Be proud but not arrogant.Proud makes you of being honoured for something. Arrogant makes you having false sense of superiority.
Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
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Proud is something regarded as highly honourble or creditable to oneself Confident people gain self worth by their own accomplishment & abilities.Arrogance refers to to having excessive pride in oneself & genetrate exaggerated self worth.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Do something in every given moment to make your future worth meaningful. Create your present as proud moment & as best as possible to make future a success story.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Proud Moment
Be proud to be yourself.No matter what one think about you.Some will adore you, someone will have some reservation about youBut never care.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Be Proud
Be proud but not arrogant.You may be powerful today but remember time is most powerful.A tree makes so much of match sticks but it is one match stick that burns a million of tree.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Be Proud
Tough time may pass away but tough people stand always what may come.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha