عندما تكون متعبًا أو مرتبكًا ولا تعرف بماذا تدعو ، فادع بأن يحقق الله مايرى أنه الأفضل لك
Lee Raffel
لا قيمة أعظم ولا أسعد ولا أدوم من أن تكون مع الله في كل أ...
علي الطنطاوي أصبحت أعتقد بأن السّبب الأوحد وراء كُل خَير عظيم أو شّر...
محمد الشوابكة ممر ؛ فوقك تعبر كل الأشياء التي أردتها أن تكون لك و لكنه...
غسان كنفاني ليس كافيًا أن تكون مشغولًا. فكذلك النمل. السؤال هو: بماذ...
HENRY DAVID THOREAU كلما انطفأ حلمك خلق الله لك حلماً أجمل و كلما بهتت في قل...
علي بن جابر الفيفي لا يعني الصبر أن تتحمل المصاعب سلباً، بل يعني أن تكون ب�...
إليف شفق كلمونى، كلمونا...ناقشونا...اسألونا...ليس بالشتيمة ولا با�...
أنيس منصور الهموم تصبح أكثر حدة عندما تصيب الفرد، فمن الأفضل أن ين...
عبد المعطي شعراوي الخطأ ليس في التحيز المسبق بل في ان تسمح لتحيزك المسبق �...
جلال أمين يُؤَجِلُ الله أُمنِيَاتِنا, ولا يَنسَاها
محمد حسن علوان قال بسرعة: أنا بخير شكرا لك, هذا ما نقوله
عندما ل...
JOSé SARAMAGO لكنها كانت واثقة من أنها لا تستطيع أن تعرف حدودها إلا ع�...
ELIF SHAFAK فلندرس مواقفنا فى الحياة بذكاء ٬ ولنرسم منهاجنا للمستق...
محمد الغزالي الله يسيرنا إلى ما اخترناه بقلوبنا ونياتنا، فلا ظلم ول�...
مصطفى محمود أموت ولا أنتظر عطف أو شفقة أحد !
أنيس منصور والقهوة يجب أن يقدّمها لك شخصٌ ما. القهوةُ كالوَرْد، فا...
مريد البرغوثي قلت: أتألم ألمًا لا حد له.
قال: ألم تفهم بعد، من الخذل�...
أحمد بهجت إبليس: هل تعرف أنني أعجب أحيانا لنفاق ابن آدم, وقدرته عل...
أحمد بهجت لا تظن لحظة واحدة أن أصدقاءك سيتصلون بك تلفونياً كل مسا...
ألبير كامو لا ينبغي لنا أن نثق كثيراً في السعادة. إنها آتية هاربة, ...
محمد شكري وممكن أن تكون رجلا بسيطا .. لا بك ولا باشا.. ولا صاحب شأن ....
مصطفى محمود إن سيرة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم تنفرد عن سيرة كل عظما�...
محمد عمارة لاتحكم على اختيـــاراتي إذا لم تكن تعرف أسبـــابي
ألبير كامو على خطايانا يجب أن نبكي حقًا وليس على أي هجر؛ أو أي فراق...
مصطفى محمود البشر لن يجدوا أبرَّ بهم ولا احنى عليهم من الله عز وجل
محمد الغزالي عندما تأتي الأيام السوداء التي لا تخلف موعدها أبدًا ، ل...
ÁLVARO MUTIS إن الطريق إلى إقامة الصلاة حقاً هو استشعار عظمة الله فى...
أحمد بهجت إنني أكبر وتكبر معي صداقاتي، يكبر بعضها كي يبقى، فيما...
ليلى الجهني لا تجالس أنصاف العشاق، ولا تصادق أنصاف الأصدقاء، لا تق�...
KAHLIL GIBRAN ماينفعش التدين يبقى ستارة بنخبيّ وراها وحاشتنا وكذبنا ...
أحمد العسيلي إن الله يقيم الدولة العادلة وإن كانت كافرة ولا يقيم الد...
ابن تيمية IBN TAYMIYYAH بدلاً من أن نمقت أعدائنا ينبغي أن نشفق عليهم، وأن نحمد �...
كلارنس وارد يبدأ الكذب حقا عندما نكون مرغمين على الجواب ما عدا هذا �...
أحلام مستغانمي عندما تكون في مكان عام و ترغب بشدة في التخلص من هدومك نف...
AZZA BONDOK انني كنت أسفل سافلين في قاع المجتمع الأمريكي عندما اهت�...
مالكوم إكس عندما يمنحك الله الحياة ، من واجبك (ومن حقك ككائن بشري) �...
ELIZABETH GILBERT أنت لا تعرف معنى أن تحلم..تحلم دائما وتقضى حياتك فى الحل...
بثينة العيسى إن الله لا يُمسك عنّا فضله إلا حين نطلب ما ليس لنا أو ما ...
مصطفى صادق الرافعي لكن ألا تظنين أنه يوجد فرق كبير بين الجنسين عندما يتعلق...
إليف شفق أعدك يا صديقتي العزيزة أن أصلح من شأني, وأستمتع بالحاضر...
JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE وهل تكون السعادة الحقة إلا حالة من السلام والسكينة الن�...
مصطفى محمود سألت الشيخ عبد ربه التائه.
- متى يصلح حال البلد؟
NAGUIB MAHFOUZ عندما تختفي فلسطين كسلسال على ثوب السهرة , كحلية , أو كذ�...
مريد البرغوثي إن الله لا يحب من عباده السائل اللحوح اللجوج , ولا من يس�...
يحيى حقي و الأهم هو أن كل الصلوات ستصل الى الله في نهاية الأمر, م�...
سنان أنطون الشعور الديني أو القومي يتصاعد في أوقات المحن التي يشع�...
جلجامش نبيل, GILGAMESH NABEEL أن الانسان يستطيع أن يعتاد كل مكروه في حياته إلا الموت ...
يوسف السباعي لا أدري لماذا لا يطير العباد إلى ربِّهم على أجنحةٍ من ا�...
محمد الغزالي لم أكن أعرف كيف أكون أي شيء! لم أستطع أن أكون حقودًا أو ط...
FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY أكن أعرف كيف أكون أي شيء! لم أستطع أن أكون حقودًا أو طيب ...
FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY احتقرتُ نفسي سبعَ مرَّات:
الأولى، عندما رأيتُها �...
KAHLIL GIBRAN لعل الله يأخذك من حال لآخر .. ويجعلك تختبر الشعور ونقيضه...
جلال الدين الرومي عن إنك تكون موجوع ولا تبينش
أفضل 100 مرة من انك تبين لو...
AZZA BONDOK و عندما تلج دائرة الحب، تكون اللغة التي نعرفها قد عفَّى...
ELIF SHAFAK لماذا ترك الله الظالم يظلم والقاتل يقتل والسارق يسرق؟ �...
مصطفى محمود تعرف أنا مجرد أحمق آخر، يظن أنه يغير الدنيا..ويفشل يومي�...
AHMED ABDELHAMID يتطلب التغيير طويل الأمد النظر بصدق لحياتنا ، وإدراك أ�...
JACK CANFIELD, MARK VICTOR HANSEN, إنني أكبر وأميل إلى الصمت أكثر فأكثر، صارت تمرضني فكرة ...
ليلى الجهني يا صديقي؛ إنَّ الله رحيم، و من رحمته أنه أخفى القلب و أخ...
مصطفى صادق الرافعي المرء لا يعرف أبدا ما الذي يمثله للآخرين، ولا بأية وسيل...
JUAN JOSé MILLáS وكان أعجب ما وقع له أنه اكتشف عند صلاة الصبح أنه لم يكن �...
نجيب محفوظ يختلف الناس في سر القهوة وتختلف آراؤهم: الرائحة، اللون�...
مريد البرغوثي والشر في الكون كالظل في الصورة إذا اقتربت منه خيل إليك �...
مصطفى محمود لا تسمح للحياة السريعة أن تسرق منك لحظات التعبد والطاع�...
كريم الشاذلي دع المقادير تجري في أعنتها ولا تبيتن الا خالي البال....م�...
مسفر بن مهلهل الينبغي قال الشافعي رضي الله عنه: ماناظرت أحداً قط فأحببت أن يخ�...
أبو حامد محمد الغزالي تصل إلى درجة تُجبر عندها على إعادة التفكير بكل مُسلَمة ...
محمد الشوابكة إياك والسخرية من الناس أو الهزء بالبؤساء ، فأنت تجهل ال...
نجيب محفوظ إن مشكلة كل شعب هى فى جوهرها مشكلة حضارته, ولا يمكن لشعب...
مالك بن نبي الحداد ليس في ما نرتديه بل في ما نراه . إنّه يكمن في نظرت...
أحلام مستغانمي إنني لا أحيا في ماضيَّ، ولا في مستقبلي. ليس لي سوى الحاض...
باولو كويلو يمكن للصلاة عندما تكون حقا صلاة , أن تكون خبزنا , لأنها س...
أحمد خيري العمري ما يصيب المسلم من نصب ولا وصب ولا همّ ولا حزن ولا أذى ول�...
ANONYMOUS والحب الروحى الصحيح إنما هو كالطفولة ,لا تعرف وجه الفتى...
مصطفى صادق الرافعي هل هذه عبودية تُذلنا أو تُعزنا ؟
إنها عبودية تُعزنا �...
محمد متولي الشعراوي لا يجب أن ننسى أننا كبشر مختلفون وهذا يعني أنه لابد من أ...
LEE RAFFEL وفي رأيي أن السياسة التي لا تربط بالدين قذارة محضة يجب �...
MAHATMA GANDHI لا ينبغي أن تكون مكتبة المنزل محصورة في غرفة أو ركن الم�...
عبد الكريم بكار لا تحاول ان تقاوم التغيرات التى تعترض سبيلك بل دع الحيا...
اليف شافاق هذا هو ثمن الغربة: أن تموت أمك وأنت عنها بعيد، لا تشهد ض�...
عزالدين شكري فشير نحن لا نعبد الله بأمر تكليف ولكنا نعبده لأننا عرفنا جما...
مصطفى محمود يقول الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم: "بلغوا عني.. ولو آية" فال�...
راغب السرجاني إن تضحية الأم من أجل أولادها، شيء لا يمكن إذا حكمنا فيه ...
محمد متولي الشعراوي لا يفكر الذكور بأعراضهم إلا باعتبارها مايخص أخواتهم أو...
أحمد خيري العمري إن وخزات الأحداث قد تكون إيقاظا للإيمان الغافى ٬ ورجعة ...
محمد الغزالي عندما كان زملاء صفي يسخرون مني أو يهمسون كلمات بغيضة في...
JODEE BLANCO تقولون أن أول الأسبقيات أن يتعلم الفلاح المغربي الديمو...
عبد الله العروي وهو يؤمن بأن الحكومة إنما أنشئت لخدمة الشعب وليس العكس....
MICHAEL H. HART عندما وصل عليه الصلاة والسلام إلى حيث قال "لا تحزن إن ال...
أحمد خيري العمري قال ابن مسعود: أطلب قلبك في ثلاث مواطن: عند سماع القرآن, ...
ابن قيم الجوزية - IBN QAYYIM أي علم هذا الذي لم يستطع حتى الآن أن يضع أصوات من نحب في ...
أحلام مستغانمي .. الاسلام دين قوى ودين حق ، يكفيه وجوده وتكفيه تعاليمه ...
نبيل فاروق و رجعت وحدي في الطريق
اليأس فوق مقاعد الأحزان
فاروق جويدة أن تكون المرأة أنثى أهم عندها من أن تكون زوجة وأن تكون أ...
أنيس منصور أما عن الأدب الأنثوي فقضية أخرى ليس هنا مجال الثرثرة في...
أحمد خالد توفيق إن الانسان ليفسر تصرفات الناس أحياناًويضخمها أو يصغره�...
توفيق الحكيم إنني أكبر، وأتورط في سحر الكتب والقراءة أكثر فأكثر، لم ...
ليلى الجهني عندما يكون المرء ضحية أيّ نوع من التعسف ؛ يمكن أن يفعل أ...
JODEE BLANCO المأزق أننا - لاشعورياً ولا إرادياً - نبالغ في توقع ردود...
عمرو صبحي عن "الضمير الفكري" :
لا شيء يبدو لي اليوم أكثر ندرة من...
فريدريك نيتشه
More Lee Raffel
لا يجب أن ننسى أننا كبشر مختلفون وهذا يعني أنه لابد من أ...
LEE RAFFEL I grew up in Birmingham, where they made useful things and made them well.
LEE CHILD In deference to American traditions, my family put our oven to rare use at Thanksgiving during my ch...
JENNIFER LEE Christmas is more stressful with present buying and making sure everyone gets included, but Thanksgi...
SANDRA LEE What is social proof? Put simply, it's the positive influence created when someone finds out tha...
AILEEN LEE There's a McDonald's in the Louvre.
LEE RADZIWILL I was always a drama queen. I remember playing in the kitchen, trying to get my mom to think I was d...
AMY LEE Parents must lead by example. Don't use the cliche; do as I say and not as I do. We are our chil...
LEE HANEY I love my cats more than I love most people. Probably more than is healthy.
AMY LEE I never know where I am going, though. That is part of what makes it so wonderful. And after all, wh...
TANITH LEE I've been criticised for writing in too complex a manner for younger people.
TANITH LEE I also love Disney, and will defend doing so, because there's so much in those films and I don...
TANITH LEE I love writers all across the board, but one who influenced me very directly at the beginning was Ma...
TANITH LEE At an early school, when I was about 5, they asked what we wanted to be when we grew up. Everyone sa...
TANITH LEE No one is ever ordinary.
TANITH LEE I'm writing what comes into my head, or through me, or from somewhere else, and it is the most e...
TANITH LEE I like films, or some films, and would be intrigued to see my work on screen.
TANITH LEE When I am fascinated by something, I like to play with it.
TANITH LEE As a child, my mother told me lots of fairy stories, many her own invention. She, too, tended to rev...
TANITH LEE Genre categories are irrelevant. I dislike them, but I do not have the casting vote.
TANITH LEE I think of myself as a storyteller, and that is it.
TANITH LEE I submitted manuscripts to publishers. This was not so much a feeling that I should be published as ...
TANITH LEE If they had said my writing wasn't good enough, fair enough, that's an opinion. But to say i...
TANITH LEE The other writer who had a very important early influence on me when I was about 17 was C.S. Lewis.
TANITH LEE People are always the start for me... animals, when I can get into their heads, gods, supernatural b...
TANITH LEE It's very selfish when I write. I'm not aware, ever, of writing for another person; I'm ...
TANITH LEE Writers tell stories better, because they've had more practice, but everyone has a book in them....
TANITH LEE I like writing about women, weak and strong, pathetic and heroic. I like writing about men, ditto. A...
TANITH LEE Writing is writing, and stories are stories. Perhaps the only true genres are fiction and non-fictio...
TANITH LEE Pirates have always fascinated me.
TANITH LEE I just love writing. It's magical, it's somewhere else to go, it's somewhere much more d...
TANITH LEE There is too little courtship in the world.
VERNON LEE The greatest pleasure of reading consists in re-reading.
VERNON LEE Well, they're Southern people, and if they know you are working at home they think nothing of wa...
HARPER LEE Folks don't like to have somebody around knowing more than they do.
HARPER LEE Real courage is when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it th...
HARPER LEE You've really got to start hitting the books because it's no joke out here.
HARPER LEE Before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't ...
HARPER LEE I'm going to win so much money this year, my caddie will make the top twenty money winner's ...
LEE TREVINO There was something special and unique about the love triangle that existed between Clark Kent, Supe...
JIM LEE It has been my observation that parents kill more dreams than anybody.
SPIKE LEE Putting on a movie is like going to war - for me, at least. It's all about time; time is money, ...
LEE DANIELS The book to read is not the one which thinks for you, but the one which makes you think. No book in ...
HARPER LEE I think it would be very boring dramatically to have a film where everybody was a lawyer or doctor a...
SPIKE LEE Immortality is to live your life doing good things, and leaving your mark behind.
BRANDON LEE I don't dictate, you don't dictate to Stevie Wonder, not successfully.
SPIKE LEE Oh, if I had only known then what I know now, I would have stopped it last year when I was still you...
ANNA LEE I was a star in England, but I've never been a star in America. Now I am.
ANNA LEE They see me wheeling around in a beautiful gown, and they realize you can look elegant, and you can ...
