Eclipse, a U.S. company, has come out with the (smaller) Eclipse 500. There are huge orders booked for these aircraft and they think they are going to be the next big thing.
Kate Sarsfield
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In terms of personal use, the Eclipse 500 is going to take off, people are dying to get their hands on them.
— Kate Sarsfield
There is an issue here; operators argue that they can no longer get into the likes of Heathrow, London and other main hubs at peak times,
— Kate Sarsfield
They are calling for more relief airports, greater access to relief airports and good standards at relief airports.
— Kate Sarsfield
(Business aviation is) introducing a whole new range of products to draw people in at the bottom end of the market, who may eventually work their way up.
— Kate Sarsfield
Lufthansa was one of the first airlines to come up with the business shuttle idea, so they linked up with a company in Switzerland called Private Air -- they are proving a huge success.
— Kate Sarsfield