Envy assails the noblest: the winds howl around the highest peaks. [Lat., Summa petit livor: perflant altissima venti.]
Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso)
Related Quotes
Envy depreciates the genius of the great Homer. [Lat., Ingenium magni detractat livor Homeri.]
— Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso)
Envy feeds on the living. It ceases when they are dead. [Lat., Pascitur in vivis livor; post fata quiescit.]
— Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso)
Nor is there any law more just, than that he who has plotted death shall perish by his own plot. [Lat., Neque enim lex est aequior ulla, Quam necis artifices arte perire sua.]
— Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso)
That load becomes light which is cheerfully borne. [Lat., Leve fit quod bene fertur onus.]
— Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso)
The wounded gladiator forswears all fighting, but soon forgetting his former wound resumes his arms. [Lat., Saucius ejurat pugnam gladiator, et idem Immemor antiqui vulneris arma capit.]
— Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso)