E aqui é que reside a tragédia da guerra: transforma homens maus em homens bons, homens bons em homens terríveis e homens racionais em loucos.
David Soares
A maior necessidade do mundo é a de homens — homens que se não comprem nem se vendam; homens que...
ELLEN G. WHITE Era um vestido projetado para realçar, encorajar e levar os homens à loucura. Um vestido que só s...
SARAH MACLEAN Os homens que andam divorciados de Deus deixam de ver e interpretar as expressões mais eloquentes d...
JURACI ROCHA O Senhor chama homens que estejam dispostos a se porem no jugo com Cristo e com seus irmãos; homens...
ELLEN G. WHITE Só quero dizer que aquilo que cada um de nós tiver de ser na vida, não o será pelas palavras que...
JOSé SARAMAGO - Não sei se interprete as suas palavras como um galanteio, se não - replicou Scarlett, indecisa.<...
MARGARET MITCHELL A terra pode oferecer o suficiente para satisfazer a necessidade de todos os homens, mas não para s...
MAHATMA GANDHI O andar de Enoque com Deus não foi em arrebatamento de sentidos ou visão, mas em todos os deveres ...
ELLEN G. WHITE O mais corrente neste mundo, nestes tempos em que às cegas vamos tropeçando, é esbarrarmos, ao vi...
JOSé SARAMAGO Ele [Deus] suscitará dentre o povo comum a homens e mulheres que realizem Sua obra. Em breve haver�...
ELLEN G. WHITE Primeiro surgiu o homem nu de cabeça baixa. Deus veio num raio. Então apareceram os bichos que com...
FERNANDO BONASSI Os cachorros são frequentemente mais felizes que os homens porque as coisas mais simples são as co...
MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Epitáfio /J.L.Borges (?)
Já somos a ausência que seremos.
O pó elementar que nos ignor...
HéCTOR ABAD FACIOLINCE Todas as mulheres são mais materialistas do que os homens. Nós fazemos do amor algo enorme, mas el...
LEO TOLSTOY vermelha do sangue do rei. Os meus homens começavam a encher a sala atrás de mim. Os de Lannister ...
GEORGE R.R. MARTIN E aprendi oque é óbvio para uma criança. Que a vida é simplesmente uma coleção de pequenas vid...
NICHOLAS SPARKS O exemplo máximo do homem prático, porque reúne a extrema concentração da acção com a sua ext...
FERNANDO PESSOA Nossos dias são muito curtos para que tomemos, nos próprios ombros, o peso dos erros de outrem. Ca...
OSCAR WILDE O tipo da marinha e eu dissemos um ao outro que tinha sido um prazer. Que é uma coisa que me deixa ...
J.D. SALINGER A centralização administrativa tende a multiplicar em demasia as rodas e as peças da máquina adm...
VISCONDE DO URUGUAI 1862 - Escute mais isso. Por outro lado, forças jovens, frescas, sucumbem em vão por falta de apoio, e ...
FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY O Filósofo e a Velhice
Não é bom deixar a noite julgar o dia: pois com frequência o cansaç...
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE A obrigação de se levantar contra os opressores é do povo. Em toda a história, sempre foi. E o c...
JORGE LOURENçO Sem indivíduos, vemos apenas números: mil mortos, cem mil mortos, «as mortes podem chegar a um mi...
NEIL GAIMAN Normalmente eu não tinha muita paciência para estar com uma gaja durante muito tempo. Cada uma del...
BOAVENTURA CARDOSO Sim, em teoria, todos achamos que o importante é o bem-estar geral
mesmo que isso implique uns...
LUíS FILIPE CRISTóVãO O camarada Lenis nos ensinou que [...] na guerra dos exércitos, não se pode atingir o objetivo est...
ANTONIO GRAMSCI Enquanto não consentirmos em pecar, não há poder, diabólico ou humano, que nos possa trazer uma ...
