El Comunismo no sólo ha fallado en promover la libertad humana, también ha fallado en producir comida
Hamlet Garcia
La ceguera también es esto, vivir en un mundo donde se ha acabado la esperanza
JOSé SARAMAGO Desde el siglo XVI ha entrado la humanidad toda en un proceso gigantesco de unificación, que en nue...
JOSé ORTEGA Y GASSET Puede perder cosas materiales pero nunca podrá perder su maestría, lo que se ha aprendido, la pers...
JACK CANFIELD Pero en los casos en los que no ha sido costumbre sino el más íntimo impulso el que nos ha llevado...
HERMANN HESSE ‹‹Si bien en el presente el pasado ya ha sucedido, es preciso extremar la prudencia para no pone...
KERSTIN GIER Porque no vivo ni en mi pasado ni en mi futuro. Tengo sólo el presente, y él es el que me interesa...
PAULO COELHO Hace poco encontraron en el bosque un caballo salvaje. Estaba muerto. En otro lugar, una liebre. No ...
SVETLANA ALEXIEVICH creen en Dios sólo porque ignoran que hace mucho tiempo que Dios ha dejado de creer en ellos.
MARIO BENEDETTI No tenían tiempo para pensar en el futuro. Pero luego las expectativas de vida empezaron a aumentar...
JOHN GREEN La amistad nace en el momento en el que una persona le dice a la otra: ¿Qué? ¿Tú también ? Pens...
C.S. LEWIS La dicha es una cosa tan rara en este mundo, que el hombre no ha pensado en inventar palabras para e...
THéOPHILE GAUTIER Para la mayoría de las personas, la generosidad consiste en sólo dar. Pero recibir es también un ...
PAULO COELHO En sí misma, toda idea es neutra o debería serlo; pero el hombre la anima, proyecta en ella sus ll...
CIORAN Así, la suerte de la mujer y la del socialismo están íntimamente ligadas, como se ve también
SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR El hombre no domina la naturaleza, sino que, fundándose sobre el conocimiento de unas cuantas leyes...
ERICH FROMM De lo que hemos dicho se desprende que la tarea del poeta es describir no lo que ha
ARISTOTLE Le rodeó la cintura con un brazo, con un nudo en la garganta.
—¿De veras?
—De veras....
me parece
que no está solo el hombre.
En sus manos
ha elaborado
PABLO NERUDA ¿Cómo es el refrán? ¿Karma Sutra: ¿El destino te ha follado en todo tipo de modos creati...
LINDA KAGE Sólo se me ocurre el psicoanálisis para rivalizar con el cristianismo en la predilección por los ...
MURIEL BARBERY ¿Ha estado alguna vez enamorado? Horrible, ¿no? Te hace tan vulnerable. Te abre el pecho y el cora...
NEIL GAIMAN Ustedes piensan primero en obtener la producción más grande posible en el menor tiempo posible. No...
ALDOUS HUXLEY Desde que me convertí en el director de este colegio no ha pasado una semana sin que haya recibido ...
J.K. ROWLING A diferencia del poeta moderno, no vive aquejado por el ansia de originalidad. Sabe que su canto no ...
JOSé ORTEGA Y GASSET Encontrarse solo con los rastros en lugar de con los recuerdos en sí se parece a mirar con lágrima...
ORHAN PAMUK Se puede vivir sin leer, es cierto: pero también se puede vivir sin amar: el argumento hace aguas c...
RICARDO MENéNDEZ SALMóN No existe en ninguna parte del mundo real nada tan bello como las fantasías que alberga quien ha pe...
HARUKI MURAKAMI El tiempo no es algo externo a nosotros, vive en nuestro interior. Sólo nosotros vivimos el pasado,...
SIRI HUSTVEDT Nadie ha erigido un monumento en mi honor y mi nombre pronto caerá en el olvido, pero he amado a un...
NICHOLAS SPARKS Todos somos lo mismo; todos remamos en la misma galera. En nuestras muchas reencarnaciones, hemos si...
BRIAN L. WEISS Soy el obrero que maneja mi vida, Soy el empleado que rige mi existir y soy el unico ke en mi vida h...
