Don't let yourself get involved in a tax scam or be victimized by one. Be very careful who you trust for tax advice and who you trust with your personal information.
Gregg Semanick
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Our volunteers are the heart of the program. Many have been helping for years. They enjoy the challenges of tax preparation and they're dedicated to helping in their communities.
— Gregg Semanick
A common misconception is that this credit is only for families with children. Single individuals or married couples with no children may still qualify. The IRS created the EITC Assistant, an interactive tool available on the IRS Web site to remove the guesswork from eligibility rules.
— Gregg Semanick
About 25 percent of the people who use a computer program to calculate their taxes print out the paper work and mail it in instead of filing electronically. It makes no sense but it happens a lot.
— Gregg Semanick
In New Jersey, 2.5 million people are eligible for the service. That's a lot of people who can get their return quickly and without cost.
— Gregg Semanick
Trust. Given the first time, earned the second time.
— Jacey R. Foley
Deserving Trust
Give Trust
Giving Trust