as architect of choosing...
choose. to. live.
awakened. entirely. wholly.

wildly powerful, 
deeply masterful, 
authentically creative,
this is not a hoped-for possible self.
[reminder: this is an immutable Law of your being]

needing not to learn the skill of being whole, 
the antidote is to unlearn the habit of living incompletely

here’s the practice:

‘know thyself‘—its about spirit 
righteousness is underrated
elevate connection with the changeless essence
seek similitude with the will of Source and will of self

'choose thyself'—its about substance
sacred. sagacious. spacious.
in thought, word and deed—
intend to: honor virtue. innovate enthusiastically. master integrity.

'become who you are'—its about style 
a human, being an entrepreneur of life experiences
a human, being a purveyor of preferences
being-well with the known experience of soul, in service

your relationship with insecurities, contradictions, & failures?
obstacles or...invitations to grow?
[mindset forms manifestation]
emotions are messengers are gifts
data for discernment: dare to deconstruct them your fears

a belief renovation: fear.less.
& aspire towards ascendance, anyway
support your shine
lean into the Light



as architect of choosing, I choose... 
to disrupt the energy of the status quo,
to eclipse the realms of ordinary,
& to live--a life-well lived.
w/ spirit, substance & style.