Bir şeyler kırılıyordu, bir şeyler kırıldı. Kendini-nasıl demeli?-dayanıklı hissetmiyorsun artık: Sana bugüne kadar güç veren-öyle sanıyordun, öyle sanıyorsun-,yüreğini ısıtan şey, varoluş duygun,neredeyse önemli olduğun duygusu, dünyaya bağlanma,dünyada kalma duygusu eksikliğini hissettirmeye başlıyor.
Georges Perec
Related Yaşamayı zor, meşakkatli, sıkıntılı kılan şeylerin başında, hayatın ayrılık üzerine k... MUSTAFA ULUSOY Evet doğru! Şanssızlar, acı ekmeklerini yedikleri, gözyaşlarına karışmış sularını içti... UGO FOSCOLO İyiyle kötü diye bir sey yoktur, güç vardır sadece, bir de o gücü elde edemeyecek kadar zay�... J.K. ROWLING Kim olursak olalım, dünyanın hangi yerinde yaşarsak yaşayalım, ta derinlerde bir yerde hepimiz... ELIF SHAFAK Aşk bir çocuktur derler ya, nedeni budur işte, Öyle çok yanılır ki yaptığı seçimlerd... WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Hoşça kal,“ dedi tilki. "İşte sana bir sır, çok basit bir şey: İnsan yalnız yüreğiyle d... ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPéRY Ama o andan sonra, Hermione Granger arkadaşları oldu. Bazı olaylar vardır, dostluklara yol açar... J.K. ROWLING Kırk üç bin köyümüz var; birkaç yüz kasabamız var. İzmit'ten öteye Anadolu'ya açılın; ... AHMET HAMDI TANPıNAR Woyzeck - Burada olduğumuz için şanslıyız değil mi Andreas? Andreas - Bu yer la... 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PıNAR KüR Gerçekten de köle azadlama Araplar için çok zor bir şey sayılırdı; çünkü köle sayesinde ... İLHAN ARSEL Gerçek acı çeşitli düşüncelerden meydana gelir. İnsan aynı anda ancak bir şey düşünebil... CESARE PAVESE Adamın ateş rengindeki saçları hakiki bir kızıldı. Gözleri koyu renkli ve dalgındı. Adam p... PATRICK ROTHFUSS Kendi günlük yaşantılarımız da, kollektif cinneti nasıl savunduğumuzu gösteren basit örnek... GüNDüZ VASSAF İki haftamı ülkenizi dolaşarak geçirdim -ülkeniz, çılgın zamanlar mıntıkası ve televizyo... NICK HORNBY Tehlikesiz bir diktatör diye bir şey yoktur! Bütün zehirli yılanlar gibi bütün diktatörler t... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Sözünü ettiğim şey büyük keyifler değil; önemli olan küçük şeylerden büyük mutlulukla... JEAN WEBSTER Eğer bir din senden özgürlüğünden vazgeçmeni istiyorsa, o dinden vazgeç! Hiçbir şey özgü... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Snape'in Đksir dersinde kasıtlı olarak karmaşa yaratmak, uyuyan bir ejderhanın gözüne pa... J.K. 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SAIT FAIK ABASıYANıK Ayaklanma sırasında toplumsal bedenin (kır ve kent toplulukları), uzmanlaşmış kurumlar olmaks... RAUL ZIBECHI İçimizde şeytan yok... İçimizde aciz var... Tembellik var... İradesizlik, bilgisizlik ve bunla... SABAHATTIN ALI Bir mum, bir kitap ve barışçıl bir adam dünya için üç mum demektir! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Kimsin sen? Bir gürültü mü yoksa bir melodi mi? Belki de sen bir sessizliksin! Eğer bir sessizl... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Evet, kadınların da erkekler gibi çirkin olabilme hakkına kavuşmaları için mücadele etmeleri... MICHEL TOURNIER Düşün! Bize, matematik dünyasının kurgusal ve sonsuz olduğu öğretildi. Bunu kabul ederim, 1... HAKAN GüNDAY Ne giydiğine ve nasıl giydiğine hiç kimse müdahale etmiyorsa uygar bir ülkede yaşıyorsun dem... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN You, God, who live next door-- If at times, through the long night, I trouble you wi... RAINER MARIA RILKE Arthur ekranlara bakıp gözlerini kırpıştırdı ve önemli bir şeyi kaçırıyormuş hissine ka... DOUGLAS ADAMS ... geleneksel anlamda planlanmış bir süreç yoktur, daha önce alınmış derslere dayanan derin... RAUL ZIBECHI Şahane bir aşk, çoğu zaman harcanmış bir hayat demektir. AHMET ÜMIT ... bir armağan, bir mucize olduğu söylenen şu hayatın saçma sapan bir şekilde bitebileceğin... BARış BıçAKçı renkli balıkların şımarıklığından geçip, küçük balıkların doğuştan şaşkınlı... ECE TEMELKURAN Cancağızım; ne kadar söz varsa düne ait, dünle birlikte gitti' demiş ya Şanı Yüce Rûmî; ... NELDAN OSMANCıK Türkiye’nin arzulanan modernleşmesi ve rasyonelleşmesi Atatürk’ün Modern Türkleri iktidara... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN KELİMELER Kelimelere dikkat et, Özellikle mucizevi olanlara. Mucizevi olanlar... ANNE SEXTON Benim aklımda kalansa, sarılmayı unutmuş bir ülke. Bir yandan ağlayan, öte yandan kollarını... ERCAN KESAL Gelmek bir yolun sonuna varmak değil, insan her menzilde bir yere varır. AMIN MAALOUF Dışarıdaki hayvanlar, bir domuzların yüzlerine, bir insanların yüzlerine bakıyor, ama birbir... GEORGE ORWELL Demokrasi en iyi niyetli yaklaşımla bile zavallı bir sistemdir; onunla ilgili söylenebilecek tek... ROBERT A. HEINLEIN Nerede olursa olsun, toprağı kaz, bir hazine bulacaksın; ama bir çiftçinin inancıyla kazm... KAHLIL GIBRAN 1. Dünya Savaşını kazanan İngiltere, Fransa ve İtalya, Anadolu'nun paylaşılması konusunda g... SINAN MEYDAN Hemen hepimiz her sabah, yüreğimiz aşka susamış, içimiz içimize sığmayarak yola çıkarız.... HONORé DE BALZAC Olmak ya da olmamak, işte bütün mesele bu! Düşüncemizin katlanması mı güzel Zali... WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Uzunca bir süre kendine sığınaklar kurup yıktın: düzen ya da eylemsizlik, başıboş sürükl... GEORGES PEREC Zaman gelecek ve ata binmek bütün bir toplum tarafından ciddi bir hayvan hakları ihlali olarak g... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Hastanenin arazisi yeni yağmış karla örtülüydü -bu bir Noel serpintisi değil, ocak ayının ... SYLVIA PLATH Yalnızların en büyük sorunu tek başına özgürlük ne işe yarayacak Bir türlü çözem... ATTILâ İLHAN Doğu musikisi âlimleri nağmelerin birbirleriyle olan ilintilerini çıkış noktalarıyla olan il... HüSEYIN AKBAş Cehennem, ateş, lanet, yakmak, kesmek gibi sözcükleri kullanan herhangi bir din asla bir sevgi di... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Daha yüksek bir şeye, hatta bu evrenin ötesinde bir şeye ait olduğunu hissetmek mi istiyorsun, ... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Bir tilki, gün doğarken gölgesine baktı ve şöyle dedi: "Bugün öğle yemeğinde bir deve yiye... KAHLIL GIBRAN Lakin mum yakan .. Bir gölge yaratır ! REşAT NURI GüNTEKIN Umuttan kurtuluş tam bir özgürlük demektir UNICA ZüRN Kim bilir belki de… Şeytan, Tanrı’nın bilinçaltından başka bir şey değildir. ... EMRE YıLMAZ Ayrıca, kırda ve kentte yaşayan Aymara toplulukları radyo istasyonlarını ele geçirdiler ve ke... RAUL ZIBECHI ...kadınların köklü ve kesin bir kayıtsızlıkları vardır şiire karşı. bu bakımdan "... CESARE PAVESE Yeryüzünde iki çeşit politikacı vardır: Özgürlükleri genişletenler ve özgürlükleri kıs... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Bu dağlarda bin kere ölmeden, bir kere dirilemezsin. YAşAR KEMAL Sevgilim, çocuklara şaka yapılmaz. Ben de bir çocuktum. CESARE PAVESE Tanrı'yı, hepimizi seven, sevimli bir dede olarak tasavvur etmek varken niye asabı bozuk, ürküt... ECE TEMELKURAN Bir muma saplanma! Başka mumlar bul, başka mumlar yarat! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN kita bisa memesan bir, namun tidak bisa memesan takdir. DJENAR MAESA AYU Salih Paşa Hükümeti döneminde 16 Mart 1920'de İstanbul resmen işgal edilmiş, Meclis-i Mebusan... SINAN MEYDAN Doğrular, her zaman insanın ayaklarını açıkta bırakan bir battaniye gibidir. N.H. KLEINBAUM Bu vatan, toprağın kara bağrında Sıradağlar gibi duranlarındır; Bir tarih boyunca,... ORHAN ŞAIK GöKYAY
More Georges Perec
