«(...) é narcisista acreditar que podemos mudar a natureza intrínseca a outra pessoa.»
J.P. Delaney
Como é que sabes que era amor?
Bem, sabe-se que é amor quando tudo o que nos apetece fazer é...
NICHOLAS SPARKS É assim a vida, vai dando com uma mão até que chega o dia em que tira tudo com a outra.
JOSé SARAMAGO Parece que os velhos são capazes de ficar sentados um ao lado do outro sem
dizerem nada e aind...
NICHOLAS SPARKS Há qualquer coisa de libertador associada à perda de tudo. Primeiro chora-se, depois fica-se atord...
JUDITH MERKLE RILEY Aprendi que viajar ainda é a melhor forma de alterar a vida, mudar as ideias e abraçar a inspiraç...
ADRIANA TRIGIANI (...) a língua é, para o espírito de uma nação, o que o estilo é para o espírito de um indiv�...
ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER A Hazel é diferente. Ela caminha com leveza, velhote. Caminha com leveza sobre a Terra. A Hazel sab...
JOHN GREEN Como a maioria das pessoa desse mundo, a minha maldade é meio que um a maldade passiva, uma maldade...
IRVINE WELSH Sem uma viva fé em Cristo como Salvador pessoal, é impossível fazer com que nossa influência sej...
ELLEN G. WHITE Só podemos receber da luz do Céu, à medida que formos voluntários em nos esvaziar do próprio eu...
ELLEN G. WHITE Esse protecionismo não visa proteger os artistas. Na verdade, esse é um protecionismo que visa pro...
LAWRENCE LESSIG Aqueles que apreciam posições de grande influência e de segurança financeira talvez achem que o ...
ELLEN G. WHITE O amor pertence a outro reino. Não o podemos fabricar a pedido. Nem o podemos subjugar quando apare...
DAN BROWN O esclavagismo tem diversas versões; múltiplos regímenes. Não tem sempre a mesma forma. Nuns cas...
LUíS NOVAIS Ontem é história, amanhã é um mistério, hoje é um dom de Deus, que é por isso que chamamos o ...
BIL KEANE A veces es asombroso el daño que podemos causar sin proponérnoslo
EDUARDO SACHERI Confiança. Tudo isso tinha a ver com confiança. Você não tem nada, a menos que possa confiar na ...
JULIE ANNE PETERS To be poor is to suffer. It's the kind of suffering that freezes the heart stone cold.
A QUE Seguir nosso desejo é o que nos torna livres, e o desejo é variável, mutante, inclassificável - ...
MARTHA MEDEIROS - As wiccanfae não merecem estar entre nós...e Tir Alainn não é o lugar delas.
- Nesse ca...
ANNE BISHOP Corrijam-se mutuamente, não com ódio, mas com paz, como vocês têm no Evangelho. E ninguém fale ...
BARNABE Precisar tornar-se o que já se é é a característica da vida moderna.
ZYGMUNT BAUMAN a jangada é um desrespeitamento flutuante que aconteceu no rio.
ONDJAKI A maior necessidade do mundo é a de homens — homens que se não comprem nem se vendam; homens que...
ELLEN G. WHITE O exemplo máximo do homem prático, porque reúne a extrema concentração da acção com a sua ext...
FERNANDO PESSOA A gente acha que é menos infeliz quando não é infeliz sozinho; mas, segundo Zoroastro, não é po...
VOLTAIRE Separarse de la tierra y contemplarla desde arriba como los dioses es una blasfemia. No podemos ser ...
N.K. JEMISIN As religiões, todas elas, por mais voltas que lhes dermos, não têm outra justificação para exis...
JOSé SARAMAGO Todos sabemos que todo tendrá fin algún día, pero no podemos dejar que eso nos frene. No debemos ...
RACHEL WARD À igreja nunca se lhe pediu que explicasse fosse o que fosse, a nossa outra especialidade, além da...
JOSé SARAMAGO A arte é a mais intensa forma de individualismo que o mundo conhece.
OSCAR WILDE Esse protecionismo não visa proteger os artistas. Na verdade, esse é um protecionismo que visa pro...
LAWRENCE LESSIG Existe um outro motivo para o fato dos blogs terem um ciclo de vida diferente dos principais meios d...
LAWRENCE LESSIG Mas a desgraça é que foi levado à loucura por Eros, deus pagão, que quanto mais reprimido, mais ...
ITALO CALVINO Creo que somos quienes somos por muchas razones. Y probablemente nunca las conoceremos a todas. Pero...
STEPHEN CHBOSKY Missão, Tereza, é uma palavra idiota. Eu não tenho missão. Ninguém tem missão. E é um alívio...
MILAN KUNDERA Gente egoísta é que diz isso. Chama de egoísta todo mundo que não faz o que eles querem.
FRANCES HODGSON BURNETT Você não grita nem acorda. Não há terror, mesmo sendo aterrorizante: é assim que é. E pior ain...
CAIO FERNANDO ABREU Por outro lado, quando você se sentir tentado a não se incomodar com os problemas de alguém porqu...
C.S. LEWIS Era só isso?" _ Sim, só isso.
Existe sabedoria na descoberta de que tudo é imperfeito e triv...
FABíOLA SIMõES Tendemos a desejar que ninguém morra e nada termine daquilo que nos acompanha e é nosso amado cost...
JAVIER MARíAS Amo a liberdade, por isso as coisas que amo deixo-as livres. Se voltarem é porque as conquistei, se...
BOB MARLEY E aprendi oque é óbvio para uma criança. Que a vida é simplesmente uma coleção de pequenas vid...
NICHOLAS SPARKS Cuando los adultos dicen: “Los adolescentes piensan que son invencibles”, con esa sonrisa maños...
JOHN GREEN Existe algo mais importante que a lógica: a Imaginação. Se a idéia é boa, jogue a lógica pela ...
ALFRED HITCHCOCK Mas não se engane, observador objetivo só entre lágrimas e à beira do abismo é que eu toco a te...
FILIPE RUSSO - Creo que podemos elegir cómo contar las historias tristes en este mundo, nosotros elegimos la for...
JOHN GREEN ...a vida humana é convívio. Para o ser humano, viver é conviver. É justamente na convivência, ...
KáTIA ROCHA olhe, hoje é possível reviver o fascismo, quer saber. é possível na perfeição. basta ser-se tr...
VALTER HUGO MãE Evitar a felicidade com medo de que ela acabe, é o melhor meio de se tornar infeliz.
ALBERT EINSTEIN ...onde está ou tenha estado um homem é preciso que esteja ou tenha estado toda a humanidade.
MIGUEL TORGA Amanda olhou para ele - Tens de compreender que já não sou a rapariga que era dantes. Sou casada e...
NICHOLAS SPARKS Só é possível confiar em alguém quando se acredita no diálogo com essa pessoa.
(Miso soup...
RYū MURAKAMI É o caminhante que escolhe o caminho ou o caminho o caminhante?
GARTH NIX Falar do passado é o mais fácil que há, está tudo escrito, é só repetir, papaguear, conferir p...
JOSé SARAMAGO Podemos canalizar a revolução da web 2.0 de maneira construtiva, de modo que ela enriqueça ao inv...
ANDREW KEEN - Falhamos a vida, menino!
- Creio que sim... Mas todo o mundo mais ou menos a falha. Isto é,...
EçA DE QUEIRóS É revelador da crueldade do destino que eu tenha de viajar com aqueles que odeio quando deixo para ...
VERONICA ROTH E, no final das contas, a pergunta que acabava sempre se impondo era: como é que eu, entre todas as...
KHALED HOSSEINI Isso é mais uma coisa que aprendi com o tempo, sabe? O bem e o mal não existem! Quer dizer, existi...
CAMILO GOMES JR. Os amigos do passado não serão mais que ténues recordações que não deixará interferir na sua ...
SUSANA ALMEIDA Há esperanças que é loucura ter. Pois eu digo-te que se não fossem essas já eu teria desistido ...
JOSé SARAMAGO O darwinismo é uma teoria de processos cumulativos tão lentos que se desenrolam ao longo de milhar...
RICHARD DAWKINS Quero hoje dizer-te uma coisa, algo que já sei há bastante tempo, e que também tu já sabes, mas ...
HERMANN HESSE [...]O que está faltando? Um nada, mas um nada que é tudo. Vocês têm a aparência da vida mas n�...
HONORé DE BALZAC Cuando empezamos a cuestionar todas
las maneras en que nos han dicho que
debíamos ser, po...
DOSSIE EASTON A questão é: você já reparou como nós esmagamos uma barata numa boa e não sentimos remorso nen...
CAMILO GOMES JR. Os livros são escritos devido a anos virados do avesso por ideias que não nos libertam até serem ...
RICHARD BACH Nós, a mais poderosa democracia do mundo, criamos normas rígidas contra a discussão política. É...
LAWRENCE LESSIG Bea dice que el arte de leer se está muriendo lentamente, que es un ritual íntimo, que un libro es...
CARLOS RUIZ ZAFóN Don’t make me happy. Please, don’t fill me up and let me think that something good can come of a...
MARKUS ZUSAK El corazón de las personas es como un pozo muy profundo. Nadie sabe lo que hay en el fondo. Sólo p...
HARUKI MURAKAMI Percebi então, o crepúsculo,é apenas uma ilusão, porque o sol ou está acima ou abaixo do horizo...
NICHOLAS SPARKS É só que eu não quero ser a paixonite de ninguém. Se alguém gosta de mim, eu quero que goste de...
STEPHEN CHBOSKY O que parece haver de desprezo entre homem e homem, de indiferente que permite que se mate gente sem...
FERNANDO PESSOA Às vezes me lembro dele. Sem rancor, sem saudade, sem tristeza. Sem nenhum sentimento especial a n�...
CAIO FERNANDO ABREU Quem tem um coração negro só pode ter sonhos negros. Aqueles que o têm ainda mais escuro nem seq...
HARUKI MURAKAMI Tenho consciência de ser autêntica e procuro superar todos os dias minha própria personalidade, d...
CORA CORALINA O tempo faz com que deixe de haver diferenças entre a verdade e a mentira. Aquilo que aconteceu mis...
JOSé LUíS PEIXOTO The same goes for Edward Monkford. Yes, based on what you've told me, it seems Emma was the real nar...
J.P. DELANEY I don't want anything from you, Edward. If you'd only told me you were still in love with Emma—' J.P. DELANEY That was Emma—she'd have enjoyed knowing she had something like that, something that could blow he...
J.P. DELANEY Please make a list of every possession you consider essential to your life.
I take...
J.P. DELANEY But I know he loves me. I know he needs our games, that they answer some deep-seated hunger in him.
J.P. DELANEY And when I realized you had secrets too, I was glad. I thought we could be honest with each other. T...
J.P. DELANEY Love flows from me into him, and his blue eyes crinkle, huge and happy. Such a smiley baby. The midw...
J.P. DELANEY I loved Emma.' The words, so flat and final, explode into the air. 'But she lied to me. I thought pe...
J.P. DELANEY All these men who loved Emma, I think. For all her problems, men were fixated on her. Will anyone ev...
J.P. DELANEY Sometimes it's as if I can shrink away to nothing. Sometimes I feel as pure and perfect as a ghost. ...
J.P. DELANEY I will take what I can from Edward. And then I will let them fade into history, all the characters i...
J.P. DELANEY But don't you see, I say, I don't care. I don't care what you've done or how bad you are. Edward, we...
J.P. DELANEY If I’d been asked to make a list of what I could do without, I’d never have managed it. But by p...
J.P. DELANEY Please make a list of every possession you consider essential to your life. I
J.P. DELANEY But I see now that our future lies not in building beautiful havens from the ugliness in society, bu...
J.P. DELANEY My fascination with letting images repeat and repeat—or in film’s case “run on”—manifests ...
J.P. DELANEY I know it must look odd, given that I didn't even know Emma. But it seems to me that almost no one r...
J.P. DELANEY Saul is as different from Simon Wakefield as it's possible to get, I find myself thinking. And Edwar...
J.P. DELANEY I'll tell you something that was unusual, though. When most people are caught lying to the po...
J.P. DELANEY You say just, Ellis says flatly. There is no just with Edward Monkford. Nothing's more...
J.P. DELANEY In my art history degree course, we did a module on palimpsests—medieval sheets of parchment so co...
More J.P. Delaney
The same goes for Edward Monkford. Yes, based on what you've told me, it seems Emma was the real nar...
J.P. DELANEY I don't want anything from you, Edward. If you'd only told me you were still in love with Emma—' J.P. DELANEY That was Emma—she'd have enjoyed knowing she had something like that, something that could blow he...
J.P. DELANEY Please make a list of every possession you consider essential to your life.
I take...
J.P. DELANEY But I know he loves me. I know he needs our games, that they answer some deep-seated hunger in him.
J.P. DELANEY And when I realized you had secrets too, I was glad. I thought we could be honest with each other. T...
J.P. DELANEY Love flows from me into him, and his blue eyes crinkle, huge and happy. Such a smiley baby. The midw...
J.P. DELANEY I loved Emma.' The words, so flat and final, explode into the air. 'But she lied to me. I thought pe...
J.P. DELANEY All these men who loved Emma, I think. For all her problems, men were fixated on her. Will anyone ev...
J.P. DELANEY Sometimes it's as if I can shrink away to nothing. Sometimes I feel as pure and perfect as a ghost. ...
J.P. DELANEY I will take what I can from Edward. And then I will let them fade into history, all the characters i...
J.P. DELANEY But don't you see, I say, I don't care. I don't care what you've done or how bad you are. Edward, we...
J.P. DELANEY If I’d been asked to make a list of what I could do without, I’d never have managed it. But by p...
J.P. DELANEY Please make a list of every possession you consider essential to your life. I
J.P. DELANEY But I see now that our future lies not in building beautiful havens from the ugliness in society, bu...
J.P. DELANEY My fascination with letting images repeat and repeat—or in film’s case “run on”—manifests ...
J.P. DELANEY I know it must look odd, given that I didn't even know Emma. But it seems to me that almost no one r...
J.P. DELANEY Saul is as different from Simon Wakefield as it's possible to get, I find myself thinking. And Edwar...
J.P. DELANEY I'll tell you something that was unusual, though. When most people are caught lying to the po...
J.P. DELANEY You say just, Ellis says flatly. There is no just with Edward Monkford. Nothing's more...
J.P. DELANEY In my art history degree course, we did a module on palimpsests—medieval sheets of parchment so co...
J.P. DELANEY That feeling I used to have of playing to an invisible audience has been replaced by the consciousne...
J.P. DELANEY One of the curious aspects of a traumatic experience like the one you’ve been through, she says at...
J.P. DELANEY Oh, hasn't he told you? The ones before. None of them last, you see. That's the whole point.
J.P. DELANEY he means. Isn’t the
J.P. DELANEY Of course I was already familiar with that saying by Mies van der Rohe, Less is more, but I hadn’t...
J.P. DELANEY But it never really occurred to me to ask myself whether this was what I wanted too,
J.P. DELANEY Life is simply too short to live it less perfectly than it could be lived.
J.P. DELANEY But one day, when Toby is old enough, I will take down a shoe box from a shelf where it is kept, and...
J.P. DELANEY He was heartbroken, I say.
Heartbroken, he repeats. Of course. That's the great myth Edwa...
J.P. DELANEY There was a mountain of grief to be climbed, and no amount of talk would help me up it.
J.P. DELANEY I feel a thrill of excitement at this first tiny glimpse of self-revelation, of intimacy.
J.P. DELANEY I realize something. I haven't had a single flashback or panic attack since I stepped inside the hou...
J.P. DELANEY People like to talk about clean slates. But the only truly clean slate is a new one. The rest are gr...
J.P. DELANEY I have no time for people who don’t strive to better themselves.
J.P. DELANEY Never apologise for someone you love, he says quietly. It makes you look like a prick.
