Een handicap is dichterbij dan u denkt. Probeer maar eens een website te bedienen met een gebroken pols of RSI-klachten.
Peter Kassenaar
Al eens geprobeerd een huis te (laten) bouwen zonder bouwtekeningen? Probeer dan ook geen website te...
HEDWYG VAN GROENENDAAL Verlichting is dichterbij dan je denkt. Welke keuze zou je nu een stuk lichter doen voelen?
MARIëLLE DUIJNDAM Wanneer u beschikt over een beperkt budget of u hebt een deadline die angstig snel nadert, concentre...
PETER KASSENAAR geluk zit in een klein hoekje, maar hoeveel geluk heb jij om dat kleine hoekje te vinden? Ja dat is ...
BRAM MESLAND Is gedichten schrijven een roeping, een vak of een hobby? Nou, alle drie natuurlijk. Als het alleen ...
MARTIJN BENDERS Mensen vragen wel eens, geloof jij in God, Martinus? En dan zeg ik ja, uiteraard. Wat ik er dan niet...
MARTIJN BENDERS Ik wil alleen een hand
om mij aan vast te houden. Geen waarheid,
maar een goed verhaal, ...
JOHANNA PAS Als een site is voorzien van een elegant design maar verder niet bruikbaar is, zal de site falen. He...
PETER KASSENAAR Ik heb gemerkt, juffrouw Engel, in mijn lange loopbaan in het onderwijs, dat een rotmeisje veel geva...
ROALD DAHL Niet elke zelfstandige is een knoeier met een dure BMW.
Hoe kan er ook maar
een fractie van u zijn
in deze blasfemische willekeur?
ANNA JAE Jarenlang kwam ik bij het boodschappen doen langs een huis dat weliswaar een van de lelijkste gebouw...
ALAIN DE BOTTON Al in de vroege ochtend, het was bijna nog nacht, had Gregor de gelegenheid de kracht van zijn zojui...
FRANZ KAFKA Elke webpagina van de site heeft een uithangbord waaraan de bezoeker herkent waar hij terecht is gek...
PETER KASSENAAR Creativiteit is nog altijd voor veel mensen een duur woord, niet in het minst vanwege de associatie ...
MYQUOTE Als er een nieuw meisje met anorexia binnenkomt, dan ben ik hartstikke jaloers op haar. Want zij is ...
VICTORIA FARKAS Een website is nooit af. Dit wordt vaak gezegd en het is ook zo.
HEDWYG VAN GROENENDAAL De extreme afstandelijkheid van internet vereist een extreme lichamelijkheid ter compensatie, vandaa...
MARTIJN BENDERS Plotseling viel er een stilte in de tuin. Het orkest had zichzelf tot zwijgen gebracht, gesprekken v...
REMCO CAMPERT Ik wou dat op een dag, gewoon opeens, alle angst op was, zoals het warme water als ik heel lang heb ...
GRIET OP DE BEECK Heeft god de man dan té volmaakt gemaakt
dat men er zo nodig een stuk moet van afsnijden?
A.J. BEIRENS Een paard,' mompelt Sylvie. 'Een paardenmeisje. Ook dat nog. Ons blijft niets bespaard.
ARNON GRUNBERG Ik hoop dat ieder mens de kans krijgt om volledig in hun hart te gaan leven, vanwaaruit oplossingen ...
MAURICE SPEES Ze had niet gevraagd of ze het mocht zien. Daar voelde ze zich pas schuldig over toen vriendinnen ha...
KRISTIEN HEMMERECHTS Zorg voor mooi webdesign in combinatie met een goed functioneel ontwerp.
HEDWYG VAN GROENENDAAL Is dat dan niet gevaarlijk?' vroeg Didi.
'Dat is een interessante vraag uit de mond van een mei...
KIRSTEN MILLER Dit is geen kroeg of studentehuis. Dit is een ziekenhuis en het is niet de bedoeling dat hier 's avo...
MYRTHE VAN DER MEER Een vir een gee ek hulle 'n Smartie. Soos 'n Nagmaal waar brood en wyn gegee word om liggaam en siel...
