As a Minnesota-based organization, we're very excited about opening a Cub Foods store in Cambridge. We're anxious to be a part of the community and provide local residents with the value, selection and convenience enjoyed by other Cub customers.
Brian Huff
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We're pretty much on target for summer of 2007, fall of 2007, to have the majority of the work completed.
— Brian Huff
We created this contest last year to give our customers a way to show their community pride and it proved very successful with more than 600 entries. Because of the overwhelming response to the contest, we've decided to do it again this year and I know we'll be amazed by the creativity of our customers.
— Brian Huff
A lot of companies will -- may -- reduce production or decrease production thinking sales will go down. I personally think that if anything Brett Favre has a couple years to go.
— Brian Huff
The alumni team we're going to put together will include two years before they moved to the Gardens, when they played at Ontario Arena at Western Fair and were called the CNRA London Nationals.
— Bruce Huff
That would be the junior B London Nationals. We're planning a reunion and alumni game for Hockey Day in London in March.
— Bruce Huff