De vez em quando eu vou ficar esperando você numa tarde cinzenta de inverno, bem no meio duma praça, então os meus braços não vão ser suficientes para abraçar você e a minha voz vai querer dizer tanta, mas tanta coisa que eu vou ficar calada um tempo enorme. só olhando você, sem dizer nada só olhando e pensando: “meu Deus, mas como você me dói de vez em quando…
Caio Fernando Abreu
Related Por outro lado, quando você se sentir tentado a não se incomodar com os problemas de alguém porqu... C.S. LEWIS Quando te vejo agora - movendo-se lentamente com uma nova vida crescendo dentro de você - espero qu... NICHOLAS SPARKS – Assim, nós – dizia ele –, por que nós nos conhecemos? Que acaso o quis? É que através da... GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Vai chegar um dia em que todos vamos estar mortos. Todos nós. Vai chegar um dia em que não vai sob... JOHN GREEN Meu filho, se você aceitar as minhas palavras e guardar no coração os meus mandamentos;
se der ou... JESUS CRISTO É a sensação de rodar, rodar, rodar sem saber exatamente para onde estava indo ou como se já est... LEILA GOMES LOPES Eu morreria por você. Mas não viveria por você. STEPHEN CHBOSKY Há um morcego de papel da festa das bruxas pendurado num cordão acima de sua cabeça; ele levanta ... KEN KESEY O tipo da marinha e eu dissemos um ao outro que tinha sido um prazer. Que é uma coisa que me deixa ... J.D. SALINGER Você não grita nem acorda. Não há terror, mesmo sendo aterrorizante: é assim que é. E pior ain... CAIO FERNANDO ABREU Normalmente eu não tinha muita paciência para estar com uma gaja durante muito tempo. Cada uma del... BOAVENTURA CARDOSO Em primeiro lugar, leia sempre tudo cuidadosamente. A forma deve lhe dizer muito, quer seja pra auto... DIANA WYNNE JONES - OK, suponhamos que vai à copa - disse ela -, e duas pessoas que quem gosta estão lá, suponhamos... EMILY ST. JOHN MANDEL É só que eu não quero ser a paixonite de ninguém. Se alguém gosta de mim, eu quero que goste de... STEPHEN CHBOSKY Ele me revelou um lado melhor do meu ser. Quer dizer, não falo apenas do talento para literatura. R... CAMILO GOMES JR. Mas uma vez o senhor me disse: "Que Deus a abençoe! Que Deus a perdoe!" E se foi capaz de me dizer ... CHARLES DICKENS Existe um outro motivo para o fato dos blogs terem um ciclo de vida diferente dos principais meios d... LAWRENCE LESSIG As aparições são, por assim dizer, pedaços ou fragmentos de outros mundos, o seu princípio. É ... FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY Eu voltei à vida por você, meu amor; eu voltei à vida, feito de amor. FILIPE RUSSO - Não sei se interprete as suas palavras como um galanteio, se não - replicou Scarlett, indecisa.<... MARGARET MITCHELL -Para onde é que vai o Kurika quando morrer, perguntou-me certo dia a minha filha, depois de um dos... MANUEL ALEGRE Mas além da arquitetura, os blogs também resolveram o problema das regras. Não existe (ainda) nen... LAWRENCE LESSIG O andar de Enoque com Deus não foi em arrebatamento de sentidos ou visão, mas em todos os deveres ... ELLEN G. WHITE Nunca percebi, disse-me um dia, por que é que os meus pais me puseram, no meio de tanta pobreza, es... ROSA LOBATO DE FARIA Enquanto não consentirmos em pecar, não há poder, diabólico ou humano, que nos possa trazer uma ... ELLEN G. WHITE E aprendi oque é óbvio para uma criança. Que a vida é simplesmente uma coleção de pequenas vid... NICHOLAS SPARKS Descobri que ajuda muito na convivência com os outros. Às vezes a gente não sabe o que dizer e en... LYGIA FAGUNDES TELLES Aqueles que apreciam posições de grande influência e de segurança financeira talvez achem que o ... ELLEN G. WHITE Só quero dizer que aquilo que cada um de nós tiver de ser na vida, não o será pelas palavras que... JOSé SARAMAGO Parece que os velhos são capazes de ficar sentados um ao lado do outro sem dizerem nada e aind... NICHOLAS SPARKS (...) a língua é, para o espírito de uma nação, o que o estilo é para o espírito de um indiv�... ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER Os livros de física podem ser complicados, mas eles, assim como os carros e os computadores, são p... RICHARD DAWKINS Mas apenas eleições não fazem uma democracia. Democracia quer dizer poder para o povo, mas poder ... LAWRENCE LESSIG Percebi então, o crepúsculo,é apenas uma ilusão, porque o sol ou está acima ou abaixo do horizo... NICHOLAS SPARKS (...) compor meticulosamente o cadastro afetivo e o retrato fantástico-histórico de uma comunidade... GESUALDO BUFALINO A poesia traz grande beleza à vida, mas também uma grande tristeza, e não tenho a certeza se a tr... NICHOLAS SPARKS Sentada na cozinha, Denise pensava que a vida era como o estrume. Quando usado no jardim, servi... NICHOLAS SPARKS E por aí vão, metidos nessa batalha, testando forças e afirmando um ao outro que não discordam f... IRVINE WELSH Pergunto-me, às vezes, o que pensarão os meus amigos quando vêem os seus entes queridos afas... NICHOLAS SPARKS A cronologia da infância não segue uma linha reta, mas é feita de sobressaltos. A memória é um ... HéCTOR ABAD FACIOLINCE Era só isso?" _ Sim, só isso. Existe sabedoria na descoberta de que tudo é imperfeito e triv... FABíOLA SIMõES Às vezes me lembro dele. Sem rancor, sem saudade, sem tristeza. Sem nenhum sentimento especial a n�... CAIO FERNANDO ABREU [...] tenho de ouvir Mary Elizabeth falar sem parar de todas as coisas importantes que ela me mostra... STEPHEN CHBOSKY Os meios de que dispomos talvez não pareçam suficientes para a obra mas, se avançarmos com fé, c... ELLEN G. WHITE Nós, a mais poderosa democracia do mundo, criamos normas rígidas contra a discussão política. É... LAWRENCE LESSIG Trabalhe como se você não precisasse do dinheiro, ame como se você nunca tivesse sido magoado, e ... MARTHA MEDEIROS A Hazel é diferente. Ela caminha com leveza, velhote. Caminha com leveza sobre a Terra. A Hazel sab... JOHN GREEN E assim, quando os geeks e os tecnólogos defendem as tecnologias dos novos Armstrongs ou irmãos Wr... LAWRENCE LESSIG Escrevo sem pensar tudo o que meu inconsciente grita. Penso depois: não só para corrigir, mas para... MáRIO DE ANDRADE Primeiro surgiu o homem nu de cabeça baixa. Deus veio num raio. Então apareceram os bichos que com... FERNANDO BONASSI O tempo faz com que deixe de haver diferenças entre a verdade e a mentira. Aquilo que aconteceu mis... JOSé LUíS PEIXOTO A minha vida durante esses vinte e tal anos foi rio correndo, saltando, descendo montanhas, se espra... BOAVENTURA CARDOSO Quando brilhou a aurora, dissolveram-se Entre a luz as florestas encantadas Arvoredos azui... SOPHIA DE MELLO BREYNER ANDRESEN Evidência circunstancial é uma coisa ilusória - respondeu Holmes de modo pensativo; - pode demons... ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE Quando vires os teus olhos a verem-te, quando não souberes se tu és tu ou se o teu reflexo no espe... JOSé LUíS PEIXOTO A questão é: você já reparou como nós esmagamos uma barata numa boa e não sentimos remorso nen... CAMILO GOMES JR. Só é saudável em nós aquilo pelo que não somos especificamente nós mesmos: são nossas aversõ... EMIL M. CIORAN - Escute mais isso. Por outro lado, forças jovens, frescas, sucumbem em vão por falta de apoio, e ... FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY Isso é mais uma coisa que aprendi com o tempo, sabe? O bem e o mal não existem! Quer dizer, existi... CAMILO GOMES JR. Mas como era extraordinária aquela sala cheia de gente — ou melhor, de animais -, a olhar na mesm... DORIS LESSING Aprendi que viajar ainda é a melhor forma de alterar a vida, mudar as ideias e abraçar a inspiraç... ADRIANA TRIGIANI olhe, hoje é possível reviver o fascismo, quer saber. é possível na perfeição. basta ser-se tr... VALTER HUGO MãE Esse ciclo diferenciado é possível porque as pressões comerciais que existem em outros meios não... LAWRENCE LESSIG Mas não se engane, observador objetivo só entre lágrimas e à beira do abismo é que eu toco a te... FILIPE RUSSO Dizem que o tempo sara todas as feridas. Talvez seja verdade. Mas há feridas que parecem não sarar... JOSé SARAMAGO Não é por meio de debates e discussões que a mente é iluminada. Devemos olhar e viver. Nicodemos... ELLEN