Emotions can get in the way or get you on the way
Mavis Mazhura
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In the school of emotional intelligence,even if the action or cause is negative,the reaction or effect should be positive.
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Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence simply means managing your mental state for a positive result.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
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To be in total control of your emotions when angry, you learn to focus your anger at the person that caused your anger only & not the innocent ones.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
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Sometimes all it takes is for a person to listen to make you feel better, it is harder when that person turns out to be a rarity indeed.WE SHOULD NOT LOSE OUR HUMANITY TO DAILY LIFE.Gary F Evans...
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Emotional Intelligence......
Ketika kau hanya memiliki palu, semuanya tampak seperti paku
— Jodi Picoult