J.P. DELANEY One of the strange things about grief is the way it ambushes you when you least expect it.
J.P. DELANEY It's the sketch Edward did of me before he went away, the one he said was fine but didn't want to ke...
J.P. DELANEY We're all connected now, I think as I send it off into cyberspace. Everyone and everything.
J.P. DELANEY Salesforce's Chatter is what convinced me that the company understood what is going on in the en...
J.P. RANGASWAMI We were hunter-gatherers of information, and we moved from that to becoming farmers and cultivators ...
J.P. RANGASWAMI Mentally, I think there's a lot of things I learned. I've got to get back to work, get ready to go. ...
J.P. LOSMAN He said Frank Reich was always there pushing him to be better every day. That's the way it was ... a...
J.P. LOSMAN I've just got to go out there and play. Just throw the ball like I know how to with authority, with ...
J.P. LOSMAN I thought my ability to gain yards both rushing and passing was important tonight. Green Bay was ......
J.P. LOSMAN Things never go as planned. You always have to roll with it. I'm about as ready as I'm going to get....
J.P. LOSMAN I've just got to go out there and play, ... Just throw the ball like I know how to with authority, w...
J.P. LOSMAN It just felt like that was our best chance to get things rolling, getting me comfortable, getting me...
J.P. LOSMAN I was up all night, all week and the week before, ... And even this morning, I was just telling myse...
J.P. LOSMAN I walked up the tunnel at halftime and the fans were going crazy,
J.P. LOSMAN I hope they are happy with my performance, ... I think they have been feeling for a long time that t...
J.P. LOSMAN I'm fine with it, ... That's his decision. Us as players, we're no medical examiners ourselves. So w...
J.P. LOSMAN I´m sure they´re going to do it early, ... I´m hoping for a lot, because it gives us some chances...
J.P. LOSMAN In the back of my head, I'm always going to be thinking about the real thing.
J.P. LOSMAN Guys are responding to the leadership role in the quarterback position. I've been ready for a long t...
J.P. LOSMAN I'm here, I'm the starter now. It's my second year. We're going to get it rolling.
J.P. LOSMAN I'm ready to roll, ... I'm getting calmer and more comfortable with the situation and things are fal...
J.P. LOSMAN And American culture has supported that. With all these athletes and movie stars, people just want t...
J.P. LOSMAN Did you know they won't let you canoe on that lake? ... If I win a Super Bowl, I want privileges. Yo...
J.P. LOSMAN I'm about as ready as I'm going to get. However ready that is, we'll find out. I don't have the answ...
J.P. LOSMAN We have to get our minds set that we're not a team that's going to over time progressively get bette...
J.P. LOSMAN I'm sure they're going to do it early. I'm hoping for a lot, because it gives us some chances for bi...
J.P. LOSMAN The little bit of time I had to refresh was refreshing. It gave me a lot of time to think about what...
J.P. LOSMAN My favorite ever, I mean, Brett Favre, you have to have the jitters. Just watching him, you're in aw...
J.P. LOSMAN There was an urgency tonight to get the offense rolling. We knew we were playing a good defense, it ...
J.P. LOSMAN This was special, as far as my first time goes, playing against my favorite player ever in Brett Fav...
J.P. LOSMAN I think that's something the NFL players should accomplish, ... I've been talking it over right now ...
J.P. LOSMAN He wanted his mother with the fiery need of a five-year-old lost at Disneyland.
J.P. BARNABY The sun of Sunday morning up out of the sleepless sea from black Liverpool. Sitting on the rocks ove...
J.P. DONLEAVY This Boston voice squeaking out its song. The yellow light goes out the window on the stubs of windy...
J.P. DONLEAVY It had been bound to happen. If anything, technology created a space for the strange and the afraid....
J.P. CARVER In Ireland we have the phenomenon known as a "Spoiled Priest." Unlike a spoiled child, this does not...
J.P. SEXTON Regardless of if we get into the red zone or not, big plays need to be made and touchdowns need to b...
J.P. LOSMAN A man always has two reasons for what he does--a good one, and the real one.
J.P. MORGAN When I came here, I didn't know anybody, ... I wanted to see what true Buffalonians are like. And so...
J.P. LOSMAN He said that I looked good and he wished me luck.
J.P. LOSMAN I think they've shown confidence in me, and they see the talent level is there, the ability is there...
J.P. LOSMAN You're going to bring someone in, whether they are a veteran or a young guy or a mid-range guy. It's...
J.P. LOSMAN You like that? It's the shortest it's been in a while, probably since high school.
J.P. LOSMAN Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you’ll be able to see farther.
J.P. MORGAN In order to understand more it is imperative that we improve our knowledge before choosing which sid...
J.P. ROBINSON In order to understand more, it is imperative that we improve our knowledge before choosing which si...
J.P. ROBINSON How long will you wait for the right time to come? The right time is now and the right place is here...
J.P. VASWANI Can I get your cell phone number so we can text like normal antisocial human beings, since we are bo...
J.P. BARNABY I can suck the chrome off a bumper and leave the car still standing. In other words, I am sexually g...
J.P. BARNABY Long has black powder been in the hands of dwarves alone.
Alas, winds ever change and nothing ...
J.P. ASHMAN I think it'd be awesome. I think learning behind Brett Favre -- I'd try to make him stay as long as ...
J.P. LOSMAN Even with all my wrinkles! I am beautiful!
BESSIE DELANEY Many blunder in business through inability or an unwillingness to adopt new ideas. I have seen many ...
PHILIP DELANEY Even with all my wrinkles! I am beautiful!.
BESSIE DELANEY I'm a comedian at the beginning and the end of the day. I'm not affiliated with any campaign...
ROB DELANEY I'm endlessly fascinated by parenting, marriage, my wife and the ins and outs of marriage.
ROB DELANEY I write - and then I write some more.
FRANK DELANEY For a startling period of my life, I reported the Troubles in Ireland for the BBC. I lived in Dublin...
FRANK DELANEY Storytelling, in print or speech, needs vital energy.
FRANK DELANEY I'd have to struggle to find a subject in which I can't get some kind of interested pulse st...
FRANK DELANEY If you ever want to understand multitasking in prose, James Joyce is your man.
FRANK DELANEY As an arts journalist in London, working mainly for the BBC, I interviewed hundreds if not thousands...
FRANK DELANEY 'The Great Gatsby,' by F. Scott Fitzgerald, remains the most perfect novel that has ever com...
FRANK DELANEY If you have a book, you have a friend.
FRANK DELANEY Kitchens are for conversation. They're not just for cooking; they're for conversations.
FRANK DELANEY If you need proof of how the oral relates to the written, consider that many great novelists, includ...
FRANK DELANEY Writers have opinions - that, in part, is why they write. Therefore they have strong likes and disli...
FRANK DELANEY In 1935, the year Social Security was created, the poverty rate for seniors was over 70%.
JOHN DELANEY The big legislative updates that we need to compete in the 21st century and to raise living standard...
JOHN DELANEY People ask, 'How do you work with the other side?' Well, I start by not saying bad things ab...
JOHN DELANEY If there's any state in the country whose values are not consistent with the things Trump has be...
JOHN DELANEY The United States has the world's largest and most innovative economy, an unmatched rule of law,...
JOHN DELANEY One of the key issues all veterans face is making the transition to a civilian career, and for veter...
JOHN DELANEY The need to change our country's fiscal trajectory, including reforming entitlement programs, is...
JOHN DELANEY No veteran or active duty service member should endure a long hospital stay alone. Yet sadly, due to...
JOHN DELANEY There's a lot of new subject matter to learn. You start slowly peeling the onion and start figur...
JOHN DELANEY Congressional dysfunction is the logical result of closed primaries, too many gerrymandered one-part...
JOHN DELANEY For years, comprehensive tax reform has eluded legislators.
JOHN DELANEY Our employment future rests on the shoulders of the small employer, and we should be investing with ...
JOHN DELANEY Two decades of experience as an entrepreneur and CEO has informed my view that our priorities must s...
JOHN DELANEY Instead of serving special interests, Congress should focus on the big picture. Globalization and te...
JOHN DELANEY America's men and women in uniform bravely defend our nation and our values. Their skill, dedica...
JOHN DELANEY I basically applied to law school as a way of telling my parents that I wasn't going to medical ...
JOHN DELANEY Clay Hunt was the kind of individual that has made America a great country. In 2005, when his countr...
JOHN DELANEY I've said from the beginning that Obamacare is an imperfect piece of legislation that is designe...
JOHN DELANEY When active duty ends, we have an obligation to uphold our own pledge: a pledge to ensure that every...
JOHN DELANEY A family's love is often the best medicine, and in difficult times, I believe that our military ...
JOHN DELANEY America's disabled veterans answered our country's call, and when their time in uniform is d...
JOHN DELANEY In my private sector career, two of my favorite sayings were, 'Strategy is easy and execution is...
JOHN DELANEY We have to start grounding our policies in facts and recognize that a strong economy is critical for...
JOHN DELANEY Climate change is the environmental challenge of this generation, and it is imperative that we act b...
JOHN DELANEY During their service, men and women in our Armed Forces live by a common creed, promising never to l...
JOHN DELANEY I'm not an economist, but I have spent time around thousands of small-business owners and invest...
JOHN DELANEY First a piece of Irish wisdom: you should always listen to a bookie. For they have a saying, 'Mo...
FRANK DELANEY Veterans come from all walks of life, and they live in small towns and big cities, in red states and...
JOHN DELANEY We all belong to an ancient identity. Stories are the rivers that take us there.
FRANK DELANEY To understand and reconnect with our stories, the stories of the ancestors, is to build our identiti...
FRANK DELANEY I think some people don't truly understand the situation, and they think, you know, the debt lim...
JOHN DELANEY When I come out on the road of a morning, when I have had a night's sleep and perhaps a breakfast, a...
FRANK DELANEY An institution that borrows on a non-prioritized basis would never contemplate borrowing on a priori...
JOHN DELANEY The best companies with the strongest credit ratings borrow like the United States: on a non-priorit...
JOHN DELANEY I believe this is a moment of truth for our country, a time when people of all parties and persuasio...
JOHN DELANEY Low interest rates benefit individuals or investors who own or want to buy assets; in that regard, t...
JOHN DELANEY Maryland's different than Virginia. Maryland has certain advantages that Virginia doesn't ha...
JOHN DELANEY Our electoral process has created perverse incentives that have warped our democracy and empowered s...
JOHN DELANEY I was an extroverted kid and performed, like, acting and singing. Then, the older I got, I realized ...
ROB DELANEY Many have criticized a federal carbon tax, saying that it would increase energy costs. Some continue...
JOHN DELANEY Federal spending is like a massive ship that takes a very long time to turn.
JOHN DELANEY Whether you're a Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative, it is clear that we've got...
JOHN DELANEY Imagine a country where the vast majority of seniors live in poverty, a country where for many there...
JOHN DELANEY The administration must act promptly to ensure that the central premise of the Affordable Care Act i...
JOHN DELANEY In high school, I definitely fancied myself an intense guy, which is so lame.
ROB DELANEY The United States faces structural employment problems because of the long-term effects of globaliza...
JOHN DELANEY In the context of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and a still-stagnant economy, President Barack Ob...
JOHN DELANEY This is a place to stay. You feel home here and the depression stuff sort of fades some.
ALFRED DELANEY You can't just be reading books all the time and leave the writting of them to others.
JOSEPH DELANEY Even a strong man can succumb to the wiles of a pretty girl with pointy shoes.
JOSEPH DELANEY If you can remember dreams of flying and soaring like a bird, or dancing, or singing more perfectly ...
GAYLE DELANEY It was more than I envisioned it being. It would have been great anyway, but the fact that the Patri...
TOM DELANEY All taxpayers feel a tremendous sense of frustration as they see many tens of billions of dollars of...
JOHN DELANEY We have been dealt a very weak hand by the financial market meltdown, bailouts, and recession. We ca...
JOHN DELANEY Maryland is never going to be the low-cost place to live and work, and we shouldn't try to be be...