RON CHACHAGUA En aquel mundo opresivo en el que nadie era libre, Sierva María lo era: sólo ella y sólo allí.
GABRIEL GARCíA MáRQUEZ El corazón de las personas es como un pozo muy profundo. Nadie sabe lo que hay en el fondo. Sólo p...
HARUKI MURAKAMI Probablemente, sólo en un mundo de ciegos serán las cosas lo que realmente son, dijo el médico. Y...
JOSé SARAMAGO Pero es más que sólo un arañazo. Es un puñetazo en el estómago y una bofetada en la cara. Es un...
JAY ASHER Que yo sepa, lo único que no da resaca y
que disipa momentáneamente la muerte
MILENA BUSQUETS En el amor nadie piensa en la conveniencia.
ISABEL ALLENDE Porque, en la vida real, el amor necesita ser posible. Incluso aunque no haya una retribución inmed...
PAULO COELHO Así como mediante paneles solares se produce energía y movimiento, de la misma forma mediante el s...
BYRON ROMERO PEñA Yo supe en el momento en que te conocí que había algo en ti que yo necesitaba. Resultó que no era...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Yo supe en el momento en que te conocí que había algo en ti que yo necesitaba. Resultó que no era...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Cuando se ha hecho la guerra apenas sabe ya nadie lo que es un muerto. Y además un hombre muerto so...
ALBERT CAMUS La tecnología etérea y digital que reemplazó a la imprenta ha alcanzado la mayoria de edad en un ...
JARON LANIER Así pues, tanto las sociedades como los grupos humanos más pequeños pueden tomar decisiones catas...
JARED DIAMOND Meditaba sobre el inmenso placer que pueden producir dos ojos bonitos en el rostro de una mujer boni...
JANE AUSTEN -Volaste la comida en pedazos?-susurra.
-Hasta el ultimo trocito.
-Vas a ganar.
-Lo h...
SUZANNE COLLINS La magia de cada día no está en vivirlo como si fuera el último, sino en disfrutarlo sintiendo qu...
MARTíN BALAREZO GARCíA El libro es jardín que se puede llevar en el bolsillo, nave espacial que viaja en la mochila, arma ...
BENITO TAIBO ¿No sabéis quiénes son los críticos? Aquellos que no han tenido éxito en la literatura y en el ...
BENJAMIN DISRAELI El orgullo la mantuvo en pie cuando el amor la traicionó.
SUSAN ELIZABETH PHILLIPS —Si alguna mujé blanca lee algún día mi historia, sólo quiero que recuerde esto: que dar las g...
KATHRYN STOCKETT —Bah, nunca lo entenderás —suspiró Zarpa Gris—. Tú no naciste en libertad. Eso marca la dif...
ERIN HUNTER Esa pareja equilibrada no es una utopía ; existen tales parejas, a veces incluso en el mismo marco ...
SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR Libertad, libertad, libertad. A Santiago se le revolvían las tripas. Esa gente no sabia nada de lib...
GABRIELA MARGALL En Harvard y otras universidades, estudiaron la importancia de la actitud en el éxito de las person...
JOHN C. MAXWELL En otras palabras, la individualización consiste en transformar la identidad humana de algo 'dado' ...
ZYGMUNT BAUMAN Ten en Cuenta que la gente cambia, pero el pasado no
BECCA FITZPATRICK No te necesitaba, idiota. Te he elegido. Y luego tú me has elegido a mí. Y esto es como una promes...
JOHN GREEN Aspiro a no depender de nadie, ni del hombre que adoro. No quiero ser su manceba, tipo innoble, la h...
BENITO PéREZ GALDóS Todos somos ateos respecto a la mayoría de dioses en los que la humanidad ha creído alguna vez. Al...
RICHARD DAWKINS (BIóLOGO) El que no sabe llevar su contabilidad
Por espacio de tres mil años
Se queda como un igno...
JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE - No creo, señor, que tenga usted derecho a darme órdenes simplemente porque es mayor que yo o por...
CHARLOTTE BRONTë Es que a veces la gente usa el pensamiento para no participar en la vida.