MARLIZE HOBBS Ach, nou vergeet ik één ding te vertellen: de dominee was ook op bezoek, een zeer belezen en wijze...
J.M.A. BIESHEUVEL Het vel van de sardines is zo mooi, het is mooier dan het vel van de mens, maar hij moet toegeven da...
ARNON GRUNBERG Minder is meer. Er zijn héél veel interactieve toepassingen beschikbaar op internet. De kunst is o...
PETER KASSENAAR Een hele mond vol,' mompelde ze, en drukte haar gezicht tegen de brede borst van haar echtgenoot. He...
ROBERT JORDAN Voor iedereen die zich afvraagt of het mogelijk is de puberteit te overleven, is een bevestigend ant...
RACHEL KLEIN Jou redding en jou ondergang is een dieselfde ding.
ISA KONRAD ... de jongen soo verbaast gaauw tegen de stijlte weer op liep, schreeuwende luijtkeels de schuijt v...
MARIA WILHELMINA LAMMENS Vooralsnog hebben e-mails niet hetzelfde effect in een verhaal, omdat e-mails niet worden aangetroff...
SIMON GARFIELD Hoe zouden wij die oude mythen kunnen vergeten die aan de wieg van alle volkeren staan – de mythen...
RAINER MARIA RILKE Wie nooit meer terug naar huis mag, raakt in een staat van verbeelding.
KADER ABDOLAH Informatie die we willen communiceren, moet vindbaar zijn binnen een logische en duidelijke structuu...
HEDWYG VAN GROENENDAAL Leven is het weer. Leven is maaltijden. Lunch op een blauw-geruit kleed waar zout op is gemorst. De ...
JAMES SALTER Toen de bewoners van Paaseiland in de problemen kwamen, konden ze nergens heen, was er niemand bij w...
JARED DIAMOND Onze aarde hangt niet voor niets scheef. Het is een ironische onderstreping van al het zijn op haar ...
ANNA JAE Er zit een geheim in alles wat je ziet en zelfs als je dat geheim oplost blijft er het geheim van je...
LEO VROMAN Inspiratie? Het is geen kwestie van naar de lucht staren en wachten tot er een briljant idee uit kom...
HEDWYG VAN GROENENDAAL Op rechts, een trollenbrigade. Op links, kibbelende ambtenaren. Invasie van zombies. Heb ik zo onze ...
MARTIJN BENDERS The bullshit detector is the biggest enemy
of every religion."
From: "Gesels van een...
A.J. BEIRENS Ik heb het nooit tegen iemand gezegd, dat ik mijn moeder niet gemist heb, dat ik niet kon huilen, di...
GRIET OP DE BEECK Jezus, ik ga niet zo iemand worden die het er altijd maar over heeft wat hij gaat doen. Ik ga het ge...
JOHN GREEN Iedereen die voor abnormaal wil doorgaan en er hard aan werkt om excentriek en uitzonderlijk te zijn...
CONNIE PALMEN Het leven op aarde is een vertraagde weergave van slechts één moment. Het moment waarop we allemaa...
MAURICE SPEES Mijn vader is weg, voor altijd verdwenen, en niks is veranderd, het wordt gewoon ochtend, er komt we...
GRIET OP DE BEECK Zet net de tv aan, schrik me dood. Die van Nieuwkerk ziet er ineens uit als een kruising tussen Dona...
MARTIJN BENDERS Als naturalisten en materialisten zijn wij een essentiële categorie kwijt geraak, namelijk die van ...
LEANNE PAYNE Toen fotograferen nog iets bijzonders was en een afdruk relatief duur lachte iedereen die op de foto...
J. BERNLEF Mijn vader huilde nooit. Als hij bedroefd was, liep hij naar de tempel van de onbekende heilige. Daa...
KADER ABDOLAH Zo is het gegaan met de Indiaanse bevolking van San Nicolas-eiland, voor de kust van Los Angeles, di...
