A prison made of steel and stone I can endure, and have endured, but never could I survive being locked away in one with walls made of fear and ghost for guards.
Bobby W. Miller
Bob Miller
Fear And Ghost
Jail And You
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Survive Being Locked Up
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Even though the media has dubbed me America's most controversial writer, occasionally my words find an open mind and I end up with a new friend, and at least on that day, I win.
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B.w. Miller
Bob Miller
Bobby Miller
I decided to walk with the wind in my face. To seek out the wizards and dragons instead of hiding from them. To live in the light, to die young if need be, rather than live forever in the shadows of others.
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I always tell what I believe to be the truth. It is undoubtedly the most difficult, and freighting thing I’ve ever done, and I’ve done some extremely freighting things.
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Sometimes just by changing a couple of words in a paragraph about someone blowing their brains out can give the reader a chuckle and make it all worthwhile.
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Bob Miller
To be poor in a rich country is difficult, but it’s nice to know that there are millions like me who are willing to make it happen for them.
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Bob Miller Controversial