI He would eventually have to pass through the forest, but he felt no fear. Of course - the forest was... HARUKI MURAKAMI The ocean was one of the greatest things he had ever seen in his life—bigger and deeper than anyth... HARUKI MURAKAMI Time flows in strange ways on Sundays, and sights become mysteriously distorted. HARUKI MURAKAMI The things she most wanted to tell him would lose their meaning the moment she put them into words. HARUKI MURAKAMI Things can be seen better in the darkness," he said, as if he had just seen into her mind. "But the ... HARUKI MURAKAMI The moon had been observing the earth close-up longer than anyone. It must have witnessed all of the... HARUKI MURAKAMI A person's last moments are an important thing. You can't choose how you're born but you can choose ... HARUKI MURAKAMI They sat on a park bench, held hands, and told each other their stories hour after hour. They were n... HARUKI MURAKAMI Knowledge and ability were tools, not things to show off. HARUKI MURAKAMI But there are certain meanings that are lost forever the moment they are explained in words. HARUKI MURAKAMI I'm a very ordinary human being; I just happen to like reading books. HARUKI MURAKAMI If you can love someone with your whole heart, even one person, then there's salvation in life. Even... HARUKI MURAKAMI Time passes slowly. Nobody says a word, everyone lost in quiet reading. One person sits at a desk jo... HARUKI MURAKAMI I go back to the reading room, where I sink down in the sofa and into the world of The Arabian Night... HARUKI MURAKAMI I have always liked running, so it wasn't particularly difficult to make it a habit. All you nee... HARUKI MURAKAMI Music brings a warm glow to my vision, thawing mind and muscle from their endless wintering. HARUKI MURAKAMI Nah, I shook my head, things that come out of nowhere go back to nowhere, that’s all. W... HARUKI MURAKAMI We fell silent again. The thing we had shared was nothing more than a fragment of time that had died... HARUKI MURAKAMI It seems to me that very sad things always contain an element of the comical HARUKI MURAKAMI I started writing at the kitchen table after midnight. It took ten months to finish that first book;... HARUKI MURAKAMI Maybe I am fated to always be alone, Tsukuru found himself thinking. People came to him, but in the ... HARUKI MURAKAMI Nothing in the real world is as beautiful as the illusions of a person about to lose consciousness. HARUKI MURAKAMI The most important thing we learn at school is the fact that the most important things can't be lear... HARUKI MURAKAMI People soon get tired of things that aren't boring, but not of what is boring. HARUKI MURAKAMI Wherever there's hope there's a trial. HARUKI MURAKAMI The sense of tragedy - according to Aristotle - comes, ironically enough, not from the protagonist's... HARUKI MURAKAMI I'm just ordinary guy, ordinary family, ordinary education, ordinary face, ordinary exam results, or... HARUKI MURAKAMI He wasn't normally conscious of it, but there was one part of his body that was extremely sensitive,... HARUKI MURAKAMI Most people dream a dream when they are asleep. But to be a writer, you have to dream while you are ... HARUKI MURAKAMI