ANNA LEE My father was an Episcopalian minister, and I've always been comforted by the power of prayer.
ANNA LEE Yes, I'm a great believer in angels.
ANNA LEE Every day that I get to step onto a set is a good day for me.
LEE NORRIS If you are caught on a golf course during a storm and are afraid of lightning, hold up a 1-iron. Not...
LEE TREVINO That last winter was a tragic story and I got no personal honour out of it but I was a witness to it...
LAURIE LEE I still sweat. My guts are still grinding out there. Sometimes I have enough cotton in my mouth to k...
LEE TREVINO I was always in trouble. I was mischievous. And movies were always a part of my world.
LEE DANIELS You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.
HARPER LEE I never expected any sort of success with 'Mockingbird'... I sort of hoped someone would lik...
HARPER LEE I am so used to having two faces. A face that I had for black America and a face for white America. ...
LEE DANIELS General relativity predicts that time ends inside black holes because the gravitational collapse squ...
LEE SMOLIN Prejudice, a dirty word, and faith, a clean one, have something in common: they both begin where rea...
HARPER LEE I'm always getting injuries like bruised and bloody knuckles from catching a cymbal or the edge ...
TOMMY LEE I don't want to be remembered as 'the son of Bruce Lee'.
BRANDON LEE I feel like for me the lyric writing really comes from just what's going on in my heart and that...
AMY LEE The thing we call critics are not really reviewers, they are not really critics. They don't have...
ANG LEE I hire people brighter than me and then I get out of their way.
LEE IACOCCA There were so many things I couldn't do when my brother-in-law was president.
LEE RADZIWILL I worked at Warner Bros. for a while. I was the head of the minority talent casting. It was like pre...
LEE DANIELS The first time I drew a Superman story was 'For Tomorrow' with Brian Azzarello in 2004. It d...
JIM LEE I told Mr. Nader today that a vote for Ralph Nader is really a vote for George Bush.
BARBARA LEE We all agree that we've got to bring these terrorists to justice and to make sure that they'...
BARBARA LEE What they are doing is taking something that otherwise creates pollution and turning it into somethi...
BARBARA LEE I am convinced that military action will not prevent further acts of international terrorism against...
BARBARA LEE The last two elections were stolen. They were stolen and so we will not rest until we reclaim our de...
BARBARA LEE I wish the press were paying more attention to the erosion of the Constitution and the slippery slop...
BARBARA LEE We must use all the tools of American power in resolving disputes, including diplomacy. And we must ...
BARBARA LEE We need to honor our troops who served and show our support by giving our men and women who served t...
BARBARA LEE You only have the burdens on you that you choose to put there.
BRANDON LEE Every shot feels like the first shot of the day. If I'm on the range hitting shot after shot, I ...
LEE TREVINO When I was growing up, I had lots of smart classmates that were girls, but none of us were really pu...
AILEEN LEE So much of the world's suffering results from the sinful action or inaction of ourselves and oth...
LEE STROBEL When your goal is to put on muscle mass you must increase your calorie intake as you increase the ac...
LEE HANEY I don't sound disloyal, but I've never had a pair of Marvel pyjamas or underwear. I do have ...
STAN LEE Manchester was a fantastic place to go out in. There were 10 clubs with world-class cabaret and come...
FRANCIS LEE Working a job I love is mentally less stressful than punching in a clock everyday, but it's a lo...
LEE DEWYZE No one really buys records anymore. You can look at sales and do that math real quick. Unfortunately...
TOMMY LEE The truth is I've been doing Kickstarter before there was Kickstarter; there was no Internet. So...
SPIKE LEE The first day when I saw the scores I knew I could have the win because only three people shot in th...
ALAN LEE He must teach evolution exclusively observable scientific fact, not beliefs or religion. I fully bel...
ALAN LEE They're not sure exactly where they're going.
ALAN LEE Most are extremely embarrassed and humiliated. They're not used to asking for help. We've given them...
ALAN LEE Summer blockbusters are very expensive to make. They have things that have to be expensive, such as ...
ANG LEE What we actually learn, from any given set of circumstances, determines whether we become increasing...
BLAINE LEE The leader who exercises power with honor will work from the inside out, starting with himself.
BLAINE LEE What we actually learn, from any given set of circumstances, determines whether we become increasing...
BLAINE LEE For men, as they get bogged down with responsibilities, commitments, bureaucracy, it is a fantasy ju...
LEE CHILD The world does not pay for what a person knows, but it pays for what a person does with what he know...
LAURENCE LEE If you have some magical chemistry that actually find the music you make compelling, that is a big b...
GEDDY LEE My doctor suggested doing some blood tests and immediately discovered that my white blood cell count...
SHERYL LEE A Bond movie falls into a specific genre, and you have to provide certain elements. You must respect...
LEE TAMAHORI Understanding where your food comes from, trying to bolster local farmers and local economies and ha...
AMOS LEE You've really got to start hitting the books because it's no joke out here.
SPIKE LEE Someday I'd love to come back and start a theater company in Boulder. That would be a dream come...
SHERYL LEE I used the principles of Kickstarter to make 'She's Gotta Have It.' We filmed that in 19...
SPIKE LEE I used to brag that I can hold up any eviction - even if the landlord had legal rights, I could hold...
ED LEE The truth is, I think country music... there's a lot of great people, and just being raised the ...
LEE BRICE Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you ...
BRUCE LEE Write down the most important things you have to do tomorrow. Now, number them in the order of their...
IVY LEE I think what I do is borderline art. Most people who do borderline art have to have other jobs, so I...
STEWART LEE Victory Stadium, I'm surprised it's not No. 1. It tells me that the people who are in position to ef...
AARON LEE He understood his economic situation. That's part of his work ethic. He knows how Stephanie struggle...
AARON LEE When you see him smile, you really don't know what he's gone through to get to that point emotionall...
AARON LEE The African proverb, 'It takes a village to raise a child' -- that speaks volumes about where the ki...
AARON LEE Any death is tragic and our condolences are extended to Mr. Lee and his family, ... We regret his de...
AARON LEE Once he was in custody, an ambulance was immediately called because of his bizarre behavior, his nud...
AARON LEE He was Tased multiple times. Understand that when the probes go out and attach to the body, you can ...
AARON LEE He was sweaty at this time and that made it difficult for the officers to control him,
AARON LEE We're in this incredible age where new brands are making people's lives easier, more conveni...
AILEEN LEE I love Marlon Brando. Never seem him bad, just less good.
LEE MARVIN Put your ears to the ground, to the sky, to the sun and the moon... tune in to Mother Earth's sweet ...
MELODY LEE I'm still that rowdy dude who has after-parties in his dressing room with a concert-sized PA sys...
TOMMY LEE I played with different words like 'home run,' 'megahit,' and they just all sounded ...
AILEEN LEE I've always loved the mixture of crushing live drums with a programmed groove, that really cool ...
TOMMY LEE When it gets dark enough you can see the stars.
LEE SALK People say to me, You were a roaring success. How did you do it? I go back to what my parents taught...
LEE IACOCCA The discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making it happen.
LEE IACOCCA Apply yourself. Get all the education you can, but then, by God, do something. Don't just stand ther...
LEE IACOCCA So what do we do? Anything. Something. So long as we just don't sit there. If we screw it up, start ...
LEE IACOCCA No one wants a good education. Everyone wants a good degree.
LEE RUDOLPH The pomp of death is far more terrible than death itself.
NATHANIEL LEE When there is freedom from mechanical conditioning, there is simplicity. The classical man is just a...
BRUCE LEE Let the spirit out - Discard all thoughts of reward, all hopes of praise and fears of blame, all awa...
BRUCE LEE There will be calmness, tranquility, when one is free from external objects and is not perturbed.
BRUCE LEE Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, Add what is uniquely your own.
BRUCE LEE Transform it, decorate it, let it become a new Bruce Lee museum,
BRUCE LEE The world does not pay for what a person knows. But it pays for what a person does with what he know...
LAURENCE LEE No one wants a good education. Everyone wants a good degree.
LEE RUDOLPH Obviously when you play, you play to win. That's our goal, to go out and win the region first and th...
ALEX LEE I don't think we're your average first-year team. We have a lot of guys who have played before and h...
ALEX LEE With today's 60-year-old, it's a very different generation of 60-year-olds than the last generation....