JARED DIAMOND Maar om je de waarheid te zeggen,
rede en liefde gaan nog maar zelden samen tegenwoordig.
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Ik wou dat ik iemand was, dat denk ik ondertussen, en dat ik alles kon, of toch datgene wat ze van m...
GRIET OP DE BEECK Een, som af Missionario blev opmuntret til at troe, sagde: Jeg troer dine Ord; thi du kommer mig for...
LUDVIG HOLBERG Abortion is not allowed
because apparently it is against the law of god.
Yes, that butter-...
A.J. BEIRENS In de ontwikkelde wereld is de levensverwachting nu gestegen tot 80 jaar voor vrouwen en 76 jaar voo...
BERNARD A. LIETAER En dan, uit het niks: ‘Zijt gij gelukkig?’ Ze kijkt mij recht in de ogen. ‘Ik probeer, denk ik...
GRIET OP DE BEECK Da een blev straffet, efterdi han havde Medhustruer, svarede han, at han fulte sin Tilbøyelighed, s...
LUDVIG HOLBERG Het gedicht, die bescheiden poging van de dichter
om niet nu maar pas later uiteen te vallen.
MIROSLAV HOLUB Het is zo moeilijk om pijn te vergeten, maar het is nog moeilijker om je te herinneren dat je gelukk...
CHUCK PALAHNIUK Als u de regelgeving goed toepast, komt u in ieder geval niet voor onverwachte dingen te staan.
HEDWYG VAN GROENENDAAL Soms krijg ik de indruk dat wij jonge mensen, die in het domein van strikte coherentie zijn opgevoed...
PAOLO GIORDANO Eshte e mire letersia, Varenjka, shume e mire eshte. U binda diten e trete te vizitave. Gje me peshe...
FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY Yo sé qué carga es una persona vieja; los hijos te aguantan, te aguantan y, al final, acaban por h...
SVETLANA ALEXIEVICH In niets onderscheidden ze zich van de heikneuters waar ze later hun voeten op zouden vegen. Het war...
HENRY MILLER En terwijl hij weer opstapte en langzaam verder fietste, bedacht hij hoe vreemd het was in dezelfde ...
Ik spaarde me in die tijd tot het uiterste in
om minder jong te worden-
Ik spande me in die tijd tot het uiterste in
om minder jong te worden-
TOON TELLEGEN Om de juiste technische keuzes te kunnen maken, moet u eerst de technische mogelijkheden kennen.
HEDWYG VAN GROENENDAAL Mange Christnes uordentlige Levnet haver maaskee bragt dem til at have saadanne Tanker om sig selv, ...
LUDVIG HOLBERG U know its beta for a key to open many doors dan for many keys to open one door..
OLASOT Vedar sunčan dan,kora hleba i mir u duši - i ja ne mogu da smislim veće i stvarnije sreće.
VLADAN DESNICA I dalje verujem da Sunce izlazi svakoga dana i da svako novo Sunce najavljuje novi dan;dan koji je j...
CARLOS FUENTES Het grote voordeel van het web is tegelijkertijd ook het nadeel. Zeer veel informatie is snel beschi...
PETER KASSENAAR Meestal zijn er grote delen van de pagina die niet eens bekeken worden door de bezoeker! Hij keurt z...
PETER KASSENAAR Leven met hoop
is ‘s avonds
naar het oosten toe,
de nacht heel z...
WIM Lere pastaj qe ka dhe jo pak pasunare qe s'i pelqen te degjojne ankimet me ze te larte te varfanjake...
FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY RSI reached the lowest level ever in the history of the February contract.
CARL NEILL heel even gelukkig zijn, zo nu en dan,
vlak voordat ik val,
meer kan ik niet
maar mis...
TOON TELLEGEN Na jaren van zwoegen merken we dat we geen reis maken, maar dat de reis on maakt. Reisleiders, diens...
JOHN STEINBECK Nismo li možda tijekom vremena tumačili kršćanstvo suviše isključivo kao religiju osjetljivu z...
