Повезло и тебе: где еще, кроме разве что фотографии, ты пребудешь всегда без морщин, молода, весела, глумлива? Ибо время, столкнувшись с памятью, узнает о своем бесправии. Я курю в темноте и вдыхаю гнилье отлива.
Joseph Brodsky
Related – Но разве не говорит это, Господи, о моей любви к Тебе,... WOODY ALLEN Когда я был моложе, я получал то, что мне было положено. ... JULIAN BARNES [об американцах] — Я понимаю, они — туристы, не отлич... JOHN FOWLES Что происходит с нашей памятью? В то время как совершае... YUKIO MISHIMA Не жалею, не зову, не плачу, Все пройдет, как с белых �... SERGEI YESENIN Какие новые Яры, Майданеки, Хиросимы, Колымы и Потьмы —... Анатолий Кузнецов А еще все англичане при встрече с неангличанами на сту�... BANDY SHOLTES Не уверен почему, но я всегда думал, что иметь «дни слав... STEPHEN CHBOSKY — Куда ушли все эти годы? Кто будет по мнить их после то... ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER Когда из Германии поступили первые сведения о гитлеро�... Анатолий Кузнецов Всего несколькими днями раньше в сотнях миль от Бостон... CELESTE NG. Папа говорит – ты стоишь в начале пути. За твоими плеч... NARINE ABGARYAN — А ну, — сказала мама, — разорви эту книгу, клади в печ... Анатолий Кузнецов Не могу здесь удержаться от комментария, как в те време... Анатолий Кузнецов В газетах сообщалось, что по предложению выдающегося с... Анатолий Кузнецов В более поздних своих произведениях, говоря о какой-ни�... Марсель Пруст Иные занятные старики не устают твердить о том, что ваш... Анатолий Кузнецов «Как же, так я тебе и поверил! — хмыкнул про себя Воробу... ERIN HUNTER Как-то он показал мне сосуд. Называется морилка. Усыпля... JOHN FOWLES Однажды дед посадил Тита за пазуху и повез в трамвае на... Анатолий Кузнецов В разбитом немецком поселке увидел: детский велосипед ... Светлана Алексиевич Перед каждым фильмом непрерывно шел киножурнал-боевик... Анатолий Кузнецов А представьте себе, что, родись вы на одно историческое... Анатолий Кузнецов Само собой разумеется, что такие главы, как «Людоеды» и... Анатолий Кузнецов Если и вправду есть Рай и Ад, мы можем с уверенностью ут... HUNTER S. THOMPSON Разговорившись, Жора улыбнулся: — Что это ты, Володь... Анатолий Кузнецов Я не принимал участие ни в каких торжественных меропри... Георгий Тука Так мальчик никогда не будет у вас крепким и энергичны�... Марсель Пруст Я мальчик, господин Биркенштакк... На мужчин я насмотре�... VLADISLAV KRAPIVIN Никому не под силу роль пророка. Никто не знает, что буд... Анатолий Кузнецов На этот раз было холодно. Книгами хорошо натопили печь.... Анатолий Кузнецов Убийцами Паши в моей жизни пробита огромная брешь. А дл... Айдер Муждабаев Как-то летел над синим морем в теплые края белый Лебедь... Виктория Ивлева Мать в другой комнате перешивала мне пальто к зиме. Она... Анатолий Кузнецов Такава е на любовта мощта, че възвишава низките неща... WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE У неё был такой же тупой вид, какой бывает у бретонског�... Оноре де Бальзак Отцы и учители, мыслю: "что есть ад?" Рассуждаю так: "С... FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY Война - это путь обмана. Поэтому, даже если [ты] способен... SUN TZU Как будто молитва могла выполоскать из меня грех. Одна�... Ханна Кент Неизбежно что-то ломается, иногда это можно починить, н... HANYA YANAGIHARA — При царе было плохо! — воскликнул я. — Да, вас тепе... Анатолий Кузнецов Да, часть людей понимают, что это Путин, и что это путь в... Анна Политковская Знаю, я сам во всём виноват. Знаю, я заслужил это. Я бы от... STEPHEN CHBOSKY Два дня пути уже успели отдалить этого человека, к тому... MANN THOMAS Я вспомнил старую северную легенду о боге, который был ... Варлам Шаламов Тролль — это в своем роде зиммелевский Чужак на границ... Полина Колозариди - А, ты не знаешь? Они работают над созданием искусствен... Петр Бормор Тарквиний Змейк ворвался в класс, как свежий ветер, и з�... ANNA KOROSTELYOVA Может это предзнаменование? Кто знает? В le bon vieux temps , ко�... JULIAN BARNES LVI Не те обичам аз, защото те обичам много, от толк�... PABLO NERUDA В этом отношении наиболее американизированной являет�... Илья Ильф В присутствии Джонатана моя жизнь съеживалась до каки�... MICHAEL CUNNINGHAM В Германии практически каждый знал о Холокосте — ведь ... TIMOTHY SNYDER Этот чай действительно показался Свану, совершенно та�... Марсель Пруст ...