A perfect word left behind in an imperfect world who does not know what it is capable of
Rosemarie Yusen
Proving Others Wrong
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Others want what they cannot get from us and when we finally give into their demands, We no longer want us either
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Insanity has a fond tendency for a public display of sanity. If it finds no tenderness by way of the storm; The Insanity will invite it's self back to the party
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How come such A Sad Poet; Because Reality is too x-rated. For A Poet's Mind gets messy in this hit and run traffic. And A Rationalizing Clown in a giganturous red nose knows disalarmingly way too much for any silly behavior
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Perfected young girl inside of an equation for an imperfect place, Seamstressed only for the one with a button missing
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Someone For Everyone
The mind is the pit for which all dump trucks go to release their trash.
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The Mind