JOHANN BAPTIST METZ En dan gaat Eva dood. Ze is gesprongen. Zij kon ook goed kiezen. Geen half werk. Geen truttig gedoe ...
GRIET OP DE BEECK Today, if you are not confused, you are just not thinking clearly.
U. PETER Today, if you are not confused, you are just not thinking clearly.
U. PETER A handicap is only if you let it be a handicap.
NORM CROSBY I have done nothing important or distinguished since we met except to win the handicap prize, worth ...
ARTHUR JAMES BALFOUR Me dan miedo los gatos blancos porque son igual de malos que los gatos negros, pero no hay manera de...
CHUS FERNáNDEZ Vader leek wanhopig.
'Maar, Mattias , je weet dat het onmogelijk is geen sporen na te laten. Er...
JOHAN HARSTAD Nobody has ever said to me that I was pretty, 'til I met Peter Beard.
IMAN En lo más profundo del prado, allí, bajo el sauce,
hay un lecho de hierba, una almohada verde...
SUZANNE COLLINS I don't smoke marijuana anymore. I don't drink. Marijuana is a handicap. So is alcohol. Alco...
GARY JOHNSON The power-hungry wanter their followers to believe that heaven was a place to which some people - an...
BENJAMIN HOFF Kushdo qofte, edhe njeriu i vogel, nga ata qe nuk e turbullojne ujin, qe askujt s'i bien me qafe, qe...
FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY A wish is the link between what is and what could be. It is a vine woven into a bridge...
RICHELLE E. GOODRICH A handicap is like trying to race and you have a ten pound weight stuck to your waist. That is a han...
More Peter Kassenaar
Elke webpagina van de site heeft een uithangbord waaraan de bezoeker herkent waar hij terecht is gek...
PETER KASSENAAR Wanneer u beschikt over een beperkt budget of u hebt een deadline die angstig snel nadert, concentre...
PETER KASSENAAR Als een site is voorzien van een elegant design maar verder niet bruikbaar is, zal de site falen. He...
PETER KASSENAAR Minder is meer. Er zijn héél veel interactieve toepassingen beschikbaar op internet. De kunst is o...
PETER KASSENAAR Het grote voordeel van het web is tegelijkertijd ook het nadeel. Zeer veel informatie is snel beschi...
PETER KASSENAAR Meestal zijn er grote delen van de pagina die niet eens bekeken worden door de bezoeker! Hij keurt z...
PETER KASSENAAR Shouting at people keeps you alive, healthy, young, fresh.
PETER CAPALDI Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.
PETER MARSHALL Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.
PETER DRUCKER The relation between a poet and audience is really insignificant. What matters is the poet is hearin...
PETER DAVISON If we choose to walk into a forest where a tiger lives, we are taking a chance. If we swim in a rive...
PETER BENCHLEY There are wars being fought! Who cares what I'm doing on a Saturday night? I'm not even a ce...
PETER DINKLAGE The candle burns not for us, but for all those whom we failed to rescue from prison, who were shot o...
PETER BENENSON My relationship to plants becomes closer and closer. They make me quiet; I like to be in their compa...
PETER ZUMTHOR The celebration... you cannot practice it or anything. It's a moment when the excitement of your...
PETER BONDRA When I went to get my master's in creative writing at San Francisco State after Grinnell, I join...
PETER COYOTE To make crime unprofitable, let the government run it.
IRENE PETER Always be sincere, even when you don't mean it.
IRENE PETER Ignorance is no excuse, it's the real thing.
IRENE PETER Just because everything is different doesn't mean anything has changed.
IRENE PETER Anyone who thinks there's safety in numbers hasn't looked at the stock market pages.
IRENE PETER Today, if you are not confused, you are not thinking clearly.
IRENE PETER There is no such thing as too much swearing. Swearing is just a piece of linguistic mechanics. The w...
PETER CAPALDI The measure of life is not its duration, but its donation.
PETER MARSHALL Sharks don't target human beings, and they certainly don't hold grudges.
PETER BENCHLEY The photographer, even in fashion and portraiture, has to have a standpoint. It's important to k...