ELLEN G. WHITE Vai chegar um dia em que todos vamos estar mortos. Todos nós. Vai chegar um dia em que não vai sob...
JOHN GREEN A evolução da espécie humana está intimamente ligada à sua auto-reprodução. É através da in...
FREDERICO ROCHAFERREIRA É a sensação de rodar, rodar, rodar sem saber exatamente para onde estava indo ou como se já est...
LEILA GOMES LOPES Esse protecionismo não visa proteger os artistas. Na verdade, esse é um protecionismo que visa pro...
LAWRENCE LESSIG Esse protecionismo não visa proteger os artistas. Na verdade, esse é um protecionismo que visa pro...
LAWRENCE LESSIG - OK, suponhamos que vai à copa - disse ela -, e duas pessoas que quem gosta estão lá, suponhamos...
EMILY ST. JOHN MANDEL Há um morcego de papel da festa das bruxas pendurado num cordão acima de sua cabeça; ele levanta ...
KEN KESEY As aparições são, por assim dizer, pedaços ou fragmentos de outros mundos, o seu princípio. É ...
FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY E por aí vão, metidos nessa batalha, testando forças e afirmando um ao outro que não discordam f...
IRVINE WELSH E assim, quando os geeks e os tecnólogos defendem as tecnologias dos novos Armstrongs ou irmãos Wr...
LAWRENCE LESSIG Sem uma viva fé em Cristo como Salvador pessoal, é impossível fazer com que nossa influência sej...
ELLEN G. WHITE É assim a vida, vai dando com uma mão até que chega o dia em que tira tudo com a outra.
JOSé SARAMAGO A "guerra" que foi levantada contra as tecnologias da Internei o que o presidente da Motion Picture ...
LAWRENCE LESSIG Só podemos receber da luz do Céu, à medida que formos voluntários em nos esvaziar do próprio eu...
ELLEN G. WHITE “Deus é amor” (1 João 4:8), está escrito sobre cada botão que desabrocha, sobre cada haste d...
ELLEN G. WHITE Mas uma vez o senhor me disse: "Que Deus a abençoe! Que Deus a perdoe!" E se foi capaz de me dizer ...
CHARLES DICKENS A minha vida durante esses vinte e tal anos foi rio correndo, saltando, descendo montanhas, se espra...
BOAVENTURA CARDOSO O pilar e o anel em forma de círculo representam os princípios masculino e feminino. Na Grécia an...
JEAN SHINODA BOLEN Cortesia é desilusão embrulhada em papel de embrulho.
VERONICA ROTH Quero hoje dizer-te uma coisa, algo que já sei há bastante tempo, e que também tu já sabes, mas ...
HERMANN HESSE You underestimate yourself if you think any woman would have to pretend to have feelings for you.
AMY TINTERA Of course I wasn't pretending!” The words exploded out of her before she could stop them. Heat spr...
AMY TINTERA Ás vezes respondo. Posso lhes contar da doçura e do encanto dela, e descrever
como me ensinou...
NICHOLAS SPARKS campanha de difamação do presidente João Goulart, o Jango, que incluía até a vida pessoal, com ...
PALMéRIO DóRIA - Falhamos a vida, menino!
- Creio que sim... Mas todo o mundo mais ou menos a falha. Isto é,...
EçA DE QUEIRóS A cronologia da infância não segue uma linha reta, mas é feita de sobressaltos. A memória é um ...
HéCTOR ABAD FACIOLINCE À medida que a mídia convencional tradicional é substituída por uma imprensa personalizada, a in...
ANDREW KEEN Em primeiro lugar, leia sempre tudo cuidadosamente. A forma deve lhe dizer muito, quer seja pra auto...
DIANA WYNNE JONES O pior da luta entre criados e patroas é que estas são compelidas a exigir o máximo, e as criadas...
MONTEIRO LOBATO Fui acusado de ser um utópico, de querer eliminar o desprazer do mundo e defender apenas o prazer. ...
WILHELM REICH O que existe ao entrar em contato comigo se abstratifica, eu ao entrar em contato com o que existe m...
FILIPE RUSSO O esclavagismo tem diversas versões; múltiplos regímenes. Não tem sempre a mesma forma. Nuns cas...
LUíS NOVAIS - As wiccanfae não merecem estar entre nós...e Tir Alainn não é o lugar delas.
- Nesse ca...
ANNE BISHOP Há um fog hereditário nas massas cinzentas brasileiras que dificultam as sinapses, independente da...
FREDERICO ROCHAFERREIRA Isso é mais uma coisa que aprendi com o tempo, sabe? O bem e o mal não existem! Quer dizer, existi...
CAMILO GOMES JR. Para mim, o mundo é apenas o mundo, Graciano: um palco em que todos nós representamos um papel, se...
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Clark observa a actividade nocturna na pista, os aviões que estão parados à vinte anos, o reflexo...
EMILY ST. JOHN MANDEL I am weird, and you know what? That's OK. So are most interesting people.
EM BAILEY ... it looked at me as it passed, smiling in that crazy-happy way that dogs do. And I started laughi...
EM BAILEY Ela acreditava em anjo e, porque acreditava, eles existiam" | "She believed in angels, and, because ...
CLARICE LISPECTOR Na solidão da noite, quase conseguia sentir a finitude da vida e como ela era preciosa. Nós damo-l...
JOHN GROGAN O sistema de produção privada manipula e intoxica o consumidor. Por requintados mecanismos de alie...
AMíLCAR AMORIM O que é o desejo do nosso coração?"
"A vingança," a voz dele era baixa, como se tivesse rec...
GEORGE R.R. MARTIN ...a vida humana é convívio. Para o ser humano, viver é conviver. É justamente na convivência, ...
KáTIA ROCHA De vez em quando eu vou ficar esperando você numa tarde cinzenta de inverno, bem no meio duma praç...
CAIO FERNANDO ABREU Make em laugh; make em cry; make em wait.
CHARLES READE I do have big tits. Always had 'em -- pushed 'em up, whacked 'em around. Why not make fun of 'em? ...
DOLLY PARTON I do have big tits. Always had 'em-pushed 'em up, whacked 'em around. Why not make fun of 'em? I've ...
DOLLY PARTON Don't stroke 'em, don't tickle 'em, just give 'em a ruddy good belt
FRED TRUEMAN I fund ?em, Ralph builds ?em and Jim sells ?em.
BOB BALES Chame-o de Voldemort. Sempre chame as coisas pelo nome que têm. O medo de um nome aumenta o medo da...
J.K. ROWLING A vida brota a partir de milhares de fontes vibrantes, entrega-se à todos que a agarram, recusa-se ...
WILHELM REICH – Assim, nós – dizia ele –, por que nós nos conhecemos? Que acaso o quis? É que através da...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Mas além da arquitetura, os blogs também resolveram o problema das regras. Não existe (ainda) nen...
LAWRENCE LESSIG Tendemos a desejar que ninguém morra e nada termine daquilo que nos acompanha e é nosso amado cost...
JAVIER MARíAS Mas apenas eleições não fazem uma democracia. Democracia quer dizer poder para o povo, mas poder ...
LAWRENCE LESSIG Make 'em laugh; make 'em cry; make 'em wait.
CHARLES READE Stories are the wildest things of all, the monster rumbled. Stories chase and bite and ...
PATRICK NESS Seguir nosso desejo é o que nos torna livres, e o desejo é variável, mutante, inclassificável - ...
MARTHA MEDEIROS Esse ciclo diferenciado é possível porque as pressões comerciais que existem em outros meios não...
LAWRENCE LESSIG Nesse mundo moderno,
Os sãos são muito poucos.
E ainda que no inferno,
São chamado...
ANA CLAUDIA ANTUNES You make 'em, I amuse 'em.