ответил я с энтузиазмом, которого не чувствовал. CARLOS RUIZ ZAFóN Что там говорить, сама жизнь подкидывает немало вещест... YUKIO MISHIMA Безвольно слабеют колени, И кажется, нечем дышать... ... ANNA AKHMATOVA В молчании — слово, А свет лишь во тьме. И жизнь по... Урсула Ле Гуин Есть на свете те, кто остается, и те, кто собирается в пу... TOVE JANSSON Разбирай ме добре: сега не мога пред тебе на колени �... Евтим Евтимов Системы лжи и насилия блестяще обнаружили и взяли на с�... Анатолий Кузнецов Подумать только, что стадо коров, что стадо людей — ник... Анатолий Кузнецов Дамблдор заговорил медленно, отчетливо, чтобы никто не... J.K. ROWLING Слухи о том, что он связан с японской мафией, сделали ег... Кауи Харт Хеммингс Чтобы выяснить это, Рэчман выбрал несколько опытных вз... KEVIN DUTTON Я говорил о бесполезности искусства, но ничего не сказ�... LAWRENCE DURRELL „В читалнята сравнявах увлеченото й четене с въодушев... BORIS PASTERNAK ~ Социальная ответственность ~ Фундаментальный о... KONOSUKE MATSUSHITA У обочины, среди живописных кусточков, стояли два крес�... Анатолий Кузнецов - Не иначе как двенадцать, - объявил и Шухов. - Солнышко н... ALEKSANDR SOLZHENITSYN Особая сложность переосмысления такого комплексного �... Николай Эппле Гитлер раздавлен, варварство — нет. Наоборот, очагов е�... Анатолий Кузнецов Пока Сакаи летал к чужакам, он успел привести свой отсе... Ольга Громыко Истинный источник конфликтов Бубер описывает очень пр... HANS-JOACHIM WERNER Иногда мы хотим солгать, а Язык нам не даёт. Этих людей �... Александр Солженицын Я пытался писать обыкновенный роман по методу социали�... Анатолий Кузнецов Чтобы ты знал, я чувствую себя одновременно и весёлым, �... STEPHEN CHBOSKY И всегда будут короли, более или менее жестокие, бароны... ARKADY STRUGATSKY Впрочем, бывают эпохи — одна из них досталась нам — ко�... HUNTER S. THOMPSON Понимаете, бутылка хорошего вина предусматривает хоро... Илья Ильф Приспособяваме се тихо към живота, доволни и от блед... HART CRANE Если ты человек вежливый, говори с другими не про то, чт... HARPER LEE Стояхме в ъгълчето на света настинали и неподготвен... Георги Рупчев Из-за ее спины Эцуко пристально следила за лицом мужа. �... YUKIO MISHIMA Человек рождается на свет единожды и вправе прожить св... VLADISLAV KRAPIVIN Я писал эту книгу не для того, чтобы рассказывать вчера... Анатолий Кузнецов „Здравей, пазачо на стада, Там, край пътя, Какво т... FERNANDO PESSOA Видишь ли, Гарри, так вышло, что в тебе много качеств, ко... Дж.К. Ролинг - Людям кажется, что они достигли желанных высот бытия, ... VLADISLAV KRAPIVIN Sawa. Кто Вы, где Вы от, и почему Вы в Москве? ENOCK MAREGESI - Сега какво? - попита Реми. Сам сви рамене. - Да се �... Клайв Къслър Прохладный воздух покалывал кожу, небо переливалось р�... NICHOLAS SPARKS Упорствование в стремлении оправдать Сталина эффекти�... Николай Эппле У тебя... кислое настроение, потому что не получился там... VLADISLAV KRAPIVIN Но это был не просто мальчик, а злой мальчик. Даже подло... VLADISLAV KRAPIVIN Я не думаю, что стоит придавать особое значение своему ... STEPHEN CHBOSKY С огромным трудом удалось сохранить название, его кате... Анатолий Кузнецов В 2006 году на съемке телепрограммы подросток задал Шойг... Михаил Зыгарь Половину своей жизни я потратил на попытки уйти из жур�... HUNTER S. THOMPSON Ничто так не выделяло этого человека, как его очевидна�... HERMAN MELVILLE
More Joseph Brodsky
The blue-collar is not supposed to read Horace, nor the farmer in his overalls Montale or Marvell. N... JOSEPH BRODSKY This assumption that the blue collar crowd is not supposed to read it, or a farmer in his overalls i... JOSEPH BRODSKY There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them. JOSEPH BRODSKY Life, the way it really is, is a battle not between Bad and Good but between Bad and Worse. JOSEPH BRODSKY What should I say about life? That it's long and abhors transparence. JOSEPH BRODSKY How delightful to find a friend in everyone. JOSEPH BRODSKY In sissy times, like these, one JOSEPH BRODSKY Every writing career starts as a personal quest for sainthood, for self-betterment. Sooner or later,... JOSEPH BRODSKY The surest defense against Evil is extreme individualism, originality of thinking, whimsicality, eve... JOSEPH BRODSKY Racism? But isn't it only a form of misanthropy? JOSEPH BRODSKY The poetic notion of infinity is far greater than that which is sponsored by any creed. JOSEPH BRODSKY It would be enough for me to have the system of a jury of twelve versus the system of one judge as a... JOSEPH BRODSKY What I like about cities is that everything is king size, the beauty and the ugliness. JOSEPH BRODSKY In the works of the better poets you get the sensation that they're not talking to people any more, ... JOSEPH BRODSKY If a poet has any obligation toward society, it is to write well. Being in the minority, he has no o... JOSEPH BRODSKY No matter under what circumstances you leave it, home does not cease to be home. No matter how you l... JOSEPH BRODSKY The one who writes a poem writes it above all because verse writing is an extraordinary accelerator ... JOSEPH BRODSKY I like the idea of isolation. I like the reality of it. You realize what you are... not that the kno... JOSEPH BRODSKY Cherish your human connections: your relationships with friends and family. JOSEPH BRODSKY Snobbery? But it's only a form of despair. JOSEPH BRODSKY For the poet the credo or doctrine is not the point of arrival but is, on the contrary, the point of... JOSEPH BRODSKY Life - the way it really is - is a battle not between Bad and Good but between Bad and Worse. JOSEPH BRODSKY One always pulls the trigger out of self-interest and quotes history to avoid responsibility or pang... JOSEPH BRODSKY It is well to read everything of something, and something of everything. JOSEPH BRODSKY For a writer only one form of patriotism exists: his attitude toward language. JOSEPH BRODSKY Bad literature is a form of treason. JOSEPH BRODSKY The mechanics of love imply some sort of bridge between the sensual and the spiritual, sometimes to ... JOSEPH BRODSKY Good style in prose is always hostage to the precision, speed, and laconic intensity of poetic dicti... JOSEPH BRODSKY Time is water, and the Venetians conquered both by building a city on water, and framed time with th... JOSEPH BRODSKY No man-made system is perfect, and the system of oppression is no exception. It is subject to fatigu... JOSEPH BRODSKY Life is a game with many rules but no referee. One learns how to play it more by watching it than by... JOSEPH BRODSKY For boredom speaks the language of time, and it is to teach you the most valuable lesson of your lif... JOSEPH BRODSKY Who included me among the ranks of the human race? JOSEPH BRODSKY The imprisoning of a writer is the same as the burning of a book. JOSEPH BRODSKY I remember myself, age five, sitting on a porch overlooking a very muddy road. The day was rainy. I ... JOSEPH BRODSKY Because civilizations are finite, in the life of each of them there comes a moment when the center c... JOSEPH BRODSKY Venice is eternity itself. JOSEPH BRODSKY I belong to the Russian language. As to the state, from my point of view, the measure of a writer... JOSEPH BRODSKY The real biographies of poets are like those of birds, almost identical - their data are in the way ... JOSEPH BRODSKY Man is what he reads. JOSEPH BRODSKY My idea is simply - is very simple - is that the books of poetry should be published in far greater ... JOSEPH BRODSKY Basically, it's hard for me to assess myself, a hardship not only prompted by the immodesty of t... JOSEPH BRODSKY The concept