Dad. Are your hearing aids in?
Alice Pendergrast
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Not 'eight,' Dad, 'aids.' Hearing aids.
— Alice Pendergrast
We have many family dinners and get-togethers throughout the year. And it is harder and harder to include him in conversations and games. It doesn't have to be this way.
— Alice Pendergrast
The reason the lights shimmers and changes in iridescence is that tiny holes that are exactly the wavelength of light being reflected, ... right now the size of chips is as small as it can be using lenses. The trouble is, as you go to higher wavelengths, the glass absorbs the light. The solution is to use mirrors, which will reflect most wavelengths until you get up into x-rays.
— Mark Pendergrast
I would say that all the themes of the book are there from the beginning, including the individual, the social, magic, religion, and also science,
— Mark Pendergrast
The fact that they can double their voice capacity is a claim you're not hearing much from other carriers.
— Pat Comack