G. WHITE Os guaraos, que habitam os subúrbios do Paraíso terrestre, chamam o arco-íris de serpente de cola... GALEANO EDUARDO E quando eu disse a ela que já os tinha lido, ela me fez umas perguntas muito longas, que na verdad... STEPHEN CHBOSKY É, o mundo moderno tem um tipo de seleção natural e não tem jeito de eu me encaixar nessa histó... IRVINE WELSH Como a maioria das pessoa desse mundo, a minha maldade é meio que um a maldade passiva, uma maldade... IRVINE WELSH Quero hoje dizer-te uma coisa, algo que já sei há bastante tempo, e que também tu já sabes, mas ... HERMANN HESSE Só podemos receber da luz do Céu, à medida que formos voluntários em nos esvaziar do próprio eu... ELLEN G. WHITE O Senhor chama homens que estejam dispostos a se porem no jugo com Cristo e com seus irmãos; homens... ELLEN G. WHITE As tecnologias digitais criam o ambiente propício para uma nova forma de bricolagem, ou "colagem li... LAWRENCE LESSIG Nossos dias são muito curtos para que tomemos, nos próprios ombros, o peso dos erros de outrem. Ca... OSCAR WILDE As crianças, disse Caim, aquelas crianças estavam inocentes, Meu deus, murmurou Abraão e a s... JOSé SARAMAGO E quando olho para seu rosto, um rosto que conheço melhor que o meu, sei que para ela fui igualment... NICHOLAS SPARKS Coitadinhos ou coitadinhas não devem ir a campo de batalha. Só atrapalham. Alguém gostaria de ter... JORGE KISHIKAWA Certos passos você tem de dar sozinho. SUZANNE COLLINS O reino de Deus não será avançado por nossas igrejas se encherem de pessoas, mas pelas pessoas em... HOWARD SPRING Tenho consciência de ser autêntica e procuro superar todos os dias minha própria personalidade, d... CORA CORALINA Não exagero ao afirmar que o primeiro problema com que me defrontei na vida foi a questão da belez... YUKIO MISHIMA, 三島 由紀夫 Um aspecto muito visível do desaparecimento das velhas garantias é a nova fragilidade dos laços h... ZYGMUNT BAUMAN A gente acha que é menos infeliz quando não é infeliz sozinho; mas, segundo Zoroastro, não é po... VOLTAIRE É estranho como tudo pode voltar ao que era antes tão de repente quanto mudou originalmente. E qua... STEPHEN CHBOSKY Apesar de eu não saber ler, distinguia bem entre as letras hebraicas, impressas no lado esquerdo do... ILSE LOSA Ele [Deus] suscitará dentre o povo comum a homens e mulheres que realizem Sua obra. Em breve haver�... ELLEN G. WHITE Há qualquer coisa de libertador associada à perda de tudo. Primeiro chora-se, depois fica-se atord... JUDITH MERKLE RILEY Sim, em teoria, todos achamos que o importante é o bem-estar geral mesmo que isso implique uns... LUíS FILIPE CRISTóVãO A Bíblia não foi escrita apenas para os eruditos; pelo contrário, destina-se às pessoas comuns. ... ELLEN G. WHITE À medida que a mídia convencional tradicional é substituída por uma imprensa personalizada, a in... ANDREW KEEN Na Cidade perdeu ele [o Homem]a força e beleza harmoniosa do corpo, e se tornou esse ser ressequido... EçA DE QUEIRóS Infelizmente, este espectáculo também só existe porque existem espectadores. Conta a lenda urbana... NUNO ROGEIRO O pilar e o anel em forma de círculo representam os princípios masculino e feminino. Na Grécia an... JEAN SHINODA BOLEN Não sei se a Arte nos deve salvar, mas tenho a certeza de que pode conduzir ao melhor que há em n�... VALTER HUGO MãE Amanda olhou para ele - Tens de compreender que já não sou a rapariga que era dantes. Sou casada e... NICHOLAS SPARKS Cada uma daquelas pessoas tinha uma teoria especial sobre tudo e acreditava que sua verdade era a ú... PAULO COELHO Aprendi que um homem só tem o direito de olhar um outro de cima para baixo para ajudá-lo a levanta... GABRIEL GARCIA MARQUEZ A centralização administrativa tende a multiplicar em demasia as rodas e as peças da máquina adm... VISCONDE DO URUGUAI 1862 A terra pode oferecer o suficiente para satisfazer a necessidade de todos os homens, mas não para s... MAHATMA GANDHI
More Caio Fernando Abreu
