At this point in time, we are evaluating what can be added. Everything is case-by-case. We want to figure out what makes sense to put on Apple, what's appropriate, and how does it help the show overall on the linear network.
Albert Cheng
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We've only increased overall media consumption for some of our hit shows and some of the shows we're trying to promote.
— Albert Cheng
We are committed to offering programming to viewers no matter when, where or how they want it and this is further example of how we are accomplishing our goals.
— Albert Cheng
We need to be where consumers are getting their media. Video downloads provide another opportunity for consumers to catch up at their convenience so that they can get back to [the] linear network broadcast and join in the water cooler conversation around our shows.
— Albert Cheng
They give the viewer another opportunity to see a show they've missed; they're another opportunity to get that show further along (in its overall visibility).
— Albert Cheng
It's much bigger than that million right now. I think it's doing as well as we would hope. I think it's just a great value proposition, and I think the TV shows are driving a lot of these downloads.
— Albert Cheng