En algún momento hay que dejar de correr y hacerles frente a tus enemigos, lo difícil es reunir el valor suficiente para hacerlo.
Suzanne Collins
En la vida no todo es seguridad. Es ser capaces de recoger los pedazos después de que todo haya pas...
SHERRILYN KENYON Hay muchos tipos de valentía -dijo sonriendo Dumbledore-. Hay que tener un gran coraje para oponers...
J.K. ROWLING ¿Sabes lo mas divertido? Lo que es para partirse de risa? Que no es verdad, que ni siquiera lo quie...
LEV GROSSMAN Pero el tiempo pasa, y dura. Y hay un momento en que todo se estanca. Los días dejan de contarse, l...
ARTURO PéREZ-REVERTE Siempre hay un momento, justo antes de empezar a leer, en el que el corazón me da un vuelco y me pr...
NICHOLAS SPARKS Me pregunto si la gente se da cuenta de lo pequeño y cerrado que es el mundo en el que vivimos. Pod...
MARIAM PARRA Lo que quiero conseguir del curso en la universidad es algún conocimiento sobre la mejor manera de ...
L.M. MONTGOMERY Es asombroso el hecho de que una gran parte de nosotros siga inmersa en sueños cuando nos despertam...
NEIL GAIMAN Quizá para ti hay un
mañana. Quizá para ti hay mil mañanas, o tres mil, o diez mil, tanto t...
LAUREN OLIVER El libro es jardín que se puede llevar en el bolsillo, nave espacial que viaja en la mochila, arma ...
BENITO TAIBO Hay ocasiones en que tienes que romper con tus amigos para entender el significado de la amistad.
HENRY MILLER -Todo lo que he hecho en este año de la expiación ha terminado por dejar atrás sólo cenizas. As�...
PATRICK GLEASON Espero curarme de ti en unos días. Debo dejar de fumarte, de beberte, de pensarte. Es posible. Sigu...
JAIME SABINES El tiempo no es algo externo a nosotros, vive en nuestro interior. Sólo nosotros vivimos el pasado,...
SIRI HUSTVEDT —¿Nunca has parado el mundo?
—¿Qué es parar el mundo?
—Parar el mundo es decidir ...
ALBERT ESPINOSA Para eliminar el salvajismo en el mundo, hay que empezar eliminando el salvajismo de los deportes sa...
MARTíN BALAREZO GARCíA Una de las mejores razones, si no hubiera otra, para la abolición del dinero, es precisamente que s...
EDWARD BELLAMY El peor tipo de llanto no era el tipo que todos podían ver, los lamentos en las esquinas, el desgar...
KATIE MCGARRY Y la belleza es una forma de genio más elevada, en verdad, que el genio; no tiene necesidad de expl...
OSCAR WILDE El amor es lo que mueve el mundo. Es la única cosa que permite a hombres y mujeres seguir en pie en...
STEPHEN KING El plan trazado es la absoluta libertad. Conocernos y ver que pasa, dejar que corra el tiempo y revi...
MARIO BENEDETTI La labor más importante del ser humano es buscar la moralidad en sus actos. Es de lo que depende nu...
ALBERT EINSTEIN ‹‹Si bien en el presente el pasado ya ha sucedido, es preciso extremar la prudencia para no pone...
KERSTIN GIER ¿Te encuentras bien? Tu barco está a punto de undirse. Todavía no has pedido socorro? Has abusado...
YUKIO MISHIMA De lo que hemos dicho se desprende que la tarea del poeta es describir no lo que ha
ARISTOTLE Y, entonces, en ese instante que tan solo dura un segundo, el cerebro se encarga de abrir la cerradu...
AUDREY DRY Estar enamorado es lo más maravilloso y lo más terrible que te puede suceder. Sabes que has encont...
KIERA CASS Pero en los casos en los que no ha sido costumbre sino el más íntimo impulso el que nos ha llevado...
HERMANN HESSE Afina tu cuerpo y tus propias energías, así estar encauzado para poder lograr las otras que necesi...
ALBERT ESPINOSA Hay que tener un gran coraje para oponerse a nuestros enemigos, pero hace falta el mismo valor para ...
J.K. ROWLING A veces nos vamos para tratar de encontrarnos. Al hacernos mayores nos perdemos. No sabemos qué hac...
ÁNGELA BECERRA Puedo decirte que el final de una vida es la suma del amor que fue vivido en ella; y estar en su fin...
CASSANDRA CLARE La memoria es como libro en el cual se escribe toda nuestra vida. Algunas veces deseamos cerrarlo y ...
AUDREY DRY El mundo no se divide en gente buena y mala; todos tenemos luz y oscuridad dentro de nosotros, lo qu...
J.K. ROWLING El corazón de las personas es como un pozo muy profundo. Nadie sabe lo que hay en el fondo. Sólo p...
HARUKI MURAKAMI No puedo hablar de nuestra historia de amor, así que hablaré de matemáticas. No soy matemática, ...
JOHN GREEN Algunas veces te levantas de la cama y ya no sabes porqué estás luchando. ¿Estás luchando el dí...
EMILIO BUESO La publicidad es el único trabajo en el que te pagan por hacer las cosas peor de lo que puedes hace...
FRéDéRIC BEIGBEDER Los amantes y los locos tienen desbocado el seso, y son dados a forjar fantasías que abarcan más d...
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Me parece que de nada vale correr si siempre ha de irse por el mismo camino, cerrado, de nuestra per...
CARMEN LAFORET Hay que tener un gran valor para enfrentarse a nuestros enemigos, pero se necesita aún más valor p...
J.K. ROWLING ¿Quieres entender que es un año de vida? Pregúntaselo a un estudiante que acaba de suspender el e...
MARC LEVY No importa si no te entienden, lo que importa es que tengas el valor de decirlo.
JACKSON PEARCE La mayoría de nosotros encuentra muy difícil desear el cielo, salvo si esto significa volver a enc...
C.S. LEWIS Lo básico es dejar amplio margen para el
FRIEDRICH A. HAYEK El paraguas individual es la imágen favorita de mi padre cuando quiere caracterizar el tiempo en qu...
EDWARD BELLAMY A veces oigo una música... O una canción... Una voz de mujer... Y allí encuentro lo que he sentid...
SVETLANA ALEXIEVICH Que haya otros que estén en desacuerdo con nosotros (que no tomen en cuenta lo que hacemos sino lo ...
ZYGMUNT BAUMAN Resulta difícil hablar de moral; lo que ha sucedido es que hemos inventado unos principios morales ...
T.H. WHITE Muchos años después, frente al pelotón de fusilamiento, el coronel Aureliano Buendía había de r...
GABRIEL GARCíA MáRQUEZ Toro: Hay gente que no sabe lo que es el amor.
Pescuezo: ¿Qué es el amor?
Toro: …….e...
DAVID COTOS Ningún escritor se convierte en minoritario autor de culto por sí solo. Es el lector, que creye...
RAFAEL LECHOWSKI Cuando yo muera quiero tus manos en mi ojos:
quiero la luz y el trigo de tus manos amadas
PABLO NERUDA La cosa pública es un desastre -voceaba, a la menor oportunidad, don Ramón- Cada uno mira demasiad...
MIGUEL DELIBES Pongámonos de acuerdo en qué es la igualdad, pues si la libertad es la cima, la igualdad es la bas...
VICTOR HUGO Hablar bien, expresarse correctamente en español, no es conocer mil palabras y vomitarlas machacona...
ANTONIO CAVANILLAS DE BLAS Y la moraleja de esta historia es que no recuerdas lo que pasó. Lo que recuerdas se convierte en lo...
JOHN GREEN Lo que pasó es lo de menos. Es una novela, y lo que ocurre en ellas da lo mismo y se olvida, una ve...
JAVIER MARíAS Es una mera ficción eso de que no existe un puente de unión entre una y otra gente, y que todos vi...
HERMANN HESSE la admiración por el Padre, símbolo de lo cerrado y agresivo, capaz de chingar y abrir, se transpa...
OCTAVIO PAZ No hay razón para estar enfadado. La ira solo distrae la tristeza que lo abarca, el sincero conocim...
JOHN GREEN Todo lo que sabemos del amor es que el amor es todo lo que hay.
EMILY DICKINSON Lo que sucedió en las mazmorras entre tu y el profesor Quirrell es completamente secreto, así que,...
J.K. ROWLING Hallando en cada enfermedad síntomas de la mía, creía tenerlas todas y contraje una más cruel de...
JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU -Prometo solemnemente que te protegeré y que valoraré profundamente en mi corazón nuestra unión ...
E.L. JAMES —Estoy enamorado de ti, y no me apetece privarme del sencillo placer de decir la verdad. Estoy ena...
JOHN GREEN El primer paso, indispensable para lograr las cosas que desea obtener en la vida, es el siguiente: d...
JACK CANFIELD Esto sí era rescatar ("liberar de un peligro, daño, trabajo, molestia, opresión,etc.", según el ...
SANTIAGO POSTEGUILLO Esa pareja equilibrada no es una utopía ; existen tales parejas, a veces incluso en el mismo marco ...
SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR De todos los idiomas europeos el que resulta más difícil de hablar bien a mi entender es sin duda ...
ANTONIO CAVANILLAS DE BLAS Todos los días Dios nos da, junto con el sol, un momento en el que es posible cambiar todo lo que n...
PAULO COELHO En este mundo hay gente que, a pesar de estar dotadas de un talento excepcional, son incapaces de re...
HARUKI MURAKAMI Lo que no resulta explicable hoy, en una situación en una inferioridad política de las mujeres se ...
PAUL B. PRECIADO Las crudas realidades de las personas, los menos favorecidos, no deberíamos sentir esas realidades ...
PATRICIA VELáSQUEZ A veces hay que alejarse de la multitud para ser una mejor persona. No siempre es fácil, eso es seg...
SIMONE ELKELES La rutina no está tanto en las cosas como en nuestra incapacidad para crear a cada momento un vínc...
CARMEN MARTíN GAITE Hasta el más valiente de nosotros pocas veces tiene valor para enfrentarse con lo que realmente sab...
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE - Estoy enamorado de tí, y no estoy en el negocio de negarme el simple placer de decir cosas verdad...
JOHN GREEN Porque en los momentos mas tristes hay alguien que llora contigo, sufre porque tu sufres, te entiend...
DULCE MARíA —Alguien dijo una vez que en el momento en que te paras a pensar si quieres a alguien, ya has deja...
CARLOS RUIZ ZAFóN El dolor, cuando se instala en nuestro cuerpo, no quiere irse. Sobretodo si fue forjado en una relac...
LEO BATIC Lvov - Ahora me doy cuenta de mi escasa cultura. Hasta para enseñar a mis niños tengo que refresca...
LEO TOLSTOY Cuando me besas, Gwendolyn Shepherd, es como si perdiera el contacto con el suelo. No tengo ni idea ...
KERSTIN GIER Alcanzar una meta ambiciosa lo obliga, necesariamente, a crecer como persona. Tendrá que desarrolla...
JACK CANFIELD Es curioso cómo el pensamiento incurre en lo inverosímil, cómo se lo permite momentáneamente, c�...
JAVIER MARíAS Para mí, el azul mediterráneo ya no es bonito. La transparencia de sus aguas, tan valorada por los...
JONATHAN FRANZEN Es expresivo y cambiante el lenguaje de las campanas; su vibración es capaz de acentos hondos y gra...
MIGUEL DELIBES En ese momento me di cuenta de que el anochecer es solo una ilusión, porque el sol sigue estando pr...
NICHOLAS SPARKS La voluntad, el deseo de vivir, es tan fuerte en el animal como en el hombre. En el hombre es mayor ...
PíO BAROJA Porque no vivo ni en mi pasado ni en mi futuro. Tengo sólo el presente, y él es el que me interesa...
PAULO COELHO -En mis ojos, fuiste mía desde el momento en el que te vi en el Starbucks con tu amiga. En mi mente...
MEGAN MAXWELL Bea dice que el arte de leer se está muriendo lentamente, que es un ritual íntimo, que un libro es...
CARLOS RUIZ ZAFóN -Hay tres preguntas que toda mujer debe ser capaz de responder afirmativamente antes de comprometers...
COLLEEN HOOVER ¿Ha estado alguna vez enamorado? Horrible, ¿no? Te hace tan vulnerable. Te abre el pecho y el cora...
NEIL GAIMAN Creo que ese momento terminó. De veras lo creo. No obstante a veces, en la oscuridad, pienso que es...
STEPHEN KING Sólo mediante la información que poseemos, incorporada a nuestro organismo, sean los esquemas inna...
JOSé ANTONIO MARINA Parar el mundo es decidir conscientemente que vas a salir de él para mejorarte y mejorarlo. Para po...
ALBERT ESPINOSA Parar el mundo es decidir conscientemente que vas a salir de él para mejorarte y mejorarlo.
ALBERT ESPINOSA En tu abrazo yo abrazo lo que existe,
la arena, el tiempo, el árbol de la lluvia,
y todo ...
PABLO NERUDA Siempre había pensado que dejar de creer causaba una cicatriz imborrable en el lugar donde estuvo l...
More Suzanne Collins
It's amazing to see things that are suggested in the book fully developed and so brilliantly rea...
SUZANNE COLLINS Yes, frosting. The final defense of the dying.
SUZANNE COLLINS Remember?" he asks. "This is where you kissed me."
So the heavy dose of morphling administered...
SUZANNE COLLINS Both the 'Gregor' series and 'The Hunger Games' are what I call lightning-bolt ideas...
SUZANNE COLLINS Telling a story in a futuristic world gives you this freedom to explore things that bother you in co...
SUZANNE COLLINS If there's a more helpless feeling than trying to reach someone you love who's trapped underground, ...
SUZANNE COLLINS I'm going to wake Peeta," I say.
"No, wait," says Finnick. "Let's do it together. Put our faces...
SUZANNE COLLINS I turn and put my lips close to Peeta's and drop my eyelids in imitation... "He offered me sugar and...
SUZANNE COLLINS I just want to spend every possible minute of the rest of my life with you.
SUZANNE COLLINS I pull an arrow, whip the notch into place, and am about to let it fly when I'm stopped by the sight...
SUZANNE COLLINS That if desperate times call for desperate measures, then I'm free to act as desperately as I wish.
SUZANNE COLLINS Katniss," Gale says softly.
I recognize that voice. It's the same one he uses to approach wound...
SUZANNE COLLINS Look, if you wanted to be babied you should have asked Peeta.
SUZANNE COLLINS The idea of being strong for someone else having never entered their heads, I find myself in the pos...
SUZANNE COLLINS It must be very fragile, if a handful of berries can bring it down.
SUZANNE COLLINS I'm so sorry," I whisper. I lean forward and kiss him.
His eyelashes flutter and he looks at me...
SUZANNE COLLINS So that's who Finnick loves, I think. Not his string of fancy lovers in the Capitol. But a poor, mad...
SUZANNE COLLINS I guess this is a bad time to mention I hung a dummy and painted Seneca Crane's name on it...
SUZANNE COLLINS We star-crossed lovers of District 12, who suffered so much and enjoyed so little the rewards of our...
SUZANNE COLLINS Aim higher in case you fall short.
SUZANNE COLLINS So I only say, "So what should we do with our last few days?"
"I just want to spend every...
SUZANNE COLLINS I really can't think about kissing when I've got a rebellion to incite.
SUZANNE COLLINS I don't want you forgetting how different our circumstaces are. If you die, and I live, there's no l...
SUZANNE COLLINS The bird, the pin, the song, the berries, the watch, the cracker, the dress that burst into flames. ...
SUZANNE COLLINS I always channel my emotions into my work. That way, I don't hurt anyone but myself.
SUZANNE COLLINS So it's you and a syringe against the Capitol? See, this is why no one lets you make the plans.
SUZANNE COLLINS My nightmares are usually about losing you. I'm okay once I realize you're here.
SUZANNE COLLINS You know, you could live a thousand lifetimes and not deserve him.
SUZANNE COLLINS I wish I could freeze this moment, right here, right now and live in it forever.
SUZANNE COLLINS Remember, we're madly in love, so it's all right to kiss me anytime you feel like it.
SUZANNE COLLINS You don’t forget the face of the person who was your last hope.
SUZANNE COLLINS Knowing it and seeing it are two different things.
SUZANNE COLLINS Finnick?" I say, "Maybe some pants?"
He looks down at his legs as if noticing his outfit for th...
SUZANNE COLLINS And once we reach the city, my stylist will dictate my look for the opening ceremonies tonight anywa...
SUZANNE COLLINS One more time? For the audience?" he says. His voice isn't angry. It's hollow, which is worse. Alrea...
SUZANNE COLLINS My spirit. This is a new thought. I'm not sure exactly what it means, but it suggests I'm a fighter....
SUZANNE COLLINS And then he gives me a smile that just seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness...
SUZANNE COLLINS I am not pretty. I am not beautiful. I am as radiant as the sun.
SUZANNE COLLINS I knew you'd kiss me."
"How?" I say. Because I didn't know myself.
"Because I am in pain,...
SUZANNE COLLINS I realize, for the first time, how very lonely I've been in the arena. How comforting the presence o...
SUZANNE COLLINS Katniss. I remember about the bread.
SUZANNE COLLINS Delly lost her temper at Peeta over how he treated you. She got very squeaky. It was like someone st...
SUZANNE COLLINS Gale is mine. I am his. Anything else is unthinkable.
SUZANNE COLLINS At some point, you have to stop running and turn around and face whoever wants you dead.The hard thi...
SUZANNE COLLINS Fire beats roses again.
SUZANNE COLLINS In the end, the only person I truly want to comfort me is Haymitch, because he loves Peeta, too.
SUZANNE COLLINS Peeta,” I say lightly. “You said at the interview you’d had a crush on me forever. When did fo...
SUZANNE COLLINS You're alive," I whisper, pressing my palms against my cheeks, feeling the smile that's so wide it m...
SUZANNE COLLINS I just...I just miss him. And I hate being so alone.
SUZANNE COLLINS You're punishing him over and over for things that are out of his control. Now, I'm not saying you s...
SUZANNE COLLINS I had to do that. At least once.
SUZANNE COLLINS No problem," Gale replies. "I wake up ten times a night anyway."
"To make sure Katniss is still...
SUZANNE COLLINS Because I can count on my fingers the number of sunsets I have left, and I don't want to miss any of...
SUZANNE COLLINS All those months of taking it for granted that Peeta thought I was wonderful are over. Finally, he c...
SUZANNE COLLINS I'll tell them how I survive it. I'll tell them that on bad mornings, it feels impossible to take pl...
SUZANNE COLLINS I know what blood poisoning is, Katniss," says Peeta. "Even if my mother isn't a healer."
I'm j...
SUZANNE COLLINS No. Now, shut up and eat your pears.
SUZANNE COLLINS You have a... remarkable memory."
"I remember everything about you. You're the one who wasn't p...
SUZANNE COLLINS Really, the combination of the scabs and the ointment looks hideous. I can't help enjoying his distr...
SUZANNE COLLINS I realize only one person will be damaged beyond repair if Peeta dies. Me.
SUZANNE COLLINS Deep in the meadow, hidden far away
A cloak of leaves, a moonbeam ray
Forget your woes and...
SUZANNE COLLINS What about Gale?"
"He's not a bad kisser either," I say shortly.
"And it was okay with bo...
SUZANNE COLLINS Oh, Peeta, Don't make me sorry I restarted your heart.
SUZANNE COLLINS There's a chance that the old Peeta, the one who loves you, is still inside. Trying to get back to y...
SUZANNE COLLINS But collective thinking is usually short-lived. We're fickle, stupid beings with poor memories and a...
SUZANNE COLLINS At a few minutes before four, Peeta turns to me again. "Your favorite colour . . . it's green?"
SUZANNE COLLINS She's not here," I tell him. Buttercup hisses again. "She's not here. You can hiss all you like. You...
SUZANNE COLLINS I raise my left arm and twist my neck down to rip off the pill on my sleeve. Instead my teeth sink i...
SUZANNE COLLINS They'll either want to kill you, kiss you, or be you.
SUZANNE COLLINS That what I need to survive is not Gale's fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire ...
SUZANNE COLLINS Closing my eyes doesn't help. Fire burns brighter in the darkness.
SUZANNE COLLINS I think....you still have no idea. The effect you can have.
SUZANNE COLLINS I drag myself out of nightmares each morning and find there's no relief in waking.
SUZANNE COLLINS Technically, I am unarmed. But no one should ever underestimate the harm that fingernails can do. Es...
SUZANNE COLLINS Are you, are you coming to the tree?
Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me.
SUZANNE COLLINS Ally." Peeta says the words slowly, tasting it. "Friend. Lover. Victor. Enemy. Fiancee. Target. Mutt...
SUZANNE COLLINS I clench his hands to the point of pain. "Stay with me."
His pupils contract to pinpoints, dial...
SUZANNE COLLINS There are much worse games to play.
SUZANNE COLLINS Some walks you have to take alone.
SUZANNE COLLINS You're a painter. You're a baker. You like to sleep with the windows open. You never take sugar in y...
SUZANNE COLLINS I must have loved you a lot.
SUZANNE COLLINS Fire is catching! And if we burn, you burn with us!
SUZANNE COLLINS What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruct...
SUZANNE COLLINS You're still trying to protect me. Real or not real," he whispers.
"Real," I answer. "Because t...
SUZANNE COLLINS It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart.
SUZANNE COLLINS The anguish I always feel when she's in pain wells up in my chest and threatens to register on my fa...
SUZANNE COLLINS For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first.
SUZANNE COLLINS You here to finish me off, Sweetheart?
SUZANNE COLLINS I can feel Peeta press his forehead into my temple and he asks, 'So now that you've got me, what are...
SUZANNE COLLINS Sometimes when I'm alone, I take the pearl from where it lives in my pocket and try to remember the ...
SUZANNE COLLINS And I said, 'A coal miner? Why did she want a coal miner if she could've had you?' And he said, 'Bec...
SUZANNE COLLINS I'm not prepared for Rue's family. Her parents, whose faces are still fresh with sorrow. Her fiver y...
SUZANNE COLLINS Agreed," I say. "It's going to be a long hour."
"Maybe not that long," says Peeta." what was th...
SUZANNE COLLINS Well, don't expect us to be too impressed. We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear.
SUZANNE COLLINS Why don't I just pretend I'm on camera, Plutarch?" I say.
"Yes! Perfect. One is always much bra...
SUZANNE COLLINS You'll never be able to let him go. You'll always feel wrong about being with me.
SUZANNE COLLINS Still, I hate them. But, of course, I hate almost everybody now. Myself more than anyone.
SUZANNE COLLINS It's meant to be pretty," whispers Octavia, and I can see the tears threatening to spill over her la...
SUZANNE COLLINS While I was waiting...I ate your lunch.
SUZANNE COLLINS Katniss: I guess all those hours decorating cakes paid off.
Peeta: Yes, frosting. The final def...
SUZANNE COLLINS Katniss: I’m coming back into focus when Caesar asks him if he has a girlfriend back home.
SUZANNE COLLINS Yeah, about that,” says Peeta, entwining his fingers in mine. “Don’t try something like that a...
SUZANNE COLLINS The raw hunk of meat that used to be my enemy makes a sound, and I know where the mouth is. And I th...
SUZANNE COLLINS Let the Seventy-forth Hunger Games begin, Cato, I think. Let them begin for real.
SUZANNE COLLINS But I don't know what to him about the aftermath of killing a person. About how they never leave you...
SUZANNE COLLINS The mayor finishes the dreary Treaty of Treason and motions for Peeta and me to shake hands. His are...
SUZANNE COLLINS She reaches in, digs her hand deep into the ball, and pulls out a slip of paper. The crowd draws in ...
SUZANNE COLLINS When I break into the clearing, she's on the ground, hopelessly entangled in a net. She just has the...
SUZANNE COLLINS But I feel as if I did know Rue, and she'll always be with me. Everything beautiful brings her to mi...
SUZANNE COLLINS Peeta's awake already, sitting on the side of the bed, looking bewildered as the trio of doctors rea...
SUZANNE COLLINS He’s dozed off again, but I kiss him awake, which seems to startle him. Then he smiles as if he’...
SUZANNE COLLINS But Mockingjays were never a weapon," said Madge. "They’re just songbirds. Right?"
SUZANNE COLLINS Peeta, you were supposed to wake me after a couple of hours," I say.