Às vezes me lembro dele. Sem rancor, sem saudade, sem tristeza. Sem nenhum sentimento especial a n�... CAIO FERNANDO ABREU Você não grita nem acorda. Não há terror, mesmo sendo aterrorizante: é assim que é. E pior ain... CAIO FERNANDO ABREU When I have a creative block, I take walks. I like to see what shapes stick out - so many legs rushi... CAIO FONSECA My 20s were spent in a room, alone, mixing paints and figuring it all out. CAIO FONSECA Most days, I practice piano in the mornings and I spend the rest of the day painting. CAIO FONSECA My uniform is sweatpants, so crusted over with dried paint that they're as hard as a table. I we... CAIO FONSECA Most people draw from the mind, not the eye. They draw the idea of a table or a face, not what's... CAIO FONSECA I'm not particularly interested in painting, per se. I'm interested in a painting that has t... CAIO FONSECA I'm not such an artist type that I can't handle the real world. I read the financial pages, ... CAIO FONSECA All my siblings became artists. One's a novelist, my brother is a painter, my sister was a costu... CAIO FONSECA I think I was very lucky to have grown up with an artist's studio in the house. It was a kind of... CAIO FONSECA If you come every day or every month to my studio, you won't see that much change, but if you co... CAIO FONSECA So many paintings have hidden meanings or need wall texts, but my work is not in that category. CAIO FONSECA It's not until the very last phase that you know how good the works are going to be. CAIO FONSECA The world of painting has nothing to do with the art world. CAIO FONSECA Painting is something that requires a lot of time - it's not just one good idea out of art schoo... CAIO FONSECA My forms are not abstractions of things in the real world. They're also not symbols. I would say... CAIO FONSECA I've been playing piano my whole life, but I'd never tried to understand how compositions ar... CAIO FONSECA It's very tough to deal with. BOBBY ABREU Yeah, definitely. I've never been in a playoff. I believe that these type of games, where you have t... BOBBY ABREU Yeah, I played center field. BOBBY ABREU I know it hit his arm below the fence. BOBBY ABREU It's a beautiful thing to experience. Venezuelan fans really inspire you. Usually when you play here... BOBBY ABREU We showed something by keeping the pressure on Houston the last four games. This team really came to... BOBBY ABREU I made the wrong turn, especially on the second one. They were hard hit balls, but I'm not going to ... BOBBY ABREU They want you to catch every single ball. It's a tough city sometimes. BOBBY ABREU That's my people. That's the way that our fans react. For us, that's normal. I know over here, it's ... BOBBY ABREU He's a tough guy for a lefty with the motion he has. BOBBY ABREU It's a different attitude. Everybody's relaxed. Everybody's focused. No one is thinking about going ... BOBBY ABREU My shoulder bothers me, and my leg, BOBBY ABREU Things aren't going well right now. I'm in a very bad slump. BOBBY ABREU It was a pretty good pitch for him. I just wanted to make contact there, and things happen, you know... BOBBY ABREU This road trip is very important that we're going on. This is our season, right here. BOBBY ABREU Conscience is the purest substract of reasoning. CAIO LEMOS We want to become a long-term player leading the transformation of the industry with sufficient scal... FRANCESCO CAIO We want to become a long-term player leading the transformation of the industry with sufficient scal... FRANCESCO CAIO If they were to come inside, they'd have to kill me. JOSE ABREU There is room for efficiencies here. I don't think today we can be a full-service gas station in a s... JOSE ABREU We are very proud to open the 9th Annual Hollywood Film Festival with Shane Black's Kiss Kiss, Bang ... CARLOS DE ABREU Every year we are very proud to honor excellence in the art of filmmaking in all its disciplines, an... CARLOS DE ABREU „Здравей, пазачо на стада, Там, край пътя, Какво т... FERNANDO PESSOA Единственият съкровен смисъл на нещата Е, че нямат н... FERNANDO PESSOA One of the reasons I chose to come to Liverpool was because of the mentality of the club. It's a... FERNANDO TORRES I was captain in Atletico at 19, playing in the same team as Demetrio Albertini, who won three Champ... FERNANDO TORRES After winning the European Championship with Spain, I know exactly how it feels to win a major troph... FERNANDO TORRES At Liverpool, I had almost everything but titles. I felt like a king, but the team was falling apart... FERNANDO TORRES Liverpool is a fundamental part of my life. They don't remember me that way, but time will chang... FERNANDO TORRES The Champions League is a big ambition, and all the footballers want to play in it; it is a very imp... FERNANDO TORRES I want to say thanks to the Chelsea fans because I have seen them very, very happy with me for joini... FERNANDO TORRES The biggest ambition in my career is still to win the European Cup. I want to have a picture of that... FERNANDO TORRES The Premier League is very difficult football and very different to when you play in Europe, but the... FERNANDO TORRES I didn't realise how my life was changing. When I was 17, 18, 20, I didn't realise how big f... FERNANDO TORRES My son is a Liverpool fan, and he was already kicking a ball before he was one. He was born in the f... FERNANDO TORRES When I retire, the only thing that concerns me is that no one can say that I was a bad team-mate or ... FERNANDO TORRES Football is a team sport and not an individual sport. We win as a team, and every individual is bett... FERNANDO TORRES Fitness is important, but the most important thing is how you adapt and the way you feel physically.... FERNANDO TORRES It's not easy to come somewhere new and have to find your place. You might feel someone doesn... FERNANDO TORRES You have to know what club you are playing for, or you just play for yourself. Every time I put on a... FERNANDO TORRES To choose ways of not acting was ever the concern and scruple of my life. FERNANDO PESSOA At first, it's unfamiliar, then it strikes root. FERNANDO PESSOA No intelligent idea can gain general acceptance unless some stupidity is mixed in with it. FERNANDO PESSOA Success consists in being successful, not in having potential for success. Any wide piece of ground ... FERNANDO PESSOA To feel today what one felt yesterday isn't to feel - it's to remember today what was felt y... FERNANDO PESSOA Wise is he who enjoys the show offered by the world. FERNANDO PESSOA All is worthwhile if the soul is not small. FERNANDO PESSOA It is better to look good than to feel good. FERNANDO LAMAS You look marvelous! FERNANDO LAMAS I had wanted to be a sculptor throughout life, but to do so, I had to stop painting. FERNANDO BOTERO I believe that it's better to have a conviction, believe strongly in something, and then the con... FERNANDO BOTERO Bullfights have so much color. Not just the matador but also the bull, the arena, and the public. It... FERNANDO BOTERO Before anything else, I started painting bulls and matadors. That was my initiation to paint. FERNANDO BOTERO I have seen Colonial churches since I was very small, Colonial painting and polychrome sculpture. An... FERNANDO BOTERO I was drawing a mandolin, and I made the sound hole very small, which made the mandolin look giganti... FERNANDO BOTERO Nobody ever told me, 'Art is this.' This was good luck in a way because I would have had to ... FERNANDO BOTERO An artist is born like a priest is born. If they are born an artist, I would tell them art is not a ... FERNANDO BOTERO I have the sensation of doing something good for people, more than being a trendy artist or a succes... FERNANDO BOTERO Art is important because when people start to forget, art reminds them what happened. Like 'Guer... FERNANDO BOTERO All my life, my girlfriends are always skinny. Beauty in art has nothing to do with beauty in realit... FERNANDO BOTERO Art is always an exaggeration in some sense; in color, in form, even in theme, etc... but it has alw... FERNANDO BOTERO The only duty an artist has is in the quality of the art. There is no moral obligation to denounce. ... FERNANDO BOTERO In a photo, you just do a click, but in art you have to put in so much energy. This concentration of... FERNANDO