[...] Queste difficoltà possono essere risolte nel modo migliore facendo buon viso a cattivo gioco. I ritardi possono essere tollerati accettandoli ed elaborando una scansione temporale che li preveda. Si può poi tollerare una certa imprecisione nella risposta pensando in termini di <>. Così invece di dire: <>, noi diremo: <>. Le varie classi devono essere del tutto distinte e ben lontane dal sovrapporsi, cioé - topologicamente parlando - potremmo dire che devono avere tra loro una distanza finita. Con una decisione del genere avremo introdotto una ben definita divisione del lavoro tra il matematico e l'ingegnere, che permetterà a ognuno dei due di andare avanti senza preoccuparsi se le sue assunzioni siano in accordo con quelle dell'altro.
Alan Turing
Related Non puoi ascoltare una poesia senza che questa ti trasformi" mi disse. "L'ascoltarono e li colonizz�... NEIL GAIMAN Quello che voglio dire è che una condizione del genere dopo un po' diventa cronica. La ferita è ri... HARUKI MURAKAMI Molto spesso sentiamo che ci manca qualcosa e proprio ciò che ci manca ci sembra di ritrovarlo in u... JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Molti preferiscono tacere quando la vita fa più male, spesso le parole sono solo pietre inerti, ves... STEFANSSON JON KALMAN Perché, se esistono gli angeli, a nessuno di loro spetta il compito di impedire che sulla terra avv... CHRISTINE LAVANT Le parole sopravvivono ai sistemi perchè vivono di loro stesse: sono fuochi di memoria, segnali di ... SALVATORE NATOLI Noi siamo cinque fratelli. Abitiamo in città diverse, alcuni di noi stanno all'estero: e non ci scr... NATALIA GINZBURG - Fanciulla, non so se sei una dea o una mortale, se sei una dea certo sei Artemide con le tue ancel... JEAN-PIERRE VERNANT E così, nella cassa da morto del sindaco, il bambino, l’uccellino e il costruttore di casse da mo... MATILDA WOODS Quella macchia laggiù, che rosseggiava al tramonto e che questo crepuscolo fa buia, riempie a volte... FERRUCCIO PARAZZOLI Camminavo nella sera piena di lillà con tutti i muscoli indolenziti in mezzo alle luci della 27a St... JACK KEROUAC E c'era davvero qualcosa che si avvicinava dal vialetto, in direzione della casa. Lo vedevo dal bino... NEIL GAIMAN Gridavamo siamo angeli, possiamo lanciarci senza distruggerci, abbiamo le ali nei muscoli, siamo spa... ISABELLA SANTACROCE Le etichette possono essere riduttive. A volte bisogna smettere di pensare a genere e orientamento e... JAY NORTHCOTE Ciononostante, vi fu uno spazio di un paio di secondi durante i quali l'espressione dei suoi occhi a... GEORGE ORWELL Amare è solo una forma di "ri-conoscimento", nella vita riconosciamo ciò che abbiamo già letto, o... ALESSANDRO D'AVENIA Ai miei tempi quando una donna diventava una star del cinema doveva girare in occhiali da sole e fou... MORDECAI RICHLER Quasi avesse tenuto una breve rappresentazione teatrale, l'avvocato si mette una mano sul cuore e si... JENNY ERPENBECK In genere si crede che le donne siano molto quiete: le donne invece provano gli stessi sentimenti de... CHARLOTTE BRONTë Be’... – disse lei, rigirandosi compiaciuta sulla schiena. – Mi piace mangiare roba buona, bis... RAYMOND CARVER Una storia cambia continuamente vestito. Una storia cresce e germoglia come un qualcosa di vivo! Que... CORNELIA FUNKE Egli [Marx] ha posto il lavoro, il suo avvilimento ingiusto e la sua dignità profonda, al centro de... ALBERT CAMUS Forse una via di uscita sta nel sottrarsi alla lotta tra consumare ed essere, tornando al fare. RICCARDO FALCINELLI «Ho passato tutta la vita a far finta di essere qualcuno che non ero, simulando e nascondendo i mie... RACHEL HAWKINS La “Crisi Esistenziale” di chi ama l’amore e ha il coraggio di amare. Nell’epoca ... SAVIO DE MARTINO Che bello! Silenzio, niente televisione, poche macchine per le strade, casa tiepida. È quasi come l... MARIO RIGONI STERN - Nulla è eterno, Balbulus. E che cosa c'è di meglio, per le parole, che essere cantate in giro? S... CORNELIA FUNKE [...] la schiavitù non è altro che il profitto di pochi del lavoro della massa. Perché la schiavi... LEO TOLSTOY Quando la stanchezza della corsa mi faceva cadere sulle pietre credevo di essere lontano da quell'or... MARIO RIGONI STERN Hedwig Marty : – Mantieni la tua libertà di coscienza e d’azione, è preziosa e noi ce la... GIANI STUPARICH Nel momento in cui riconosceva quello che c'era su una cartuccia provava la sensazione carica d'ansi... DAVID FOSTER WALLACE ... quando un cristiano sente il desiderio di prendere un caffè, non è perché vuole bere un caff�... LUCIANO DE CRESCENZO Come sono fortunati gli attori! Loro possono scegliere se recitare in una tragedia o in una commedia... OSCAR WILDE Ho visto qualcosa di diverso in te! Sei intrappolata in questa guerra che non ti appartiene, c'è un... B. TIANA LORENA Oggi penso talvolta che il vicino dell’Elefante poteva essere il futuro ufficiale della Gestapo ch... CZESłAW MIłOSZ ”(…) spesso sto davanti a me stesso come davanti a un estraneo, quando in ore tranquille un e... ERIC MARIA REMARQUE Ogni oggetto in noi suol trasformarsi secondo le immagini ch’esso evoca e aggruppa, per così dire... LUIGI PIRANDELLO Devia la mia mano, quando tento una carezza sulla sua guancia arrossata. «Poche regole, Allison.» ... GIOVANNA ROMA La Cadillac Eldorado Brougham del 1957 era l'incarnazione perfetta dell'esibizionismo, tra le macchi... CHRISTOPHER MOORE Con le sue strade acciottolate, le torri merlate, le gallerie ad arcate, i bovindi e i portici scolp... ELIF SHAFAK Una volta, il mio capitano disse che nella vita si incontrano persone che, crediamo, diventeranno no... SALLY GARDNER Poi si voltò verso di me, per farmi vedere com'era arrabbiata, e che quella rabbia era per me. Stav... KURT VONNEGUT Piera, la protagonista di Vuoi vedere che è proprio amore?, è una giovane donna che lavora. Profes... VIVIANA GIORGI «Io voglio amarti di più» disse lei lentamente, timorosa di continuare. Si irrigidì e si scostò... JOSEPHINE ANGELINI Aveva una sensualità capace di strappare dolcemente, a una a una, le sottili membrane che avvolgono... HARUKI MURAKAMI La vendetta, caro signore, la vendetta, la quale, èur essendo un peccato da gentiluomo come il vino... WALTER SCOTT La vendetta, caro signore, la vendetta, la quale, pur essendo un peccato da gentiluomo come il vino,... WALTER SCOTT Osserva quella miserabile creatura. Quel Punto è un Essere come noi, ma confinato nel baratro adime... EDWIN A. ABBOTT Vorrei, per essere proprio tranquillo, che tu non ti spaventassi o ti turbassi troppo qualunque cond... ANTONIO GRAMSCI ...Quando Isabelle alzò lo sguardo ebbe l’impressione che il cuore le si fermasse. Stava risalend... MARTA SAVARINO La forza dell’immagine e il potere dei social network possono cambiare la storia della comunicazio... ALEX CORLAZZOLI La mente gli scivolò nel mondo labirintico del bipensiero. Sapere e non sapere; credere ferma... GEORGE ORWELL ...notai che le armature di ferro di plaza Costituciòn avevno cambiato non so quale pubblicità di ... JORGE LUIS BORGES Il suicidio è così contrario a tanti nostri istinti e impulsi programmati che nessuno sano di ment... DAVID FOSTER WALLACE «Proprio un elfo snob doveva toccarmi in sorte?» le rispose divertito. «Allora, non mi rimane alt... VIVIANA GIORGI Oh, dio mio, se fossi un angelo del Signore segnerei con una croce le porte di casa dei miei figli, ... MORDECAI RICHLER Tutti e due pensavano ai giovani – i loro fratelli, i loro amici – le cui ossa erano in decompos... IRèNE NéMIROVSKY Non so se avrò tempo di scrivere altre lettere, perché forse sarò troppo impegnato a cercare a pa... STEPHEN CHBOSKY Magari qualcosa, una moneta che cade, un piccolo braccialetto che si impiglia alla maglia di qualcun... CLAUDIA PINTUS I libri le aprivano mondi nuovi e le facevano conoscere persone straordinarie che vivevano una vita ... ROALD DAHL Il libro si adatta alla mano, si adatta all'individuo. Il modo in cui tieni in mano un libro e giri ... DON DELILLO E' la possibilità, non la garanzia, quella che mi fa andare avanti. Una specie di scomessa da parte... NICHOLAS SPARKS Il corpo è la casa del tempo, dentro di lui muoiono gli anni, e con loro noi stessi. Amavo davvero ... ISABELLA SANTACROCE Credevo che per Barney esistessi solo tu. Almeno questo è quello che dicono tutti. Senti, ambasciat... MORDECAI RICHLER Era come se avessi tremato per tutta la vita, a causa di una cronica corrente sotterranea di paura. ... PHILIP K. DICK Con il termine Personal Branding si definisce il processo di creazione e gestione del proprio Brand,... TOMMASO SORCHIOTTI Non si pone come regola, non si prescrive di essere casti; la castità è di per sé un ideale, o a ... LEO TOLSTOY L'amore è una faccenda intima strana e piena di contraddizioni, visto che non di rado amiamo qualcu... AMOS OZ Una lezione ha un denominatore comune che ci lega l'uno all'altro come in una catena. In fondo alla ... CECELIA AHERN Le cose, una volta pensate, che bisogno c'è di dirle? NICCOLò AMMANITI Secondo dei dati statistici, trascorriamo in media trenta minuti al giorno a cercare le cose, e chi ... MARIE KONDō Se si avvelena una mela, non si può ignorare che i suoi semi presto o tardi faranno nascere u... ALICE CHIMERA La solitudine non è mai con voi; è sempre senza di voi, e soltanto possibile con un estraneo attor... LUIGI PIRANDELLO Dio solo sa che cosa voglia dire sedersi, essere dinnanzi a una creatura incantevole e non poter por... JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Come tutte le cose pure e dotate di una forza prorompente, le parole di Nietzsche potevano portare n... MILA FOIS Nel tennis il vero avversario, la frontiera che include, è il giocatore stesso. C'è sempre e solo ... DAVID FOSTER WALLACE Ovviamente non si ha il diritto di dar da mangiare a Pop Corn, visto che si trova qui per dimagrire.... ÉRIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT Barzellette matematiche I (*) Un biologo, uno statistico e un matematico sono seduti un caffè ... IAN STEWART Leggendo non cerchiamo idee nuove, ma pensieri già da noi pensati, che acquistano sulla pagina un s... CESARE PAVESE A fine giornata ci sono poche persone intorno a voi che vogliono veramente vedervi sereni, felici e ... C. JOYBELL C. Amiamo i mondi di fantasia perché il mondo in cui viviamo non ci soddisfa completamente. Troviamo c... ALESSIA ESSE Tutt'intorno a noi scorreva la città di Roma, splendida nella sua indifferenza, eternamente sicura ... GARY SHTEYNGART Cosa farei senza libri? Ne ho la casa piena, eppure non mi bastano mai. Vorrei avere una giornata di... DACIA MARAINI La vigilia di Natale, Harry andò a letto pregustando le leccornie e i divertimenti dell'indomani, m... J.K. ROWLING E allora quanta sofferenza è accettabile? È questa la base di tutto, ed è questo che ognuno di no... JONATHAN SAFRAN FOER Penso che siamo sempre alla caccia di qualcosa di nascosto o di solo potenziale o ipotetico, di cui ... ITALO CALVINO Tutto quello a cui riuscivo a pensare era che gli stavo tenendo la mano. Lo stavo toccando. E s... N.R. WALKER [...] non è effetto alcuna in natura, per minimo che e' sia, all'intera cognizion del quale possano... GALILEO GALILEI Poi è andata com'è andata. É andata come sappiamo. Sono finite le autoriduzioni, le lotte armate,... DIEGO DE SILVA Y él había suspirado entonces y ella le había dicho <>. Y él le había respondido <>... ERNESTO SABATO Ho sceso, dandoti il braccio, almeno un milione di scale e ora che non ci sei è il vuoto ad og... EUGENIO MONTALE Una spada sarà inutile nelle mani di qualcuno che non si sforza di lottare NICHIREN DAISHONIN Forse sapevano, un po' meglio degli altri, decifrare, o magari suscitare, questi segni favorevoli. L... GEORGES PEREC Il bassotto alzò il muso verso di lui, con lo sguardo dei cani quando non capiscono e non sanno che... ITALO CALVINO ... il tutto in diverse sfumature di grigio, celeste, verde scuro, perché in base a una ricerca, qu... ZADIE SMITH i montanari, moralmente più puri, sono fisicamente più robusti e «triplicano» le consonanti, la ... ANTONIO GRAMSCI Quelle erano le parole che voleva sentirsi dire, e alla fine cedette alla tentazione di crederci. CARLOS RUIZ ZAFóN Fiona ritorna a Cape Love dopo undici anni, scrittrice di successo e con una bambina di dieci anni a... VIVIANA GIORGI Ci divoreranno, Andrej Romanovič. Noi russi, gli ucraini, i popoli del sud; nessuno di noi conosce ... ANDREA TARABBIA Tutti indossiamo una maschera, per alcuni è il trucco, per altri il sorriso, le mogl... ATTICUS POETRY
More Alan Turing
I have such a stressful job that the only way I can get it out of my mind is by running hard. ALAN TURING I have had a dream indicating rather clearly that I am on the way to being hetero, though I don'... ALAN TURING I want a permanent relationship, and I might feel inclined to reject anything which of its nature co... ALAN TURING Mathematical reasoning may be regarded rather schematically as the exercise of a combination of two ... ALAN TURING No, I'm not interested in developing a powerful brain. All I'm after is just a mediocre brai... ALAN TURING In the time of Galileo it was argued that the texts, 'And the sun stood still ... and hasted not to ... ALAN TURING No, I'm not interested in developing a powerful brain. All I'm after is just a mediocre brain, somet... ALAN TURING Those who can imagine anything, can create the impossible. ALAN TURING We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done. ALAN TURING Machines take me by surprise with great frequency. ALAN TURING The idea behind digital computers may be explained by saying that these machines are intended to car... ALAN TURING I believe that at the end of the century the use of words and general educated opinion will have alt... ALAN TURING Science is a differential equation. Religion is a boundary condition. ALAN TURING We are not interested in the fact that the brain has the consistency of cold porridge. ALAN TURING A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it... ALAN TURING I am not very impressed with theological arguments whatever they may be used to support. Such argume... ALAN TURING I'm afraid that the following syllogism may be used by some in the future. Turing believe... ALAN TURING Let us return for a moment to Lady Lovelace’s objection, which stated that the machine can only do... ALAN TURING Let us return for a moment to Lady Lovelace’s objection, which stated that the machine can only do... ALAN TURING Can machines have souls? You ask me that and I ask you if souls can learn. If they can't -- then of ... , THE TURING OPTION Selling is simply the transfer of inthusiasm. ALAN No valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now. ALAN WATTS I think most people have that crazy uncle they sit at Thanksgiving dinner with: someone they disagre... ALAN COLMES Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid it. Geniuses remove it. ALAN PERLIS Even in our deep ocean, there are ecosystems at work with no light whatsoever down in the deepest po... ALAN STERN Cancer, like any other illness, is a bore. ALAN BENNETT I write plays about things that I can't resolve in my mind. I try to root things out. ALAN BENNETT I always feel over-appreciated but underestimated. ALAN BENNETT We were put to Dickens as children but it never quite took. That unremitting humanity soon had me ch... ALAN BENNETT I'm less genial than people think, but I'm too timid to seem nasty. ALAN BENNETT I can't complain that I've had a public all through my writing life, but people don't qu... ALAN BENNETT I didn't even have a clear idea of why I wanted to go to Oxford - apart from the fact I had fall... ALAN BENNETT I'm all in favour of free expression provided it's kept rigidly under control. ALAN BENNETT I do not long for the world as it was when I was a child. I do not long for the person I was in that... ALAN BENNETT All knowledge is precious whether or not it serves the slightest human use. ALAN BENNETT We were all miners in our family. My father was a miner. My mother is a miner. These are miner's... ALAN BENNETT Life is generally something that happens elsewhere. ALAN BENNETT I've never seen the point of the sea, except where it meets the land. The shore has a point. The... ALAN BENNETT Were we closer to the ground as children, or is the grass emptier now? ALAN BENNETT Your whole life is on the other side of the glass. And there is nobody watching. ALAN BENNETT