of historical necessity is the product of rational thought and arrived in Russia by the ... JOSEPH BRODSKY The invention of ethical and political doctrines, which blossomed into our own social sciences, is a... JOSEPH BRODSKY By failing to read or listen to poets, society dooms itself to inferior modes of articulation: those... JOSEPH BRODSKY I was fortunate enough to write about things I really love, and love can be very analytic. JOSEPH BRODSKY When you have those two languages - an analytic one like English and a synthetic, very sensual thing... JOSEPH BRODSKY Paperbacks of those we deem classics should be cheap and sold at supermarkets. JOSEPH BRODSKY The real history of consciousness starts with one's first lie. JOSEPH BRODSKY After all, it is hard to master both life and work equally well. So if you are bound to fake one of ... JOSEPH BRODSKY It is almost a rule that the more complex a man is, the simpler his billing. A person with a retrosp... JOSEPH BRODSKY Bad literature . . . is a form of treason. JOSEPH BRODSKY Evil is a sucker for solidity. It always goes for big numbers, for confident granite, for ideologica... JOSEPH BRODSKY It is not just shameful for a contemporary American poet to use rhymes, it is unthinkable. It seems ... JOSEPH BRODSKY A writer is seldom satisfied with the condition he finds himself in. We're all given to fretting... JOSEPH BRODSKY In the 20th century, imprisonment of writers practically comes with the territory. JOSEPH BRODSKY Every individual ought to know at least one poet from cover to cover: if not as a guide through the ... JOSEPH BRODSKY Prison is essentially a shortage of space made up for by a surplus of time; to an inmate, both are p... JOSEPH BRODSKY This is the generation whose first cry of life was the Hungarian uprising. JOSEPH BRODSKY The charge frequently leveled against poetry - that it is difficult, obscure, hermetic and whatnot -... JOSEPH BRODSKY It's a maddening thing in itself to look at an old poem of yours. To translate it is even more m... JOSEPH BRODSKY After the last line of a poem, nothing follows except literary criticism. JOSEPH BRODSKY I began to despise Lenin, even when I was in the first grade, not so much because of his political p... JOSEPH BRODSKY Writers seem mesmerized by the state - the temporal entity. The word 'perestroika' is impres... JOSEPH BRODSKY The fact that we are living does not mean we are not sick. JOSEPH BRODSKY I do not believe in political movements. I believe in personal movement, that movement of the soul w... JOSEPH BRODSKY Life - the way it really is - is a battle not between Bad and Good but between Bad and Worse JOSEPH BRODSKY Twentieth-century Russian literature has produced nothing special except perhaps one novel and two s... JOSEPH BRODSKY Life—the way it really is—is a battle not between good and bad, but between bad and worse JOSEPH BRODSKY For boredom speaks the language of time, and it is to teach you the most valuable lesson of your lif... JOSEPH BRODSKY A poet is a combination of an instrument and a human being in one person, with the former gradually ... JOSEPH BRODSKY When hit by boredom, let yourself be crushed by it; submerge, hit bottom. In general, with things un... JOSEPH BRODSKY The surest defense against Evil is extreme individualism, originality of thinking, whimsicality, eve... JOSEPH BRODSKY If there is any substitute for love, it is memory JOSEPH BRODSKY On the whole, books are indeed less finite than ourselves. Even the worst among them outlast their a... JOSEPH BRODSKY If there is any substitute for love, it is memory. JOSEPH BRODSKY ...boredom speaks the language of time, and it is to teach you the most valuable lesson in your life... JOSEPH BRODSKY What concerns me is that man, unable to articulate, to express himself adequately, reverts to action... JOSEPH BRODSKY For darkness restores what light cannot repair. JOSEPH BRODSKY The surest defense against Evil is extreme individualism, originality of