DR. SEUSS You kill 'em, we grill 'em!
BART SIMPSON Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
TRE COOL If you can't lick 'em, join 'em
AMERICAN PROVERB if you can't beat 'em, bribe 'em
JOHN KOVACICH If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
GENE NUDO Let' em learn or let' em die
CHARLES BUKOWSKI If you can't convince 'em, confuse 'em.
SHERRY ARGOV Mas como era extraordinária aquela sala cheia de gente — ou melhor, de animais -, a olhar na mesm...
DORIS LESSING Tenho consciência de ser autêntica e procuro superar todos os dias minha própria personalidade, d...
CORA CORALINA Aceitamos a designação de municipalista; aceitamo-la da boca da democracia.
Toca-nos provar ...
More David Soares
I congratulate Joe. We ran a nice clean campaign.
DAVID SOARES We become genuine Leaders when we live genuinely with Integrity
LENNY SOARES A Leader must see his profession as a Vocation rather than a Duty.
LENNY SOARES It is by Raising others up that you will Rise
LENNY SOARES It gets very hard to predict the future once you have smarter-than-human things around. In the same ...
NATE SOARES There is a God in disguise. Thank you to God, and I was waiting for the worst. I know that God knows...
GIRLENE SOARES He didn't send a single cent for his children.
GIRLENE SOARES - Futebol não tem lógica.
Jô SOARES It's a thematic film. The lack in dialogue is replaced through themes and musical play.
FELIPE SOARES God willing we'll have nearly 200 people there. We are trying to showcase what we do and get more su...
FELIPE SOARES I spent over 400 hours editing the film from seven hours of footage down to 22 minutes.
FELIPE SOARES We know that it comes down to special teams all the time and we're really happy with how our special...
JOSH SOARES We just have do what we have been doing all year: play our style of hockey which is good team defens...
JOSH SOARES Puck movement is a huge thing, especially on the power play.
JOSH SOARES I'm very fortunate to be playing with those guys. They're great players.
JOSH SOARES It's a real tough feeling to keep your fate in other teams' hands. But hopefully it is a blessing in...
JOSH SOARES It's a great accomplishment. We started off great this year, had some trouble, and there were lot of...
JOSH SOARES We came out flying and we kept on them all game. They're a real quick team, so we had to get on them...
JOSH SOARES I chipped it up into his pad and got pushed into the net.
JOSH SOARES I cut to the middle as quickly as I could and got off a shot.
JOSH SOARES It was just a great play. Mike Lundin put the puck up nicely to Greg. He jumped over the blue line a...
JOSH SOARES We had a lot of stuff in storage we'd planned to use.
SANDY SOARES My biggest objection to Marxism has been the presumption that industry should exist at all. I think ...
DAVID DAVID KATZMAN I gave a funny speech at my wife's birthday party, and I'm thinking, 'Hey, I've stil...
LARRY DAVID The area where I grew up in Birmingham was very diverse - I was aware of my race but not overly awar...
DAVID HAREWOOD Birmingham people are the salt of the earth, and I've carried that with me all around the world....
DAVID HAREWOOD In the last couple of years I've been facing down a lot of the demons of the past and trying to ...
DAVID COVERDALE George W. Bush: a person who is the ultimate outcome of the American condition. Someone promoted abo...
DAVID LANGE Stories hold conflict and contrast, highs and lows, life and death, and the human struggle and all k...
DAVID LYNCH Studying consciousness tells us more about how the world is fundamentally strange. I think we have a...
DAVID CHALMERS Thought is the wind and knowledge the sail.
DAVID HARE The Doctor' is the kind of character - because the guest cast is changing all the time, there ar...
DAVID TENNANT It's so warm now, and Thanksgiving came so early - is it just me, or does it not really feel lik...
DAVID LETTERMAN Bilingualism lets you have your cake and eat it. The new language opens the doors to the best jobs i...
