Don't judge a man by his opinions, but by what his opinions have made him.
G. C Lichtenberg
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If all mankind were suddenly to practice honesty, many thousands of people would be sure to starve.
— G. C. Lichtenberg
Most subjects at universities are taught for no other purpose than that they may be retaught when the students become teachers.
— G. C. Lichtenberg
Sometimes men come by the name of genius in the same way that certain insects come by the name of centipede--not because they have a hundred feet, but because most people can't count above fourteen.
— G. C. Lichtenberg
God created man in His own image, says the Bible; philosophers reverse the process: they create God in theirs.
— G. C. Lichtenberg
The grave is still the best shelter against the storms of destiny.
— G. C. Lichtenberg