thinking, whimsicality, eve... JOSEPH BRODSKY It's not that prison makes you shed your abstract notions. On the contrary, it pares them down t... JOSEPH BRODSKY Prison is, indeed, a translation of your metaphysics, ethics, sense of history and whatnot into the ... JOSEPH BRODSKY An ethical man doesn't need a consensus of his allies in order to act against something he finds... JOSEPH BRODSKY Whenever one pulls the trigger in order to rectify history's mistake, one lies. For history make... JOSEPH BRODSKY Beginning a poem, the poet as a rule doesn't know the way it's going to come out, and at tim... JOSEPH BRODSKY Neither as a writer nor, moreover, as a leader of a nation should you use terminology that obscures ... JOSEPH BRODSKY As failures go, attempting to recall the past is like claiming to grasp the meaning of existence. Bo... JOSEPH BRODSKY To translate poetry, one has to possess some art, at the very least the art of stylistic re-embodime... JOSEPH BRODSKY My poems getting published in Russia doesn't make me feel in any fashion, to tell you the truth.... JOSEPH BRODSKY [Robert] Frost's triumph was not being at John Kennedy's inauguration ceremony, but the day when he ... JOSEPH BRODSKY I consider it the highest compliment when my employees go out and start their own companies in compe... NORMAN BRODSKY The biggest problem is keeping the cell tower aloft. IRA BRODSKY The offensive line and defensive line are coming together well. We're working very hard and we're al... CHUCK BRODSKY My values tend to gravitate toward the older ways. There is a high degree of honor in being a trouba... CHUCK BRODSKY It was a lot of years before I got something I wanted to sing in front of other people. CHUCK BRODSKY We realize it's going to be even harder to win because everyone out there wants to beat us. The way ... CHUCK BRODSKY Brothers in 'Pike' cover all ranges of the spectrum, from a militant Republican Texan to a Jewish De... ALEX BRODSKY I'd trust that Bush has a lot more experience around kegs than Kerry. ALEX BRODSKY The system is broke. Cases like this make the Correctional Service of Canada look really terrible. DANIEL BRODSKY That's the real shame. Society is not well-served by sending a convict to a penitentiary who needs m... DANIEL BRODSKY We're pleased that consumers will have the benefit of devices that will work well in the IP environm... ART BRODSKY I?d be less than honest if I told you there was a great deal of sympathy for the net neutrality idea... ART BRODSKY It is a very fluid situation. In fact even as we speak, in the next day or so, there should be some ... ART BRODSKY Nobody on our side liked (the new version). It was basically a rewrite of the old draft. It's obviou... ART BRODSKY People are really stirred up about this, ART BRODSKY We are willing to work with the Hill on these issues, but we of course have serious reservations abo... ART BRODSKY He doesn't care about himself. He was prepared to die in that hospital room. When they took the knif... GREG BRODSKY Mr. Magee, in retrospect, would've been far better off in a penitentiary. He would've either been in... DANIEL BRODSKY We're not at the drafting stage. I think we're moving toward the conceptual stage of what we need to... RICHARD BRODSKY There's no adequate treatment for him (at such a facility). That's just a jail disguised as a hospit... DANIEL BRODSKY We are each others angels, we meet when it is time CHUCK BRODSKY He has almost no shot of getting out of a psychiatric hospital. DANIEL BRODSKY They should be outlawed. They should do good police work, convict people on the basis of physical ev... GREG BRODSKY This was not a life for him, this was not a life for her. GREG BRODSKY We are delighted at the continued strong endorsement of TRIB by the members of ACTN. Since we have a... HARVEY BRODSKY There's not a single major new truck tire manufacturer that would bring a tire to the market that is... HARVEY BRODSKY I think adding Common Short Codes to print advertising is the best