We shall surely be remembered for something; something good or something bad; something mediocre or something noble; something great or something small! In all things we do, always and always, let us not forget that we shall either be remember for something or nothing, and be it something or nothing, we shall still be remembered! If you are to be noted for your words, let the words be that which are breath-taking! If you are to be noted for your attitude, let that attitude be that which is solemn and distinctive! If you are to be noted for your thoughts, let the thought be that which gives unique reasons to ponder for distinctive footprints! If you are to be noted for your deeds, let the deeds be that which touches the heart of Heaven , give noble reasons for action and put smiles on faces ( and believing that God sees and rewards every act of good deed) ! If you are to be noted for certain stands, let it be that which is either a firm yes or bold no! Always remember, you shall surely be remembered for something or nothing; live well then!
β Ernest Agyemang Yeboah