PETER LINDBERGH New Zealand is not a small country but a large village.
PETER JACKSON The Internet, like the steam engine, is a technological breakthrough that changed the world.
PETER SINGER Almost any shark, three or four feet long, could kill a human being if it chose to do it. It could m...
PETER BENCHLEY Executives owe it to the organization and to their fellow workers not to tolerate nonperforming indi...
PETER DRUCKER My greatest strength as a consultant is to be ignorant and ask a few questions.
PETER DRUCKER Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes... but no plans.
PETER DRUCKER I spent two years at the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis, and then some New York types saw me there a...
PETER MACNICOL Between November 23, 2002, and January 11, 2003, al-Qahtani was interrogated for 48 days at Guantana...
PETER BERGEN I think about the Internet and cell phones and jets and spaceships, and I wonder, 'What's go...
PETER DIAMANDIS Management by objective works - if you know the objectives. Ninety percent of the time you don't...
PETER DRUCKER Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed.
PETER DRUCKER Accept the fact that we have to treat almost anybody as a volunteer.
PETER DRUCKER Never mind your happiness; do your duty.
PETER DRUCKER I am not a politician... I only suffer the consequences.
PETER TOSH There are no training courses to make people bishops. You have to learn on the job.
PETER HOLLINGWORTH Black Comedy is a farce that is played in the dark, as you know, with the lights full on. It's t...
PETER SHAFFER A man can submit today in order to resist tomorrow. My submission had been such. And because I had n...
PETER ABRAHAMS I've always been very image prone, along the lines of bands like Black Sabbath and even Devo.
PETER STEELE Well, I think what we need to remember is that budget deficits can impede economic activity.
PETER ORSZAG I really believe that studying organization, even in the form of studying detective story organizati...
PETER SHAFFER Each year, billions of animals are subjected to cruelty on factory farms, feed lots, and slaughterho...
PETER DINKLAGE You've got to remember, Vermont is a lot of beautiful mountains with valleys and small brooks th...
PETER SHUMLIN I love criticism. Equitable Life went down because management wouldn't brook criticism, but if y...
PETER HARGREAVES Even though Mr. Trump is a billionaire, he is still able to relate to average working men and women....
PETER NAVARRO By the 1980s, practically no one under 60 in the real civilian world wore hats for anything except w...
PETER YORK It’s not just tougher out there. It’s become a situation where the contest is how much you can d...
PETER HART Give to us clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand forbecause unless we stand...
PETER MARSHALL In recent years, breweries and brew pubs have flourished across the Nation. And, as the Representati...
PETER DEFAZIO My inbox and doormat are full with emails and letters from people who want me to endorse their Higgs...
PETER HIGGS The cameo I did in 'Fellowship of the Ring' was I was in the street of Bree, and I was eatin...
PETER JACKSON I just wanted to be an ordinary, middle-class person. When I was at Cambridge, I made great efforts ...
PETER ACKROYD I was once part of a Christmas cabaret. I sang 'I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.' I tap-danc...
PETER DINKLAGE The formation of the News America Publishing Group will lead to greater editorial excitement, new bu...
PETER CHERNIN Actually when we stopped New Order I was busier than ever. The only gaps have been while we've b...
PETER HOOK When I was younger I saw a movie called 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid' with Paul Newma...
PETER FACINELLI Pirates are the very essence of profit maximising entrepreneurs described in neoclassical economics....
PETER MIDDLEBROOK Buster Keaton's 'The General,' from 1927, I think is still one of the great films of all...
PETER JACKSON When I founded the first Hard Rock, no one was serving American food in London; McDonald's wasn&...
PETER MORTON Let me say right off the bat that I'm not what you would call a 'tree hugger' or a '...
PETER NAVARRO Today, we don't blink an eye when the world's wealthiest individuals donate enormous sums of...
PETER DIAMANDIS It is very, very difficult for a playwright to write a scene in which a young man has his first deep...
PETER SHAFFER A girl once came to my beery flat in Kensal Green, opened the blinds and cooked me breakfast. I marr...
