Behind every working woman is an enormous pile of unwashed laundry.
Barbara Dale
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Think of the life of the working woman as the decathlon. If you even finish it's a miracle.
— Barbara Dale
In time your relatives will come to accept the idea that a career is as important to you as your family. Of course, in time the polar ice cap will melt.
— Barbara Dale
I am a working woman. I take care of a home. I hold down a job. I am nuts.
— Barbara Dale
We want to get a deterrent effect to let people know we don't want to do this. We would rather have people just not commit the crimes.
— Dale Armstrong
If I was at fault, I could see paying. But I wasn't . I told the guys at work, if you're even close to an accident, get out of there because you're going to get a bill.
— Dale Armstrong