But sometimes stuff happens and we find ourselves lost, and suddenly we're standing in a place we don't recognize and can't remember walking-or falling-there, and we're unsure how to get back or if we even want to.
Jessica Sorensen
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I brush her hair back from her forehead. "You need to stop worrying about everything that can't be controlled." She signs and leans away from my hand, "That's just it, though. It's all I can think about anymore. It's like this fixation I have no control over which makes no sense because Im fixated on controlling the uncontrollable." She's breathing wildly. Shit. I need to calm her down.
— Jessica Sorensen
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Seize the day, take hold of it, and make it whatever you want.
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Nel corso delle nostre vite ci incontriamo per pura combinazione e, per un momento,i nostri cuori battono all'unisono
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At least tell me you won? And that the scratches and dings were totally worth it."
"Of course. They're always worth it," he says with a hidden meaning that only the two of us could ever understand.
— Jessica Sorensen