DAVID CRYSTAL I can mention many moments that were unforgettable and revelatory. But the most single revelatory th...
DAVID ATTENBOROUGH Being dyslexic, I was told that I was an idiot all the time.
DAVID BAILEY Every man who is high up loves to think that he has done it all himself; and the wife smiles, and le...
DAVID BAILEY The first half of the 20th century belongs to Picasso, and the second half is about photography. The...
DAVID BAILEY I always go for simplicity.
DAVID BAILEY I didn't try and do fashion pictures. I tried to do portraits of girls wearing dresses.
DAVID BAILEY All I could do at school was paint and draw and that was the only time I ever passed any exam. It wa...
DAVID BAILEY You can't really copy what I do because I don't do anything.
DAVID BAILEY I hate being so nostalgic about the Sixties.
DAVID BAILEY People want security in this insecure world.
DAVID BAILEY I don't think my work does reflect my nationality - I don't like the idea of nationalism.
DAVID BAILEY It's not about composition. It's the way you feel about how your objects should relate to ea...
DAVID BAILEY Girls are more attractive to me than dresses.
DAVID BAILEY Rockers are the nicest people to photograph. They have no inhibitions.
DAVID BAILEY Being trendy is dangerous. I've never been trendy, which is why I've never really fallen out...
DAVID BAILEY I don't see the point of photographing trees or rocks because they're there and anyone can p...
DAVID BAILEY If you're curious, London's an amazing place.
DAVID BAILEY I was surrounded by strong women so it had never even occurred to me that women were anything other ...
DAVID BAILEY The skull is nature's sculpture.
DAVID BAILEY Anybody can be a great photographer if they zoom in enough on what they love.
DAVID BAILEY Being handsome wasn't much of a burden. It worked for me.
DAVID BAILEY Everything I read about hitting a midlife crisis was true. I had such a struggle letting go of youth...
DAVID BOWIE I had a wonderful childhood, which is tough because it's hard to adjust to a miserable adulthood...
LARRY DAVID You would think that a rock star being married to a supermodel would be one of the greatest things i...
DAVID BOWIE People use irony as a defense mechanism.
DAVID BYRNE Sometimes it's a form of love just to talk to somebody that you have nothing in common with and ...
DAVID BYRNE I certainly agree that putting everything into little genres is counterproductive. You're not go...
DAVID BYRNE Analysis is like a lobotomy. Who wants to have all their edges shaved off?
DAVID BYRNE I knew I wanted to have a doll of myself on the cover. I thought, I wanna see myself as a Ken doll.
DAVID BYRNE I've been in beautiful landscapes where one is tempted to whip out a camera and take a picture. ...
DAVID BYRNE That's the thing about pictures: they seduce you.
DAVID BYRNE Deep down, I know I have this intuition or instinct that a lot of creative people have, that their d...
DAVID BYRNE If anything, a lot of electronic music is music that no one listens to at home, hardly. It's rea...
DAVID BYRNE My favorite time of day is to get up and eat leftovers from dinner, especially spicy food.
DAVID BYRNE On a bike, being just slightly above pedestrian and car eye level, one gets a perfect view of the go...
DAVID BYRNE I never listen to the radio unless I rent a car.
DAVID BYRNE The arts don't exist in isolation.
DAVID BYRNE There's a certain amount of freedom involved in cycling: you're self-propelled and decide ex...
DAVID BYRNE Real beauty knocks you a little bit off kilter.
DAVID BYRNE Do I wear a helmet? Ugh. I do when I'm riding through a precarious part of town, meaning Midtown...
DAVID BYRNE Cycling is a joy and faster than many other modes of transport, depending on the time of day. It cle...
DAVID BYRNE You can know or not know how a car runs and still enjoy riding in a car.
DAVID BYRNE You create a community with music, not just at concerts but by talking about it with your friends.
DAVID BYRNE Cycling can be lonely, but in a good way. It gives you a moment to breathe and think, and get away f...
