Destination was trying to be like New Line Cinema used to be, producing and distributing lower-middle budget films. But they didn't have real good luck with their films, either critically or at the box office.
Greg Dean Schmitz
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Boutique distributors are very often based in New York City, they specialize in American independent and foreign films and young independent directors.
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A lot of the studios that used to be independent three to five, maybe even 10 years ago have been absorbed into the major studios. You're seeing that more and more.
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His role was as a lawyer for a president who had an agenda. And he was trying to assist that president or that attorney general in their agenda.
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We?re trying to do a nice balance that works for everybody in the area, and then we?re also re-profiling Black Rock Road, to help soften the grades that are out there today; they?re pretty steep in that first-curve area.
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