STEPHEN CHBOSKY (...) porque la memoria, como aprendí por mí mismo, es indispensable para que se pueda no sólo me...
JOSé CARDOSO PIRES Es la imagen más pura de la mujer amada: la que aún no conocemos totalmente, la que se revelará, ...
HENRI BARBUSSE Te pasas toda la vida atorado en el laberinto, pensando en cómo vas a escapar de ahí un día y qu...
JOHN GREEN Te pasas toda la vida atorado en el laberinto, pensando en cómo vas a escapar de ahí un día y que...
JOHN GREEN la admiración por el Padre, símbolo de lo cerrado y agresivo, capaz de chingar y abrir, se transpa...
OCTAVIO PAZ Las mujeres contribuyen más de la mitad de la nación y no es posible hacer labor legislativa seria...
CLARA CAMPOAMOR En el mundo exterior la gente no suele hablar con franqueza, ¿no es cierto?
HARUKI MURAKAMI Gran parte de una desgracia cualquiera consiste, por así decirlo, en la sombra de la desgracia, en ...
C.S. LEWIS Fue así que me enloquecí.
Y en mi locura he hallado libertad y seguridad; la libertad d...
KAHLIL GIBRAN -En mis ojos, fuiste mía desde el momento en el que te vi en el Starbucks con tu amiga. En mi mente...
MEGAN MAXWELL Hay libros que tenemos a nuestro lado veinte años sin leerlos, libros de los que no nos alejamos, q...
ELIAS CANETTI Del presente recordaremos sólo aquello que la memoria quiera conservar, pero ella no es libre, se t...
CRISTINA PERI ROSSI No os quepais en el cerebro lo que os puede caber en el bolsillo. Y al contrario, ¡no os quepais en...
MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO Al fin y al cabo, no sería la primera que moría de amor; en ese sentido estaba en buena compañía...
KERSTIN GIER La marea comienza a descender. Los árboles afirman nuevamente sus raíces en la tierra. Las olas VIRGINIA WOLF Lo que quiero conseguir del curso en la universidad es algún conocimiento sobre la mejor manera de ...
L.M. MONTGOMERY Durante toda mi vida he entendido el amor como una especie de esclavitud consentida. Pero esto no es...
PAULO COELHO Hay un minuto en que se agota la siesta. Hasta la secreta, recóndita, minúscula actividad de los i...
GABRIEL GARCíA MáRQUEZ Si había cuestionado mi humanidad antes, ya no lo hacía. La forma en que me sentía por Noah era m...
LEE STRAUSS —No piensas en mí como yo en ti. No me importa. Pero si también tienes frío, podrías acercarte...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS Es la hora, amor mío, de apartar esta rosa sombría, cerrar las estrellas, enterrar la ceniza en la...
PABLO NERUDA En griego, «regreso» se dice nostos. Algos significa “sufrimiento”. La nostalgia es, pues, el ...
MILAN KUNDERA En el camino, solo la partida es sufrimiento; el transcurso es aprendizaje y la llegada es la recomp...
MARCOS LLEMES ...somos nosotros, los psicoanalistas, quienes en el silencio de la escucha imaginamos mentalmente, ...
J.-D. (JUAN-DAVID) NASIO Pongámonos de acuerdo en qué es la igualdad, pues si la libertad es la cima, la igualdad es la bas...
VICTOR HUGO -Todo lo que he hecho en este año de la expiación ha terminado por dejar atrás sólo cenizas. As�...
PATRICK GLEASON Desde el principio estuvimos unidos en la frontera entre la vida y la muerte.
HARUKI MURAKAMI No puedo soportar más en silencio. Debo hablar con usted por cualquier medio a mi alcance. Me desga...
JANE AUSTEN en realidad no importa que no esperemos nada de la vida, sino que la vida espere algo de nosotros. D...
VIKTOR E. FRANKL Pero cada uno de los hombres no es tan solo él mismo; es también un punto único, particularismo, ...
HERMANN HESSE Eso también me ha enseñado a no avergonzarme de mis emociones; a admitir que sentir miedo, dolor o...