Children always assume the sexual lives of their parents come to a grinding halt at their conception... ALAN BENNETT Life is like a box of sardines and we are all looking for the key. ALAN BENNETT Teachers need to feel they are trusted. They must be allowed some leeway to use their imagination; o... ALAN BENNETT Closing a public library is child abuse, really, because it hinders child development. ALAN BENNETT If you keep yourself alive and current, funny is funny. ALAN KING I want to enjoy not getting recognised while it lasts. But the mask is a symbol of unity. Anyone can... ALAN WALKER Hitler's dictatorship rested on the constitutional foundation of a single law, the Enabling Law. ALAN BULLOCK The ego is nothing other than the focus of conscious attention. ALAN WATTS In software systems it is often the early bird that makes the worm. ALAN PERLIS People who are really serious about software should make their own hardware. ALAN KAY I'll work overtime to open the doors of opportunity to industry and commerce. ALAN AUTRY Life is a lot more interesting if you are interested in the people and the places around you. So, il... ALAN MOORE I like Jacques Derrida; I think he's funny. I like my philosophy with a few jokes and puns. I kn... ALAN MOORE We cannot be more sensitive to pleasure without being more sensitive to pain. ALAN WATTS Hypocrisy is not a way of getting back to the moral high ground. Pretending you're moral, saying... ALAN DERSHOWITZ Being offended by freedom of speech should never be regarded as a justification for violence. ALAN DERSHOWITZ When a deep injury is done us, we never recover until we forgive. ALAN PATON You have to really stretch your imagination to infer what the intrinsic value of Bitcoin is. I haven... ALAN GREENSPAN I was conveniently bisexual for a long time, and then I went, 'Come on, who am I kidding?' A... ALAN BALL Period recreation is very difficult unless you make a black-and-white movie. ALAN PARKER I'm a Buddhist, so one of my biggest beliefs is, 'Everything changes, don't take it pers... ALAN BALL Fear and euphoria are dominant forces, and fear is many multiples the size of euphoria. Bubbles go u... ALAN GREENSPAN And although our bodies are bounded with skin, and we can differentiate between outside and inside, ... ALAN WATTS There are two worlds we live in: a material world, bound by the laws of physics, and the world insid... ALAN MOORE Most software today is very much like an Egyptian pyramid with millions of bricks piled on top of ea... ALAN KAY If we don't re-charge the American Brand, all future challenges - economic, social and political... ALAN SIEGEL On the screen were some flashback shots of Daniel, Emma and Rupert from ten years ago. They were 12.... ALAN RICKMAN So then, the relationship of self to other is the complete realization that loving yourself is impos... ALAN WATTS Buddhism has in it no idea of there being a moral law laid down by somekind of cosmic lawgiver. ALAN WATTS So the bodhisattva saves all beings, not by preaching sermons to them, but by showing them that they... ALAN WATTS Wars based on principle are far more destructive... the attacker will not destroy that which he is a... ALAN WATTS In other words, a person who is fanatic in matters of religion, and clings to certain ideas about th... ALAN WATTS I owe my solitude to other people. ALAN WATTS We identify in our exerience a differentiation between what we do and what happens to us. ALAN WATTS Saints need sinners. ALAN WATTS You are that vast thing that you see far, far off with great telescopes. ALAN WATTS Reality is only a Rorschach ink-blot, you know. ALAN WATTS No work for love will flourish out of guilt, fear, or hollowness of heart, just as no valid plans fo... ALAN WATTS Technology is destructive only in the hands of people who do not realize that they are one and the s... ALAN WATTS Technology is destructive only in the hands of people who do not realize that they are one and the s... ALAN WATTS How is it possible that a being with such sensitive jewels as the eyes,
such enchanted musical instr... ALAN WATTS The religious idea of God cannot do full duty for the metaphysical infinity. ALAN WATTS Bureaucracies are inherently antidemocratic. Bureaucrats derive their power from their position in t... ALAN KEYES Arsenal paid a lot of money for him a few years ago but he found it difficult to claim a first-team ... ALAN CURBISHLEY It was a great night for us and a great achievement. Who knows what will happen in the next round. I... ALAN CURBISHLEY There has not really been a lot going on for Stephan, he has not had many saves to make. I want to h... ALAN CURBISHLEY There may be players wanting to leave, and obviously I have a surplus in the forward area, so this w... ALAN CURBISHLEY I like working on things that are very different and that involve different disguises. ALAN CUMMING Actually I like working kind of fast, because if you got it, why bother doing it over and over? ALAN CUMMING It's a sort of anti-Broadway musical. It's odd, disjointed and spiky. ALAN CUMMING Nowadays people don't know how to handle it if all the ends aren't tied up and they're not told what... ALAN CUMMING It's really rare for film directors to be that interested in things other than themselves. ALAN CUMMING It is not hard to feel like an outsider. I think we have all felt like that at one time or another. ALAN CUMMING When Brian went by me, I thought he was some guy that jumped on the course. ALAN CULPEPPER In Athens, I was running in long sleeves and pants in the summertime to acclimate as much as I could... ALAN CULPEPPER If I were not a writer, I would spend more time doing the things that I am already doing, which incl... ALAN LIGHTMAN At this point, our office is going to prepare to go to trial again, ... We believe the jury will com... ALAN CURRY We haven't made a decision yet. I think there's several options open to us and that's something work... ALAN CURRY Andrea Yates knew precisely what she was doing, ... She knew that it was wrong. ALAN CURRY He has come here to gain experience, and nothing can happen until December anyway. I believe Gary Ne... ALAN CURBISHLEY I left some of the boys out completely to have a rest, ALAN CURBISHLEY We moved in straight away, and although he was publicly linked with other clubs, we were always conf... ALAN CURBISHLEY Danny is a player we have been tracking for some time, but he only became available last week, ALAN CURBISHLEY Claus had one year remaining on his contract and made it clear that he didn't wish to renew his deal... ALAN CURBISHLEY The player wanted to come to us and we are very pleased to welcome him. ALAN CURBISHLEY We don't believe isolated testimony on cross examination by one of our witnesses had such an impact ... ALAN CURRY We are hopeful that we can now finally place our complete focus upon going to trial. ALAN CURRY The case has already been reversed once, so we want to make sure we proceed correctly and appropriat... ALAN CURRY I would anticipate this case is going to have to be retried. ALAN CURRY It's just a matter of our blokes lifting their game. They haven't been playing to their usual standa... ALAN DAVIDSON We?re pleased with the vitality we're seeing in the UK market. Our company accounted for close to a ... ALAN CURTIS One can always hope, but I worry this will be a repeat of that experience. After the 1960 riots, the... ALAN CURTIS [Some found Bush's words reassuring. Others worried that they would not resonate far into the future... ALAN CURTIS But the major mistake is to take the census report as a one-year phenomenon. This is the fourth stra... ALAN CURTIS If anything, the numbers out of the Census Bureau underestimate the problem of poverty in America, ALAN CURTIS This is an unusual case, but the state has previously shown that the defendant knew that her conduct... ALAN CURRY It is kind-of the same issue, but they have added a couple of different elements to it, a couple of ... ALAN CURRY The case was reversed on appeal. She's gotten a new trial. She's gained the relief she's entitled to... ALAN CURRY He had a fool proof plan for not getting a job - In the event of an interview wear flip-flops. ALAN DAVIES I think a lot of people feel it would be a mistake. ALAN DAVIDSON Consumers need to be notified when and what location information is collected, ALAN DAVIDSON Consumers won't use systems they don't trust. Location services monitor movement and habits, somethi... ALAN DAVIDSON From a group that cares about civil liberties and cares about kids, this is the right answer. ALAN DAVIDSON This finding, if it's true, still doesn't change the basic argument we're having about the standards... ALAN DAVIDSON They admitted to making a huge mistake and they said they'd pay the money back, ... They showed some... ALAN DAVIDSON it was a mixed day for the Internet on Capital Hill. ALAN DAVIDSON We ought to build systems that encourage 911 location services but that are not just personal tracki... ALAN DAVIDSON I think there are huge land mines with wireless ahead. ALAN DAVIDSON It's been a long time coming. Thank God for this day. ALAN CROTZER Here I am trying to build a life and I have nothing to build it with. It's wrong, just wrong. ALAN CROTZER If you really want the truth, leave no stone unturned. ALAN CROTZER There ain't no compensation for what they done to me. But I'm not bitter. ALAN CROTZER Especially when it comes to sex offenses, history is a big predictor of the future, ALAN CROPSEY When he was in the United States Senate, he was noted as an intellectual powerhouse, ALAN CROPSEY Our rights are not given to us by society, ... My view is that our rights come from God. We start ou... ALAN CROPSEY He's a very formidable personality when it comes to Washington, D.C. ALAN CROPSEY When you have a chance to make plays and don't, you can almost be assured the final score will not f... ALAN CRAWFORD You must give Campbell credit. When we had runners in scoring position, they either made plays or th... ALAN CRAWFORD Look, we have that problem solved, because there are only three of them in the Olympics. We got 187 ... ALAN CULPEPPER The Olympic Games tends to be a little more of a coming together of all the nations, so it's differe... ALAN CULPEPPER Our sport needs spectator friendly and all the help it can get on that side. That adds to the allure... ALAN CULPEPPER There was a moment there when we were getting concerned, ALAN CULPEPPER Most countries around the world, they just don't think that way. They think, 'I'm just going to get ... ALAN CULPEPPER I feel like the bad conditions and the tough course is to my advantage, just because a lot of people... ALAN CULPEPPER Every time we tried to get going there was some factor -- weather, wind or turns. I think we all suf... ALAN CULPEPPER For Athens and Boston, I had really prepared for tough conditions, whereas here you can just prepare... ALAN CULPEPPER Basically I'm from the old school. We try to score one run an inning in any fashion. A lot of times ... ALAN CRAWFORD Our defense has been real inconsistent. We've got five weeks to fix it. Hopefully by district tourna... ALAN CRAWFORD They're nice kids to coach. They work hard. They hit their spots. They don't try to strike everybody... ALAN CRAWFORD I don't think just scaring people is enough. That worked during the freeze days to a major extent, b... ALAN CRANSTON I don't feel any need for redemption. I'm satisfied with what I did in the Senate. I don't look back... ALAN CRANSTON I don't think there's any one definition, but to do effective political work you have to have vision... ALAN CRANSTON Unless you have a sense of values that's shared by people and turns them loose to do certain things ... ALAN CRANSTON The idea of being a foreign correspondent and wandering the world and witnessing great events, havin... ALAN CRANSTON The American people are much more concerned about taxes, welfare, the deficit, crime, education, dru... ALAN CRANSTON It's important to recognize that many people working together can do things which individuals workin... ALAN CRANSTON There will always be nations. The United States will last a long, long time, I believe. France and G... ALAN CRANSTON For [customers] it means that they can shop for 'Linux applications' without having to