BOTERO I often think about death, and it saddens me to leave this world and not be able to paint more. I lo... FERNANDO BOTERO My popularity has to do with the divorce between modern art, where everything is obscure, and the vi... FERNANDO BOTERO You paint what you know best; what you went through as a teenager and child. My world is the one I g... FERNANDO BOTERO An artist is attracted to certain kinds of form without knowing why. You adopt a position intuitivel... FERNANDO BOTERO I'm the most Colombian of the Colombians, even though I've lived 47 years outside of Colombi... FERNANDO BOTERO My work is a self-portrait of my mind, a prism of my convictions. FERNANDO BOTERO Art should be an oasis: a place or refuge from the hardness of life. FERNANDO BOTERO The circus leaves a sweet memory. FERNANDO BOTERO After five years in Ferrari, being second all the time, I think it was enough for me. FERNANDO ALONSO In Spain there were no TV rights for Formula One. FERNANDO ALONSO With Ferrari sometimes, you win or you lose depending on what the mood of the team in general, of th... FERNANDO ALONSO I look at myself as someone who has been very lucky - my job is also what I enjoy most in the world,... FERNANDO ALONSO For me it's a simple sport and a simple way to live these seven or eight years of maximum sport. FERNANDO ALONSO I like America, and I think probably the American people like me. FERNANDO ALONSO McLaren was a risky project because they were completely new, but we are one team - we win and we lo... FERNANDO ALONSO Creating a top team and being in a position to win the Tour de France will give me a nice feeling. B... FERNANDO ALONSO I like to race, not to do laps alone. FERNANDO ALONSO If you're in the best team in the world, you or your teammate have to win. FERNANDO ALONSO I am very proud of what we have built in Spain, because it is not a traditional Formula 1 country. I... FERNANDO ALONSO For me, it was not destiny to make it to where I am now - I thought for a long- time I would become ... FERNANDO ALONSO Ferrari gives you a special feeling. FERNANDO ALONSO My baby will be growing up in Liverpool, so we have another Scouser. FERNANDO TORRES Liverpool is a massive club in reputation, but as soon as I came here, it felt like Atletico to me. ... FERNANDO TORRES I am a big fan of the Gallagher brothers. At Liverpool, they came a few times; they are friends of S... FERNANDO TORRES My soul is impatient with itself, as with a bothersome child; its restlessness keeps growing and is ... FERNANDO PESSOA Literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life. FERNANDO PESSOA I’ve dreamed a lot. I’m tired now from dreaming but not tired of dreaming. No one tires of dream... FERNANDO PESSOA My past is everything I failed to be. FERNANDO PESSOA Great work is done by people who are not afraid to be great. FERNANDO FLORES Look, there's no metaphysics on earth like chocolates. FERNANDO PESSOA When trust improves, the mood improves. FERNANDO FLORES Sketching is almost everything. It is the painter's identity, his style, his conviction, and the... FERNANDO BOTERO There's nothing more superficial to do than to paint a beautiful woman. The most beautiful portr... FERNANDO BOTERO I love my country, and it hurts not to be able to see my country, as I did for so many years. I hope... FERNANDO BOTERO I made my own assessment of my life, and I began to live it. That was freedom. FERNANDO FLORES I remember when I first came to Liverpool, Pepe Reina helped with everything, and he made it easy fo... FERNANDO TORRES The circus allows one to be logical and unreal at the same time. In the circus, all is possible: the... FERNANDO BOTERO Madrid is not as big as London, but it is true when you are coming from a big city like Madrid, noth... FERNANDO TORRES When I race in Australia or Korea or Japan, I know it will be a big change for me because Ferrari fa... FERNANDO ALONSO When I race in Australia or Korea or Japan I know it will be a big change for me because Ferrari fan... FERNANDO ALONSO Could it think, the heart would stop beating. FERNANDO