От однообразия устаешь, даже если это счастье. («Дона Флор и два ее мужа», Жоржи Амаду)
Jorge Amado
Никому не под силу роль пророка. Никто не знает, что буд...
Анатолий Кузнецов Из-за ее спины Эцуко пристально следила за лицом мужа. �...
YUKIO MISHIMA Тролль — это в своем роде зиммелевский Чужак на границ...
Полина Колозариди В XIX веке родилась даже поговорка: «Если в земле есть ды...
Екатерина Коути Бедные люди капризны, — это уж так от природы устроено....
FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY На этот раз было холодно. Книгами хорошо натопили печь....
Анатолий Кузнецов Стив считал: в гениальном компьютере аппаратное и прог...
WALTER ISAACSON В газетах сообщалось, что по предложению выдающегося с...
Анатолий Кузнецов Потом я узнала, что мое имя означает. Оно происходит от ...
JOHN GREEN Все существующее бывает предметом насмешек. Никакой т�...
STANISłAW LEM Члены групп не отличались от публики ни убеждениями, н�...
CRAIG O'HARA Два дня пути уже успели отдалить этого человека, к тому...
MANN THOMAS В 1941 году мы эвакуировались. А потом вернулись [в Запор�...
Владимир Войнович Когда я был моложе, я получал то, что мне было положено. ...
JULIAN BARNES Все пак да живееш на границата може и да не е толкова ст...
Бистра Якимова BISTRA YAKIMOVA Подумать только, что стадо коров, что стадо людей — ник...
Анатолий Кузнецов Война - это путь обмана. Поэтому, даже если [ты] способен...
SUN TZU Первая минута: ощущение прикосновения к шее. Это прико�...
MIKHAIL BULGAKOV Иные занятные старики не устают твердить о том, что ваш...
Анатолий Кузнецов Иногда мы хотим солгать, а Язык нам не даёт. Этих людей �...
Александр Солженицын — Куда ушли все эти годы? Кто будет по мнить их после то...
ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER – Но разве не говорит это, Господи, о моей любви к Тебе,...
WOODY ALLEN Тот, кто промывает золотоносный песок, ищет только зол�...
YUKIO MISHIMA ... защото спомените много държат да съответстват напъл...
JOHN BANVILLE Ничто так не выделяло этого человека, как его очевидна�...
HERMAN MELVILLE Если и вправду есть Рай и Ад, мы можем с уверенностью ут...
HUNTER S. THOMPSON Это странный мир. Кто-то богатеет, кто-то жрет дерьмо и �...
HUNTER S. THOMPSON Sawa. Кто Вы, где Вы от, и почему Вы в Москве?
ENOCK MAREGESI Когда из Германии поступили первые сведения о гитлеро�...
Анатолий Кузнецов ...и най-внушителните съоражения в основата си израства...
Силвия Томова Не могу здесь удержаться от комментария, как в те време...
Анатолий Кузнецов Великое дело, если человек решил что-нибудь для себя! Р�...
ALBERT LIHANOV У неё был такой же тупой вид, какой бывает у бретонског�...
Оноре де Бальзак ~ Социальная ответственность ~
Фундаментальный о...
KONOSUKE MATSUSHITA Я не думаю, что стоит придавать особое значение своему ...
STEPHEN CHBOSKY Что там говорить, сама жизнь подкидывает немало вещест...
YUKIO MISHIMA И все по-ясно виждам, че нашият свят ще загине от алчнос...
Димитър Димов Я пытался писать обыкновенный роман по методу социали�...
Анатолий Кузнецов Представи си, че си американски писател, търсещ матери�...
RAY BRADBURY Такава е на любовта мощта,
че възвишава низките неща...
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Я очередной раз испытал трепет от ужасающей силы языка...
HUNTER S. THOMPSON Приближавам се към камерата, обзета от ярост:
— През...
Сюзан Колинс люди чувствуют себя любящими, если они «увлечены» кем-�...
ERICH FROMM [О Вологде] Здесь только два сезона: зима белая и зима з�...
W.G. SEBALD Всемирът е едно. Всичко и всички са свързани помежду си...
ELIF SHAFAK Человек - это промежуточное звено эволюции, необходимо...
ARKADY STRUGATSKY Знаю, я сам во всём виноват. Знаю, я заслужил это. Я бы от...
STEPHEN CHBOSKY Змейк беседовал в углу с двумя металлами, недавно проб�...
ANNA KOROSTELYOVA В этом отношении наиболее американизированной являет�...
Илья Ильф - Не иначе как двенадцать, - объявил и Шухов. - Солнышко н...
ALEKSANDR SOLZHENITSYN Когда он понял, что бабушка больше никогда не найдёт се...
STEPHEN CHBOSKY Этот чай действительно показался Свану, совершенно та�...
Марсель Пруст Големите не осъзнават колко са прави, когато казват с о...
JOHN GREEN Ако бях млад, щях да напиша историята на човешката глуп...
KURT VONNEGUT Миналото е въпрос на тълкуване. Бъдещето е илюзия. Свет...
ELIF SHAFAK Особая сложность переосмысления такого комплексного �...
Николай Эппле Однажды дед посадил Тита за пазуху и повез в трамвае на...
Анатолий Кузнецов В самом деле, юная девушка полна иллюзий, она так неопы�...
Оноре де Бальзак Есть на свете те, кто остается, и те, кто собирается в пу...
TOVE JANSSON Това описание е било изтълкувано от средновековното д�...
WOODY ALLEN Телевидение — это своего рода жестокая и примитивная �...
HUNTER S. THOMPSON В более поздних своих произведениях, говоря о какой-ни�...
Марсель Пруст LVI
Не те обичам аз, защото те обичам много,
от толк�...
PABLO NERUDA Да, видимо, цель существования - трата свободы. Человек ...
KōBō ABE Тя е кислород, водород, натрий, калций и фосфор, всички �...
JENNIFER NIVEN Упорствование в стремлении оправдать Сталина эффекти�...
Николай Эппле А представьте себе, что, родись вы на одно историческое...
Анатолий Кузнецов -а в живота опитваш да замениш една праволинейност с др...
Захари Карабашлиев Такава е човешката душа, понякога като пламъче на свещ ...
Димитър Талев Докато изминавах цели тунели с книги в полумрака, не мо...
Карлос Руис Сафон Я говорил о бесполезности искусства, но ничего не сказ�...
LAWRENCE DURRELL Может это предзнаменование? Кто знает? В le bon vieux temps , ко�...
JULIAN BARNES Мы как раз вчера встречались и говорили об этом с право...
Анна Политковская Аз обичам да пиша, но обичам и много други неща. Може би ...
JENNIFER NIVEN Каждый римлянин был окружен рабами. Раб и его психолог�...
CARL JUNG Притихването на душата е като съвършена мелодия от сед...
RADOSTINA A. ANGELOVA Най-сетне тя беше стъпила здраво на земята. Съзнаваше н...
Димитър Димов К сожалению, Варвара Андреевна, государство - это не д-д...
BORIS AKUNIN Ако изпушиш три цигари, четвъртата ще ти се стори безвк...
Димитър Димов A, собственно, что такое класс? Это сорок душ, сорок разн...
Елена Ивановна Коронатова И всегда будут короли, более или менее жестокие, бароны...
ARKADY STRUGATSKY En las plantaciones, los trabajadores casan hasta con un pedazo de palo si viste polleras. Para tene...
JORGE AMADO L'allegria va conservata nello champagne; mentre la cachaça tutt’al più consola dalle disgrazie,...
JORGE AMADO The best translations are always the ones in the language the author can't read.
JORGE AMADO They were mistaken if they thought he did not kill her because he loved her too much. At that moment...
JORGE AMADO The world is like that -- incomprehensible and full of surprises .
JORGE AMADO Адът е тук и сега. Раят също. Престани да се плашиш от ад...
ELIF SHAFAK Да, часть людей понимают, что это Путин, и что это путь в...
Анна Политковская Приспособяваме се тихо към живота,
доволни и от блед...
HART CRANE Перед каждым фильмом непрерывно шел киножурнал-боевик...
Анатолий Кузнецов Убийцами Паши в моей жизни пробита огромная брешь. А дл...
Айдер Муждабаев Знам, че викам насън - запуши си ушите.
Все едно - невъ...
Камелия Кондова Краем сознания он отметил, что это не его слова, а из ка�...
VLADISLAV KRAPIVIN Но любовта винаги е нова.Няма значение дали обичаме ве�...
PAULO COELHO Не уверен почему, но я всегда думал, что иметь «дни слав...
STEPHEN CHBOSKY Kогато започнеш да виждаш отвъд
милите жестове, усми...
JESSIE BURTON Осьминог ничем не похож на мышь, а оба они сильно отлич�...
RICHARD DAWKINS - Живеете ли в грях?
Настъпи бездиханен момент. Видях...
RAY BRADBURY Но это был не просто мальчик, а злой мальчик. Даже подло...
VLADISLAV KRAPIVIN — А ну, — сказала мама, — разорви эту книгу, клади в печ...
Анатолий Кузнецов
More Jorge Amado
En las plantaciones, los trabajadores casan hasta con un pedazo de palo si viste polleras. Para tene...
JORGE AMADO L'allegria va conservata nello champagne; mentre la cachaça tutt’al più consola dalle disgrazie,...
JORGE AMADO The best translations are always the ones in the language the author can't read.
JORGE AMADO They were mistaken if they thought he did not kill her because he loved her too much. At that moment...
JORGE AMADO The world is like that -- incomprehensible and full of surprises .
JORGE AMADO I know they're going to try and make me lose my concentration and I can't let it happen. They'll hit...
AMADO GUEVARA Mo is part of one big body. He's the head. I'm the arm or the leg, with the other players. If we are...
AMADO GUEVARA It is like having two opponents to play against. There is the opponent on the field and then there a...
AMADO GUEVARA I'll go to (Williams) and tell him and tell anyone else that I would never disrespect someone that w...
AMADO GUEVARA I don't know what he's thinking. I definitely felt like he thinks I said something, but I know him a...
AMADO GUEVARA It is still too early in the season. The goals will come and the soccer will be better. We are still...
AMADO GUEVARA We were just unlucky today. We had the chances but they just didn't go in. Against a team like that ...
AMADO GUEVARA We have to work on it more because we're not usually going to get that many chances. We weren't good...
AMADO GUEVARA Whether they had the new players or not, they're still a team we're not familiar with. They're a com...
AMADO GUEVARA It was all three goals, not just the last one. But I'm not content. I would be content if we won the...
AMADO GUEVARA Why worship fake people and not believe and worship GOD, he gave us everything, his son gave his liv...
EDISON PATRICK AMADO * beauty might open many doors but it won't open the gates of heaven, but your soul will.
EDISON PATRICK AMADO * it makes me laugh when you see me and you pretend we boys but if you were driving and see me waiti...
EDISON PATRICK AMADO it makes me laugh when you see me and you pretend we boys but if you were driving and see me waiting...
EDISON PATRICK AMADO what's a man without friends a lonely person or a genius with many enemies?
EDISON PATRICK AMADO All those girls that I used to get over you ,are all gone and they moved on with their life's and th...
EDISON PATRICK AMADO The only secret to food combination is a balance of protein, carbs and fat - they all play a key rol...
JORGE CRUISE I used to work at this store called Music Plus in San Clemente, California, when I was growing up, a...
JORGE GARCIA You turn on the TV, and you see very bland interviews. Journalists in the United States are very coz...
JORGE RAMOS The Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci used to say that for her, an interview was like a war. I get t...
JORGE RAMOS I believe in the magic of preparation. You can make just about any foods taste wonderful by adding h...
JORGE CRUISE There is only one Mariano Rivera. There won't be another person who will come along and do what ...
JORGE POSADA When it comes to racism, discrimination, corruption, public lies, dictatorships, and human rights, y...
JORGE RAMOS Trump's characterization of undocumented immigrants is, of course, absurd. Not only do the facts...
JORGE RAMOS A small pepperoni pizza on a tortilla is healthier than salmon teriyaki with rice and carrots.
JORGE CRUISE We need not only one Cesar Chavez; we need a thousand Cesar Chavezes.
JORGE RAMOS This was a tough group against two World Cup qualifiers and Congo, which is a strong team.
ARTUR JORGE We still have a third match to come and it is important that we keep going and play well.
ARTUR JORGE We hope to win the cup, it would be very important for us.
ARTUR JORGE This was a tough group against two World Cup qualifiers and Congo, which is a strong team. The game ...
ARTUR JORGE We saw a good match. Angola had a good first half but we played very well in the second.
ARTUR JORGE Mixing humour and harsh reality is a very human behaviour, it's the way people stay sane in thei...
JORGE GARCIA When you don't manage your life well, you become angry and frustrated as things don't go as ...
JORGE BUCAY Hate is contagious. A few seconds after Donald Trump has told me something hateful, somebody else re...
JORGE RAMOS When journalists forget that our job is to question and annoy those in power, there can be huge cons...
JORGE RAMOS I'm not seeing tough questions asked on American television. I'm not seeing those correspond...
JORGE RAMOS But all (underclassmen) have a little chip on their shoulder. I don't know what happens in middle sc...
JORGE AMAYA He was real rebellious the first half of the season. He didn't want to listen to us. He had his own ...
JORGE AMAYA He was the one that got us started. That was the key to bringing us back. That started the momentum....
JORGE AMAYA We had two guys that transferred in that I'm confident will go to state. And, they were so anxious t...
JORGE AMAYA He fought hard. But then I thought he had a good chance at winning this match; I didn't think it was...
JORGE AMAYA I haven't seen a young arm like that since Mariano, I would say. Prospect wise, he should get the un...
JORGE POSADA This guy's got a big heart; he doesn't shy away. As a player, he's more than you see.
JORGE POSADA When he's good now, I know what he needs to do. At the beginning of the season last year, I didn't k...
JORGE POSADA I like what he's got. I like everything he's got. He belongs, [even] at such a young age. Everything...
JORGE POSADA Everything for him is easier now the second time around. You've seen it with everybody that comes he...
JORGE POSADA He was a completely different hitter after that meeting. He had a purpose, a go-to-war attitude. It ...
JORGE POSADA There's a huge migration of eyeballs from television screens to cellphones, tablets, and laptops...
JORGE RAMOS It's as if Fox clubbed a beehive, but didn't think about how he would protect himself from the angry...
JORGE CHABAT Neutrality is for referees in a football game. You have to take a stand. The really, really good jou...
JORGE RAMOS Bad people are intriguing!
JORGE GARCIA I'm not against working out. It's just not effective for weight loss. I like strength traini...
JORGE CRUISE Young Latinos have been telling me that they want to register to vote because of Donald Trump. Not b...
JORGE RAMOS Immigration is the issue that tells us who is with us and who is against us; there's no question...
JORGE RAMOS I go out on publicity tours for my books, and, you know, Latinos, they bring everybody in the family...
JORGE RAMOS I didn't know I was close until Rick Cerone (public relations) told me in Tampa earlier this week. W...
JORGE POSADA There might be a misunderstanding in the market regarding Alfa's deal with Ford, which is in fact a ...
JORGE BERISTAIN I'm no Rambo or Terminator. I'm a Karate Kid who fights to defend family and neighbors. But the Unit...
JORGE PEREZ There used to be a tradition within the Hispanic community that, regardless of your political party,...
JORGE RAMOS We in the Hispanic community are truly tired of both the Democrats and the Republicans promising all...
JORGE RAMOS The whole game was a grinder, we did a lot of things well. It doesn't mean anything if we don't go o...
JORGE POSADA We might go out there (to an intersection) every September, and for the other guys it might be Febru...
JORGE CERVANTES Everything pales when compared to this. These demonstrations are historic because they surpass in si...
JORGE MARISCAL It's not an easy endeavor by any means.
JORGE CAMEJO I'm happy when they told me I had been traded to the Mets. I think this team has a lot of opportunit...
JORGE JULIO The award bestowed upon Richards-Zeta is in recognition of proving to be a leader in the industry an...
JORGE MORENO Latinos are very sensitive to different accents. I sort of lost my Mexican accent, and that's what t...
JORGE RAMOS Capturing the moment matters most when you capture the heart of the moment.
ANGELO JORGE Truth hurts but rubbing it further would make me bleed from too much reality. It might kill me.
ANGELO JORGE You get the idea of the stratification of walls that creates the impression of an excavated site, of...
JORGE SILVETTI Elie Wiesel says that neutrality only helps the oppressor, never the victim. And I think you can app...
JORGE RAMOS Win or lose Friday, he's shown that nothing really fazes him. That's why he's in the rotation. The w...
JORGE POSADA Often [our non-native Spanish-speaking listeners] are nervous about being on the air, worried that t...
JORGE RAMOS We still have a long way to go, but the commitment is there.
JORGE RAMOS Our program's emphasis is on Latin American, especially Mexican, soccer,
JORGE RAMOS When you look at a plate of food it has to be equally appealing to the ownership as to the customer,...
JORGE RAMOS The restaurant business is definitely exciting, with lots of energy that goes way beyond what's on t...
JORGE RAMOS What is surprising, ... how little attention [the memo] has received in some of the most important n...
JORGE RAMOS I didn't want to be an immigrant. I was forced to be an immigrant. Alexis de Tocqueville, the French...
JORGE RAMOS It looked ugly right in the middle of the downtown. It scared some people, it bothered some, but def...
JORGE ROCHAC Ivan for me is the best catcher in the big leagues and there is no comparison with anybody. He has a...
JORGE POSADA The whole game was a grinder, we did a lot of things well.
JORGE POSADA "Fairy tales and kingdoms become a land of personal escape. Yes, reality bites but as we grow old, w...
ANGELO JORGE "A fairy tale is a land of personal escape. Reality bites but we are forced to bite back or else we ...
ANGELO JORGE I'm a hopeless romantic. I know what romance is but I get hopeless when you get near me. Please, let...
ANGELO JORGE Today we present two fundamental elements in the birth of this soccer club, both on and off the fiel...
JORGE VERGARA You can always be a better person, a better version of you, focus on that you do that makes you feel...
JORGE GW I don't think we've asked the right questions, the tough questions, at the right time, in Wa...
JORGE RAMOS Win or lose Friday, he's shown that nothing really fazes him, ... That's why he's in the rotation. T...
JORGE POSADA The multinationals want legal safeguards, but there can be legal safeguards only when a contract is ...
JORGE ALVARADO It has been a beautiful thing to see, the flags draped on balconies and cars, faces painted, the red...
JORGE SAMPAIO It took a terrible succession of wars and revolutions, namely the total wars and the totalitarian re...
JORGE SAMPAIO should reflect with courage and ambition a growing demand regarding this issue by the international ...
JORGE SAMPAIO Remember that setbacks are only challenges in disguise. Look at them as lessons . . . don't waste ti...
JORGE CRUISE this is mathematical speculation by a bunch of overcaffeinated theorists.
JORGE CHAM Mass is the property of objects that makes them resist changes in velocity. Simply
JORGE CHAM My only advice is, follow your dream and do whatever you like to do the most. I chose journalism bec...
JORGE RAMOS Coitadinhos ou coitadinhas não devem ir a campo de batalha. Só atrapalham. Alguém gostaria de ter...
JORGE KISHIKAWA You wouldn't expect ABC or any of the mainstream networks to take a position on immigration, hea...
JORGE RAMOS The future of TV is not on TV. It's on the smaller screens we are all using in front of the tele...
JORGE RAMOS If someone has children, the first thing they want is for them to be happy, and then become someone ...
JORGE BUCAY I remember 101 was the fastest. It was in Baltimore.
JORGE JULIO He made one mistake and that was it — he was outstanding.
JORGE POSADA Pitching is so important. You don't get anywhere without pitching. The better we pitch, the better w...
JORGE POSADA Pitching is so important. You don't get anywhere without pitching. The better we pitch, obviously th...
JORGE POSADA Let's just enjoy this one right now,
JORGE POSADA We don't want to carry over bad games, bring them with us. We really wanted it. It's a good example ...
JORGE POSADA The fact that Vicente Fox not only won by a wide margin in a clean election, but also represents ano...
JORGE CHABAT Yes, Latinos dream more. When you live in poverty, when your president is imposed upon you, when the...
JORGE RAMOS In order to fly you have to create space in the open air so that your wings can really spread out. I...
JORGE BUCAY A obrigação de se levantar contra os opressores é do povo. Em toda a história, sempre foi. E o c...
JORGE LOURENçO Nuestra vida son los ríos
que van a dar en la mar,
que es el morir
JORGE MANRIQUE Nothing is built on stone; all is built on sand, but we must build as if the sand were stone.