option. A user just has to send a... IRA BRODSKY Companies need to look at the MVNO market as a long-term commitment and not expect a positive cash f... IRA BRODSKY One of the areas where I see a lot of activity is in-building wireless coverage. IRA BRODSKY We have evidence of compensation to top management when, as far as I know, firemen and police of the... RICHARD BRODSKY If you look at all the exchanges that had started down the demutualization path ... the IPO is not t... WILLIAM BRODSKY We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us. JOSEPH CAMPBELL Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging. JOSEPH CAMPBELL This magnificent butterfly finds a little heap of dirt and sits still on it; but man will never on h... JOSEPH CONRAD Most people would rather stay home and watch Casablanca for the fourth time or the 10th time on Turn... JOSEPH BOLOGNA Poetry is the exquisite expression of exquisite expressions. JOSEPH ROUX Justice is the truth in action. JOSEPH JOUBERT You will find poetry nowhere unless you bring some of it with you. JOSEPH JOUBERT Those who never retract their opinions love themselves more than they love the truth. JOSEPH JOUBERT Only choose in marriage a man whom you would choose as a friend if he were a woman. JOSEPH JOUBERT Words, like glass, obscure when they do not aid vision. JOSEPH JOUBERT Love and fear. Everything the father of a family says must inspire one or the other. JOSEPH JOUBERT Innocence is always unsuspicious. JOSEPH JOUBERT The Cold War is over but Cold War thinking survives. JOSEPH ROTBLAT Who knows what true loneliness is - not the conventional word but the naked terror? To the lonely th... JOSEPH CONRAD When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly he... JOSEPH CAMPBELL People feel I don't mix much, but I'm working at it. NAFISA JOSEPH The greatest injustice in the world is to bring a child into the world, and not be able to offer it ... NAFISA JOSEPH Winning is very important to me. I wouldn't be happy with anything less. And I work towards my g... NAFISA JOSEPH I didn't want to get into acting. I was very happy doing MTV, it took up my time, I was content. NAFISA JOSEPH I have always loved animals since I was very young. NAFISA JOSEPH I was a little nervous backstage. But I had this book, Gandhi. I just read his quotes, closed my eye... NAFISA JOSEPH Most important was to remain focused and always have presence of mind. NAFISA JOSEPH Ummm, there is not just one good thing about being a VJ, it is a package deal. It is a fun job and y... NAFISA JOSEPH Deep inside, I was hoping I'd win: The competition was tough, but I learned from other's mis... NAFISA JOSEPH I won the crown for what I am - I'm certainly not going to let go of that! NAFISA JOSEPH Sometimes, I sit down to sketch at the unearthly hour of 3 in the morning! NAFISA JOSEPH I love being photographed, I love the ramp. NAFISA JOSEPH Justice is an unassailable fortress, built on the brow of a mountain which cannot be overthrown by t... JOSEPH ADDISON There's been many times when a producer will say, 'I don't think you want to say that.... TYLER JOSEPH A spirit, breathing the language of independence, is natural to Englishmen, few of whom are disposed... JOSEPH LANCASTER In order to move others deeply we must deliberately allow ourselves to be carried away beyond the bo... JOSEPH CONRAD There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for ones own safety i... JOSEPH HELLER I think the person who takes a job in order to live - that is to say, for the money - has turned him... JOSEPH CAMPBELL Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world. We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can ch... JOSEPH CAMPBELL When you make the sacrifice in marriage, you're sacrificing not to each other but to unity in a ... JOSEPH CAMPBELL What each must seek in his life never was on land or sea. It is something out of his own unique pote... JOSEPH CAMPBELL God is a metaphor for that which transcends all levels of intellectual thought. It's as simple a... JOSEPH CAMPBELL I don't have to have faith, I have experience. JOSEPH CAMPBELL Love is a friendship set to music. JOSEPH CAMPBELL I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the e... JOSEPH CAMPBELL I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to