"For what? Nothing's...
SUZANNE COLLINS It's impossible to be the Mockingjay. Impossible to complete even this one sentence. Because now I k...
SUZANNE COLLINS If Peeta and I were both to die, or they thought we were....My fingers fumble with the pouch on my b...
SUZANNE COLLINS Y de repente es cómo si no existiera nadie más en el mundo que estas dos personas que atraviesan e...
SUZANNE COLLINS Don't you see, Katniss, this will decide things. One way or the other. By the end of the day, they'l...
SUZANNE COLLINS Lucky thing were allies, right?
-Finnick Odair
SUZANNE COLLINS I can hear him weeping but I don't care. They probably won't even bother to question her, she's so f...
SUZANNE COLLINS I wish they were all dead and we were, too. It would be best."
Well, there's no good resp...
SUZANNE COLLINS Poor Finnick. Is this the first time in your life you haven't looked pretty?" I say.
"It must b...
SUZANNE COLLINS Did you love Annie right away, Finnick?" I ask. "No." A long time passes before he adds, "She crept ...
SUZANNE COLLINS I don't know what it is with Finnick and bread, but he seems obsessed with handling it.
SUZANNE COLLINS Do you find this...distracting?
SUZANNE COLLINS Plutarch rushes to reassure me. "Oh, no, Katniss. Not your wedding. Finnick and Annie's. All you nee...
SUZANNE COLLINS Want a sugar cube?" he asks in his old seductive voice.
SUZANNE COLLINS And if we burn, you burn with us.
SUZANNE COLLINS Destroying things is much easier than making them.
SUZANNE COLLINS Even if times got bad, he would never again deny himself the possibility that the future might be ha...
SUZANNE COLLINS If you are not trying to hold on to time, you are not so afraid of losing it.
SUZANNE COLLINS And don't you let your guard down for a second because you think anything's inevitable.
SUZANNE COLLINS Hope,” said Vikus. “There are times it will be very hard to find. Times when it will be much eas...
SUZANNE COLLINS If you hit bottom, there's a whole lot of people here to help you up
SUZANNE COLLINS Oh, that I do know...Katniss will pick whoever she thinks she can't survive without.
SUZANNE COLLINS Is that why you hate me?" I ask.
"Partly," She admits. "Jealousy is certainly involved. I also...
SUZANNE COLLINS Oh, my dear Miss Everdeen. I thought we had an agreement not to lie to each other.
SUZANNE COLLINS Katniss....he's still trying to keep you alive.
SUZANNE COLLINS I roll my eyes. "So when did I become so special? When they carted me off to the Capitol?"
SUZANNE COLLINS Sorry excuses for hunters and friends. Both of us.
SUZANNE COLLINS In theory, sure, Gregor could still go home. Pack up his three-year-old sister, Boots, get his mom o...
SUZANNE COLLINS You love me. Real or not real?"
I tell him, "Real.
SUZANNE COLLINS Here's some advice. Stay alive," says Haymitch, and then bursts out laughing. I exchange a look with...
SUZANNE COLLINS To this day, I can never shake the connection between this boy, Peeta Mellark, and the bread that ga...
SUZANNE COLLINS They'll be granted immunity!" I feel myself rising from my chair, my voice full of resonant. "You wi...
SUZANNE COLLINS Flight is essential, but I can't let my fear show.
SUZANNE COLLINS The question is, what are you going to do?"
It turns out the question that's been eating away ...
SUZANNE COLLINS As we curve around into the loop of the City Circle, I can see that a couple of other stylists have ...
SUZANNE COLLINS In stark contrast to two nights ago, when I felt Peeta was a million miles away, I'm struck by his i...
SUZANNE COLLINS What must it be like, I wonder, to live in a world where food appears at the press of a button? How ...
SUZANNE COLLINS We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear.
SUZANNE COLLINS I feel like I owe him something, and I hate owing people. Maybe if I had thanked him at some point, ...
SUZANNE COLLINS He tilts his forehead down to rest against mine and pulls me closer. His skin, his whole being radia...
SUZANNE COLLINS We fight, we dare, we end our hunger for justice.
SUZANNE COLLINS He looks down at his legs as if noticing his outfit for the first time. Then he whips off his hospit...
