All of the time she's been here she's been our primary offensive weapon. There was no disguising that or masquerading, and we were easy to scout because of that. Teams knew where the ball was going.
MarQuette Burgess
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(Cleaves) is, I guess you could say, multi-dimensional. She's our best defender, but she's also had some of her bigger games in postseason play, offensively.
— MarQuette Burgess
It was an easy transition and putting her in that role was a no-brainer. It was a really easy decision.
— MarQuette Burgess
She's a very good defender, and she's real versatile offensively. She can have an impact on the game in a with a number of aspects.
— MarQuette Burgess
She's a phenomenal passer. She averaged four or five assists, but she could have averaged a lot more than that if some of the passes she made were finished or caught. She catches so many people off guard with some of those passes.
— MarQuette Burgess
She plays with her emotions on her sleeve, she's going to yell every once in a while. But her being emotional on the court is what makes her as good as she is. She just had to learn how to channel those emotions in the right direction and not allow other teams to get into her head. And that's why she had the season she had.
— MarQuette Burgess