JOHN DELANEY Intuitively, she sensed Leonardo’s gaze on her, and she caught sight of him near the entrance to t...
DELANEY DIAMOND That was out of line.”
“No, it wasn’t, querida.” He smiled, the devastating smile she f...
DELANEY DIAMOND Despite all the dysfunction in Washington, I believe that when it comes to helping veterans and keep...
JOHN DELANEY What was once a fringe idea - finding a way to use the record levels of overseas capital to finance ...
JOHN DELANEY I watched the tears run down her cheeks and start to drip from the end of her chin. One part of me w...
JOSEPH DELANEY We want them to understand there are three teams in every sporting event - the two teams that are co...
BOB DELANEY I see it as all pluses because they're working with the highest possible level of talent. When they ...
BOB DELANEY Nick, I heard you the first time.
BOB DELANEY Every pain is a lesson.
FRANK DELANEY While money remains a universal motivator, other issues such as learning opportunities, personal gro...
PAT DELANEY If you take care of your lawn properly, then you may not need to put out as much pesticide.
TOM DELANEY What is evil?' asked the Fiend
JOSEPH DELANEY As an entrepreneur and public company CEO, I've dealt with dozens of rollouts, and when unveilin...
JOHN DELANEY Repealing the estate tax won't create jobs, it won't boost GDP, and it won't add efficie...
JOHN DELANEY The difference between a friend and an enemy is friendliness.
FRANK DELANEY And an unaware witch means a witch who doesn't know she's a witch, and because she's a women that ma...
JOSEPH DELANEY The difference between the word fiend and friend is merely one letter. I could easily be the latter....
JOSEPH DELANEY Small businesses are more nimble and innovative than large corporations, and as a result are much mo...
JOHN DELANEY We have come miles and miles with this team this season. I really wondered at times if we would gel ...
DICK DELANEY I am really excited to be playing at home. We know we have to be ready to play. It?s a whole new sea...
DICK DELANEY Everything is a playoff game right now for us. We are playing for the playoffs and playing for posit...
DICK DELANEY I think we have to view the rest of the games like the playoffs, with that same intensity.
DICK DELANEY If you keep working hard in practice, you can play. Nathan has showed that. It sends a very positive...
DICK DELANEY We had a good bench today. They really gave us a pick up. We got the lead early tonight and were abl...
DICK DELANEY Your offense looks good when you're shooting well and tonight we did that. The last few games we wer...
DICK DELANEY I love loud matches and controversial things, that's what gets me going.
BRITTANY DELANEY I want to be a cardiologist, but I always want spoken word in my life.
BRITTANY DELANEY It was contagious. You'd see kids get up there who you'd never expect had anything to say just come ...
BRITTANY DELANEY I’m not afraid of the darkness outside.
It’s the darkness inside houses I don’t like.
SHELAGH DELANEY Start with the difficult and when it gets easy, everything else is easier.
FRANK DELANEY The process to generate energy using the Canadian tar sands is particularly dirty, producing one of ...
JOHN DELANEY She does her dog things. She plays with toys, plays and digs holes.
CONNIE DELANEY You could put her on the table and you could put your hands all over her and she wouldn't move.
CONNIE DELANEY Even though we're doing the biggest show in the country, she's a dog first.
CONNIE DELANEY I am dedicated to making sure Social Security will be there for future generations and have written ...
JOHN DELANEY This is a critical milestone for the airplane as we make the transition from the development phase t...
MIKE DELANEY The danger for a comedian on Twitter is the same danger that any civilian faces: sometimes you gotta...
ROB DELANEY The best thing you can do when you're not feeling funny is go out and get more stimuli from the ...
ROB DELANEY I can't see a sustainable situation here, because there are too many loopholes.
JOHN DELANEY Washington is paralyzed by extreme political rhetoric that creates powerful sound bites but poor pol...
JOHN DELANEY We have Sam Raven on the bench. It is nice to have him back after the horrific injury he suffered in...
GLENN DELANEY Here's a very, very wise person, and we should get more of his wisdom out into the world while we st...