MARIANA PALOVA Me encantaría creer en un mundo invisible. Eso destruiría todo el sufrimiento y la presión del mu...
CHUCK PALAHNIUK Pero el amor puede transformar en belleza y dignidad cosas bajas y viles, porque no ve con los ojos,...
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE En la vida hay tinieblas, mi niña, pero también hay luces. Y tu eres la luz de toda luz.
BRAM STOKER pero en la tierra es más feliz la rosa arrancada que aquella que ajándose en el virgen rosal, crec...
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Todos los esfuerzos--que no son pocos--hechos por el gobierno, en materia educativa, se diluyen en e...
RIUS ...cuando alguien muere, pensamos que ya se ha hecho tarde para cualquier cosa, para todo —más a�...
More Hamlet Garcia
In America it is easier to Obtain a Gun Than to Obtain a Quality Education For
our Children
HAMLET GARCIA We must never negotiate the safety educational and overall well-being of our children!
HAMLET GARCIA God I pray that every ungodly soul tie that the enemy would seek to establish in my family be comple...
HAMLET GARCIA Only the minds of those who do not have family values. Will condemn a family as a criminal for choos...
HAMLET GARCIA El Comunismo Es la organización del conformismo total
HAMLET GARCIA Cruelty is the strength of cowards
HAMLET GARCIA Is painful to think that in a democratic country The education system will condemn a family as Crimi...
HAMLET GARCIA We will not surrender to the bullying of Montgomery county PA.Rights are to be taken not requested
HAMLET GARCIA 5 digit zip-code the color of their skin or your socioeconomic status should never determine the qua...
HAMLET GARCIA Todos los niños merecen la mejor educación posible sin importar el color de su piel oh su condicio...
HAMLET GARCIA Racism is the most obvious expression of the fears of men. Know that we are neither the only, nor ar...
HAMLET GARCIA It is unconstitutional to force parents to bring their children to an underperforming and high on cr...
HAMLET GARCIA Education has opened doors to a better future Perhaps our daughter will open one of these doors I sh...
HAMLET GARCIA Nunca debemos negociar la seguridad educación y el bienestar general de nuestros niños!
HAMLET GARCIA Don't let past mistakes dictate your future, believe and never give up on the present
HAMLET GARCIA If it doesn't challenge you, it probably won't change you.
HAMLET GARCIA Wherever there is an end, there's always a new beginning
HAMLET GARCIA The right to defend the Nation ends, When the right for children to live has been taking away
HAMLET GARCIA Rights are to be taken not requested seized not begged for. Education is Human right
HAMLET GARCIA There are things on heaven and earth, Horatio, Man was not meant to know.
HAMLET It started as a joke. [Guitarist/singer] Eric (Christopher) and I always joked that we were going to...
KHHRISS HAMLET I start with a beat sheet, which is more of an abbreviated outline. It hits all the major plot point...
KAMI GARCIA The beginning of a book is always the hardest part for me. I'm a Chapter 3 kind of writer, which...
KAMI GARCIA I was a fine arts major in college, and a painter for many years. And I found that, like writing, ar...
KAMI GARCIA As much as I love to dive into the action early, I think the hero's journey is important - the i...
KAMI GARCIA At the beginning of a new project, often before I do any actual writing, I collect photos, quotes, s...
KAMI GARCIA My six favorite textures for fall and winter are leather, fur, tweed, mohair, velvet and wool. I lov...
NINA GARCIA 'Style Strategy' is about shopping smart, staying chic and making it all last. It's abou...
NINA GARCIA Don't be afraid to mix things up by pairing a military-style jacket with a velvet skirt, vintage...
NINA GARCIA No, I'm too busy trying to deflect your Power of Stupidity. But I don't think I'm strong enough.
KAMI GARCIA And Warner Bros. seems to be pretty much into re-releasing all of their catalog. So there's the ...
JERRY GARCIA At 15 I auditioned for 42nd Street in Australia. Dein Perry was in that show. I actually got the job...
ADAM GARCIA I started tapping and I was okay. Then after about two years my feet knew what they were doing!
ADAM GARCIA I started with ballet and then my cousin Sarah introduced me to her tap teachers.
ADAM GARCIA I do like to keep mementos from my work, whether they be photos, the backs of make-up chairs or even...
ADAM GARCIA I love 'Glee' so much. It just works - it's on the edge of ridiculous.
ADAM GARCIA I don't care if people think I'm gay. I know I'm not, so it doesn't bother me.
ADAM GARCIA It's always fun teasing the person. When they ask if I'm gay, I say, 'Oh, I don't kn...
ADAM GARCIA The process of rehearsal means you learn so much and really get the chance to develop your work on a...
ADAM GARCIA You eventually get used to looking at girls picking their leotards out of their bums and that sort o...
ADAM GARCIA They think my life is glamourous. It's not true. I obviously get to come in and do radio intervi...
ADAM GARCIA I think 'Tap Dogs' has lasted so long because people have a natural interest in tap dancing....
ADAM GARCIA My favorite thing to do is to wind those guys up by hitting on their girlfriends. I say, 'I thin...
ADAM GARCIA They spend an awful lot of money on I-don't-know-what in Hollywood movies; I certainly didn'...
ADAM GARCIA Families, particularly, tend to be the ones that you take the most for granted. They seem to slip un...
ADAM GARCIA I was seeing this girl recently and used to call her up saying I missed her. I can't help it aft...
ADAM GARCIA People do more important jobs than acting in film that should be recognised, but for some reason it&...
ADAM GARCIA I love travelling, and had the pleasure of being in the most developed country in the world and then...
ADAM GARCIA The most famous person in my phone is Lindsay Lohan. We starred in 'Confessions of a Teenage Dra...
ADAM GARCIA I'm a loser on Sunday. Yeah, I'm a couch potato. I get up and try and eat and then back on t...
ADAM GARCIA During 'Saturday Night Fever' at the end of the first act dance number I tried to perform a ...
ADAM GARCIA If I could have anyone on speed dial it would be George Clooney. He seems like a cool guy who would ...
ADAM GARCIA Well it's hard to remember who, but I drunk dial a lot.
ADAM GARCIA I love to cook, and my wife loves to cook. Sometimes it's the appeal of the simplest of dishes -...
ANDY GARCIA My style is about making things last forever. When you're on a budget, it can be daunting to spe...
NINA GARCIA Don't get me wrong, I love a good cardigan too, but a jacket - especially one with sharp shoulde...
NINA GARCIA I used to work at this store called Music Plus in San Clemente, California, when I was growing up, a...
JORGE GARCIA Whenever I'm on a book tour, one of the questions I always get asked is what to wear to various ...
NINA GARCIA I'm extremely proud of being Latin; it's a big part of my life. It's not something I out...
JOANNA GARCIA We'll be able to predict this type of events,
ADOLFO GARCIA We can take these genes and sequence them,
ADOLFO GARCIA In the case of these genes, we have a new target for the development of new antiviral drugs aimed at...
ADOLFO GARCIA No individual gene is responsible alone for the high virulence,
ADOLFO GARCIA This suggests that there are common themes responsible for the virulence of influenza viruses, ... I...
ADOLFO GARCIA This suggests that there are common themes responsible for the virulence of influenza viruses,
ADOLFO GARCIA We all get a little rush of excitement at the prospect of buying a brand-new outfit for a first date...
NINA GARCIA As far as I can conceive, he didn't care. He wanted people to get his ideas, to change the world and...
ADAM GARCIA I was in the store and I heard a pop, like a pop gun.
ADAM GARCIA He always sheds new light on his characters by making different themes, ... You get to see the same ...
ADAM GARCIA It's the biggest buzz to be a part of the opening ceremony, but terrifying-1.4 billion people will g...
ADAM GARCIA I'm a loser on Sunday. Yeah, I'm a couch potato. I get up and try and eat and then back on the couch...
ADAM GARCIA They spend an awful lot of money on I-don't-know-what in Hollywood movies; I certainly didn't get an...
ADAM GARCIA Aunt Prue was holding one of the squirrels in her hand, while it sucked ferociously on the end of th...