Parfois, tu rêves que le sommeil est une morte lente qui te gagne, une anestésie douce et terrible... GEORGES PEREC Forse sapevano, un po' meglio degli altri, decifrare, o magari suscitare, questi segni favorevoli. L... GEORGES PEREC This is how space begins, with words only, signs traced on the blank page. To describe space: to nam... GEORGES PEREC Uzunca bir süre kendine sığınaklar kurup yıktın: düzen ya da eylemsizlik, başıboş sürükl... GEORGES PEREC Kayıtsızlık dili geçersiz kılıyor,işaretleri anlaşılmaz hale getiriyor.Sabırlısın ama be... GEORGES PEREC Estás solo, y al estar solo, no has de mirar nunca la hora, no has de contar nunca los minutos. No ... GEORGES PEREC Tu n'as rien appris, sinon que la solitude n'apprend rien, que l'indifférence n'apprend rien: c'ét... GEORGES PEREC Tu as tout à apprendre, tout ce qui ne s'apprend pas: la solitude, l'indifférence, la patience, le... GEORGES PEREC Non. Tu n'es plus le maître anonyme du monde, celui sur qui l'histoire n'avait pas de prise, celui ... GEORGES PEREC They would have liked to be rich. They believed they would have been up to it. They would have known... GEORGES PEREC Ne kimseyi görme, ne konuşma, düşünme, dışarı çıkma, yerinden kımıldama isteği duyuyors... GEORGES PEREC The idea occurred to him when he was twenty. At first it was only a vague idea, a question looming �... GEORGES PEREC Pleasure only starts once the worm has got into the fruit, to become delightful happiness must be ta... GEORGES BATAILLE I want to do nothing chic, I want to have ideas before beginning a piece. GEORGES BIZET In order to act, you must be somewhat insane. A reasonably sensible man is satisfied with thinking. GEORGES CLEMENCEAU Writing is not a profession, but a vocation of unhappiness. GEORGES SIMENON Art is meant to upset people, science reassures them. GEORGES BRAGUE Writing is not a profession but a vocation of unhappiness GEORGES SIMENON I don't know whether war is an interlude during peace, or peace is an interlude during war. GEORGES CLEMENCEAU A collective tyrant, spread over the length and breadth of the land, is no more acceptable than a si... GEORGES CLEMENCEAU On September 17, 1914, Erzberger, the well-known German statesman, an eminent member of the Catholic... GEORGES CLEMENCEAU A mans life is interesting primarily when he has failedI well know. For its a sign that he tried to ... GEORGES CLEMENCEAU When a man asks himself what is meant by action he proves that he isnt a man of action. Action is a ... GEORGES CLEMENCEAU A man who waits to believe in action before acting is anything you like, but hes not a man of action... GEORGES CLEMENCEAU A poor man with nothing in his belly needs hope, illusion, more than bread. GEORGES BERNANOS Truth exists. Only lies are invented. GEORGES BRAQUE A man's life is interesting primarily when he has failed--I well know. For it's a sign that he tried... GEORGES CLEMENCEAU All that I know I learned after I was thirty. GEORGES CLEMENCEAU Sovereignty, loyalty, and solitude. GEORGES BATAILLE Do not trust your memory; it is a net full of holes; the most beautiful prizes slip through it. GEORGES DUHAMEL We do not know the true value of our moments until they have undergone the test of memory. GEORGES DUHAMEL It is always brave to say what everyone thinks. GEORGES DUHAMEL America is the only nation in history which, miraculously, has gone directly from barbarism to degen... GEORGES CLEMENCEAU Life is very interesting if you make mistakes. GEORGES CARPENTIER A man who waits to believe in action before acting is anything you like, but he's not a man of actio... GEORGES CLEMENCEAU When a man asks himself what is meant by action he proves that he isn't a man of action. Action is a... GEORGES CLEMENCEAU It's better to waste one's youth than to do nothing with it at all. GEORGES COURTELINE Out of limitations, new forms emerge GEORGES BRAQUE If one has not given everything, one has given nothing. GEORGES GUYNEMER A man's life is interesting primarily when he has failed -- I well know. For it's a sign that he tri... GEORGES CLEMENCEAU Who are you to condemn another's sin? He who condemns sin becomes part of it, espouses it. GEORGES BERNANOS Eroticism is assenting to life even in death. GEORGES BATAILLE Art is meant to disturb. Science reassures. GEORGES BRAQUE Sanity is the lot of those who are most obtuse, for lucidity destroys one's equilibrium: it is unhea... GEORGES BATAILLE Sacrifice is nothing other than the production of sacred things. GEORGES BATAILLE The sovereign being is burdened with a servitude that crushes him, and the condition of free men is ... GEORGES BATAILLE The modern state no longer has anything but rights; it does not recognize duties any more. GEORGES BERNANOS It's a fine thing to rise above pride, but you must have pride in order to do so. GEORGES BERNANOS The wish to pray is a prayer in itself. God can ask no more than that of us. GEORGES BERNANOS A poor man with nothing in his belly needs hope, illusion, more than bread. GEORGES BERNANOS Life has always taken place in a tumult without apparent cohesion, but it only finds its grandeur an... GEORGES BATAILLE Naturally, love's the most distant possibility. GEORGES BATAILLE What a cunning mixture of sentiment, pity, tenderness, irony surrounds adolescence, what knowing wat... GEORGES BERNANOS War is too important a matter to be left to the military. GEORGES CLEMENCEAU The anguish of the neurotic individual is the same as that of the saint. The neurotic, the saint are... GEORGES BATAILLE Civilization exists precisely so that there may be no masses but rather men alert enough never to co... GEORGES BERNANOS No one ever discovers the depths of his own loneliness. GEORGES BERNANOS Each of us is incomplete compared to someone else -- an animal's incomplete compared to a person... ... GEORGES BATAILLE Intellectual despair results in neither weakness nor dreams, but in violence. It is only a matter of... GEORGES BATAILLE What does the truth matter? Haven't we mothers all given our sons a taste for lies, lies which from ... GEORGES BERNANOS To place oneself in the position of God is painful: being God is equivalent to being tortured. For b... GEORGES BATAILLE And what have you laymen made of hell? A kind of penal servitude for eternity, on the lines of your ... GEORGES BERNANOS I know the compassion of others is a relief at first. I don't despise it. But it can't quench pain, ... GEORGES BERNANOS A judgment about life has no meaning except the truth of the one who speaks last, and the mind is at... GEORGES BATAILLE At man's core there is a voice that wants him never to give in to fear. But if it is true that in ge... GEORGES BATAILLE Faith is not a thing which one loses, we merely cease to shape our lives by it. GEORGES BERNANOS Purity is not imposed upon us as though it were a kind of punishment, it is one of those mysterious ... GEORGES BERNANOS God ordains that beggars should beg for greatness, as for all else, when greatness shines out of the... GEORGES BERNANOS Fact is Our Lord knew all about the power of money: He gave capitalism a tiny niche in His scheme of... GEORGES BERNANOS It is the perpetual dread of fear, the fear of fear, that shapes the face of a brave man. GEORGES BERNANOS The world is eaten up by boredom. You can't see it all at once. It is like dust. You go about and ne... GEORGES BERNANOS When you think of the huge uninterrupted success of a book like Don Quixote, you're bound to realize... GEORGES BERNANOS Beauty is desired in order that it may be befouled; not for its own sake, but for the joy brought by... GEORGES BATAILLE In order to conquer, what we need is to dare, still to dare, and always to dare. GEORGES DANTON Crime is a fact of the human species, a fact of that species alone, but it is above all the secret a... GEORGES BATAILLE The first sign of corruption in a society that is still alive is that the end justifies the means. GEORGES BERNANOS I believe that truth has only one face: that of a violent contradiction. GEORGES BATAILLE Nothing is more necessary or stronger in us than rebellion. GEORGES BATAILLE Africa is destined to anarchy. It is turning into 36 Haitis, with 36 Duvaliers, full of Cadillacs, b... GEORGES BIDAULT I don't know whether war is an interlude during peace, or peace an interlude during war. GEORGES CLEMENCEAU There are three roads to ruin; women, gambling and technicians. The most pleasant is with women, the... GEORGES POMPIDOU Life has always taken place in a tumult without apparent