At early dawn when the air is crisp And you're standing knee deep in a beautiful rip You see a trout rise to an unknown fly Then your heart starts to thump and you wonder why You're a neophyte fly fisherman. You can measure the cast and study the lie Then lengthen the line to make your first try As you check the rod to get a good presentation You hold your breath in solemn anticipation You must be a fly fisherman! The fly floats gently on its way to the trout You know it will "take it" without a doubt. You're all charged up and ready to strike But the fly floats by because something's not right You are still a fly fisherman. You open your fly box and select a new fly Then lengthen the tippet before the next try Change your position to help with the cast And hope you have made the right decision at last Now you are a doubtful fly fisherman.

George W. Harvey

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