SUZANNE COLLINS Because...because...she came here with me.
SUZANNE COLLINS My name is Katniss Everdeen. I am seventeen years old. My home is District 12. I was in the Hunger G...
SUZANNE COLLINS We had to save you because you're the mockingjay, Katniss," says Plutarch. "While you live, the revo...
SUZANNE COLLINS Peeta, how come I never know when you're having a nightmare?” I say.
“I don't know. I...
SUZANNE COLLINS You’ve got about as much charm as a dead slug.
SUZANNE COLLINS Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.
SUZANNE COLLINS Para que haya traición debe haber primero confianza.
SUZANNE COLLINS I have to bite my lip not to screen every foul name I know at the fire starter. What are they thinki...
SUZANNE COLLINS Certos passos você tem de dar sozinho.
SUZANNE COLLINS She crept up on me.
SUZANNE COLLINS We have to joke about it because the alternative is to be scared
SUZANNE COLLINS How much energy they put into harming each other. How little into saving.
SUZANNE COLLINS For the last year his grandma had been slipping in and out of reality. One minute she was as clear a...
SUZANNE COLLINS I’m about to haul my packs into a tree to make camp when a silver parachute floats down and lands ...
SUZANNE COLLINS It's weird, how much he's noticed me... And apparently, I have not been as oblivious to him as I ima...
SUZANNE COLLINS It's hard to hate my prep team. They're such total idiots." - Katniss.
SUZANNE COLLINS Are you preparing for another war, Plutarch?" I ask.
"Oh, not now. Now we're in a sweet period ...
SUZANNE COLLINS Not exactly. You see, Portia and I think that the coal miner thing's very overdone. No one will reme...
SUZANNE COLLINS At the moment, the choice would be simple. I can survive just fine without either of them.
SUZANNE COLLINS If he wants me broken, then I will have to be whole.
SUZANNE COLLINS By late afternoon I lie with my head in Peeta’s lap making a crown of flowers while he fiddles wit...
SUZANNE COLLINS As long as you can find yourself, you’ll never starve.
SUZANNE COLLINS You've got to go through it to get to the end of it.
SUZANNE COLLINS I'm more than just a piece in their Games.
SUZANNE COLLINS Why not? It's true. My best hope is to not disgrace myself and..." He hesitates.
And what...
SUZANNE COLLINS I don't write about adolescence. I write about war. For adolescents.
SUZANNE COLLINS One of the most memorable things I hear is when someone tells me that my books got a reluctant reade...
SUZANNE COLLINS I wish Peeta were here to hold me, until I remember I'm not supposed to wish that anymore. I have ch...
SUZANNE COLLINS Its hard to hate my prep team. They're such total idiots.
SUZANNE COLLINS The beauty of this idea is that my decision to keep Peeta alive at the expense of my own life is its...
SUZANNE COLLINS hey. I just wanted to make sure you got home," I say. "Katniss, I live three houses away from you," ...
SUZANNE COLLINS Not like this. He wanted it to be real.
SUZANNE COLLINS Oh, and I suppose the apples ate the cheese.
SUZANNE COLLINS So what should we do with our last few days?”
“I just want to spend every possible minute o...
SUZANNE COLLINS Everything is about them, not the dying boys and girls in the arena.
SUZANNE COLLINS Director Gary Ross has created an adaptation that is faithful in both narrative and theme, but he...
SUZANNE COLLINS Oh, no. It costs a lot more than your life. To murder innocent people?" says Peeta. "It costs everyt...
SUZANNE COLLINS But because two can play at this game, I stand on tiptoe and kiss his cheek. Right on his bruise.
SUZANNE COLLINS Don't. Don't let's pretend when there's no one around.
SUZANNE COLLINS Dead, but not allowed to die. Alive, but as good as dead.
SUZANNE COLLINS It made me realize how I needed to stop punishing her for something she couldn't help [...] because ...
SUZANNE COLLINS And some small gnarled place inside me hated her for her weakness, for her neglect, for the months s...
SUZANNE COLLINS But some secrets are too delicious not to share.
SUZANNE COLLINS If I have to pick one story that most influenced 'The Hunger Games,' it would be the Greek m...