KAMI GARCIA You're incredibly, absolutely, extremely, supremely, unbelievably different.
KAMI GARCIA Ethan, I love you. Don’t leave me. I can’t do this without you.
If there was moonlight, ...
KAMI GARCIA We don't get to chose what is true. We only get to choose what we do about it.
KAMI GARCIA Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.
JERRY GARCIA You do not merely want to be considered just the best of the best. You want to be considered the onl...
JERRY GARCIA I'm shopping around for something to do that no one will like.
JERRY GARCIA For me, the lame part of the Sixties was the political part, the social part. The real part was the ...
JERRY GARCIA Nobody stopped thinking about those psychedelic experiences. Once you've been to some of those place...
JERRY GARCIA They say a lot of women would like to see me naked, but there's not a lens long enough for that.
ANDY GARCIA Stuff that's hidden and murky and ambiguous is scary because you don't know what it does.
JERRY GARCIA I love movies, of course. 'Terminator 3' and 'Bad Boys II' - lots of action. Sports ...
SERGIO GARCIA I'm all about the high heel; I think it's the sexiest accessory ever made, including lingeri...
NINA GARCIA Just because an individual in his 30s hasn't found true love and, yes, there are opportunities t...
JEFF GARCIA The alternate media are becoming important and viable alternatives to playing live. Records, videos,...
JERRY GARCIA Nothing is more alluring to a man than a woman who looks good in her jeans.
NINA GARCIA The reason there's not a dictatorship in Chile and that there's a democracy in South Africa ...
JOE GARCIA My guitar is a mutation between a classic Fender Stratocaster guitar, which I played for years, and ...
JERRY GARCIA I couldn't look at her. I'd been jealous and hurt, and I had dragged Liv into the middle of my own b...
KAMI GARCIA I mean, just because you're a musician doesn't mean all your ideas are about music. So every...
JERRY GARCIA Link says if a girl says not to get her a birthday present that means get me a birthday present and ...
KAMI GARCIA Many of my friends and colleagues are in the public eye, so they have to pay close attention to what...
NINA GARCIA When you look up/ Do you see the blue sky of what might be / Or the darkness of what will never be? ...
KAMI GARCIA I get it," said Link. "Even if it wrecks everything, even if you know you're gonna get busted, somet...
KAMI GARCIA I'm not the type of person who goes through all this effort for a movie, and then doesn't care if an...
ANDY GARCIA I approach my work musically a lot in terms of the way maybe a jazz musician would approach an impro...
ANDY GARCIA I don't control the movies that are offered to me, but I make choices based on certain parameters.
ANDY GARCIA That's why you end up producing or directing. Because if you don't try to make these stories, you ca...
ANDY GARCIA I've had my moments of insanity. But there is a certain responsibility to set proper examples for yo...
ANDY GARCIA Becoming a producer enables you to empower yourself, to make the film that you want to make. I have ...
ANDY GARCIA Everything I do in my life is very instinctual and in the moment. If I'm attracted to something, tha...
ANDY GARCIA My grandfather was a very elegant individual. My father also. He was a lawyer and farmer in Cuba. In...
ANDY GARCIA I think we need not wait until a child needs an amputation, passes out at school and has other facto...
ASSEMBLYWOMAN GARCIA This means the tribes have kept their commitment to the state of California (to) deliver to local co...
ASSEMBLYWOMAN GARCIA My actions are not based on some kind of report card out there or marching in lockstep to any specif...
ASSEMBLYWOMAN GARCIA This is another simple bill to set a clear state standard to be sure state-owned or leased computers...
ASSEMBLYWOMAN GARCIA I hope we are on track to address some of the crises that we see coming from the pipeline in the for...
ASSEMBLYWOMAN GARCIA We need investment in transportation and investment in people.
ASSEMBLYWOMAN GARCIA These are bread-and-butter issues that everybody cares about.
ASSEMBLYWOMAN GARCIA What this bill intends to do is have continuity of care.
ASSEMBLYWOMAN GARCIA I care. They bother me. And that's why I'm stupid. That makes me exponentially more stupid than stup...
