Chacun d'entre nous a beau avoir une certaine capacité de résistance on finit tous par mourir d'amour, ou plutôt d'absence d'amour, c'est au bout du compte inéluctablement mortel.
Michel Houellebecq
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Qui sabote notre sommeil ou p... GUILLAUME MUSSO C’est ainsi que, par exemple, l’idée de l’Infini, qui est en réalité la plus positive de to... RENé GUéNON L'amour altruiste est la joie de partager la vie de ceux qui nous entourent, compagne, enfants, pare... MATTHIEU RICARD Je parle de cette douleur qui est tellement grande qu'elle ne semble même pas naître à l'intérie... ROSA MONTERO Nous émettons en continue une fréquence distincte qui influence le monde qui nous entoure. Prenez ... MELKI RISH Quant aux toilettes, elles etainet tout simplement inexistantes. Pour faire ses besoins, il fallait ... ANINA CIUCIU Je savais qu'un afflux inespéré d'énergie l'avait levé de son lit, lui avait donné la force de ... MURIEL BARBERY La classe des ouvriers modernes, qui ne vivent qu'à la condition de trouver du travail, et qui n'en... KARL MARX Qu’est-ce qui peut seul être notre doctrine ? — Que personne ne donne à l’homme ses qualité... FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Si nous avons accordé à l'Amérique le privilège de l'histoire cumulative, n'est-ce pas, en effet... CLAUDE LéVI-STRAUSS Le visuel est l'instrument du virtuel, de la mémoire, de l'au-delà, qui se traduit par le fait de ... ALBERTO CASTOLDI Cette qualité de la joie n’est-elle pas le fruit le plus précieux de la civilisation qui est nô... ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPéRY Je suis content que tu aies trouvé ton livre, Steve. Tout le monde y arrive, un jour ou l'autre. Il... FRANçOIS GRAVEL Le développement des connaissances préhistoriques et archéologiques tend à étaler dans l'espace... CLAUDE LéVI-STRAUSS Il est également vrai qu'un échange est une transaction dans laquelle les deux contractants gagnen... ANTOINE DESTUTT DE TRACY D’où viennent ces influences mystérieuses qui changent en découragement notre bonheur et notre ... GUY DE MAUPASSANT Vous avez déjà perdu quelqu'un de proche? [...] Vous n'avez jamais l'impression que ces êtres-là... LAURENT GAUDé Refuser de faire quelque chose parce qu'on l'a déjà fait, parce qu'on a déjà vécu l'expérience... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ - J’aidais justement Ghezumi et Kassergh à bâter l’hypocras : du vin au miel avec de la cannel... CYRILLE MENDES Above the sky, everything is beautiful, but alone. (Au-dessus du ciel, - Tout est beau, mais seul) CHARLES DE LEUSSE C'est donc la proportion existante entre la somme des capitaux et celle des revenus qui détermine p... ADAM SMITH Le génie de l'oeuvre de Rowling réside non seulement dans son art de raconter des histoires, mais ... BASSHAM GREGORY Je choisis des mots simples et concrets... J'essaie de faire des phrases courtes et j'évite les inv... JACQUES POULIN Mais Frida ne se représente pas comme un personnage sacré, car elle constate son état avec une cr... HAYDEN HERRERA Je me rends parfaitement compte du desagreable effet que produit sur la majorite de l'humanité, tou... HIRAM STEVENS MAXIM Cependant, pour les pays les plus avancés, les mesures suivantes pourront assez généralement êtr... KARL MARX Jamais ma grand-mère ne se séparait de moi sans me donner quelque chose, un bonbon, une pièce de ... NATHACHA APPANAH Il est incertain où la mort nous attende, attendons-la partout. La préméditation de la mort est p... MICHEL DE MONTAIGNE L'idée préconçue entrave et endommage la libre et pleine manifestation de la vie psychique, que j... C.G. JUNG Notre devoir n’est pas de nous débarrasser du fou, mais de débarrasser le fou de sa folie. ALBERT LONDRES Ces enfants mûrissent trop tôt parce que, ayant été rendus sensibles aux malheurs, c'est ce qu'i... BORIS CYRULNIK Les faux savants sont comme tes amis qui chantent avec les chansons anglaises ; de loin, tu penses q... MOHSEN SHEHA En admettant que l’on ait compris ce qu’il y a de sacrilège dans un pareil soulèvement contre ... FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE La porte s’est ouverte tout de suite et est allée co - gner contre le mur. J’ai perçu un claqu... SYLVIE BéRARD La règle d'or de la conduite est la tolérance mutuelle, car nous ne penserons jamais tous de la m�... MAHATMA GANDHI Avec quelque spontanéité que nous obéissions à la voix qui nous dicte cette abnégation, nous se... ÉMILE DURKHEIM Tous, nous aimons ce que nous détruisons. GENE WOLFE Le voyageur sait qu'il n'y a plus de bouts du monde. Ils sont tous atteints, balisés, photographié... JEAN-DIDIER URBAIN « Le karma est l'éternelle affirmation de la liberté humaine... Nos pensées, nos paroles & nos... SWAMI VIVEKANANDA La civilisation occidentale s'est entièrement tournée, depuis deux ou trois siècles, vers la mise... CLAUDE LéVI-STRAUSS Nous consommons ressources naturelles, énergie et matières premières comme si elles étaient des ... MARCEL LéGER – Bah alors, c’est ce que je dis, avec la dotation qu’on a, ajouta Făneață puis il se leva... CăLIN TORSAN Il parvint à la reconnaitre au milieu du tumulte et, à travers les larmes de sa douleur irrémédi... GABRIEL GARCíA MáRQUEZ Du reste, la majorité des orientalistes ne sont et ne veulent être que des érudits ; tant qu’il... RENé GUéNON La marche à pied oppose au rouleau du temps la mesure de l’espace. SYLVAIN TESSON La mémoire garde trace de chaque étape d'un voyage au long cours. Comme si le mouvement avait le r... SYLVAIN TESSON La semaine dernière, nous avons pris une décision. Nous allions sortir pour déblayer les briques.... BARBARA TAYLOR BRADFORD On se prépare à la jouissance du siècle, et, le moment venu, elle a un goût de Fernet Branca. Su... DANIEL PENNAC « Il faut avoir une très haute idée, non pas de ce que l'on fait, mais de ce qu'on pourrait fair... EDGAR DEGAS Au moyen âge… L’introduction du trivium est attestée: SÂDI, un noir lettré de Tombouctou, au... CHEIKH ANTA DIOP Les données scientifiques et ésotériques montrent l´importance du sommeil et des rêves dans la ... MARIE-FRANCE BEL Ce monde, tel qu'il est fait, n'est pas supportable. J'ai donc besoin de la lune, ou du bonheur, ou ... ALBERT CAMUS Les sentiments de l'effort, correspondant à l'accélération, le sentiment de la fatigue correspond... PIERRE JANET We begin by being dupe, and end by being rogue.
[Fr., On commence par etre dupe,
On finit par ... EUSTACHE DESCHAMPS ("MOREL") La tournée terminée, Tom et Roger pensèrent qu'après le succès de I Shot The Sheriff, ce serait... ERIC CLAPTON Comment des sociétés contemporaines, restées ignorantes de l'électricité et de la machine à va... CLAUDE LéVI-STRAUSS Tel fut aussi le cas d'un Nietzsche, génie volcanique s'il en est ; ici encore - mais d'une façon ... FRITHJOF SCHUON La monnaie est souvent mythifiée, conçue comme magique et obscure. Son ambivalence fondamentale fa... EMMANUEL TODD [...] Sans entrer encore dans la question de la « composition du continu », on voit donc que le no... RENé GUéNON D'Adam nous sommes tous enfants,
La prove en est connue,
Et que tous, nos premier parents
... MARQUIS PHILIPPE EMANUEL DE COULANGES As-tu déjà été amoureux? C'est horrible non? Ca rend si vulnérable. Ca t'ouvre la poitrine et l... NEIL GAIMAN A une époque de sa vie, il y avait de cela de nombreuses années, elle avait perdu sa foi en Dieu. ... BARBARA TAYLOR BRADFORD Oui, lorsqu'on surveille le temps, il passe très lentement. J'aime beaucoup la température, quatre... THOMAS MANN Everything ends with songs.
[Fr., Tout finit par des chansons.] PIERRE AUGUSTE CARON DE BEAUMARCHAIS Le rire est tout ce que l'on voudrait être, ou plus exactement, tout ce que l'on voudrait que chacu... FRANçOISE SAGAN J’ai déjà dit que la Communauté juive s’était chargée de recruter les travailleurs pour le ... BERNARD GOLDSTEIN Voila bien la différence entre le singe et le footballeur. Le premier a trop de mains ou pas assez ... PIERRE DESPROGES On lit pour découvrir une vision du monde. AMéLIE NOTHOMB En un sens, le titre d’ancien, utilisé à son adresse par l’homme des bois, le ravit. C’est l... CYRILLE MENDES En effet: je mourais déjà. Je venais d'apprendre cette nouvelle horrible que tout humain apprend u... AMéLIE NOTHOMB La plaine fit place à des rocailles parsemées de frêles arbustes et de fougères rabougries. Puis... CYRILLE MENDES Loyal par paresse, honnête par lâcheté, bon par relâchement, doux par crainte, intelligent par a... PAUL VALéRY Des jugements, des appréciations de la vie, pour ou contre, ne peuvent, en dernière instance, jama... FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE J'avais eu peur en effet de mourir dans les geôles colonialistes sans laisser à l'Algérie, à mes... MALEK BENNABI مالك بن نبي Le malheur avait mis les habits du mensonge Ils étaient d’un beau rouge couleur du... JACQUES PRéVERT Parfois, tu rêves que le sommeil est une morte lente qui te gagne, une anestésie douce et terrible... GEORGES PEREC Elle avait supplié Dieu de lui concéder au moins un instant afin qu'il ne s'en allât pas sans sav... GABRIEL GARCíA MáRQUEZ Sans doute te demandes-tu si je ne suis pas aigri de n'en avoir écrit aucun. Eh bien, non! Mon tale... ALEXANDRE JARDIN Reprenant une goulée de cervoise, le capitaine s’essuya les lèvres avec sa manche, se pencha ver... CYRILLE MENDES Je veux vivre avant de mourir. JENNY DOWNHAM Le fameux discours de Saint-Just a ainsi tous les airs d'une étude théologique. "Louis [XVI] étra... ALBERT CAMUS Le moment présent a un avantage sur tous les autres : il nous appartient. CHARLES CALEB COLTON Tous les jours arrivaient des avions et sur chacun, il y avait un message. « Gardez votre eau ... CHRISTIANE DUCHESNE Les tentatives faites pour connaître la richesse et l'originalité des cultures humaines, et pour l... CLAUDE LéVI-STRAUSS
More Michel Houellebecq
I am for the muscles. I would like to have a lot of muscles, because women like it. I'm for body... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Life is painful and disappointing. It is useless, therefore, to write new realistic novels. We gener... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Using a big word like 'plagiarism'... always causes some damage. It will always do lasting d... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ The love of a dog is a pure thing. He gives you a trust which is total. You must not betray it. MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ I think poetry is the only domain where a writer you like can truly be said to influence you, becaus... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ I find it an absolute pleasure to read travel guides, especially the Michelin guides, and their desc... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ I tend to think that good and evil exist and that the quantity in each of us is unchangeable. The mo... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Youth was the time for happiness, its only season; young people, leading a lazy, carefree life, part... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ A reactionary is someone who wants to return to a previous state - that's never a possibility in... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ An entire life spent reading would have fulfilled my every desire; I already knew that at the age of... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Anything can happen in life, especially nothing. MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ I admit that invective is one of my pleasures. This only brings me problems in life, but that's ... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Vivre sans lecture c'est dangereux, il faut se contenter de la vie, ça peut amener à prendre des r... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Love binds, and it binds forever. Good binds while evil unravels. Separation is another word for evi... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Refuser de faire quelque chose parce qu'on l'a déjà fait, parce qu'on a déjà vécu l'expérience... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Active people don't change the world profoundly; ideas do. Napoleon is less important in world h... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ The absence of the will to live is, alas, not sufficient to make one want to die. MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ He was a kind of éminence grise, a political leader, in a clandestine movement. Everyone knows ther... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ The world outside had its own rules, and those rules were not human. MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ You have to take an interest in something in life, I told myself. I wondered what could interest me,... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ I prefer reading to writing. Reading changes your world view. Writing changes absolutely nothing. Ex... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ It's a curious idea to reproduce when you don't even like life. MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Le combat narcissique durerait aussi longtemps que la sociabilité elle-même, il en serait l'ultime... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ La seule chance de survie, lorsqu'on est sincèrement épris, consiste à dissimuler à la femme qu'... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Lorsque la sexualité disparaît, c'est le corps de l'autre qui apparaît, dans sa présence vagueme... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Il n'y a pas d'amour dans la liberté individuelle, dans l'indépendance, c'est tout simplement un m... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Et l'amour, où tout est facile, Où tout est donné dans l'instant; Il existe au milieu d... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ La solitude à deux est l'enfer consenti. MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Tenderness is a deeper instinct than seduction, which is why it is so hard to give up hope. MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ You too, you took an interest in the world. That was long ago. I want you to cast your mind back to ... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ When you got right down to it, my dick was the one organ that hadn’t presented itself to my consci... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Najbardziej lubię koniec grudnia, kiedy ciemno robi się o czwartej. Mogę włożyć pidżamę, ły... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Maybe my dissertation really had been as brilliant as he claimed, the truth was I remember almost no... MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ If repression has indeed been the fundamental link between power, knowledge, and sexuality since the... MICHEL FOUCAULT For the bourgeoisie, the main danger against which it had to be protected, that which had to be avoi... MICHEL FOUCAULT Penal law was not created by the common people, nor by the peasantry, nor by the proletariat, but en... MICHEL FOUCAULT Those who think in Britain they can push the Brexit button and not have a bill to pay are seriously ... CHARLES MICHEL In Britain ever more, they will realize that Brexit, well, has consequences - economic, commercial, ... CHARLES MICHEL You cannot kill a breeze, a wind, a fragrance; you cannot kill a dream or an ambition. MICHEL ONFRAY When I was campaigning, I told the people if nothing happens under my mandate it will still be a pos... MICHEL MARTELLY People and their dwellings were such a thin dust on the surface of the globe, like invisible specks ... MICHEL FABER Most true things are kind of corny, don’t you think? But we make them more sophisticated out of sh... MICHEL FABER Sugar understood the permanence of being Sugar or Lotty or Lucy or whoever you might be, trapped on ... MICHEL FABER Power is not an institution, and not a structure; neither is it a certain strength we are endowed wi... MICHEL FOUCAULT Where there is power, there is resistance. MICHEL FOUCAULT The work of an intellectual is not to mould the political will of others; it is, through the analyse... MICHEL FOUCAULT Dream is not a revelation. If a dream affords the dreamer some light on himself, it is not the perso... MICHEL LEIRIS The lyricism of marginality may find inspiration in the image of the outlaw, the great social nomad,... MICHEL FOUCAULT Freedom of conscience entails more dangers than authority and despotism. MICHEL FOUCAULT There are more ideas on earth than intellectuals imagine. And these ideas are more active, stronger,... MICHEL FOUCAULT As the archeology of our thought easily shows, man is an invention of recent date. And one perhaps n... MICHEL FOUCAULT The judges of normality are present everywhere. We are in the society of the teacher-judge, the doct... MICHEL FOUCAULT The man described for us, whom we are invited to free, is already in himself the effect of a subject... MICHEL FOUCAULT Prison continues, on those who are entrusted to it, a work begun elsewhere, which the whole of socie... MICHEL FOUCAULT Madness is the absolute break with the work of art; it forms the constitutive moment of abolition, w... MICHEL FOUCAULT Nothing seems more like a whorehouse to me than a museum. In it you find the same equivocal aspect, ... MICHEL LEIRIS In its function, the power to punish is not essentially different from that of curing or educating. MICHEL FOUCAULT Psychoanalysis can unravel some of the forms of madness; it remains a stranger to the sovereign ente... MICHEL FOUCAULT Chance does not speak essentially through words nor can it be seen in their convolution. It is the e... MICHEL FOUCAULT In its function, the power to punish is not essentially different from that of curing or educating. MICHEL FOUCAULT Prison is a recruitment center for the army of crime. That is what it achieves. MICHEL FOUCAULT There are forms of oppression and domination which become invisible - the new normal. MICHEL FOUCAULT The strategic adversary is fascism... the fascism in us all, in our heads and in our everyday behavi... MICHEL FOUCAULT When you speak of silent movies, everyone thinks of Charlie Chaplin first. MICHEL HAZANAVICIUS Perhaps my favourite story is 'Le Passe-Muraille' by Marcel Ayme. It's about a guy who w... MICHEL GONDRY A single day spent doing things which fail to nourish the soul is a day stolen, mutilated, and disca... MICHEL FABER Art is head space that is very exclusive: it shuts people out; other people cease to exist. MICHEL FABER 'A Christmas Carol' is an extravagantly symbolic thing - as rich in symbols as Christmas pud... MICHEL FABER It's a party that's being organized; it's not a protest. The carnival is not like it was... MICHEL MARTELLY Many militants of the secular cause look astonishingly like clergy. Worse: like caricatures of clerg... MICHEL ONFRAY We do not possess an official certificate of birth for worship of one God. But the family line is cl... MICHEL ONFRAY It's about time that Amtrak entered the 21st century. Revenue maximization works, and as Amtrak sees... ALLEN MICHEL Whoever ends up getting Guidant at this point will probably end up paying too much. ALLEN MICHEL I would try to settle all the outstanding liability claims at this point in time, so that it doesn't... ALLEN MICHEL They've integrated a lot of the companies they've bought quite well. But when you're comparing them ... ALLEN MICHEL When you're putting off the benefits of a deal for that long, you're dramatically increasing the ris... ALLEN MICHEL They have to try to minimize each one of these risks until they finally enter the actual battle of r... ALLEN MICHEL Because human beings suffer so much more than ducks.” “You might not think so if you were a... MICHEL FABER Philosophy is best practised by people in general and not by philosophers alone. Philosophy is too o... MICHEL ONFRAY I am a sworn atheist and therefore from my point of view the Talmud or the Koran don't constitut... MICHEL ONFRAY The frontiers of a book are never clear-cut: beyond the title, the first lines, and the last full st... MICHEL FOUCAULT By aiming for paradise, we lose sight of earth. Hope of a beyond and aspiration to an afterlife enge... MICHEL ONFRAY Discipline may be identified neither with an institution nor with an apparatus; it is a type of powe... MICHEL FOUCAULT We arrived in Argentina with a lot of injured players, including our goalkeeper. Also we were unluck... MICHEL PATINI At age eleven, I became a member of the circulating library of my home town. From there on I was rar... HARTMUT MICHEL Bernard Herrmann was a genius, a great, great composer. MICHEL HAZANAVICIUS We can no more tolerate neutrality and benevolence toward every conceivable form of discourse, inclu... MICHEL ONFRAY I think that if you are a serious writer, you are almost obligated to provide the intelligent averag... MICHEL FABER My grandfather lived across the garden from us, and in his attic he had a lot of radios, appliances ... MICHEL GONDRY If you try to make a silent movie with a normal script and you just pull out the dialogue, you will ... MICHEL HAZANAVICIUS I have a big problem with Islam. MICHEL ONFRAY When you're with your wife, you don't say I love you to your wife every day but the ways you... MICHEL HAZANAVICIUS Socialists find me too far left; Trotskyites not far enough; ecologists say I am too happy eating fo... MICHEL ONFRAY The mere fact of my novel being filmed means very little to me. For a long while after 'The Crim... MICHEL FABER I'm still tremendously proud of 'Crimson Petal.' I'm still very emotionally involved... MICHEL FABER 'The Crimson Petal and the White' is a book, and it will win or lose the trust of each reade... MICHEL FABER I really can't blame anyone but myself, because I didn't have to deliver the album. But when... PRAS MICHEL The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know. MICHEL LEGRAND When we were making the movie, winning awards for it wasn't the point at all. We didn't even... MICHEL HAZANAVICIUS I don't want to compare myself to him - I don't want people to see me as this great genius -... MICHEL GONDRY I don't remember my childhood very well for one reason or another, possibly childhood trauma or ... MICHEL FABER There are more ideas on earth than intellectuals imagine. And these ideas are more active, stronger,... MICHEL FOUCAULT The great and glorious masterpiece of man is how to live with purpose. MICHEL EYQUEM We can be knowledgeable with other men's knowledge but we cannot be wise
with other men's wisdom. MICHEL EYQUEM The thing I fear most is fear. MICHEL EYQUEM The word is half his that speaks, and half his that hears it. MICHEL EYQUEM My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never
happened. MICHEL EYQUEM No wind favors him who has no destined port. MICHEL EYQUEM I conceive that pleasures are to be avoided if greater pains be the
consequence, and pains to be cov... MICHEL EYQUEM The strangest, most generous, and proudest of all virtues is true
courage. MICHEL EYQUEM This is legal process that now is up to the international community, because there is more than one ... MICHEL AOUN This will not affect the formation of the government and could even be a positive factor to end the ... MICHEL AOUN Syria is trying to strengthen its hegemony in Lebanon by controlling more and more institutions, MICHEL AOUN We have called for the boycott of the parliamentary elections because Lebanon is under Syrian contro... MICHEL AOUN The weakness of the current security services in dealing with such crimes ... led to all these explo... MICHEL AOUN one of the great journalists who never hesitated or was afraid to say the truth and defend Lebanon. MICHEL AOUN I have been given some information that confirms the presence of Syrian intelligence agents still op... MICHEL AOUN If the investigation implicates Syria, are we going to wage war on it? And if it acquits it, are we ... MICHEL AOUN The focus should be on making sure that the Palestinian infiltration is studied by the government an... MICHEL AOUN If I choose dialogue, the other party should define the goals. MICHEL AOUN We have exceeded forecasts. Such large growth was not expected. MICHEL ALABY Ore doesn't have added value. MICHEL ALABY It is the Brazilian port with greatest infrastructure. MICHEL ALABY The idea is to make the chambers speak to the governments to implement these proposals. MICHEL ALABY As an example of the cooperation existing among the governments, the idea is also to establish and i... MICHEL ALABY It was a courtesy visit. He is a very pleasant and intelligent man. MICHEL ALABY According to the statistics agency of the Chinese government, China invested US$ 7 billion in Sudan ... MICHEL ALABY We exported commodities to Somalia. MICHEL ALABY She showed interest in learning about the profile of the Brazilian companies so that they may partic... MICHEL ALABY Not only between the Arab nations and Brazil, but also with the countries of South America. This is ... MICHEL ALABY As the archaeology of our thought easily shows, man is an invention of recent date. And one perhaps ... MICHEL FOUCAULT For a long time, I have been trying to see if it would be possible to describe the history of though... MICHEL FOUCAULT When I shoot actors, I have that dilemma. I want the actor to be good, and sometimes I have to push ... MICHEL GONDRY For the establishment, philosophy is both an elitist and an idealist discipline: In high school, it ... MICHEL ONFRAY A text may be superbly written, exquisitely subtle, deeply meaningful, but still seem like a luxury ... MICHEL FABER That's what the internet is: it's like bombarding your eyeballs with these myriad blinking c... MICHEL GONDRY By recycling pre-existing material, Shakespeare seemed to endorse a view common in his time, which h... MICHEL FABER Camus believed in dialogue and diplomacy, and enlisted his work as a philosopher to the need to find... MICHEL ONFRAY All these gadgets, the phone and the computer, they expose the inside of your brain in a way that... MICHEL GONDRY My affinity, as a novelist, with Dickens has been overstated. I relish the way everything in his pro... MICHEL FABER To me the recognition of the audience is part of the filmmaking process. When you make a movie, it... MICHEL HAZANAVICIUS Pathos and poignancy are, to me, tactics and techniques; in my work as a writer, I fetch them from m... MICHEL FABER Total oblivion is the fate of almost everything in this world. I'm very likely to suffer that sa... MICHEL FABER I would love to have faith. When you take God out of the universe, there is no-one taking care us - ... MICHEL FABER We are in the society of the teacher-judge, the doctor-judge, the educator-judge, the 'social-wo... MICHEL FOUCAULT I watched a lot of silent directors who were absolutely great like John Ford and Fritz Lang, Tod Bro... MICHEL HAZANAVICIUS I am unusual for a Frenchman - I have absolutely nothing against the United States. MICHEL HAZANAVICIUS But I don't think of myself as a foreigner or a Frenchman! I just think of myself as a director. MICHEL HAZANAVICIUS But I don't think of myself as a foreigner or a Frenchman! I just think of myself as a director.... MICHEL HAZANAVICIUS There seems to be a new Palestinian and Israeli political reality, despite the many complications an... MICHEL SABBAH A new Israeli and Palestinian political landscape is taking shape. MICHEL SABBAH Many may ask how can we celebrate Christmas and be cheerful with the wall imprisoning us. MICHEL SABBAH The Palestinian people should regain their liberty and land with a state and a capital and the Israe... MICHEL SABBAH This wall must not exist. One day it will not exist. MICHEL SABBAH This position and the confiscation of lands have no reason at all. (The wall) doesn't benefit the se... MICHEL SABBAH The beginning of the Palestinian freedom is also a beginning of reconciliation between the two peopl... MICHEL SABBAH God has brought together Jews, Christians and Muslims to this holy land. No human power can change i... MICHEL SABBAH Many evils are surrounding us. The main one is the absence of peace, MICHEL SABBAH Of course it's fun writing about an egomaniac, but I know there are going to be reviewers who... MICHEL FABER Modern politicians like Cameron dream of exerting paternal influence without being seen as paternali... MICHEL FABER The privileged Victorians who did most to improve the lives of the poor were not ashamed of their pi... MICHEL FABER Impeachment is allowed under Brazil's Constitution. MICHEL TEMER Every time there's an institutional issue like impeachment, there's concern from the outside... MICHEL TEMER The family I grew up in was very inflexible and harsh. It left me with the feeling that if you do le... MICHEL FABER The mines have claimed many victims on the allied side. MICHEL DIATTA When you look at the early-'30s movies, like King Kong, the codes of acting are very similar to ... MICHEL HAZANAVICIUS I was born in Ludwigsburg, Wuerttemberg, in the southwestern part of the Federal Republic of Germany... HARTMUT MICHEL What we're seeing, I think, is a drive toward becoming a low-cost supplier. ALAN MICHEL Some politicians were probably too lax about the rise of an extremist, fundamentalist, radical ideol... CHARLES MICHEL Desconfía de un confort excesivo: engendra irreflexión. MICHEL FABER A simple fuck is one thing, but let a man sleep with you just once and he thinks he can bring his do... MICHEL FABER La curiosidad es el nombre despectivo que los hombres dan a la sed de conocimiento que tienen las mu... MICHEL FABER But to be chemically fixed in time and passed hand to hand forever: that is a nakedness which can ne... MICHEL FABER Era un hombre de muchos planes, pero de poco fruto. MICHEL FABER Our Lady is of the True Faith; the two of Them have an uneasy relationship, unable to agree on anyth... MICHEL FABER Un solo día dedicado a cosas que no alimentan el espíritu es un día robado, mutilado y arrojado a... MICHEL FABER God, Agnes has decided, is an Anglican, whereas Our Lady is of the True Faith; the two of Them have ... MICHEL FABER William Rackham es lo que podríamos llamar un cristiano ateo supersticioso; es decir, cree en un Di... MICHEL FABER She sings on and on, while the house is discreetly dusted all around her and, in the concealed and s... MICHEL FABER if she were its leader. Not that she ever would be: she was born to be a dissenter within a larger c... MICHEL FABER All along the street, keys rattle in key-holes as each shop's ornate metal clothing is stripped away... MICHEL FABER This is a street where the weaker souls crawl into bed as soon as the sun sets and lie awake listeni... MICHEL FABER her, all familiar responses smell of entrapment. Sharing an old joke, singing an old song - th... MICHEL FABER Because I must do something while I still can. Each soul is still incalculably precious. MICHEL FABER Few know what year it is, or even that eighteen and a half centuries are supposed to have passed sin... MICHEL FABER A truly modern man, William Rackham is what might be called a superstitious atheist Christian; that ... MICHEL FABER God damn God and all His horrible filthy Creation. MICHEL FABER Sunlight is bad,' he wheezes. 'It's the exact same stuff as breeds maggots in wounded soldiers' legs... MICHEL FABER Yes, seven years old she was, when she finally plucked up the courage to ask her mother what Christm... MICHEL FABER But miracles are not for the asking; they come only when the stern eyes of God droop shut for a mome... MICHEL FABER Sugar leans her chin against the knuckles of the hand that holds the pen. Glistening on the page bet... MICHEL FABER Isn't Heaven reward enough, without needing to see the damned punished? MICHEL FABER History indulges strange whims in the way it dresses its women. MICHEL FABER Why are there such long words in the world, Miss?’ enquires Sophie, when the mineralogy lesson is ... MICHEL FABER Participating in Society in not a thing one can do naturally; one has to rehearse for it. MICHEL FABER People who get to express their voice are paid by the people who make profit from it. So they're... MICHEL GONDRY Knowledge doesn't really form part of human nature. Conflict, combat, the outcome of the combat,... MICHEL FOUCAULT It is not pretentious. It just gives you the feeling you could do it yourself. MICHEL GONDRY Eternal Sunshine MICHEL GONDRY When people are very original, sometimes they are original as a way to resist the mainstream. MICHEL GONDRY