DAVID BYRNE Everything's intentional. It's just filling in the dots.
DAVID BYRNE I like time off. I'm not a workaholic.
DAVID THEWLIS I've had an awful lot of good fortune.
DAVID CASSIDY Every day is a blessing - not to get too schmaltzy, but, really, it is.
DAVID CASSIDY What happened to me during the last couple of years of 'The Partridge Family' was I became s...
DAVID CASSIDY There were times when I was a joke, but talent survives.
DAVID CASSIDY You can't be 24 again; you can't be new when you're 40 years old.
DAVID CASSIDY Most people view success by the results, and I don't.
DAVID CASSIDY I think of my career as something apart from myself.
DAVID CASSIDY You know, many people who become famous and enjoy great success when they're young disappear aft...
DAVID CASSIDY I wouldn't want to play anything bigger than 10,000 again. I think it's too much, and you lo...
DAVID CASSIDY Let me tell you, 10,000 is an intimate room. Believe me. I want to be able to connect to everybody i...
DAVID CASSIDY When you cut your life into a film - 90-some minutes of film - you end up taking snapshots and vigne...
DAVID CASSIDY Until I really dealt with a lot of the demons in my life - the fear and self-doubt and unresolved is...
DAVID CASSIDY I gave up my whole life to my career.
DAVID CASSIDY Just getting your name in the papers and having people talk about you is not always a good thing.
DAVID CASSIDY There's nothing wrong with becoming a role model, nothing wrong with inspiring people to become ...
DAVID CASSIDY It's always nice to have people love you, but I'd just like to be judged fairly.
DAVID CASSIDY It wasn't until later when people became aware of my writing that I would hear begrudgingly, ...
DAVID CASSIDY If people respond to the songs, whether they love you or hate you, then you've really done your ...
DAVID CASSIDY Anybody who carries the albatross of that teen-idol thing - well, people tend to look and say: '...
DAVID CASSIDY I don't want to end up being some joke on a bad TV series.
DAVID CASSIDY I just want to continue to produce good work. I don't want to do junk.
DAVID CASSIDY Just do me a favor. Don't call me 'former teen heartthrob,' okay? It's as if they we...
DAVID CASSIDY I hitched up to Haight-Ashbury in the Summer of Love, you know? And I was very much politically alig...
DAVID CASSIDY Contrary to public opinion and the image people have of me, I grew up in a very lower-middle-class, ...
DAVID CASSIDY It was amazing for me growing up in the musical decade of the '60s. I saw The Beatles on televis...
DAVID CASSIDY Doing musicals and theatrical productions, I never did any of my hits.
DAVID CASSIDY I turned up to all my son's performances and baseball games because my father never did that for...
DAVID CASSIDY I was very wary of repeating my father's behaviour and did everything not to act like he did.
DAVID CASSIDY Most definitely, my dad was my biggest influence.
DAVID CASSIDY My first five albums were triple-platinum, and I played a lot of concerts.
DAVID CASSIDY The television and film business has never really been kind or compassionate, in general.
DAVID CASSIDY It's amazing what happens to your body as you get a little older.
DAVID CASSIDY I didn't end up some sad, tragic guy singing in a lounge somewhere. I never went out and took bi...
DAVID CASSIDY Nobody likes to be rejected, you know?
DAVID CASSIDY I nearly died twice after I replaced Michael Crawford in 'EFX.'
DAVID CASSIDY I work for me, 18 hours a day. It's my gig. So I don't have time to get a point of view.
DAVID CASSIDY I don't listen to the news or read newspapers. I don't know what's going on in this worl...
DAVID CASSIDY You cannot make a teenage idol.
DAVID CASSIDY It's a difficult journey when you're going through a divorce, is it not, for anyone?
DAVID CASSIDY Thoroughbred racing is really my true passion. I'm living my dream.
DAVID CASSIDY I understand the rock star deal having been one and still going out strapping my guitar on and perfo...
DAVID CASSIDY If you put the talent of all my brothers together, they wouldn't add up to the talent that was i...
DAVID CASSIDY I'm never going to retire and say, 'This is it. This is my last show.' I will not go on ...
DAVID CASSIDY I was silver-white by the time I was 35, but having grey hair makes me look washed out. My wife and ...
DAVID CASSIDY I look fine. I've had no surgery apart from an operation I had decades ago to remove the fat und...
DAVID CASSIDY I have an audience that goes from kids to seventy year olds.
DAVID CASSIDY All my big mistakes are when I try to second-guess or please an audience. My work is always stronger...
DAVID BOWIE I read in one fan magazine that I was very self-centered. And I am.
DAVID CASSIDY We are too occupied with celebrity. Believe me, it's not what it's cracked to be.
DAVID CASSIDY All I had done for five years was work 18 hours a day all over the world. I needed to step back and ...
DAVID CASSIDY Everything in my life was about performance when I was doing 'The Partridge Family.'
DAVID CASSIDY My mother, Evelyn, was an actress and singer, and my father, Jack, was an actor. My earliest recolle...
DAVID CASSIDY Once they began doing 'Celebrity Apprentice,' apparently the audience wasn't that keen o...
DAVID CASSIDY My music was never considered cool, but I've always felt that connection with the audience.
DAVID CASSIDY I've always had a special relationship with the U.K. fans, because even when I wasn't workin...
DAVID CASSIDY My dad left when I was 3 1/2, and he left my mom and I.
DAVID CASSIDY I don't play nostalgia acts. I don't play nostalgia shows.
DAVID CASSIDY I don't need to remind myself of the trophies. I know what I accomplished.
DAVID CASSIDY What I want is credibility I got as a songwriter and actor and doing 'Blood Brothers' on Bro...
DAVID CASSIDY In the '80s, it was difficult and frustrating to appear in the theater and TV again, even though...
DAVID CASSIDY All that stuff - 'teen idol' - that wasn't me.
DAVID CASSIDY I wasn't ever a bad guy, and I was never arrested or anything like that, but I was a wild boy in...
DAVID CASSIDY I saw Jimi Hendrix - it must have been four times. And he was incomparable, and his legend lives on.
DAVID CASSIDY Acting was absolutely my first focus. I graduated high school in L.A., and two weeks afterwards, I m...
DAVID CASSIDY I've really sensed that people have an affection for me.
DAVID CASSIDY I've done an enormous amount of bringing light into people's lives, and I'm very proud o...
DAVID CASSIDY I bought my first horse when I was 15. I always loved racing and I started studying about breeding a...
DAVID CASSIDY I've always had a love for horses since I was really young. When I was 5 years old, the only thi...
DAVID CASSIDY My mother gave up a good part of her career to look after me.
DAVID CASSIDY In a very short period of time, actors can become kind of relevant and hot.
DAVID CASSIDY I played in garage bands and rock and roll bands when I was in junior high and high school and saw s...
DAVID CASSIDY I found myself very lost after 'The Partridge Family,' and I lost my dad and I lost my manag...
DAVID CASSIDY I've been able to go on and have a successful career on Broadway and certainly the last five yea...
DAVID CASSIDY It's not about the fame and the money because if you do good work all that stuff comes.
DAVID CASSIDY We live in a world of strange priorities, where Kim Kardashian buying a Lamborghini creates internat...
DAVID HAREWOOD The law always limits every power it gives.
DAVID HUME There are some four million different kinds of animals and plants in the world. Four million differe...
DAVID ATTENBOROUGH Life to me is a journey - you never know what may be your next destination.
DAVID RUSSELL False modesty can be worse than arrogance.
DAVID MITCHELL This whole world is wild at heart and weird on top.
DAVID LYNCH I believe that the war on drugs is a tragically misplaced use of resources - an immoral venture that...
