A lot more of the pedophile type cases, solicitation of a minor, pornography. We've been seeing more and more.
Joe Rodriguez
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Many of the laws that pornography runs afoul of need to be tested, as they are often written broadly enough that they can affect other expressions that we do care about.
— Peter Scheer
The way to get better pornography is to give pornographers better sex.
— John Preston
I don't know what the definition of pornography is and nobody else does either. Pornography is somebody else's erotica that you don't like. People are interested in their own sexuality and they've always reflected it in their art. End of story.
— Erica Jong
It's not just computer pornography, it's not just homicides, it's not just dope cases, ... You're all over the map.
— Roy Mitchell
There's nothing political about keeping pornography off of state-sponsored Web sites. It's important to the governor that we reach out to this at-risk population, and communicate important public health messages. But he needs to be assured by the Agency of Human Services there will not ever again be pornography on this Web site or any other sponsored by the state.
— Jason Gibbs