PESSOA Lord, may the pain be ours, And the weakness that it brings, But at least give us the strength, Of n... FERNANDO PESSOA Look, there's no metaphysics on earth like chocolates. FERNANDO PESSOA The feelings that hurt most, the emotions that sting most, are those that are absurd - The longing f... FERNANDO PESSOA There are ships sailing to many ports, but not a single one goes where life is not painful. FERNANDO PESSOA I have always been very calm on the outside. I'm not too stressed now just because I'm in fo... FERNANDO ALONSO Sit still with me in the shade of these green trees, which have no weightier thought than the wither... FERNANDO PESSOA To be understood is to prostitute oneself FERNANDO PESSOA Our best comes out when we have honest discussions. FERNANDO FLORES My biggest concern was that we didn't want to lose sight of other financial aid (for students). We d... FERNANDO ASCENCIO It reflects the very nature that we're changing directions. FERNANDO ASCENCIO We're back on schedule. We're looking to put out the proposal at about the same time as before. FERNANDO ASCENCIO This was completely unfair and I was happy to see the dean saw it our way. FERNANDO ASCENCIO We do feel this is a reactionary act. FERNANDO ASCENCIO They were the fastest cars produced in 1987. Faster even than the Corvette. That's what made them fa... FERNANDO ALVARE It sort of takes the place of minutes. When there's any club business it's in the newsletter. It use... FERNANDO ALVARE My dad was a Buick guy and I followed in his footsteps. But I always liked the performance end. FERNANDO ALVARE In the '60s, everyone tried to follow Pontiac's lead and put big engines in mid-sized cars. FERNANDO ALVARE We have to be careful we don't do a lot of miles on Friday and Saturday and keep the engine safe for... FERNANDO ALONSO Everyone wants to beat Michael on the track because it is the same as beating (Lance) Armstrong in t... FERNANDO ALONSO My parents are responsible for the two things I like doing most - driving and magic tricks. They bou... FERNANDO ALONSO I'm just extremely happy to win the championship with the second quickest car, FERNANDO ALONSO For the drivers, it will not change too much. I think the challenge is more for the teams and engine... FERNANDO ALONSO I am pleased to be third because this is my best qualifying position so far this year. FERNANDO ALONSO It was a bit of a surprise for us that we had problems in Hungary. But in reality, I think the car c... FERNANDO ALONSO I am refreshed after the break, and ready to attack the final races of the year, FERNANDO ALONSO And then from 2003 to now I developed myself, my driving style, and I grew up with the team to be in... FERNANDO ALONSO Formula One is a strange world but if you have clear values, you can maintain the separation between... FERNANDO ALONSO My soul is a hidden orchestra; I know not what instruments, what fiddlestrings and harps, drums and ... FERNANDO PESSOA The sentences are grossly excessive and unconscionable. CHRISTOPHER FERNANDO We have at least 35 moulds in the pipeline. FERNANDO GARCIA The tenacity and desire to win which he has worked with since he was a child have carried him to the... FERNANDO ALONSO I was not worried even if Michael passed me because I knew we would be strongest at the end of the r... FERNANDO ALONSO This is a fantastic feeling, ... I didn't think anything could equal winning the Drivers' Championsh... FERNANDO ALONSO The race was actually very easy, FERNANDO ALONSO [The prize] comes during a fantastic year and crowns the season, FERNANDO ALONSO The political conspiracy would provide the motives for all the prosecution's witnesses to come and l... CHRISTOPHER FERNANDO Whole Sale Lenders (WSL) such as Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) will differ from Retail L... SANJEEWA FERNANDO In a relatively low interest rate environment, Commercial Banks will record growth in deposits via t... SANJEEWA FERNANDO I never told a victim story about my imprisonment. Instead, I told a transformation story - about ho... FERNANDO FLORES There are