DAVID HARSANYI Once you get over the culture shock, Filey is a pleasant spot, particularly at the beginning or end ...
DAVID HEWSON Robots have gotten steadily more capable, but humans' expectations that robots should have minds...
DAVID HANSON If you read somebody's diary, you get what you deserve.
DAVID SEDARIS College is a magic time. Yes, you're young and fickle, but you want to be part of this college e...
DAVID SZE What I value most in my friends is loyalty.
DAVID MAMET I'm a photographer, period. I love photography, the immediacy of it. I like the craft, the idea ...
DAVID LACHAPELLE Gribenes have been referred to as Jewish popcorn or kosher pork rinds. It's basically chicken sk...
DAVID SAX Texas hold 'em is all about folding and waiting for that time that comes up every hour or two wh...
DAVID EINHORN I spent most of high school working on the debate team, probably at some expense to my grades. Being...
DAVID EINHORN During my freshman year at Cornell, I joined my dorm's intramural football team. At the first pr...
DAVID EINHORN I rooted for the Milwaukee Brewers and its stars, Robin Yount and Paul Molitor. I went to a lot of g...
DAVID EINHORN I've got a fantasy-baseball team with my brother. But I have to admit, he does all the work.
DAVID EINHORN My father and grandfather were businessmen. The family business was Adelphi Paints in New Jersey. Wh...
DAVID EINHORN There's more at risk in what happens in Microsoft than I could ever bet on a poker table.
DAVID EINHORN On my best days, I fancy myself a combination of Dad's persistence/patience and Mom's toughn...
DAVID EINHORN Both poker and investing are games of incomplete information. You have a certain set of facts and yo...
DAVID EINHORN Language itself changes slowly, but the Internet has speeded up the process of those changes so you ...
DAVID CRYSTAL I tolerate lactose like I tolerate people.
LARRY DAVID Mathematics knows no races or geographic boundaries; for mathematics, the cultural world is one coun...
DAVID HILBERT Every spring, this country will be reminded of the Lady from Texas. As trees bloom and flowers carpe...
DAVID MIXNER If you're a reporter, the easiest thing in the world is to get a story. The hardest thing is to ...
DAVID HALBERSTAM I'm a good person, I hope. But I'm never as good as I want to be, never as nice as I want to...
DAVID TENNANT I checked out all types of tobacco trying to find one that would be easiest to live with, I ended up...
DAVID STRATHAIRN A poet could write volumes about diners, because they're so beautiful. They're brightly lit,...
DAVID LYNCH Smoking calms me down. It's enjoyable. I don't want politicians deciding what is exciting in...
DAVID HOCKNEY It is not contrary to reason to prefer the destruction of the whole world to the scratching of my fi...
DAVID HUME Lion sounds that have not grown from the mouse may exude naked power... but cannot convey any wisdom...
DAVID WHYTE The rules of morality are not the conclusion of our reason.
DAVID HUME Mathematics is a game played according to certain simple rules with meaningless marks on paper.
DAVID HILBERT But Dr. Smith says, and I believe it to be a true state of the case, that he himself gave a course o...
DAVID RITTENHOUSE I played hockey in the winter, and then I would play golf in the summer. But I always knew I'd b...
DAVID HEARN Enjoyment of the landscape is a thrill.
DAVID HOCKNEY Through the years I've been getting better and better and better, and it's what you learn th...
DAVID ORTIZ 'The Sopranos' is filled with really retrograde humor. Bathroom humor, falls, stupid puns, b...
DAVID CHASE I am more weary of life, I think, than ever I was.
DAVID BRAINERD The important thing is for the characters to feel real, and to be given the humanity they are due. T...
DAVID LEVITHAN You can't take a knife on a plane anymore, but you can get on carrying a virus.
DAVID QUAMMEN Trying on pants is one of the most humiliating things a man can suffer that doesn't involve a wo...
LARRY DAVID When I was living in New York and didn't have a penny to my name, I would walk around the street...