Das pädagogische Bedenken: „Darf man Kinder mit dem Hokuspokus afrikanischer Zauberer und böser Feen unterhalten?“ kommt ungefähr der Frage gleich, ob man den Eskimos ihre Amulette und Zauberpriester weiterhin gestatten soll. Literarisch ließe sich gegen Märchen wie „La Belle au Bois Dormant“, „Le Petit Cahperon Rouge“, „Le Chat Botté“, „Riquet à la Houppé» eigentlich nichts einwenden; waren sie doch von einem Charles Perrault (de l’Academie Francaise) und seiner Geliebten, einer Comtesse d’Aulnay […] in die Aristokratensalons des Louis Quatorze eingeführt worden und hatten sich so manierlich, so chevaleresk aufgeführt, dass sie überall als geistige Sprösslinge ihrer durchaus hoffähigen Editoren empfunden wurden. Ihr plebejischer, ja asiatischer, ja negroider Ursprung wurde erst im XIX. Jahrhundert aufgedeckt, als in Deutschland und Rußland Sprachforscher ihren Stammbäumen nachgingen: als die Rechtsgelehrten Brüder Grimm ihre Erzählungen unverblümt dem Volksmund nachschrieben, um sie „in letzter Minute für die armen und einfachen Leute zu retten, denen man sie vorenthielt…“ Aber was da zum Vorschein kam, wuchs den Philologen über den Kopf, wie das so oft im Eifer der Wissenschaften vorkommt. Bei ihrem Vorhaben, im reinsten Interesse der Germanistik heimische Sagenschätze schlichter Bauern und ehrbarer Ammen freizulegen, waren sie auf Aushöhlungen gestoßen, aus denen ihnen geile Succuben entgegenflatterten, giftiges Schlangen- und Basiliskengezücht entgegenkroch, der Blutgeruch shakesperarischer Hexenkessel in die Nase stieg. Auch hatten sie damit, ohne es zu wollen, einer überall gärenden permanenten Verschwörung Vorschub geleistet – nämlich einer der Kinder aller Rassen, aller Zeitläufte, die heimtückisch, mit dem Revanchegelüst zu kurz gekommener Zwerge das abstruse Riesenreich der Erwachsenen unterwühlen.
Walter Mehring
Related Wie wohlhabend, wie einflussreich sie waren, wie sie prosperiert hatten unter einer Regierung, die s... IAN MCEWAN Der Wahnsinn ist nur die Kehrseite der Macht, beide Ungeheuer wurden erschaffen, um einander zu näh... FAWZI MELLAH Diese jungen Menschen hatten keine Wünsche, keine Überzeugungen, geschweige denn Ideale, sie streb... JULI ZEH Mädchen kriegen Titten und vergessen, wie klug und mutig sie einmal waren. Auch Jungen haben ihre e... CHUCK PALAHNIUK Olaf hielt sich keineswegs für etwas Besonderes; seine Heavy-Metal-Kutte und die schwarzen T-Shirts... JULI ZEH auf einem spielplatz im park hat sich ein junges paar auf zwei schaukeln gesetzt und führt ein lang... DAVID RAMIRER Geschichten sind die Essenz des Lebens, Apolonia", sagte er, so ernst wie immer, und sie hatte das G... JENNY-MAI NUYEN Die Gesamtheit dieser Produktionsverhältnisse bildet die ökonomische Struktur der Gesellschaft, di... 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KARL KRAUS Die großartigste Fähigkeit des menschlichen Geistes ist vielleicht die, mit Schmerzen fertig zu we... PATRICK ROTHFUSS Wer niemals ganze Nachmittage lang mit glühenden Ohren und verstrubbeltem Haar über einem Buch sa�... MICHAEL ENDE [...] dass es völlig hirnrissig ist, etwas für andere Menschen zu tun, weil man selbst ein Mensch ... JULI ZEH Natürlich dauerte es eine Weile, bis alles kompliziert genug wurde, um Gaswolken, Galaxien, Planete... TERRY PRATCHETT Das Ufer des Flusses und der vielen glitzernden Bächlein, die ihm auf allerlei Umwegen zuströmten,... EDGAR ALLAN POE Am Anfang merkt man noch nicht viel davon. Man hat eines Tages keine Lust mehr irgendetwas zu tun. N... MICHAEL ENDE Aber sie halten es für eine Legende!' 'Weil sie es dafür halten wollen. Vielleicht würden si... KAI MEYER Wie es im Zeitalter der Könige naiv gewesen wäre zu glauben, dass der erstgeborene Königssohn der... J.M. COETZEE Das gute Buch macht den Menschen einzigartig und befreit ihm aus der Menge. Es gibt ihm die Möglich... DAVID GROSSMAN Im frühen Mittelalter, im Anschluss an die Kreuzzüge, entwickelte sich dann die deutsche Alraunsag... HANNS HEINZ EWERS Sie entsann sich, wie sie an einem heißen Julitag unter dem Baum gesessen hatte an der Seite von je... NICHOLAS SPARKS Wie einer, der auf fremden Meeren fuhr, so bin ich bei den ewig Einheimischen; die vollen ... RAINER MARIA RILKE Die meisten Lügen sind wahr und spinnen sich von ganz allein, kaum jemand kannte diese Wahrheit bes... CHRISTOPH MARZI Anders als die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika haben sich die meisten europäischen Nationalstaaten ... NAVID KERMANI Die älteste Sprache, sagt man, sei das Indogermanische, Indo-europäische, das Sanskrit. Aber es is... THOMAS MANN einige gitarren, ein klavier, mikrophone von der decke, kleine schaumstoffpyramiden an den wänden. ... DAVID RAMIRER Verstehst du, Frauen sind wie Feuer, wie Flammen. Manche Frauen sind wie Kerzen, hell und freundlich... PATRICK ROTHFUSS Da kam noch einmal – ein einziges Mal – durch das Schweigen der Nacht das süße Seufzen wieder ... EDGAR ALLAN POE Ein Rezensent kommt mir manchmal vor wie der Mann, der eine Wolke beobachtet und ihr übelnimmt, da�... ARNO SCHMIDT Irgendwo war mir ein Rest von Glauben an den freien Willen geblieben, aber an diesem Morgen war ich ... ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER Geschichten, das wusste Jude, waren wertvoll, denn sie halfen einem, die Welt zu verstehen. Sie lenk... CHRISTOPH MARZI Sie kannst du vielleicht täuschen, aber mich nicht." Er sah mich von der Seite an. Offenbar h... SAMANTHA YOUNG [W]elcher Verdienst wäre größer als der Mut und das Vertrauen, ja auch die Nächstenliebe, die im... KAHLIL GIBRAN Worte sind die blassen Schatten vergessener Namen. Und wie Namen Macht innewohnt, wohnt auch Worten ... PATRICK ROTHFUSS Einige Leute« – der kleine Mann blickte skeptisch auf die vorbeiströmende Basismaterie – »ins... 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SEBALD Über des Propheten Gebein ist jedes Staubkorn ein Pfeiler von Licht, Aufrecht von der Ku... AL-FAITURI Wir alle, ob schuldig oder nicht, ob alt oder jung, müssen die Vergangenheit annehmen. Wir alle sin... RICHARD VON WEIZSäCKER Im Verlaufe nicht nur der ökonomischen, sondern auch der politischen Globalisierung kann das kardin... HELMUT SCHMIDT Ich erinnere mich noch an Ihre Worte: „Die Welt ist ein Schlachthaus und ein Bordell.“ Damals sc... ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER Und wenn ich morgens auf meinem aus dem georgischen Dorf Besch-taschen stammenden Gebetsteppich knie... JOSEF WINKLER Truhe hatte eine ganz einfache Strategie, um mit Dingen fertig zu werden, die sich zwischen ihr und ... TERRY PRATCHETT Spione überall, wie?«Er sah sich in dem großen Raum um, und seine Aufmerksamkeit verweilte bei ei... TERRY PRATCHETT Der Pragmatismus ersetzt uns alles, was früher die großen Ideen, die Ideologien und Religionen, de... 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RENE AUBERJONOIS Im Jahr 1970 noch protestierten Feministinnen gegen die Vergegenständlichung von Frauen in mondäne... KATHLEEN BARRY Jahrtausende lang haben die Menschen nicht herausgefunden, was es mit der Liebe auf sich hat. Wie vi... STEPHENIE MEYER Wir haben Ärzte, Rechtsanwälte und extrem belesene Leute, die einige der größten Fans der Serie ... CHASE MASTERSON Auch, wenn ihre Nachbarn litten - solange das Leid nicht bei ihnen selbst Einkehr hielt, zogen sie e... MARC LEVY Erlaube," fuhr Meister Abraham fort, "erlaube, mein Johannes, mit dem Just magst du mich kaum vergle... E.T.A. HOFFMANN In meinem Krankenzimmer herrschte ein Kommen und Gehen. Ärzte, die Stationsschwester und ihre Schar... KATE MOSSE Ich liebe die großen Verachtenden, weil sie die großen Verehrenden sind und Pfeile der Sehnsucht n... FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Ich habe immer gedacht, dass ich die seltsamste Person auf dieser Welt bin, aber später dachte ich,... FRIDA KAHLO Habe nun, ach! Philosophie, Juristerei und Medizin, Und leider auch Theologie Durchau... JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Das Meer war ein lebendiges Wesen, so unberechenbar wie ein großer Theaterschauspieler: es konnte r... CECELIA AHERN in der Fußgängerzone kam Wind auf wie immer Wind aufkommt bei der Suche nach jenem richtigen Ort d... MARION POSCHMANN Was man über Angst erreichte, das wurde stets auch mit Angst bezahlt. Die Mächtigen fielen irgendw... DAVID GRAY Ebenso hilft es der Seele nichts, wenn der Leib heilige Kleider anlegt, wie's die Priester und Geist... MARTIN LUTHER Während die erste Tasse Tee mir die Lippen und Kehle befeuchtet, die zweite meine Trauer vertr... LU TONG Die Realität in den 1960ern waren total anders. Um zu kommunizieren schrieben wir Briefe auf unsere... STAR TREK Wie lieb und luftig perlt die Blase Der Witwe Klicko in dem Glase. WILHELM BUSCH Aber die Liebe lässt einen genauer und immer genauer hinsehen. Man bemerkt den Handrücken, eine Dr... ALLY CONDIE Mit Worten über Worte sprechen zu wollen, das ist, als würde man versuchen, mit einem Bleistift eb... PATRICK ROTHFUSS Kennst du das Land, wo die Zitronen blüh'n, Im dunkeln Laub die Goldorangen glüh'n, Ein ... JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Ich habe in diesen Tagen viel über Liebe nachgedacht, und darüber, wie ich das Wort hasste und es ... JOHN UPDIKE Wenn Leute uns ermutigen, unsere Träume zu verfolgen, dann warnt uns niemand davor, was passiert, w... ADRIANA POPESCU Wenn die Menschen wüssten, was der Tod ist, dann hätten sie keine Angst mehr vor ihm. Und wenn sie... MICHAEL ENDE Der Schmerz, den wir alle über diesen Verlust empfinden, erinnert mich, erinnert uns, daran, dass, ... J.K. ROWLING Jeder erzählt in seinem eigenen Kopf eine Geschichte über sich. Ununterbrochen. Die ganze Zeit. Un... PATRICK ROTHFUSS Ich möchte wissen", sagte er vor sich hin, "was eigentlich in einem Buch los ist, solang es zu ist.... MICHAEL ENDE Der Politik trauen wir nicht von hier bis zur nächsten Türklinke, aber sie soll bitte schön für ... PEER STEINBRüCK In Homers Ilias scheint Thetis jedenfalls keine Einwände gegen die Beziehung ihres Sohnes Ac... YUVAL NOAH HARARI
More Walter Mehring
With some deals already on the table and others supposedly on the table, food company managers sudde... JAINE MEHRING Given the risks related to closing the deal, they are probably pretty comparable. A better situation... JAINE MEHRING Food stocks are viewed as 'classically defensive,' meaning that the earnings hold up well across a d... JAINE MEHRING I've asked the company for some time [about whether Morrison would leave], and the [recent] answer w... JAINE MEHRING There's a belief that the company is going to miss the consensus [earnings estimate] in a big way. I... JAINE MEHRING Gifts must affect the receiver to the point of shock. WALTER BENJAMIN America's health care system is neither healthy, caring, nor a system. WALTER CRONKITE I look forward to making tangible and inspirational contributions to the Houston Technology Center... WALTER O'BRIEN Every passion borders on the chaotic, but the collector's passion borders on the chaos of memori... WALTER BENJAMIN All human knowledge takes the form of interpretation. WALTER BENJAMIN I can never believe how much time and energy and money and talent and everything else is being poure... WALTER BECKER There are some things that I write that I know are personal in a way, or the gag is so obscure that ... WALTER BECKER We have been fortunate enough to do something that has always been out of the mainstream and yet hav... WALTER BECKER All our wives are experimental psychologists. WALTER BECKER If there's a strange way to do something, I would certainly like to know about it. I feel that I... WALTER BECKER I always look for the weirdest note to land on. I felt that that was the least I could do for the gr... WALTER BECKER From a linguistic point of view, you can't really take much objection to the notion that a show ... WALTER BECKER That's sort of what we wanted to do: conquer from the margins, sort of find our place in the mid... WALTER BECKER You have a kid, and it's like, 'He's gotta go to college! Gotta have some clothes!' WALTER BECKER '8 Miles to Pancake Day' is a reconciliation of the classic space-time dilemma. WALTER BECKER It seemed like the more complex the music we were playing, the less able we were to guarantee its co... WALTER BECKER There was a film called 'FM,' and we were asked to do the title song. And I said, 'Does ... WALTER BECKER 'Deacon Blues' was special for me. It's the only time I remember mixing a record all day... WALTER BECKER The protagonist in 'Deacon Blues' is a triple-L loser - an L-L-L Loser. It's not so much... WALTER BECKER There's a great freedom in writing by yourself. You can write anything you want. WALTER BECKER I spent a couple of years not doing any music or anything, just here in Hawaii trying to get healthy... WALTER BECKER I'm not interested in a rock/jazz fusion. WALTER BECKER It's great fun to play with a really good band. WALTER BECKER People are really exercised about one particular thing, and that is themselves. They will bore you e... WALTER BECKER Rock music is being systematically merged with fashion. WALTER BECKER Cynicism, I contend, is the wailing of someone who believes that things are, or should be, or could ... WALTER BECKER When you start to work with someone, there's a negotiation that takes place involving what's... WALTER BECKER My primary influences were the best jazz players from the 50's and 60's and later some of th... WALTER BECKER I listen to a mixture of old jazz, contemporary, pop, some world beat stuff and various odds and end... WALTER BECKER I'm a self-taught musician aside from what I've been able to pick up from other players. WALTER BECKER Honor sinks where commerce long prevails. WALTER BAGEHOT You may talk of the tyranny of Nero and Tiberius; but the real tyranny is the tyranny of your next-d... WALTER BAGEHOT An influential member of parliament has not only to pay much money to become such, and to give time ... WALTER BAGEHOT No real English gentleman, in his secret soul, was ever sorry for the death of a political economist... WALTER BAGEHOT The being without an opinion is so painful to human nature that most people will leap to a hasty opi... WALTER BAGEHOT No great work has ever been produced except after a long interval of still and musing meditation. WALTER BAGEHOT Public opinion is a permeating influence, and it exacts obedience to itself; it requires us to drink... WALTER BAGEHOT The habit of common and continuous speech is a symptom of mental deficiency. It proceeds from not kn... WALTER BAGEHOT All the best stories in the world are but one story in reality - the story of escape. It is the only... WALTER BAGEHOT Life is a school of probability. WALTER BAGEHOT It is unsound for an independent editor to be a financial contributor to any cause which would cause... WALTER ANNENBERG I have very little respect for Nancy Reagan. There is something about her that is very petty. WALTER ANNENBERG I cannot compromise or inhibit my independence. WALTER ANNENBERG Your Majesty, I took the liberty because I was so desirous of visiting alone with you for a few minu... WALTER ANNENBERG God grant you the strength to fight off the temptations of surrender. WALTER ANNENBERG You will not be satisfied unless you are contributing something to or for the benefit of others. WALTER ANNENBERG What matters is that you are doing what you think is right based on the standards which you hold. WALTER ANNENBERG The greatest happiness comes from being vitally interested in something that excites all your energi... WALTER ANNENBERG Live rich, die poor; never make the mistake of doing it the other way round. WALTER ANNENBERG I shall participate, I shall contribute, and in so doing, I will be the gainer. WALTER ANNENBERG Adversity tests us from time to time and it is inevitable that this testing continues during life. WALTER ANNENBERG Accomplish something every day of your life. WALTER ANNENBERG People who think about art as an investment are pathetic. WALTER ANNENBERG The test of character is having the ability to meet challenges. WALTER ANNENBERG In the world today, a young lady who does not have a college education just is not educated. WALTER ANNENBERG Never buy four C-plus paintings when you can buy one A. WALTER ANNENBERG My country has been very good to me; I must be good to my country. WALTER ANNENBERG Some people find an interest in making money, and though they appear to be slaving, many actually en... WALTER ANNENBERG Many activities and team play participation will give you a training that will prove invaluable late... WALTER ANNENBERG Too much work, too much vacation, too much of any one thing is unsound. WALTER ANNENBERG The greatest power is not money power, but political power. WALTER ANNENBERG I am responsible. Although I may not be able to prevent the worst from happening, I am responsible f... WALTER ANDERSON Good listeners, like precious gems, are to be treasured. WALTER ANDERSON We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, ne... WALTER ANDERSON I'm not afraid to learn from my coaches. WALTER ALSTON I put myself through college playing pool. WALTER ALSTON I always liked Casey Stengel as a manager because he seemed to have a grasp of so many things. WALTER ALSTON The toughest thing about managing is knowing your personnel and what it can give you under all condi... WALTER ALSTON I do worry about tomorrow's game, but never about next year's job. WALTER ALSTON I've won plenty of games by knowing when to take out my pitcher; whom to replace him with; or ho... WALTER ALSTON I think for being not unsympathetic that their appearance may also appear, so differently it, must; ... ULRICH WALTER Every astronaut flew into space for a living. But while NASA has not solved the security problems, I... ULRICH WALTER Judgment comes from experience - and experience comes from bad judgment. WALTER WRISTON She's been on more laps than a napkin. WALTER WINCHELL Nothing recedes like success. WALTER WINCHELL Hollywood is where they shoot too many pictures and not enough actors. WALTER WINCHELL Broadway is a main artery of New York life - the hardened artery. WALTER WINCHELL The best way to get along is never to forgive an enemy or forget a friend. WALTER WINCHELL The only ones who like Milton Berle are his mother - and the public. WALTER WINCHELL Today's gossip is tomorrow's headline. WALTER WINCHELL I never lost a friend I wanted to keep. WALTER WINCHELL What I would like to be remembered for is that Walter Washington changed the spirit of the people of... WALTER WASHINGTON Mine has been a concern for the people, a concern to maintain stability, a concern to get people wor... WALTER WASHINGTON I passed the Bar on the first shot, But I have never practiced law. WALTER WAGER I always liked spy stories. WALTER WAGER I use the city because it saves time, I don't have to do a lot of research on the setting. WALTER WAGER In France, I learned about wine and cheese. WALTER WAGER I keep working under the delusion that someday a library will ask for my manuscripts. WALTER WAGER The government of the German Democratic Republic rejects secret policies. It works for the people, a... WALTER ULBRICHT May we soon enjoy the fruits of our labor in a peaceful and united Germany. WALTER ULBRICHT The nature of a democracy consists to an important degree in the right of the people to criticize pr... WALTER ULBRICHT The more you participate in our common endeavors, the more successful your work in the factory, mine... WALTER ULBRICHT The West German population would protest passionately if it knew what secret meetings between the fe... WALTER ULBRICHT When has there ever been a government in German history that came to the people and revealed its det... WALTER ULBRICHT The plan shows that the twenty million people in the German democratic Republic and in the democrati... WALTER ULBRICHT In the past, people worked together only when some great disaster threatened. WALTER ULBRICHT The success of each of us benefits us all, and the success of us all benefits each of us individuall... WALTER ULBRICHT Something new has happened: For the first time in German history our fatherland is guided by a plan ... WALTER ULBRICHT The guiding principle is not to manufacture the goods everyone needs, rather to earn profits for a f... WALTER ULBRICHT The victory of the working people over the exploiters and slave holders is at the same time the vict... WALTER ULBRICHT Let us show our fellow countrymen and the entire world what the Germans can do when they work for pe... WALTER ULBRICHT This hunger for profits causes great misery for the people. WALTER ULBRICHT It is the most important contribution we can make to speeding up reunification. WALTER ULBRICHT Let there be great enthusiasm for the plan throughout the entire republic that will overcome all obs... WALTER ULBRICHT Gifts fall from heaven only in fairy tales. WALTER ULBRICHT The Old Firm clubs are not easy clubs to manage and sometimes I think frustration comes in that, in ... WALTER SMITH There are people for whom Rangers Football Club is their entire way of life. WALTER SMITH From my own point of view, I hope everybody would realise that people who work in Scottish football ... WALTER SMITH Paper and ink are all but trash, if I cannot find the thought which the writer did think. WALTER SMITH I started out in Scotland, not as a footballer of any note, and I didn't play to draw the attent... WALTER SMITH If you can achieve winning a league championship, that, to me, is the full test of the team and mana... WALTER SMITH Whether people like it or not, you have to say the Old Firm are a major part of Scottish football. I... WALTER SMITH Our works decay and disappear but God gentlest works stay looking down on the ruins we toil to rear. WALTER SMITH The race of mankind would perish did they cease to aid each other. We cannot exist without mutual he... WALTER SCOTT He is the best sailor who can steer within fewest points of the wind, and exact a motive power out o... WALTER SCOTT A rusty nail placed near a faithful compass, will sway it from the truth, and wreck the argosy. WALTER SCOTT Teach your children poetry; it opens the mind, lends grace to wisdom and makes the heroic virtues he... WALTER SCOTT Faces that have charmed us the most escape us the soonest. WALTER SCOTT Success - keeping your mind awake and your desire asleep. WALTER SCOTT When thinking about companions gone, we feel ourselves doubly alone. WALTER SCOTT One hour of life, crowded to the full with glorious action, and filled with noble risks, is worth wh... WALTER SCOTT Love rules the court, the camp, the grove, And men below, and saints above: For love is heaven, and ... WALTER SCOTT Discretion is the perfection of reason, and a guide to us in all the duties of life. WALTER SCOTT Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness. WALTER SCOTT To all, to each, a fair good-night, and pleasing dreams, and slumbers light. WALTER SCOTT What I have to say is far more important than how long my eyelashes are. WALTER SCOTT A lawyer without history or literature is a mechanic, a mere working mason; if he possesses some kno... WALTER SCOTT Success or failure in business is caused more by the mental attitude even than by mental capacities. WALTER SCOTT We build statues out of snow, and weep to see them melt. WALTER SCOTT Look back, and smile on perils past. WALTER SCOTT When I come to London, I always like to see what's playing at the NFT. WALTER SALLES We all knew the book well because it's the cult book in Latin America. For me, this was a sacred... WALTER SALLES The Sundance Institute has been vital to the film communities of Latin America. WALTER SALLES The other aspect is that you become much more aware of the structural problems that pertain to that ... WALTER SALLES The necessity to conceptualise has to come very early on, and defining a vector of development for t... WALTER SALLES The films that I've done before were original stories most of the time, I did two adaptations be... WALTER SALLES That's why I have always admired documentaries, because they open windows that can make you unde... WALTER SALLES So when I was very young, I longed for Brazil. WALTER SALLES So the search for a father in Central Station is also a search for a country. WALTER SALLES So I feel a responsibility to help first-time film-makers in Brazil, but also to increase the dialog... WALTER SALLES No, I worked a lot for European television, doing documentaries in Brazil. WALTER SALLES It was a complex endeavor so without Robert Redford's constant support we wouldn't have gott... WALTER SALLES I'm much more interested in living specific experiences in films. WALTER SALLES I went to Cuba maybe eight or nine times. WALTER SALLES I did documentaries for maybe 10 years before I turned to fiction films. WALTER SALLES I come from a country and also a continent whose identity is in the making. We're a very young c... WALTER SALLES But I also think that the more you reason collectively about what the project should be at the begin... WALTER SALLES Also, there are now new laws in Brazil which create incentives for Argentine and Latin American film... WALTER SALLES My father was a diplomat for part of his life and I jumped from country to country and culture to cu... WALTER SALLES I come from Brazil, which is a Portuguese speaking part of the continent. WALTER SALLES And my generation in Brazil was influenced by Cinema Novo. So we're echoing what's been done... WALTER SALLES Also, I knew that the impact of Motorcycle Diaries was going to be so resonant for all of us who wen... WALTER SALLES A filmmaker can never be distant from his