Can you believe that just last weekend I was at my prom?! ... And now here I am with a record deal and an album to record in the next month. I'll barely be done in time for finals and graduation!
Erika Jo
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Black Velvet.
— Erika Jo
Everything seems so surreal ,like it didn't even happen. It feels like a dream I still haven't woken up from yet.
— Erika Jo
I guess you guys aren't going to hear this next song, but it's the it's going to be the next single to radio,
— Erika Jo
It was kind of bitter sweet for me. He wanted to be there. He wanted a record deal. But in a way he did get it because he's living it through me. He's just excited for me and he's very supportive.
— Erika Jo
It's been crazy, but a good crazy. I wouldn't have had it any other way. I recorded the album and put that out so fast and then we're going to be doing a tour. It seems like I've been going 100 miles an hour and I like that.
— Erika Jo