But at this point an objection is frequently raised.
The "otherworldliness" of Christianity is objected to as a form of self-ishness.
The Christian, it is said, does what is right because of the hope of heaven, but
how much nobler is the man who because of duty walks boldy into the darkness of
annihilation! The objection would have some wight if heaven according to
Christian belif were mere enjoyment. But as a matter of fact heaven is
communion with God and with his Christ. it can be said reverently that the
Christian longs for heaven not only for his own sake, but also for the sake of
God. Our present love is so cold, our present service is so weak; and we would
one day love and serve Him as His love deserves.. it is perfecly true that the
chirstian is dissatisfied with the present world, but it is a holy
dissatisfaction; it is that hunger and thirst after rightousness which our
Savior blessed. We are separated from the Savior now by the veil of sense and
by the effects of sin, and it is not selfish to long to see Him face to face.

J. Gresham Machen

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