Düşünmek kutsaldır; bırak her birey özgürce düşünsün! Düşündüğünü ifade etmek kutsaldır; bırak her birey düşüncesini özgürce ifade etsin! Eğer bunu yaparsan vicdanlı ve ahlaklı bir insan olduğunu kanıtlarsın! Eğer bunu yapmazsan sadece kendinin bir faşist olduğunu deklare edersin!
Mehmet Murat ildan
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BIZIM BüYüK ÇARESIZLIğIMIZ BARış BıçAKçı Fakat artık dünyanın ne olduğunu biliyordu: Özgürlüğün sınırsızlığıyla kuşatılmış... ISAAC ASIMOV Gelmek bir yolun sonuna varmak değil, insan her menzilde bir yere varır. AMIN MAALOUF Daha yüksek bir şeye, hatta bu evrenin ötesinde bir şeye ait olduğunu hissetmek mi istiyorsun, ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Dünyayı daha karanlık yapmaya çalışan insanlar vardır ve dünyayı daha parlak yapmaya çalı... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Yaşama sanatı, sevdiklerimize onlarla birlikte olmaktan ne büyük bir zevk duyduğumuzu gösterme... CESARE PAVESE Perdeler bizim tutsaklarımızdır; yalnızca pencereden dışarı kaçtıklarında ve havada özgü... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Düşün! Bize, matematik dünyasının kurgusal ve sonsuz olduğu öğretildi. Bunu kabul ederim, 1... HAKAN GüNDAY Eğer Homeros'tan öğrendiğim aziz ve kıymetli bir hayat dersi varsa,o da bir canlının vaktini ... GWEN COOPER Eğer bir din senden özgürlüğünden vazgeçmeni istiyorsa, o dinden vazgeç! Hiçbir şey özgü... 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İLHAN ARSEL Kim bilir belki de… Şeytan, Tanrı’nın bilinçaltından başka bir şey değildir. ... EMRE YıLMAZ Ayrıca, kırda ve kentte yaşayan Aymara toplulukları radyo istasyonlarını ele geçirdiler ve ke... RAUL ZIBECHI Kaç sene oldu altın başakların arasında koşup, yemyeşil çimenlerde yuvarlanmayalı? Kaç sen... KOREL ERAYBAR Bu akşam anladım ki, bir insan diğer bir insana bazen hayata bağlandığından çok daha kuvvetl... SABAHATTIN ALI Bir mum, bir kitap ve barışçıl bir adam dünya için üç mum demektir! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Kader kavramı, insanlığın kurtulması gereken bir şeydir çünkü insan aklının gelecek-yarat... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Ademoğlu hayvanların geri kalanından özde nasıl ayrılıyordu? Kendi kendine havalanabilen (Tan... ROBERT A. HEINLEIN İki haftamı ülkenizi dolaşarak geçirdim -ülkeniz, çılgın zamanlar mıntıkası ve televizyo... NICK HORNBY Kendimi bu güneşte, bir melek kadar ince ve uçucu bir hale gelene dek bir bıçak gibi bilemek is... SYLVIA PLATH ...kadınların köklü ve kesin bir kayıtsızlıkları vardır şiire karşı. bu bakımdan "... CESARE PAVESE It was surprising to think that in fact they were signs, that is, the ashes of an incinerated voic... ALESSANDRO BARICCO Sahnenin gerisinde kal; o zaman çalışmak için, düşünmek için ve hareket etmek için daha faz... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Sheakspeare'in zamanında bir kadının onunki gibi bir yeteneğe sahip olması mümkün değildi. �... VIRGINIA WOOLF Doğrular, her zaman insanın ayaklarını açıkta bırakan bir battaniye gibidir. N.H. KLEINBAUM Zaman gelecek ve bazı insanlar hiçbir dine inanmadıkları için kendileriyle gurur duyacaklardır... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Olmak ya da olmamak, işte bütün mesele bu! Düşüncemizin katlanması mı güzel Zali... WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Ne garip bir varlıktı şu insan. Elinde, varolduğu tek bir zaman vardı aöa hem geçmişe hem ge... MUSTAFA ULUSOY Kendi günlük yaşantılarımız da, kollektif cinneti nasıl savunduğumuzu gösteren basit örnek... GüNDüZ VASSAF Seni tanımadan önce cesaretin hiç korkmamak olduğunu sanırdım Anita .Sen bana cesaretin korkud... LAURELL K. HAMILTON Hemen hepimiz her sabah, yüreğimiz aşka susamış, içimiz içimize sığmayarak yola çıkarız.... HONORé DE BALZAC Bu vatan, toprağın kara bağrında Sıradağlar gibi duranlarındır; Bir tarih boyunca,... ORHAN ŞAIK GöKYAY Zaman gelecek ve ata binmek bütün bir toplum tarafından ciddi bir hayvan hakları ihlali olarak g... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN BAK BİL Kİ ATLARIN ÖNÜNE İNCİLER SERİLMEZ. MÜCEVHERLERDEN SARRAFLAR ANLAR ANCAK, BAŞKA... JALALUDDIN MEVLANA RUMI Bir tilki, gün doğarken gölgesine baktı ve şöyle dedi: "Bugün öğle yemeğinde bir deve yiye... KAHLIL GIBRAN o halde ölümlülerin bütün yaşamı bir çeşit masaldan başka nedir, birilerinin başka birile... ERASMUS Adamın ateş rengindeki saçları hakiki bir kızıldı. Gözleri koyu renkli ve dalgındı. Adam p... PATRICK ROTHFUSS Kırk üç bin köyümüz var; birkaç yüz kasabamız var. İzmit'ten öteye Anadolu'ya açılın; ... AHMET HAMDI TANPıNAR ...Doğu ve Batı'yı çayla olan münasebetlerinden de okuyabilirsiniz.Poşet çay Batı'nın birey... KEMAL SAYAR Bir avuç rüşvetle, dünyadaki her şeyin sevgisini satın alabilir, sonra da seni sevdiğini dü�... ARZUM UZUN Yeryüzünde iki çeşit politikacı vardır: Özgürlükleri genişletenler ve özgürlükleri kıs... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Hastanenin arazisi yeni yağmış karla örtülüydü -bu bir Noel serpintisi değil, ocak ayının ... SYLVIA PLATH bu kitap minimalist bir ressamla ilgili ve konu minimalist sanat olduğu zaman fark ettim ki ben agn... NICK HORNBY ... geleneksel anlamda planlanmış bir süreç yoktur, daha önce alınmış derslere dayanan derin... RAUL ZIBECHI Kendini bir bok sanmazsan, kaybedecek bir şeyin de olmuyor! TUNç KıLıNç Şahane bir aşk, çoğu zaman harcanmış bir hayat demektir. AHMET ÜMIT Rıhtıma gelince, her şeyi unuttum. Yepyeni ve dayanılmaz bir tatlılık kapladı içimi. Nereye ... DIDO SOTIRIOU ... bir armağan, bir mucize olduğu söylenen şu hayatın saçma sapan bir şekilde bitebileceğin... BARış BıçAKçı Bütün bu ve buna benzer hususlar " Dinde zorlama olmaz" hükmünün kapsamına giren şeyler olmak... İLHAN ARSEL Göreceksiniz ya, ben dünyadan ziyade kafamın içinde yaşayan bir insanım... Hakiki hayatım ben... SABAHATTIN ALI Pürüzsüz yollar sıkıcıdır; zor yollar inciticidir, yaralayıcıdır! Sıkılmayla hiçbir şe... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Tekerlekler üzerinde kayan zindanımın karanlığında, yorgunluğumun ta derinliklerinden gelişm... ALBERT CAMUS Ama yasa diye bir şey yoksa? O zaman ne yapar?.. Türkiye'de yasa diye bir şey kalmamış anlıyor... PıNAR KüR Benim aklımda kalansa, sarılmayı unutmuş bir ülke. Bir yandan ağlayan, öte yandan kollarını... ERCAN KESAL Anlar uçar; eğer anlarla beraber uçmazsan anlar uçarken sen yerde anların dışında kalırsın... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Demokrasi en iyi niyetli yaklaşımla bile zavallı bir sistemdir; onunla ilgili söylenebilecek tek... ROBERT A. HEINLEIN - Rodin'in Fallen Caryatid heykeli için - Yenilgideki zafer, bundan daha yücesi yoktur... ROBERT A. HEINLEIN Dışarıdaki hayvanlar, bir domuzların yüzlerine, bir insanların yüzlerine bakıyor, ama birbir... GEORGE ORWELL Tehlikesiz bir diktatör diye bir şey yoktur! Bütün zehirli yılanlar gibi bütün diktatörler t... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN 1. Dünya Savaşını kazanan İngiltere, Fransa ve İtalya, Anadolu'nun paylaşılması konusunda g... SINAN MEYDAN -çünkü eğer kadın gerçeği söylemeye başlarsa aynadaki görüntü büzülür; erkek hayata u... VIRGINIA WOOLF Nerede olursa olsun, toprağı kaz, bir hazine bulacaksın; ama bir çiftçinin inancıyla kazm... KAHLIL GIBRAN Toplumsal grupların devasa miktarlarda enerji açığa çıkardığı, yoğun bir yaratıcı dışa... RAUL ZIBECHI Ama ne yazık ki tarihte hep aynı trajedi tekrarlanmaktadır, çünkü fikir adamları zamanı geli... STEFAN ZWEIG renkli balıkların şımarıklığından geçip, küçük balıkların doğuştan şaşkınlı... ECE TEMELKURAN Eğer İslam dini zorlama dini değilse, yeryüzü İslam olana kadar Müslümanları savaşmaya zor... İLHAN ARSEL Günlük yaşam içinde çok büyük bir sır vardır. Herkesin bunda bir payı bulunur ve herkes on... MICHAEL ENDE Nevai, musikimize olan hizmetini yalnızca küyler bestelemekle sınırlandırmamıştır. En büyü... HüSEYIN AKBAş Zevk, okuma ve rahatlık yeterliydi Nicholai için. (...) Eğlence gibi bir uyuşturucu maddeye de g... TREVANIAN Burası da tüm iyi ailelerde olduğu gibi anarşi ve tiranlığın bir karışımıdır, demokrasiy... ROBERT A. HEINLEIN Yalnızların en büyük sorunu tek başına özgürlük ne işe yarayacak Bir türlü çözem... ATTILâ İLHAN In the middle of the North Pole, anything hot gives the feeling like touching the hand of the God! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If the quality of the people got better as they aged, how good that would be, don’t you think so? ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Like a butcher without a knife, a knight without a sword, and a farrier without a hammer, you cannot... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN We should extinguish not candles, but torches, my good neighbour; we should fell not shrubs but tree... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN
More Mehmet Murat ildan
He who desperately looks for a miracle must be either a blind or an ignorant person because everywhe... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN There are millions reasons to live and not even a single reason to die! You must protect your life -... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Here is a wonderful habit: From time to time stop; move not; speak not; just watch the nature, becau... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Countries which are governed by the dabblers will undoubtedly turn into the miserable countries! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Countries who don’t have brave prosecutors and fearless judges will instead have plenty of thieves... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If your shout is local, only your village will hear you; if your whisper is universal, the whole wor... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN When we are under a tree, we are under a temple, a temple of countless goodnesses! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Every beautiful place is your temple, you can always visit them; every useful book is your holy book... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN We are lucky because we still have a magnificent temple called nature where we can find peace of min... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Make friends with the path you are travelling on; then, you feel less lonely MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If you keep returning to the painful paths, may be because you find the painless paths painful and p... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN History is full of paths and the most useful, the most rational paths for humanity is mostly empty! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Sometimes interesting paths create interesting people and sometimes interesting people create intere... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN When you lose your path, you get an opportunity to discover a world you have never known! And better... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN When people have similar emotions, their faces also look similar! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Infinite horizons belong to those who have infinite imagination! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Whatever you value, it becomes your sun! If you value a calm night, your own sun will rise with the ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Many lives are wasted by just waiting for something good to come from the horizon instead of going t... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Watching the infinite horizons gives you infinite dreams, infinite ideas, infinite paths! Choose a g... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Some steal, earn a lot of money, but lose their honour and become very poor; some work, earn a littl... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Every country is a battlefield for the struggle between honest and dishonest, between honourable and... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN You want the light shine on you or you want to be the light itself? You want to get wisdom from a wi... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Follow the river to reach the sea; follow the sea to reach the ocean. And finally follow the ocean t... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN You look somewhere else, then you see something different and so your journey for wisdom starts! Wis... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Stupid speaks loudly; he makes noise like pigs! Wise man speaks calmly; he makes sound like quiet la... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Wise man’s mind is always very clear. When asked anything, he gives the answer directly almost wit... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Sovereignty unconditionally belongs neither to the people of the nation nor to some supernatural pow... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN In action is the worst action of human beings! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN He who helps you in your worst moment well deserves to be your best hero! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Inaction is the worst action of human beings! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Mostly the greedy rich is responsible for the poor’s poverty! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN The best present for a child is to show him the path of having a courage! And what is this path? It ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN How important things you will achieve in life will be determined by how many times you shall act bra... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN We are doomed to live the feeling of being lost because temporal beings are doomed to feel this way;... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Always try to see behind what you see because all you need to see can be only at the behind of the t... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Stay behind the scene; then you will have more freedom to work, more freedom to think and more freed... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN What lies behind the innocent looks? What lies behind the kind words? What lies behind the gentle sm... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN To be the thing you see, stop thinking! To be wild waves, you must quit thinking, you must leave all... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If you look at the picture of a beautiful bird eating a little fish, you will see two victims there:... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN By just looking at a different direction than others, you may gain the vision of a genius because ge... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN In matters of love: When giving, be generous! When taking, be thankful! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN A student who is becoming better than his master is a bright student; but a student who is becoming ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Knock the door or ring the bell but don't ever push it! Be gentle! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Anybody can be a flower! Yes, you can be a flower too! Just be gentle and innocent; give no harm to ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN For a cheerful mind, sun never sets; for a cheerless mind, sun never rises! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN A cheerful music is a powerful light for the shadows of sorrow! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN For a cheerful spirit, a dark street is just another bright street! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If you love the rain very much, you feel the warmth of the sunshine in your heart while it is heavil... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN It is raining! In other words little poems are coming down from the sky! Nature is literature! Sun i... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN To stand strongly, we need three legs: Two legs and a work that will keep us busy! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN A candle, a book and a peaceful person mean three candles for the world! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN The job of reflection is to add a dimension of fable to the reality! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN When the wind likes a path, the weeds around that path will tremble all day long! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN The best friends of the highest mountains are only the clouds and the adventurer mountaineers! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN The ugliest government is the one which is spreading fear to its own people! The finest government i... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN In the New Year, never forget to thank to your past years because they enabled you to reach today! W... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN To know a very different person from ourselves is a great luck for us! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN All a hardliner has to do is to keep the door of his mind open! And then, the light will visit him! ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If you try to be consistent, you tie yourself to a rock and you restrict your own movements! Don’t... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN To find elegant souls, you must wander in the elegant places! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN For those who wander in the depths, there is nothing deep! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Careful minds build durable buildings; careless minds build rotten buildings! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Not only try but try your best! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN The best dancer is the one who is not even aware of her dancing! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Leaving a place, a person or a country silently and without any notice is a heroic and a noble way o... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If you do not build bridges, precipices become your fate! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN When nobody interferes with what you wear and how you wear, you are living in a civilised country at... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Cut the connection between your clothes and your beliefs, because clothes will not make you somethin... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN You must wear clothes which suits your own soul, not your own society! What you wish to do is much m... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN To lose something is an illusion because everything we own is just a mirage! And you, you cannot los... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN One of the most stupid things in life is not to enter the door which is wide open just because of th... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If you move faster than the music, it will look strange; if you move slower than the music, it will ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN What is the name of your dream? A lovely wooden cottage in the middle of a forest? Or walking in an ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Every season has its own art and the art of autumn is to bewitch the people! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN An autumn forest is such a place that once entered you never look for the exit! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN When everything looks like a magical oil painting, you know you are in Autumn! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN You don’t need a ball to play football; all you need is a strong wish! After then, you can use eve... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Romanticism in loneliness is a true romanticism; but romanticism when others are around is suspiciou... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Keep reading! Keep travelling! Keep thinking! And finally you will be there, in the Land of Wisdom w... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Don’t hide yourself from the world and don’t let the world hide himself from you! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Pro-government press is not a press it is just a lie-generating ugly machine; it is a guard dog, gua... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN There is a night school where you shall meet great teachers: The sky! When the night falls, the shin... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN The inauspiciousness of the owl is nothing but the inauspiciousness of the man who thinks that owl i... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN There is a non-technical way to travel in time: Try to create religious generations in your country,... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Narrow streets are beautiful because you are closer to the realities! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN In old age, past haunts the present; memories replace the real life! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If you feel you have to open a particular door, open it, otherwise all your life that door will haun... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If you don’t like speaking much, wear red clothes; they will speak on behalf of you! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN A pigeon flying with the ravens will start to caw! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN A peaceful life is always the best destination one can ever arrive at and it is the only real heaven... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Superficial cannot discover the deep, because both live in different levels and likewise the deep ca... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Don’t say deep things to shallow people and don’t talk about shallow things with the deep people... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Peaceful roads are for the unpeaceful minds; restful attracts the unrestful; the empty streets of tr... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Being peaceful is being angel! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Do not admire the warriors; do not admire the fighters; condemn the fist! Get rid of this low cultur... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN The more peaceful you are, the more beautiful your face becomes; the more violent you are, the uglie... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Let the boundlessness be your boundary! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN In deep waters, you encounter only the wise and the brave; in shallow waters, the ignorant and the c... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Never trust the captain who has never taken any education from the School of Storms! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN No man is a great man if he used violence to achieve his goals! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Palaces are for the little men not for the great men because great man is humble! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN The big man in a small village is the big ship in a small lake! Let him sail to the vast oceans! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Love is a magical shelter where you will feel yourself safe beneath it! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Why a wise man is wise? The answer is simple: Because he has left his own shore! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Sunset is a wonderful opportunity for us to appreciate all the great things the sun gives us! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN No ethical person wants to be a king or a queen, because there is no ethics and honor in putting you... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Throughout the human history millions have died because of the kings and the queens, because of the ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Here is a tragicomic reality of all the regimes: People work hard to feed their thief politicians, t... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN You are an ordinary person till the day you realise that you have the power to change the world! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Stars are much further away from where they are now for those who have no dreams and no intentions t... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If books are your good friends, then a conscious life will be your best comrade all your life! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If half of a country is rotten, the other half will soon start rotting as well! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Wherever in the world a country is governed by spiritually ill, politically empty, ethically rotten ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Though the stupid have great capacity to direct the world because they are plentiful, the clever has... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Watching our closest living relatives, the chimpanzees, is reading the first chapter of human-being�... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If you concentrate on the road too much, you will miss the view and when you do the opposite, you wi... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Never compete with your master, because that is disrespect to him! You are your only rival, you comp... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN You can save hundred words with just one look! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN When you are learning swimming, try to swim like a fish! Target the best so that you can always easi... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Shoes need feet to walk! Everything needs something to function! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN You lost your way in the darkness? Don’t panic; that will be your best light! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN When you sit tranquilly, you set a great example to the people who rush around in panic and thus you... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN There are two groups of people: Herds and individual clever people. Because herds have numerical sup... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Sheep all together, cars all together, people all together, crows all together, ants all together! E... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Don’t perceive the facts as a false criticism or else you lose badly! Because facts are facts and ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Man must have fires in his life: Fire of love; fire of work; fire of doing kindness... Without fires... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN What is the size of this universe? The size of this universe is whatever the size of your dreams! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN There is something more horrible than to live with an unhappy person and that is to live with someon... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Unhappiest is the person who feels happy when seeing an unhappy person! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Which gate to enter? Which path to choose? Which stairs to take? Which direction to go? These questi... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN What do you need in the New Year? You need a dream; your dream needs an action; and your action need... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN The desired modernization and rationalisation of Turkey will never be realised till the day the Mode... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Türkiye’nin arzulanan modernleşmesi ve rasyonelleşmesi Atatürk’ün Modern Türkleri iktidara... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN The oldest tree on earth has seen 5067 New Year; the oldest man, only 122 New Year! Can you see how ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Let me tell you what to forget in the New Year: Forget about the luck; concentrate on the insistent ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Learn well how to think right and then be your own shepherd, otherwise you shall be the unlucky shee... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Stay away from ‘it-can’t-be-done-people’ because they are often mistaken! All you need is to h... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN When a state is afraid of the journalists, it means that that state is definitely doing some secret ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Observe your path ahead carefully; see the dangers and the opportunities! By this way you can write ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN There are two kinds of politicians on Earth: Those who expand the freedoms and those who restrict th... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Man must be able to think freely and he must be able to express his thoughts freely! He who is again... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN The fate of the world depends on the triumph of the good people! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If you have good friends, don’t look for treasure because you are already rich; if you have just t... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN They say human is a thinking animal; in times of war, don’t even use the adjective ‘thinking’! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN What is left after war is silence: The silence of the death; the silence of the debris; the silence ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Yes, there are plenty of politicians who are liars, there is no doubt about this! But some of them a... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN The more money you spend on guns, the less money you spend on people! More weapons, less happiness; ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN It is very possible that the majority of a nation can choose darkness! Such fool nations learn the b... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Mystery is a genius teacher: It forces its students to think thoroughly and to ask many questions! T... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Trust not tomorrow! Whatever you are planning, today is the best day to act! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If you are obliged to do something inevitable, don’t lose time to think about it, do it right away... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Visit your life, because you are spending too much time in others life! Visit yourself! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Are you comfortable? That’s good. But there is somewhere at least someone is uncomfortable! And th... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Elegance and kindness is an elegant and kind reply to the rudeness of this world! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If a politician obtained a great wealth after he has been elected, his being an immoral corrupt man ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Nobody is exempt from the surprises of life! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Wherever you visit, let the place you visit remembers you well! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN To be remembered, umbrella waits for the rain! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Find a place forgotten and make it feel that it is remembered! Find someone forgotten and make him f... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Her milletin tarihinde vahşi atlar gibi davranma, özgürlüğünü yok etmeye çalışan her türl... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Zaman gelecek ve ata binmek bütün bir toplum tarafından ciddi bir hayvan hakları ihlali olarak g... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Wherever you see an empty life, or an empty page or an empty mind, add something good to it! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Look at every creature from the window of compassion with the eyes of love! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Since many things we see were once an idea, let us create good ideas today because they will be the ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN There is no need to upset about the fact that our ancestors were monkeys, because they are capable c... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Looking for a saviour in the sky? Be serious! Know you still not that there ain’t any saviour but ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN On the Earth, you admire the Moon; on the Moon, you admire the Earth! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Ningún buen fin existe para un dictador! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Cuando un dictador muere, aumenta el oxígeno del mundo! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Biological death is only a mechanical problem, it can be solved and man can live millions of years! ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Life is the art of finding or building a bridge with a great determination every time you come acros... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN No day is an ordinary day; all days are extraordinary, because life itself is extraordinary! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If you close your eyes in a park you will realise that everything you see around is at the same time... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Your most precious journey is the journey to your own mistakes and so you can face them! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Oh, poor human! You have so many dreams, but so short period of time! You are living in the ocean of... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN In this meaningless universe, we need saviours to cling to the existence and music is one of our bes... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If your mind is not in the present time, your body will look like a dead body, cold and insensible! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Most people give up their dreams when they see few dark clouds on the horizon! Cowards can never rea... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Don’t challenge everything which challenges you! Don’t take every funny challenge serious and do... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Leave your limiting-self just like a snake shedding its skin so that you can go beyond your own fron... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN To learn how to live twice in one life, you must get to know the people who lived twice in one life! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Зимата е мъртва, пролетта е луда, лятото е весело,<... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Las mentes necesitan lo inusual, porque lo inusual tiene el poder de sacudir la mente! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Dear pious fellow! Our greatest hope for you is that one day you will understand that you have no en... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN We will manage to survive in this infinite universe because we humans have infinite hopes! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Nobody can give up rain and nobody can give up love because the former makes this life possible and ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If you want a forgotten corner to be remembered, a featureless place to be loved, a shadowy emptines... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN You never pretend when you are all alone with yourself! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN When you visit a country, visit the forgotten artisans of the narrow streets because they are the on... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN With the power of the morning energy, you can defeat the whole problems of the whole day! This shini... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN What makes a man great is all the good things he left behind and as for Atatürk, thinking generatio... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN As long as you know in which station and at what hour you should wait, which train to take and if ne... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Autumn leaf waits for autumn wind to reach the unreachable places; wise mind waits for silence for t... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Death is the truth of the 21st century and we know that it was the truth of the older centuries as w... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Treat every natural beauty you met as if you see them for the first and last time! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Silence and creativity are very close friends! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Whenever you enter the crowds, keep your own personality, keep your own behaviour, keep your own min... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Sometimes it is wonderful to be unsuccessful because through our failure, we enable people to try ne... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN When iron and carbon come together, there emerges steel! To be something stronger and better, you mu... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Man who is travelling on a train has a much more chance to be wiser than the man who is sitting on a... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN