Chebeague Island is the largest of the islands in Casco Bay, near Portland Maine. Everyone knew everybody else on the island, and if they were not related, they were friends, or at the very least knew everything there was to know about each other, including what they had in their stew pot at any given time. Most of the islanders, including the Kimberly family, were descendants of the “Stone Sloopers.” On Chebeague Island they built three wharves. The Stone Wharf, or Hamilton Landing as it was known, is still in use today. The one masted sloops, sometimes known as Chebacco Boats, sailed along the rocky Maine coast transporting granite and stone from Maine’s coastal quarries, to east coast cities as far south as Chesapeake Bay. The Washington Monument and many of the governmental buildings in Washington, D.C., were built of granite brought up the Potomac River by the Stone Sloopers. During the 19th Century, they also supplied rock ballast for the sailing ships that came into New England ports. The Stone Sloopers are also remembered for building Greek revival homes, which can still be seen on the island.

Captain Hank Bracker, "Seawater One...."

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Castine predates the Plymouth Colony by 7 years and, being one of the oldest settlements in America, has a rich history. Founded during the winter of 1613 as Fort Pentagöet, named after the French Baron of Pentagöet, Castine is located in eastern Maine or “Down East,” as it is now popularly called. During much of the 17th and 18th centuries, the French Parish of Acadia included parts of eastern Quebec and the Maritime Provinces. The pine-forested land of French controlled Maine extended as far south as Fort Pentagöet and the Kennebec River.
That same year, 1613, English Captain Samuel Argall raided Mount Desert Island, the largest island to be found in present-day Maine, thus starting a long-running dispute over the boundary between French Acadia and the English colonies lying to the south. In 1654, Major General Robert Sedgwick led 100 New England volunteers and 200 of Oliver Cromwell's soldiers on an expedition against French Acadia. Sedgwick captured and plundered Fort Pentagöet and occupied Acadia for the next 16 years.
This relatively short period ended when the Dutch bombarded the French garrison defending Penobscot Bay and the Bagaduce River, thereby dominating Castine in 1674 and again in 1676. It was during this time that they completely destroyed Fort Pentagöet.
After the Treaty of Breda brought peace to the region in 1667, French authorities dispatched Baron Jean-Vincent de Saint- Castin to take command of Fort Pentagöet. The community surrounding the fort served as the capital of this French colony from 1670 to 1674, and was named Castine after him.
Captain Hank Bracker, "Seawater One...."
On March 12, 2015, the AIM Development Company, that deals in scrap metal, met to discuss demolishing the now defunct Verso Paper Mill in Bucksport, located at the head of Penobscot Bay. The paper mill was first built by the Maine Seaboard Paper Company in 1930. Demolition of the mill is expected to be completed in 2016. However, company representatives and town officials did not discuss what AIM might do with the 250-acre waterfront site once the demolition work is complete. Originally it was believed that a recycling facility, using the deep-water port access to export salvaged metals, would be the most likely thing to be built on this site; however this plan has now been scrapped. In 1980 this mill employed more than 1,350 workers and was the largest employer in Bucksport, a town of about 5,000 residents.
The demolition and removal took much longer than anyone expected and as salvage crews continued working, a fire broke out on March 19, 2017. Apparently the fire erupted at about 8:30 a,m. as workers using cutting torches, cut into the metal exterior wall of the mill. Spreading to the roof of the building, it was debated as to the feasibility of allowing the fire to destroy the remaining structure. Considering the safety involved firefighters from Bucksport and surrounding towns extinguished the fire. It is expected that the remaining remnants will be demolished by the middle of 2017 in fact the company has open rail cars in position, waiting to remove whatever is left of the mill.
Captain Hank Bracker, "Seawater One...."
Twenty years prior to my birth, Marie Curie advocated the use of Radiography in the diagnosis of injuries and treatment of wounded soldiers during World War I. The advances in X-ray machines were rapid and by the 1920’s they were everywhere. Shoe-fitting, fluoroscope machines, known in England as Pedoscopes, which displayed a continuous X-ray image on a monitor, were outside most of the better shoe stores and were a great toy to play with. I thought that it was fun to hop onto a Pedoscope, when the clerk wasn’t looking, and stick my feet into its openings. Looking down through the scope, I could see the bones in my toes wiggle around. My family doctor, Dr. Kooperstein, and his colleague, Dr. Franklin, bought an upright fluoroscope machine, giving me a chance to see my insides moving around in real time. Wow, what impressed me was how complicated everything was inside of me! Modern medicine was making great advances and I was there to witness them. Penicillin came into use in the early 1940’s and perhaps could have saved my sister’s life, if only it had been developed fifteen years earlier.
The twenty-second bursts of radiation from the shoe machines and that of the fluoroscope machine used by my doctors were many times greater than the X-ray machines in use now. Even at these elevated bursts of radiation, I doubt that I was in any great danger, but shoe clerks fitting shoes have been known to receive radiation burns requiring the amputation of their hands and arms. Doctors and nurses were also in danger of the effects of being over-radiated, but at that time radiation poisoning wasn’t known and was of little concern to anyone.
Captain Hank Bracker, "Seawater One...."