cohesion, but it only finds its grandeur ... GEORGES BATAILLE Art is harmony. Harmony is the analogy of contrary and of similar elements of tone, of color and of ... GEORGES SEURAT Truth exists, only falsehood has to be invented. GEORGES BRAQUE I have too much respect for the idea of God to make it responsible for such an absurd world. GEORGES DUHAMEL As a musician I tell you that if you were to suppress adultery, fanaticism, crime, evil, the superna... GEORGES BIZET Once an object has been incorporated in a picture it accepts a new destiny. GEORGES BRAQUE Little things seem nothing, but they give peace, like those meadow flowers which individually seem o... GEORGES BERNANOS Some say they see poetry in my paintings; I see only science. GEORGES SEURAT The lake and the mountains have become my landscape, my real world. GEORGES SIMENON Originality depends only on the character of the drawing and the vision peculiar to each artist. GEORGES SEURAT The essence of morality is a questioning about morality; and the decisive move of human life is to u... GEORGES BATAILLE The swimmer adrift on the open seas measures his strength, and strives with all his muscles to keep ... GEORGES DUHAMEL Truth is meant to save you first, and the comfort comes afterward. GEORGES BERNANOS Who are you to condemn another's sin? He who condemns sin becomes part of it, espouses it. GEORGES BERNANOS Faith is not a thing which one 'loses', we merely cease to shape our lives by it. GEORGES BERNANOS What does the truth matter? Haven't we mothers all given our sons a taste for lies, lies which f... GEORGES BERNANOS Hope is a risk that must be run. GEORGES BERNANOS It's a fine thing to rise above pride, but you must have pride in order to do so. GEORGES BERNANOS Hell, madam, is to love no longer. GEORGES BERNANOS Religion is a means of exploitation employed by the strong against the weak; religion is a cloak of ... GEORGES BIZET In the beds which the piety of the public has prepared on every side, stricken men await the verdict... GEORGES DUHAMEL The richness of the world, all artificial pleasures, have the taste of sickness and give off a smell... GEORGES ROUAULT What a beautiful art, but what a wretched profession. GEORGES BIZET A mans life is interesting primarily when he has failed. I well know. For its a sign that he tried t... GEORGES CLéMENCEAU For me, painting is a way to forget life. It is a cry in the night, a strangled laugh. GEORGES ROUAULT Do not trust your memory; it is a net full of holes; the most beautiful prizes slip through it. - ... GEORGES DUHAMEL We do not know the true value of our moments until they have undergone the test of memory. - The H... GEORGES DUHAMEL War is much too serious a matter to be entrusted to the military. GEORGES CLEMENCEAU In order to act, you must be somewhat insane. A reasonably sensible man is satisfied with thinking. GEORGES CLEMENCEAU A thought which does not result in an action is nothing much, and an
action which does not proceed f... GEORGES BERNANOS Little things seem nothing, but they give peace, like those meadow flowers which individually seem ... GEORGES BERNANOS Art is made to disturb, science reassures. GEORGES BRAQUE Writing is not a profession but a vocation of unhappiness. GEORGES SIMENON The older the layers, the more each of them is uniform over a great extent; the newer the layers, th... GEORGES CUVIER I have always tried to write in a simple way, using down-to-earth and not abstract words. GEORGES SIMENON Can there be anything more sad than a girl dying on the day of her first communion, in her new dress... GEORGES RODENBACH War is much too serious a matter to be entrusted to the military. GEORGES CLEMENCEAU War is a series of catastrophes that results in a victory. GEORGES CLEMENCEAU It's better to waste one's youth than to do nothing with it at all. GEORGES COURTELINE A thought which does not result in an action is nothing much, and an action which does not proceed f... GEORGES BERNANOS There is no