Children have a good number of teeth by the time they reach a year old. Their moms usually have them on bottles during the ages of 6 months to a year and that can cause tooth decay, because what the children are drinking stays on their teeth.
Diane Thomas
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Children keep their molars until age 12. Keeping the baby teeth in is also important because they hold the spaces for permanent teeth.
— Diane Thomas
I think any time we can recognize children for doing what we want them to do, there can be no harm in it. We want them in school and we want them to be learning. I think we need to recognize that behavior.
— Carol Thomas
If the children are going to have any kind of floor area, you're in kind of a Catch 22 as a staff member.
— Diane Wildfong
We are really striving to have children go through there, at least the Survive Alive house, sometime this year.
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Smoothies are easy to make, and they can drink them while they are doing other things. Children are more likely to eat breakfast if their parents eat breakfast.
— Diane Sylvester