JORGE LUIS BORGES Any life, no matter how long and complex it may be, is made up of a single moment - the moment in w...
JORGE LUIS BORGES Heaven and hell seem out of proportion to me: the actions of men do not deserve so much.
JORGE LUIS BORGES One concept corrupts and confuses the others. I am not speaking of the Evil whose limited sphere is ...
JORGE LUIS BORGES To fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god.
JORGE LUIS BORGES Like all writers, he measured the achievements of others by what they had accomplished, asking of th...
JORGE LUIS BORGES Every writer creates his own precursors. His work modifies our conception of the past, as it will mo...
JORGE LUIS BORGES A writer needs loneliness, and he gets his share of it. He needs love, and he gets shared and also ...
JORGE LUIS BORGES It is worth remembering that every writer begins with a naively physical notion of what art is. A bo...
JORGE LUIS BORGES The art of writing is mysterious; the opinions we hold are ephemeral , and I prefer the Platonic ide...
JORGE LUIS BORGES Not a single star will be left in the night. The night will not be left. I will die and, with me, th...
JORGE LUIS BORGES Reality is not always probable, or likely.
JORGE LUIS BORGES The truth is that we live out our lives putting off all that can be put off; perhaps we all know dee...
JORGE LUIS BORGES Through the years, a man peoples a space with images of provinces, kingdoms, mountains, bays, ships,...
JORGE LUIS BORGES I cannot walk through the suburbs in the solitude of the night without thinking that the night pleas...
JORGE LUIS BORGES In truth, the Library includes all verbal structures, all variations permitted by the twenty-five or...
JORGE LUIS BORGES The original is unfaithful to the translation.
JORGE LUIS BORGES Any life, no matter how long and complex it may be, is made up of a single moment - the moment in wh...
JORGE LUIS BORGES The flattery of posterity is not worth much more than contemporary flattery, which is worth nothing.
JORGE LUIS BORGES Life itself is a quotation.
JORGE LUIS BORGES Literature is not exhaustible, for the sufficient and simple reason that a single book is not. A boo...
JORGE LUIS BORGES We forget that we are all dead men conversing with dead men.
JORGE LUIS BORGES Don't talk unless you can improve the silence.
JORGE LUIS BORGES ...the image of the Lord had been replaced by a mirror.
JORGE LUIS BORGES Like all writers, he measured the achievements of others by what they had accomplished, asking of ...
JORGE LUIS BORGES I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.
JORGE LUIS BORGES The central problem of novel-writing is causality.
JORGE LUIS BORGES He pensado muchas veces en los extraños movimientos de la afectividad. Octavio, si en verdad no que...
JORGE ARTURO OJEDA Let others pride themselves about how many pages they have written; I'd rather boast about the ones ...
JORGE LUIS BORGES There is an hour of the afternoon when the plain is on the verge of saying something. It never says,...
JORGE LUIS BORGES We've been trying to open the gates of communication between Havana and Miami through art, which...
JORGE M. PEREZ كمن يعود من فردوس مفقود عدتُ من عناقك.
كمن يعود من �...
JORGE LUIS BORGES I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I have read, all the people that I h...
JORGE LUIS BORGES «Albrecht discorre sobre este jogo popular [petanca]. [...] Devíamos ser capazes, todos de aprende...
MANUEL JORGE MARMELO In day-to-day life, you have stimulus to behave unethically, but in the long term, it always pays of...
JORGE PAULO LEMANN There is a concept that is the corrupter and destroyer of all others. I speak not of Evil, whose lim...
JORGE LUIS BORGES Nothing is built on stone; all is built on sand, but we must build as if the sand were stone.
JORGE LUIS BORGES There is a concept which corrupts and upsets all others. I refer not to Evil, whose limited realm is...
JORGE LUIS BORGES I cannot sleep unless I am surrounded by books.
JORGE LUIS BORGES Time is the substance from which I am made. Time is a river which carries me along, but I am the riv...
JORGE LUIS BORGES My father and he had one of those English friendships which begin by avoiding intimacies and eventua...
JORGE LUIS BORGES I foresee that man will resign himself each day to new abominations, and soon that only bandits and ...
JORGE LUIS BORGES I have known uncertainty: a state unknown to the Greeks.
JORGE LUIS BORGES It takes the same effort to think small than to think big. But to think big frees you from the insig...
JORGE PAULO LEMANN This incident shows the aggressiveness and lack of scruples of these smugglers who put the lives of ...
COL. JORGE SAMPER My father was a businessman, but my mother was an intellectual. She cared about culture, politics, a...
JORGE M. PEREZ The drug trafficking through Cuba, especially by sea, has been controlled. The traffickers have gone...
COL. JORGE SAMPER The worlds of art, philanthropy, and business are absolutely intertwined.
JORGE M. PEREZ The fact is that all writers create their precursors. Their work modifies our conception of the past...
JORGE LUIS BORGES Time is the substance I am made of. Time is a river which sweeps me along, but I am the river; it is...
JORGE LUIS BORGES A writer - and, I believe, generally all persons - must think that whatever happens to him or her is...
JORGE LUIS BORGES Little did they suspect that the years would end by wearing away the disharmony.
Little did the...
JORGE LUIS BORGES Si el honor y la sabiduría y la felicidad no son para mí, que sean para otros. Que el cielo exista...
JORGE LUIS BORGES When writers die they become books, which is, after all, not too bad an incarnation."
JORGE LUIS BORGES A necessary monster.
JORGE LUIS BORGES If they opened things up and I could build a luxury condominium in Vedado, I would sell them in two ...
JORGE M. PEREZ Personally, what I would like the most is to work on a project that would aid the historic rehabilit...
JORGE M. PEREZ I imagined a labyrinth of labyrinths, a maze of mazes, a twisting, turning, ever-widening labyrinth ...
JORGE LUIS BORGES Writing is nothing more than a guided dream.
JORGE LUIS BORGES Your unforgivable sins do not allow you to see my splendor
JORGE LUIS BORGES Poetry remembers that it was an oral art before it was a written art.
JORGE LUIS BORGES Every writer ''creates'' his own precursors. His work modifies our conception of the past, as it wil...
JORGE LUIS BORGES To die for a religion is easier than to live it absolutely.
JORGE LUIS BORGES To be immortal is commonplace; except for man, all creatures are immortal, for they are ignorant of ...
JORGE LUIS BORGES Death (or its allusion) makes men precious and pathetic. They are moving because of their phantom co...
JORGE LUIS BORGES The embargo doesn't affect the United States, not even minimally; all of Cuba's economy is s...
JORGE M. PEREZ Like all those possessing a library, Aurelian was aware that he was guilty of not knowing his in its...
JORGE LUIS BORGES My undertaking is not difficult, essentially. I should only have to be immortal to carry it out.
JORGE LUIS BORGES All they want to do is be left alone, sun and swim. At this point, all we have is crocodiles being c...
OFFICER JORGE PINO Nothing is built on stone; all is built on sand, but we must build as if the sand were stone
JORGE LUIS BORGES Everything Is Illuminated
JORGE LUIS BORGES As you can imagine, she's a nervous wreak, I'm sure.
SGT. JORGE DELAHOZ Thus my life is a flight and I lose everything and everything belongs to oblivion, or to him.
JORGE LUIS BORGES A book is not an isolated being: it is a relationship, an axis of innumerable relationships
JORGE LUIS BORGES It means much to have loved, to have been happy, to have laid my hand on the living Garden, even for...
JORGE LUIS BORGES He thought that the rose was to be found in its own eternity and not in his words; and that we may m...
JORGE LUIS BORGES What man of us has never felt, walking through the twilight or writing down a date from his past, th...
JORGE LUIS BORGES Music, feelings of happiness, mythology, faces worn by time, certain twilights and certain places, w...
JORGE LUIS BORGES You can't measure time by days, the way you measure money by dollars and cents, because dollars are ...
JORGE LUIS BORGES The mind was dreaming. The world was its dream.
JORGE LUIS BORGES I can give you my loneliness, my darkness, the hunger of my heart, I am trying to bribe you with unc...
JORGE LUIS BORGES Being with you and not being with you is the only way I have to measure time.
JORGE LUIS BORGES The dictionary is based on the hypothesis -- obviously an unproven one -- that languages are made up...