PETER CAPALDI I didn't feel the tusk go through me. But I did feel this sort of freight elevator coming down, ...
PETER BEARD We can consciously end our life almost anytime we choose. This ability is an endowment, like laughin...
PETER MCWILLIAMS Robots already perform many functions, from making cars to defusing bombs - or, more menacingly, fir...
PETER SINGER As a kid I quite fancied the romantic, Bohemian idea of being an artist. I expect I thought I could ...
PETER WRIGHT There's a part of bohemia I love. The lack of prejudice, the lack of aggression, I love the lack...
PETER MULLAN Writing is getting killed by too many chefs. Back in the Bogart days, it started with great scripts....
PETER DINKLAGE It's a younger generation running the show, and I miss the generation we had in the '70s. Th...
PETER CRISS Language is a more recent technology. Your body language, your eyes, your energy will come through t...
PETER GUBER A true history of human events would show that a far larger proportion of our acts are the result of...
PETER COOPER Many have changed so much that they have lost the magic of the dream that carried them on their own ...
PETER ABRAHAMS Always have a sense of humor about life - you'll need it - but always be courteous to boot.
PETER JENNINGS The best way to lift people out of poverty and boost wages is to grow our GDP faster. While Trump is...
PETER NAVARRO To have a liberal temperament is a kind of psychological boon, To be able to understand that someone...
PETER GAY Dolphins are social mammals, capable of enjoying their lives. They form close bonds with other membe...
PETER SINGER Men mistake friendship, but not sex, for love; women mistake sex, but not friendship, for love.
PETER WASTHOLM Even in an organization that's doing something big and bold, there's the mundane, day-to-day...
PETER DIAMANDIS I was seeing a lot of entrepreneurs who were effectively working on the next photo-sharing app. I wa...
PETER DIAMANDIS When I talk about taking bold actions in the world, few things are bolder than creating the 'Huf...
PETER DIAMANDIS Unfortunately, the balance of nature decrees that a super-abundance of dreams is paid for by a grow...
PETER USTINOV Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.
PETER USTINOV A diplomat these days is nothing but a head-waiter who's allowed to sit down occasionally.
PETER USTINOV You can either read something many times in order to be assured that you got it all, or else you can...
PETER KUMP I'm certainly not a person who spends their every waking moment soaking themselves in signs and ...
PETER YORK For too long, decisions have been taken behind closed doors - tablets of stone have simply been past...
PETER MANDELSON The best advice is to get on with it. I'm very prone to falling into depressions - not clinical,...
PETER CAPALDI Our situation here, without any exaggeration, is beyond description almost; it is such as eye has no...
PETER OLIVER About a year after 'Bosom Buddies,' I was suddenly a regular on 'Newhart,' and I was...
PETER SCOLARI Total borrowing has imploded. Private borrowing has collapsed. And, in effect, the Treasury Departme...
PETER ORSZAG I woke up one morning to find I was famous. I bought a white Rolls-Royce and drove down Sunset Boule...
PETER O'TOOLE Sex is a conversation carried out by other means. If you get on well out of bed, half the problems o...
PETER USTINOV I played football the whole time I was growing up, and through two years of college. I think it'...
PETER LANDESMAN What keeps earth air breathable? Not oxygen alone. The earth is a freer place to breathe in, every t...
PETER VIERECK In most countries, it is possible to visit zoos and see bored animals pacing back and forth in cages...
PETER SINGER Church members in too many cases are like deep sea divers, encased in the suits designed for many fa...
PETER MARSHALL Suppliers and especially manufacturers have market power because they have information about a produ...
PETER DRUCKER I think anything that requires real global breakthroughs requires a degree of intensity and sustaine...
PETER THIEL If someone is always to blame, if every time something goes wrong someone has to be punished, people...
PETER DIAMANDIS True disruption means threatening your existing product line and your past investments. Breakthrough...
PETER DIAMANDIS There's an element of tongue-in-cheek in every one of our songs. Walking off into the sunset, ho...
PETER NOONE The break-up of a relationship is always difficult, especially a 30-year one.
