Disclosure was not a big issue before because there's never been the kind of money thrown at a campaign like it appears there has been at this one. It's never been an issue because campaigns have typically been low-budget.
Carol Bruce
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I'm a little dismayed that an election has come down to how did you vote on one issue. There are so many positive things that we're doing in this town and I think the way we're going to heal the community is to move forward get past the decisiveness we've seen and work together.
— Carol Bruce
I have been doing this [running for public office] since 1988 and I have never seen anything like this.
— Carol Bruce
It's very unfortunate that apparently outside groups are putting large amounts of money into this election. It costs a lot of money to do polling.
— Carol Bruce
We are recommending the design committee consider doing these changes. We believe there are additional savings to be realized.
— Carol Bruce
We found some things that we feel confident there will be additional savings. And, we feel that we have raised the level of awareness about the fact that we need to be aware of cost in the future.
— Carol Bruce