metaphors more real than the people who walk in the street. There are images tucked away i... FERNANDO PESSOA We never love anyone. What we love is the idea we have of someone. It's our own concept—our own se... FERNANDO PESSOA You have one big mythology in your favor: Everyone believes that you Europeans are impeccable. But I... FERNANDO FLORES Without madness what is man But a wholesome beast, Postponed corpse that begets? FERNANDO PESSOA Não sou nada. Nunca serei nada. Não posso querer ser nada. À parte isso, tenho ... FERNANDO PESSOA I am nothing. I'll never be anything. I couldn't want to be something. Apart from tha... FERNANDO PESSOA Bulk of today's consumer credit expansion has been driven by mainly foreign banks tempting people to... AJITH FERNANDO We have some resemblance of stability now, which is normal in conflicts like ours. And that's enough... AJITH FERNANDO I've never been part of a comeback like that. It was just huge. FERNANDO PISANI We knew right from the outset that we matched up against them. FERNANDO PISANI We never looked at it like that. We just said, 'Let's keep playing like we're playing.' We played a ... FERNANDO PISANI We're a good skating team. We knew going into the third period our best hockey was yet to come. FERNANDO PISANI Some of the guys say that's the only move I have, but I like to think I have more than just one. FERNANDO PISANI From the style and weapons used we're convinced it's the work of the Tigers. It's definitely the wor... CHANDRA FERNANDO No intelligent idea can gain general acceptance unless some stupidity is mixed in with it FERNANDO PESSOA I never paid any attention to people who told me to go out and live. I belonged always to whatever w... FERNANDO PESSOA I didn't think it was that bad. I could still see. I wasn't retreating. I would have stepped it up i... FERNANDO VARGAS It was a good precaution. FERNANDO SENRA I was prepared for a tough match. In the second set, he started to serve much better. He started to ... FERNANDO GONZALEZ There's nothing new on our car since Australia. FERNANDO ALONSO I am a perfectionist. FERNANDO VARGAS And I'll be the first, ... to commend Mayor Bloomberg for not only recognizing that, but for making ... FERNANDO FERRER I don't think fifth is the perfect place to start at this circuit because overtaking is so difficult... FERNANDO ALONSO Capital adequacy is a prime requirement for credit growth when it comes to a Commercial Bank. Howeve... SANJEEWA FERNANDO Art is a spiritual, immaterial respite from the hardships of life FERNANDO BOTERO I've always been an ironic dreamer, unfaithful to my inner promises. Like a complete outsider, ... FERNANDO PESSOA Everything around me is evaporating. My whole life, my memories, my imagination and its contents, my... FERNANDO PESSOA The value of things is not the time they last, but the intensity with which they occur. That is why ... FERNANDO PESSOA If after I die, people want to write my biography, there is nothing simpler. They only need two date... FERNANDO PESSOA I had come from wondrous lands, from landscapes more enchanting than life, but only to myself did I ... FERNANDO PESSOA He sort of put a wet towel over the fire but he's really not giving into anything. BASIL FERNANDO He made one huge mistake in the arrest of those human rights activists. BASIL FERNANDO This is a decade-old pattern: assurances by the government right before donor meetings, followed by ... BASIL FERNANDO There are casualties but the fate of the commander is not known yet. He was critically wounded. CHANDRA FERNANDO We talk all the time, FERNANDO FERRER Creo que admiramos con lo de admirable que hay en nosotros y nunca he tropezado con nadie verdaderam... FERNANDO SAVATER To write is to forget. Literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life. Music soothes, the vis... FERNANDO PESSOA My soul is impatient with itself, as with a bothersome child; its restlessness keeps growing and is ... FERNANDO PESSOA You know, Joe (Cannon) is one of the great goalkeepers in the league. But we have a roster full of p... FERNANDO CLAVIJO