passion like that of a functionary for his function. GEORGES CLEMENCEAU America is the only nation in history which miraculously has gone directly from barbarism to degener... GEORGES CLEMENCEAU When a man asks himself what is meant by action he proves he is not a man of action. Action is a lac... GEORGES CLEMENCEAU Everything I know I learned after I was thirty. GEORGES CLEMENCEAU Have you never been moved by poor men's fidelity, the image of you they form in their simple minds? ... GEORGES BERNANOS It is far easier to make war than to make peace. GEORGES CLEMENCEAU Anyone can revolt. It is more difficult silently to obey our own inner promptings, and to spend our ... GEORGES ROUAULT Painting is a way to forget life. It is a cry in the night, a strangled laugh. GEORGES ROUAULT Military justice is to justice what military music is to music. GEORGES CLEMENCEAU War is too serious a matter to entrust to military men. GEORGES CLEMENCEAU We slowed it down to our tempo, played our game. We just lost it in the overtime. SEAN GEORGES I adore life but I don't fear death. I just prefer to die as late as possible. GEORGES SIMENON Why has not anyone seen that fossils alone gave birth to a theory about the formation of the earth, ... GEORGES CUVIER Have you never been moved by poor men's fidelity, the image of you they form in their simple minds? ... GEORGES BERNANOS And what have you laymen made of hell? A kind of penal servitude for eternity, on the lines of your ... GEORGES BERNANOS The first sign of corruption in a society that is still alive is that the end justifies the means GEORGES BERNANOS Suffering has roused them from the sleep of gentle life, and every day fills them with a terrible in... GEORGES DUHAMEL By voluntarily participating in these programs, and by setting ambitious targets which are more aggr... GEORGES AUGUSTE The conscience of an artist worthy of the name is like an incurable disease which causes him endless... GEORGES ROUAULT He imitated me so well that I couldn't stand myself any longer. GEORGES POMPIDOU Each of us is incomplete compared to someone else - an animal's incomplete compared to a person.... GEORGES BATAILLE Reality only reveals itself when it is illuminated by a ray of poetry. GEORGES BRAQUE The need to go astray, to be destroyed, is an extremely private, distant, passionate, turbulent trut... GEORGES BATAILLE Hence the same instant which killed the animals froze the country where they lived. This event was s... GEORGES CUVIER Few peek through these differing angles and many opt for the accustomed, the habitual,
it is mostly ... GEORGES BERTRAND A Christian people doesn't mean a lot of goody-goodies. The Church has plenty of stamina, and isn't ... GEORGES BERNANOS It was the serene cheerfulness of a man who has no nightmares, who feels at peace with himself and e... GEORGES SIMENON We pedaled rapidly, without laughing or speaking, peculiarly satisfied with our mutual presence, aki... GEORGES BATAILLE Intellectual despair results in neither weakness nor dreams, but in violence. It is only a matter of... GEORGES BATAILLE The wish to pray is a prayer in itself. GEORGES BERNANOS It is one of the most mysterious penalties of men that they should be forced to confide the most pre... GEORGES BERNANOS It's the first time there will be Asian Excellence Awards handed out for performances on TV, movies ... BILL GEORGES I have plumbed the depth of human cowardice and I realized that there is only one way to be right, a... GEORGES BIDAULT Oh to be seventy again. GEORGES CLEMENCEAU The most dangerous thing about student riots is that adults take them seriously. GEORGES POMPIDOU The most dangerous of our calculations are those we call illusions. GEORGES BERNANOS Hope is a risk that must be run GEORGES BERNANOS To define a thing is to substitute the definition for the thing itself. GEORGES BRAQUE There is only one valuable thing in art: the thing you cannot explain. GEORGES BRAQUE Truth exists; only lies are invented. GEORGES BRAQUE Art is made to disturb. Science reassures. GEORGES BRAQUE Painting is a nail to which I fasten my ideas. GEORGES BRAQUE Reality only reveals itself when it is illuminated by a ray of poetry GEORGES BRAQUE Our offense is going to be much slower than we predicted. SEAN GEORGES Laughing at the universe liberated my life. I escape its weight by laughing. I refuse any intellectu... GEORGES BATAILLE I saw Mussolini tirelessly contemplate a parade of thousands of young men. GEORGES SIMENON If poetry introduces the strange, it does so by means of the familiar. The poetic is the familiar di... GEORGES BATAILLE The weak have one weapon: the errors of those who think they are strong. GEORGES BIDAULT If we had not been dealing with the devil in person, we could have saved Algeria. GEORGES BIDAULT To err is human, to persist in error is diabolical. GEORGES CANGUILHEM The place smelled of fairgrounds, of lazy crowds, of nights when you stayed out because you couldn't... GEORGES SIMENON Is not piety itself passion, but passion ennobled, sanctified? The whole of the Catholic liturgy, wi... GEORGES RODENBACH I think that knowledge enslaves us, that at the base of all knowledge there is a servility, the acce... GEORGES BATAILLE He mostly preached in the evening, when the college church was already shrouded in shadow. And... GEORGES RODENBACH Love is rebellious bird that nobody can tame, and it's all in vain to call it if it chooses to refus... GEORGES BIZET Religion is a means of exploitation employed by the strong against the weak; religion is a cloak of ... GEORGES BIZET My conduct with my friends is motivated: each being is, I believe, incapable on his own, of going to... GEORGES BATAILLE It is evident that one cannot say anything demonstrable about the problem before having resolved the... GEORGES CUVIER Subjective artists are one-eyed, but objective artists are blind. GEORGES ROUAULT Attack is only one half of the art of boxing. GEORGES CARPENTIER sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. GEORGES DUHAMEL Under the present conditions, everything conspires to obscure the basic movement that tends to resto... GEORGES BATAILLE A thought which does not result in an action is nothing much, and an action
which does not proceed f... GEORGES BERNANOS Faith is not a thing which one ''loses',' we merely cease to shape our lives by it. GEORGES BERNANOS It was night and I could see a large and calm lake, reflecting the moon. Black mountains rose around... GEORGES SIMENON It was a rough one. SEAN GEORGES I think the overall response was deplorable in terms of the timing and there's plenty of blame go ar... GEORGES BENJAMIN Man always becomes other. Man is the animal who continually differs from himself. GEORGES BATAILLE A man who waits to believe in action before acting is anything you like, but he's not a man of a... GEORGES CLEMENCEAU I am a believer and a conformist. GEORGES ROUAULT Thus the tower was both disease and cure. It rendered him unfit for the world and it remedied the hu... GEORGES RODENBACH Secondly, the nature of the revolutions which have altered the surface of the earth must have had a ... GEORGES CUVIER A man's life is interesting primarily when he has failed - I well know. For it's a sign that... GEORGES CLEMENCEAU But the revolutions and changes which are responsible for the present state of the earth are not lim... GEORGES CUVIER The appearance of the bones of quadrupeds, especially those of complete bodies in the strata, tells ... GEORGES CUVIER The traces of upheavals become more impressive when one moves a little higher, when one gets even cl... GEORGES CUVIER In fact, ST was one of the first companies to initiate an environmental management program, which wa... GEORGES AUGUSTE ST has long been a supporter of, and participant in international programs aimed at reducing greenho... GEORGES AUGUSTE What often happens in a situation like this is people latch onto very concrete things, like buying v... GEORGES BENJAMIN