All the lawyers will attend the trial and a decision has been taken not to leave the president alone. The lawyers are forced to attend the hearings, despite serious threats on their lives, but they want to do that to serve justice.
Issam Ghazawi
Related Quotes
All the lawyers will attend the trial on Monday and a decision has been taken not to leave the president alone.
— Issam Ghazawi
We will not allow the court to appoint other lawyers. The lawyers are forced to attend the hearings, despite serious threats on their lives, but they want to do that to serve justice.
— Issam Ghazawi
We read about these things only in the media, but we have not received anything official from the court and I'm not aware that any of our requests have been answered.
— Issam Ghazawi
The appropriate channel is for the accusations to come through the court and for the lawyers to receive a copy of the indictment.
— Issam Ghazawi
We will go if they give us security or not. We will never abandon the president (Saddam) and we will not give the court the opportunity to appoint a lawyer to defend him.
— Issam Ghazzawi