worry about w... ALAN COX I do enjoy grinning manically at passing people while waving an axe around attempting to kill off un... ALAN COX What matters are the applications. ALAN COX I'm going to Disneyland! ALAN COX It's all right to cry. It's all right to hurt. It's all right to be confused, ... Hope will rebuild ... ALAN COX He's a great kid. ALAN COX They put over 100 million gates/transistors on a tiny piece of silicon. On that piece of silicon the... ALAN COX I figure lots of predictions is best. People will forget the ones I get wrong and marvel over the re... ALAN COX Live fast, die old, and make very sure everyone knows you were there. ALAN COX The promoter is all you need for activation and silencing. It's the main site of action where everyt... ALAN COWMAN The promoter is all you need for activation and silencing. It's the main site of action where everyt... ALAN COWMAN The promoter is all you need for activation and silencing. ALAN COWMAN This is the first time anyone has actually been able to infiltrate an antigenic variation program. W... ALAN COWMAN It's like a leopard being able to change its spots. New forms come up, and the immune system beats t... ALAN COWMAN I still believe there's someone out there for our film. ALAN COOKE If we'd made it in the conventional way, we would have lost a lot of the feeling that came from thin... ALAN COOKE We wanted to make something that spoke from the heart to the heart. ALAN COOKE From the beginning there was an element of fate about the project. ALAN COOKE It's an individual taking a journey, that's the perspective. It happened here, but it could happen a... ALAN COOKE In the 13 years I served, we never had a problem. But I feel we are going downhill. ALAN COOKE We know it's going to be a difficult challenge, we're under no illusion. ALAN COOKE It is a niche opportunity for National Savings, it won't have a big impact on us. ALAN COOK Ultimately, they still had to sell. You have to give them credit for realizing they weren't going to... ALAN COOK The problem before was that the chapter was in over its head with this building, ALAN COOK In our discussions, part of the plan is to put into writing a memorandum of understanding that the m... ALAN COOK He likes to dribble a lot, ... so I told our defenders to just stay on his back, don't let him turn.... ALAN COOK All of the paintings in the Museum Art Online collection are known to have a status of world-wide fa... ALAN COOK If what you are claiming is true, I would have shouted it from the rooftops. I would have gone to th... ALAN COLMES If what you are claiming is true, I would have shouted it from the rooftops. I would have gone to th... ALAN COLMES You know what bothers me more? Whether or not a member of the White House leaked the identity of a C... ALAN COLMES sure beats being plucked off the top of your home by a helicopter. ALAN COLMES I take personal responsibility. ALAN COLMES Also, interestingly enough, some of the things he was accused of believing ...actually were not his ... ALAN COLMES the real smear here, is against the Democrats who are held up as these evil people... Heaven forbid ... ALAN COLMES I still believe that the Democrats have it right about health care, education, the war in Iraq and, ... ALAN COLMES Genius, scholar, and war hero though he is, you have to admit - or maybe you should think about admi... ALAN COLMES Democrats need to be not only gracious in defeat, but positive about the future. ALAN COLMES Can we make money from this? That remains to be seen. ALAN COLMAN Singapore is gaining a lot of credibility as a good place to work. It has actually been easier for m... ALAN COLMAN It has undoubtedly harmed the image not just in Singapore, where I directly feel it has impacted our... ALAN COLMAN Although Singapore has a relatively limited pool of scientists as compared to the U.K., it has maxim... ALAN COLMAN They are a big catch. They are prominent researchers, very successful in the U.S.. ALAN COLMAN Practice, it is said, makes perfect. But is it ethical to practice? And I absolutely think it is not... ALAN COLMAN