Audio of interview -"it's not surprising that in that first group I worked with over 20 years ago I had 2 accounts of Jimmy Savile being an abuser where I did support some people to go to the police but it was seen as something impossible to consider at the time."
"We have improved a lot as a society in the last 20 years in accepting the reality of abuse, even though it's still so hard for us."
"When we look at adults who were abused in childhood we find that nearly all of them had told somebody..."
"The culture of the police has changed dramatically but 20 years ago when even counselors and social workers didn't think the abuse could be so widespread the police were obviously part of that culture too. I mean it's hard to realise that in the 1980s there was a point where it was thought that there were only 486 children on the abuse register. Now the government accepts that 1 in 4 adults will have been abused at some point in their lives. That is a huge change."
"This is really different for any survivors listening now if a police officer doesn't listen sympathetically and offer a believing response then something has gone wrong because the police really do have this in their guidelines now."
- Dr Valerie Sinason, Clinic for Dissociative Studies, London