KAMI GARCIA You're so full of crap, you could pass for a toilet.
KAMI GARCIA At home, I'm the only deaf person. When I'm here, I can communicate.
ALEX GARCIA I think they did an exceptional job. It's just unfortunate that, again, the drugs overcame his physi...
ALEX GARCIA Once they're in the cell, and they lie down or whatever they do, nature takes its own course.
ALEX GARCIA These are all individual settlements so the union doesn't have to vote on anything to approve it. It...
ALEX GARCIA Dietary modifications that result in reduced ammonia emissions should be considered best management ...
ALVARO GARCIA Producers need to consider that trying to save a few dollars worth of gas when ensiling their crop c...
ALVARO GARCIA The time has come to be proud of what we are.
ALVARO GARCIA [The EU agreement] gave a lot of support to the market. A lot of buyers came in, ... Tariffs (for ex...
ALVARO GARCIA These results suggest that body condition score plays a very important role in the performance of co...
ALVARO GARCIA Filling fast doesn't mean not paying enough attention to packing. This last step, together with imme...
ALVARO GARCIA [SDSU Extension dairy specialist Alvaro Garcia said crude oil prices spiked above $70 per barrel ear...
ALVARO GARCIA We can shut them down. If it's not that serious and they want to continue to operate, they have to a...
ALMA GARCIA I would go unannounced and observe. I would look to see if the children have activities. If the oper...
ALMA GARCIA If they place their child in unregulated care, they're not inspected, not regulated, they don't foll...
ALMA GARCIA We want parents to be more aware of the child care they select.
ALMA GARCIA Mixing humour and harsh reality is a very human behaviour, it's the way people stay sane in thei...
JORGE GARCIA My uncle, who was a little more flamboyant, always said the guy who dressed the best was Fred Astair...
ANDY GARCIA If you look back in history of the women who are most memorable and most stylish, they were never th...
NINA GARCIA But audio is a component of video, so there's always been that anyway, and although we've ne...
JERRY GARCIA I don't think I've ever actually written from inspiration, actually had a song just go, '...
JERRY GARCIA I read somewhere that 77 per cent of all the mentally ill live in poverty. Actually, I'm more in...
JERRY GARCIA I don't know why, it's the same reason why you like some music and you don't like others...
JERRY GARCIA One of the most magical places on Earth is a small island in the Caribbean called Mustique. With bri...
NINA GARCIA If we had any nerve at all, if we had any real balls as a society, or whatever you need, whatever qu...
JERRY GARCIA More people die on a yearly basis crossing the Florida Straits than ever died trying to cross the Be...
JOE GARCIA I'm not trying to clock scores in this lifetime, it's just that things are better now than t...
JERRY GARCIA Like most people, I've grown a lot more sophisticated in my style choices. I know myself and wha...
NINA GARCIA I'm a big believer that accessories can make or break a look.
NINA GARCIA Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.
"Remember the Twinkie on the bus? The one I gave you in second grade,...
KAMI GARCIA I'm a curvy girl, and I'm a real girl.
JOANNA GARCIA She is Cuba. If you want to love her, you have to be with her, but you can't be with her in her ...
ANDY GARCIA Don't run away.
Im not running away. Im already gone.
-Lena and Ethan
KAMI GARCIA It's really a situation where they're more mentors than coaches. There's a lot of good people on the...
BUDDY GARCIA I give all the credit to the offensive line. They opened the holes. All we had to do was run through...
BUDDY GARCIA Coach tells us a lot - since we don't have any seniors, we have to have leaders. It's not just any o...
BUDDY GARCIA Every time we go out on the field it's a team effort. It was special. It was a good feeling, opening...
BUDDY GARCIA The main goal every week is to get better from the previous week. Everything went smooth. The line d...
BUDDY GARCIA You're a fine young man, even if you have your own demons. We all do.
KAMI GARCIA moments bleed together, no span to time
KAMI GARCIA If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the tree...
KAMI GARCIA There are no coincidences.
KAMI GARCIA We are given to the great, for great purpose, to great ends. We are given to the grave, for grave pu...
KAMI GARCIA When everything seems like its changed…its because things have." Ethan Wate in Beautiful Creatures...
KAMI GARCIA I saw his face change.
His eyes widen.
He lunged at me.
I wouldn't let go.
KAMI GARCIA This isn't going to be some freaky pagan sex thing, is it?
KAMI GARCIA I was lost before I found her in my dreams, and she found me that day in the rain. I knew it seemed ...
KAMI GARCIA There’s something about sitting alone in the dark that reminds you how big the world really is, an...
KAMI GARCIA Darkness, real darkness, was more than just a lack of light.
KAMI GARCIA Mortals. I envy you. You think you can change things. Stop the universe. Undo what was done long bef...
KAMI GARCIA The right thing and the easy thing are never the same.
KAMI GARCIA Lena's hair was sticking out in about fifteen directions, and her eyes were all small and puffy from...
KAMI GARCIA A lot of people think they have to live in rentals because they either don't make enough money to ow...
BOB GARCIA These dogs, we felt, could kill someone.
BOB GARCIA The applicants are qualified to buy by the mortgage company and they can live anywhere they want, so...
BOB GARCIA To qualify, applicants interested in the program can go to one of the mortgage companies, including ...
BOB GARCIA We are really excited about our new Community Commitment Program. It really started last year, when ...
BOB GARCIA We're looking to see if this person (Dale) had knowledge of the animal's prior behavior.
BOB GARCIA It just doesn't make sense to allow a dog to kill or (cause) serious injury twice before they get de...
BOB GARCIA Anyone who's been to the Three Rivers Casino knows that we are cramped.
BOB GARCIA It's a severe bite. Certainly, it's up there with the worst we've seen. There's no question about it...
BOB GARCIA I think that we would prevail in not allowing the dog to return. When we're dealing with something a...
BOB GARCIA We help a lot of people and someone just took advantage of some citizens hard at work.
BILL GARCIA They came in the side and one of them hit me in the head with the gun. When he hit me with the gun I...
BILL GARCIA The hoops to jump through are so difficult, and that goes for everyone.
BILL GARCIA I would say that the percentage of Latinos in Weld County provides a feeling of a more available mar...
BILL GARCIA It was the first (home tournament) of my high school career and the last of my high school career, s...
BOBBY GARCIA It was an easy transition for me. Much of the park's entertainment is theatrical, which is my traini...
BOBBY GARCIA Jeff said he didn't even see the guy coming.
BOBBY GARCIA Jeff got some good news today.
BOBBY GARCIA The last six games we've been lacking heart. We came [together] at halftime tonight and made the dec...
BOBBY GARCIA The exodus of Filipino talents to Disneyland can do nothing but good for us. It will allow others ba...
BOBBY GARCIA And there's a lot of that stuff with people bringing their kids, kids bringing their parents, pe...
JERRY GARCIA I'm have one of the most, if not the most, moderate voting records in Congress in the Florida de...
JOE GARCIA We want to support our community even though we are not illegal, but we come from an immigrant commu...
CARMEN GARCIA They are very trusting and willing to give personal information to anybody.
CARMEN GARCIA There's so many stories about what happened. We don't know, that's why we're in court to find out to...
CARMEN GARCIA I feel sorry for the way his life ended, you know being shot. I hope he rests in peace.
CARMEN GARCIA He's the real thing. His footwork is the best I have seen in a long time, and he has great hands and...
CARLOS GARCIA When you are up front, they don't let you go. I had a bad day in Andorra [yesterday] and in Cerler t...
CARLOS GARCIA This drill lets him eliminate everything else and concentrate on getting the ball into the glove. He...
CARLOS GARCIA This is a possibility for kids who are interested in getting into resort operations or for someone w...
CARLOS GARCIA I need that first big win. I'm always fifth or sixth but never first and I hope here I can do that,
CARLOS GARCIA Typically we'll see the results of a heavy snowfall the next season.
CARLOS GARCIA One of the best things is that a job at Copper will do different things for people. An actual resort...
CARLOS GARCIA We all want comprehensive immigration reform, but the students also need a better education and a be...