And now a word about librarians.
We are all, from our youngest years, warned that the most dangerous, untrustworthy creature is that which stalks our public libraries. We all remember, as children, having this told to us by frazzled men in rumpled suits clutching ancient tomes to their chests.
“Aaaarrrruuuggghhh,†they would say, pointing at a diagram that was just a square with the word LIBRARY written neatly in the middle of it.
“Ouuugh!†they would continue, pointing at the clearest photograph ever taken of a librarian, which is a blurry and badly burnt Polaroid.
“Oh! Oh! Oh!†they would conclude, pointing at the first diagram again. It was always a very short presentation.
Then the men would run from our classrooms, looking fearfully around and muttering, “There’s no time, just no time,†and never would be seen again.
These warnings, as playfully conveyed as they were, are serious matters that should be applied to your grown-up, serious life. Librarians are hideous creatures of unimaginable power. And even if you could imagine their power, it would be illegal. It is absolutely illegal to even try to picture what such a being would be like.
So just watch out for librarians, okay?
— Joseph Fink