PETER HOOK Two halves have little choice but to join;
And yes, they do make a whole
but two wholes when t...
PETER MCWILLIAMS In my day, there were things that were done, and things that were not done, and there was even a way...
PETER USTINOV Sings. Hope in every sphere of life is a privilege that attaches to action. No action, no hope.
PETER LEVI Salvador Dali, lying on his deathbed in a stupor, is said to have been fed thousands of sheets of bl...
PETER LANDESMAN Thomas More's birth was noted by his father upon a blank page at the back of a copy of Geoffrey ...
PETER ACKROYD Celebrity poverty, that's the hidden scandal in Blair's Britain. You can't help but worr...
PETER YORK I'm not a fashion architect. I don't dress in Ralph Lauren and Gucci. When I buy a suit, I b...
PETER EISENMAN Corporations are social organizations, the theater in which men and women realize or fail to realize...
PETER RENA When we argue for our limitations, we get to keep them.
PETER MCWILLIAMS If a nation loses its storytellers, it loses its childhood.
PETER HANDKE Only in this world of topsy-turvy attitudes could outright stupidity, such as I had displayed, be so...
PETER DAVID Be egalitarian regarding persons. Be elitist regarding ideas.
PETER KREEFT Twisting lemons into lemonade.
PETER DUCHAN We must realistically accept that revolution is a social war, not because we like war, but because w...
PETER GELDERLOOS By the way, if you get mad at your Mac laptop and wonder who designed this demonic device, notice th...
PETER KREEFT There is a pain you can’t think your way out of. You can’t talk it away. If there was someone to...
PETER HELLER I imagine hell like this: Italian punctuality, German humour and English wine.
PETER USTINOV We sinned for no reason but an incomprehensible lack of love, and He saved us for no reason but an i...
PETER KREEFT We rehearse for the big death through the little death of orgasm, through erotic living. Death as tr...
PETER REDGROVE If I told you what it takes to reach the highest high you'd laugh and say nothing that simple, but y...
PETER TOWNSEND The trouble is if you don’t spend your life yourself, other people spend it for you.
PETER SHAFFER That was when it was all made painfully clear to me. When you are a child, there is joy. There is la...
PETER DAVID The world has enough women who know how to be smart. It needs women who are willing to be simple. Th...
PETER MARSHALL Is it possible to love so desperately that life is unbearable? I don't mean unrequited, I mean being...
PETER HELLER Paradoxically one of the greatest advantages of mind maps is that they are seldom needed again. The ...
PETER RUSSELL Anyone who lives in this time is concerned with grottiness.
PETER READING The value of action is that we make mistakes; mistakes show us what we need to learn.
PETER MCWILLIAMS To avoid situations in which you might make mistakes may be the biggest mistake of all.
PETER MCWILLIAMS The better a man is the more mistakes he will make for the more things he will try.
PETER DRUCKER Prayer puts you in touch with the infinite and prepares your mind for the finite.
PETER DANIEL Parents are the bones on which children sharpen their teeth.
PETER USTINOV The road to positivity is strewn with the abandoned vehicles of the faint-hearted.
PETER MCWILLIAMS The point of living, and of being an optimist, is to be foolish enough to believe the best is yet to...
PETER USTINOV The camera is a killing chamber, which speeds up the time it claims to be conserving. Like coffins e...
PETER CONRAD Peace is no more than a dream as long as we need the comfort of the clan.
PETER NICOLS Integrity is not a 90 percent thing, not a 95 percent thing; either you have it or you don't.
PETER SCOTESE There used to be a real me, but I had it surgically removed.
PETER SELLER The stupidity of a stupid man is mercifully intimate and reticient, while the stupidity of an intell...
PETER USTINOV Ignorance is no excuse, it's the real thing.
IRENE PETER All humans are hypocrites; the biggest hypocrite of all is the one who claims to detest hypocrisy.
PETER WASTHOLM Leadership is not magnetic personality--that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not making fri...
PETER DRUCKER Laughter would be bereaved if snobbery died.
PETER USTINOV I was irrevocably betrothed to laughter, the sound of which has always seemed to me to be the most c...
PETER USTINOV A different world cannot be built by indifferent people.
PETER MARSHALL Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. It needs continual and ...
PETER DAVIES We know nothing about motivation. All we can do is write books about it.
PETER DRUCKER Start with what is right rather than what is acceptable.
PETER DRUCKER Give to us clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand for -- because unless we s...
PETER MARSHALL We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the mos...
PETER DRUCKER Business has only two functions -- marketing and innovation.
PETER DRUCKER The computer is a moron.
PETER DRUCKER As much as we like to think that we are independent-minded, free-willed, autonomous individuals, the...
PETER MCWILLIAMS The really important things are said over cocktails and are never done.
PETER DRUCKER Nothing ventured, nothing gained -- but if everything is ventured, and still nothing gained, give up...
PETER WASTHOLM Common Sense is in medicine the master workman.
PETER LATHAM All that a city will ever allow you is an angle on it -- an oblique, indirect sample of what it cont...
PETER CONRAD If things change then they will be different, but if they don't then things will stay the same.
PETER GILCREST First, all relationships are with yourself-and sometimes they involve other people. Second, the most...
PETER MCWILLIAMS Soft focus is an important skill that can effect us metaphorically. In other words, the way we see t...
PETER KLINE The comfort zone takes our greatest aspirations and turns them into excuses for not bothering to asp...
PETER MCWILLIAMS When a subject becomes totally obsolete we make it a required course.
PETER DRUCKER Education can no longer be the sole property of the state.
PETER DRUCKER If all the economists in the world were laid end to end, it wouldn't be a bad thing.
PETER LYNCH It's an ordinary day for Brian. Like, he died every day, you know.
PETER TOWNSEND A diplomat these days in nothing, but a head waiter who is allowed to sit down occasionally.
PETER USTINOV I'm convinced there's a small room in the attic of the Foreign Office where future diplomats are tau...
PETER USTINOV Decision making is the specific executive task.
PETER DRUCKER Always expect the worst, and you will never be disappointed.
PETER WASTHOLM However gradual the course of history, there must always be the day, even an hour and minute, when s...
PETER QUENNELL The historian's job is to aggrandize, promoting accident to inevitability and innocuous circumstance...
PETER CONRAD If you're not sure where you're going, you'll probably end up somewhere else.
PETER LAURENCE Objectives are not fate; they are direction. They are not commands; they are commitments. They do no...
PETER DRUCKER All of us, you, your children, your neighbors and their children are everyday geniuses, even though ...
PETER KLINE The best way to predict the future is to create it.
PETER DRUCKER Today knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement.
PETER DRUCKER The most important, and indeed the truly unique, contribution of management in the 20th century was ...
PETER DRUCKER God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan by which great bless...
PETER MARSHALL Most of my songs are about Jesus. Most of my songs are about the idea that there is salvation, and t...
PETER TOWNSEND The successful person places more attention on doing the right thing rather than doing things right.
PETER DRUCKER There is an enormous number of managers who have retired on the job.
PETER DRUCKER I've always been very zealous about not invading other people's private spaces.
PETER JENNINGS So much of what I am I got from you. I had no idea how much of it was secondhand.
PETER TOWNSEND What you have to do and the way you have to do it is incredibly simple. Whether you are willing to d...
PETER DRUCKER There are no creeds in mathematics.
PETER DRUCKER Management by objective works -- if you know the objectives. Ninety percent of the time you don't.
PETER DRUCKER So much of what we call management consists in making it difficult for people to work.
PETER DRUCKER The productivity of work is not the responsibility of the worker but of the manager.
PETER DRUCKER The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said.
PETER DRUCKER There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.
PETER DRUCKER Efficiency is doing better what is already being done.
PETER DRUCKER INNOVATION is the specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means by which they exploit change as an oppor...
PETER DRUCKER Information is recorded in vast interconnecting networks. Each idea or image has hundreds, perhaps t...