achieve immortality through not dyin... JOSEPH ADDISON The stars shall fade away, the sun himself
Grow dim with age, and nature sink in years,
But th... JOSEPH ADDISON Literature was formerly an art and finance a trade; today it is the reverse. JOSEPH ROUX Our experience is composed rathery of illusions that of wisdom acquired. JOSEPH ROUX When unhappy, one doubts everything; when happy, one doubts
nothing. JOSEPH ROUX I was raised to feel that doing nothing was a sin. I had to
learn to do nothing. JENNY JOSEPH Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other. JOSEPH ADDISON A word carries far, very far, deals destruction through time as the bullets go flying through space. JOSEPH CONRAD At a moderate calculation, among a million of persons inhabiting the metropolis, there are, at least... JOSEPH LANCASTER My dad was a cotton buyer and cotton buyers always considered themselves superior to the rest of the... JOSEPH MITCHELL I like candles. It helps cover up for the fact that I have four male roommates. TYLER JOSEPH A day, an hour, of virtuous liberty
Is worth a whole eternity in bondage. JOSEPH ADDISON The chief ingredients in the composition of those qualities that gain esteem and praise, are good na... JOSEPH ADDISON 'Tis not in mortals to command success,
But we'll do more, Sempronius,--
We'll deserve it. JOSEPH ADDISON My favorite actors when I was a kid were in their '60s. Spencer Tracy, Humphrey Bogart, John Way... JOSEPH BOLOGNA Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy. JOSEPH CAMPBELL Sweet are the slumbers of the virtuous man! JOSEPH ADDISON Curse on his virtues! they've undone his country. JOSEPH ADDISON I labored hard to avoid trouble and bloodshed. CHIEF JOSEPH Nature does nothing without purpose or uselessly. JOSEPH ADDISON If there's a power above us, (and that there is all nature cries
Through all her works) he ... JOSEPH ADDISON There was a time when the world acted on books; now books act on the world. JOSEPH JOUBERT The worst thing about new books is that they keep us from reading the old ones. JOSEPH JOUBERT My voice is still for war. JOSEPH ADDISON Loveliest of women! heaven is in thy soul,
Beauty and virtue shine forever round thee,
Bright... JOSEPH ADDISON Science is for those who learn, poetry is for those who know. JOSEPH ROUX There are the girls we love, the men we look up to, the tenderness, the friendships, the opportuniti... JOSEPH CONRAD What is true by lamplight is not always true by sunlight. JOSEPH JOUBERT Young men soon give and soon forget affronts;
Old age is slow in both. JOSEPH ADDISON There were formerly horizons within which people lived and thought and mythologized. There are now n... JOSEPH CAMPBELL He who has not the weakness of friendship has not the strength. JOSEPH JOUBERT You don't grow up in our neck of the woods believing that someone can outwork you. JOSEPH PARKINSON A lot of people have mentioned that I'm the X-factor on the team. I'll try and do what I've been try... ADRIAN JOSEPH The ACC games are right around the corner. We can't play like this because it's a different level. ADRIAN JOSEPH ACC games are right around the corner. We can't play like this because it's a different level. ADRIAN JOSEPH I stepped up with confidence to take the shot, and it went in. After the shot went through the net, ... ADRIAN JOSEPH We're going to come out like we do every game playing defense and playing with a lot of confidence. ... ADRIAN JOSEPH I've been given more opportunities, and I'm just trying to step up and do big things along with Sean... ADRIAN JOSEPH When Sean came back in the game, he kept on scoring so all their focus was on Sean. That made me wid... ADRIAN JOSEPH