roots. WALTER SALLES The Peruvian faces are completely different from that faces in Argentina and in Brazil. WALTER SALLES There are still 500,000 persons afflicted with leprosy in Latin America, so it is still very much pr... WALTER SALLES On the contrary, I'm a strong believer in the necessity of imperfection coming into the film. WALTER SALLES There is no greater calling than to serve your fellow men. There is no greater contribution than to ... WALTER REUTHER I don't sleep. I hate those little slices of death. WALTER REISCH A scientist who cannot prove what he has accomplished, has accomplished nothing. WALTER REISCH Tired minds don't plan well. Sleep first, plan later. WALTER REISCH This I know; the spirit of Man cannot be stopped. WALTER REISCH There's no term to the work of a scientist. WALTER REISCH Don't you see what's at stake here? The ultimate aim of all science to penetrate the unknown... WALTER REISCH Christianity is in its nature revolutionary. WALTER RAUSCHENBUSCH Every generation tries to put its doctrine on a high shelf where the children can not reach it. WALTER RAUSCHENBUSCH Whoever sets any bounds for the reconstructive power of the religious life over the social relations... WALTER RAUSCHENBUSCH Whosoever, in writing a modern history, shall follow truth too near the heels, it may happily strike... WALTER RALEIGH Fain would I climb, yet fear I to fall. WALTER RALEIGH I don't have to jump up and smile just because TV wants me to. WALTER PAYTON Money isn't everything. Do you get married because of money? Do you have kids because of money? WALTER PAYTON I try to run on the hottest days, at the hottest time, because that's the most difficult time. A... WALTER PAYTON All people, regardless of whether they're athletes or not, should treat people the way they want... WALTER PAYTON If I'm going to get hit, why let the guy who's going to hit me get the easiest and best shot... WALTER PAYTON Running alone is the toughest. You get to the point where you have to keep pushing yourself. WALTER PAYTON There were high school coaches such as Charles Boston that took me under his wing and taught me the ... WALTER PAYTON You look at a Pete Rose to be the terrific athlete he is and then he falls on hard times, but when h... WALTER PAYTON I wanted to be a professional drummer. WALTER PAYTON During the off-season when you see other people playing in the Super Bowl, you wonder, and you say t... WALTER PAYTON When you speak of role models, when we talk to our kids, everybody is a role model, everyone, just a... WALTER PAYTON I want to be remembered like Pete Rose. 'Charlie Hustle.' I want people to say, 'Whereve... WALTER PAYTON God's been very good to me. I'm truly blessed. WALTER PAYTON Remember, tomorrow is promised to no one. WALTER PAYTON I developed my training routine going into my senior year at Jackson State. I found this sandbank by... WALTER PAYTON If you could go back and change things, you might not be the person you are right now. WALTER PAYTON Never die easy. Why run out of bounds and die easy? Make that linebacker pay. It carries into all fa... WALTER PAYTON Most important thought, if you love someone, tell him or her, for you never know what tomorrow may h... WALTER PAYTON For art comes to you proposing frankly to give nothing but the highest quality to your moments as th... WALTER PATER To regard all things and principles of things as inconstant modes or fashions has more and more beco... WALTER PATER And the fifteenth century was an impassioned age, so ardent and serious in its pursuit of art that i... WALTER PATER A counted number of pulses only is given to us of a variegated, dramatic life. How may we see in the... WALTER PATER With myself, how to pass time becomes sometimes the question - unavoidably, though it strikes me as ... WALTER PATER In a sense it might even be said that our failure is to form habits: for, after all, habit is relati... WALTER PATER The service of philosophy, of speculative culture, towards the human spirit, is to rouse, to startle... WALTER PATER Experience, already reduced to a group of impressions, is ringed round for each one of us by that th... WALTER PATER At first sight experience seems to bury us under a flood of external objects, pressing upon us with ... WALTER PATER