En la vida no todo es seguridad. Es ser capaces de recoger los pedazos después de que todo haya pasado y continuar adelante. Podemos elegir el ser unos cobardes que temer dejar a alguien entrar en nuestro interior y hacerlo todo solos o podemos elegir el ser valientes y dejar que alguien esté a nuestro lado y nos ayude. Yo no soy una cobarde. Nunca lo he sido. Y no tengo ninguna intención de irme a otro lugar que no sea el que está a tu lado. Para siempre. Ya sea en la Tierra o en este infierno si es lo que se necesita. Yo siempre estaré contigo.
En ese momento, Seth se dio cuenta de que no necesitaba la golondrina para evadirse del dolor. Todo lo que necesitaba era a ella.
Y además tenía razón. Se necesitaba mucho más valor para dejar el corazón abierto a otra persona que el mantenerlo cerrado. Dejar que alguien se metiera muy dentro de ti donde sólo ellos pudieran herirte.
Sólo Lydia podría destruirle.
Y, sin embargo, sólo le había dado una vida... al menos una que merecía la pena vivir.

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Unamused, Ushara went to pull the kettle from the stove and pour the tea. “That’s beside the point. And you forget that we’re Andarion. We don’t like scars on our males. They’re hideous and gross.” As she turned back, she caught the hurt and stricken expression on Jullien’s face. Too late, she remembered how many scars lined his body. “Jules…”

Completely somber, he moved away from her. “I should be going. I have an early shift.”

“Jullien?” But it was too late. He was out of her home before she could apologize.

“Mum? What happened?”

Furious at herself for being so thoughtless, she cupped her son’s chin and sighed. “I accidentally hurt his feelings. I forgot that Jullien has a lot of scars that bother him.”

“How could you forget?”

“’Cause I don’t see them, Vas. They don’t matter to me.” She brushed the hair back to look at his brow and was about to take him to the doctor to have it stitched when she realized that Jullien had already done it. “He stitched you?”

Vas nodded. “He did it so fast, I barely felt it.”

She should have known that Jullien wouldn’t have left with it unfinished. Sighing, she kissed Vas’s bandage and hated that she’d hurt Jullien’s feelings. “Come on, honey. Let’s get you cleaned up and ready for bed.
Sherrilyn Kenyon