ALEX LEE Japan is a fast adopter of new ideas. If you're hot in Japan, you're hot really fast.
ALEX LEE It will take approximately four months to get the existing bridge down. But we are still looking at ...
ALEX LEE Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing.
HARPER LEE You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you c...
HARPER LEE Now, 75 years [after HARPER LEE Sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whisky bottle in the hand of (another)......
HARPER LEE I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to...
BRUCE LEE They're certainly entitled to think that, and they're entitled to full respect for their opinions......
HARPER LEE I was a very lonely child and it's funy but the first word that comes to my head is "starved". I fel...
CAROL LEE Naw, Jem. I think that there is just one kind of folks. Folks."
Jen turned and punched hi...
HARPER LEE Atticus, he was real nice."
"Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them.
HARPER LEE I think there's just one kind of folks. Folks.
HARPER LEE I also did some jail time a few years ago. Spent a whole summer in jail reading books. I pumped a to...
TOMMY LEE Are you proud of yourself tonight that you have insulted a total stranger whose circumstances you kn...
HARPER LEE The spirit of the individual is determined by his dominating thought habits.
BRUCE LEE Don't fear failure. — Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious eve...
BRUCE LEE It was times like these when I thought my father, who hated guns and had never been to any wars, was...
HARPER LEE A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.
BRUCE LEE Real courage is when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it throug...
HARPER LEE My father always used
to say that when you die,
if you've got five real friends,
LEE IACOCCA I hate the way, once you start to know someone, care about them, their behavior can distress you, ev...
TANITH LEE You are not flawed, you are as beautiful as you have always been and blessed with evidence of a life...
BECCA LEE She seemed glad to see me when I appeared in the kitchen, and by watching her I began to think there...
HARPER LEE As you grow older, you’ll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell yo...
HARPER LEE It is really important that young people find something that they want to do and pursue it with pass...
SPIKE LEE We are continually faced by great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.
LEE IACOCCA You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It...
LEE IACOCCA Boys, there ain't no free lunches in this country. And don't go spending your whole life commiserati...
LEE IACOCCA It takes more than just a good looking body. You've got to have the heart and soul to go with it.
LEE HANEY The one word that makes a good manager -- decisiveness.
LEE IACOCCA I've always found that the speed of the boss is the speed of the team.
LEE IACOCCA You're only has good as your last haircut.
SUSAN LEE Most people are looking for security, a nice, safe, prosperous future. And there's nothing wrong wit...
LEE IACOCCA Motivation is everything. You can do the work of two people, but you can't be two people. Instead, y...
LEE IACOCCA Any change, any loss, does not make us victims. Others can shake you, surprise you, disappoint you, ...
BLAINE LEE Circumstances hell! I make circumstances!
BRUCE LEE People want economy and they'll pay almost any price to get it.
LEE IACOCCA When the product is right, you don't have to be a great marketer.
LEE IACOCCA I don't want to do business with those who don't make a profit, because they can't give the best ser...
LEE BRISTOL The ability to concentrate and to use time well is everything.
LEE IACOCCA How can they beat me? I've been struck by lightning, had two back operations, and been divorced twic...
LEE TREVINO Man, the living creature, the creating individual, is always more important than any established sty...
BRUCE LEE If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your wo...
BRUCE LEE The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.
HARPER LEE You can talk to a fade but a hook won't listen.
LEE TREVINO I do much of my creative thinking while golfing. If people know you're working at home they think no...
HARPER LEE My divorce came to me as a complete surprise. That's what happens when you haven't been home in eigh...
LEE TREVINO We at Chrysler borrow money the old fashion way. We pay it back.
LEE IACOCCA I have always found that if I move with seventy-five percent or more of the facts that I usually nev...
LEE IACOCCA I'm not out there just to be dancing around. I expect to win every time I tee up.
LEE TREVINO I'm not in this world to live up to your expectations and you're not in this world to live up to min...
BRUCE LEE There is no such thing as natural touch. Touch is something you create by hitting millions of golf b...
LEE TREVINO Ever since I was a child I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the funct...
BRUCE LEE I have found that being honest is the best technique I can use. Right up front, tell people what you...
LEE IACOCCA The kind of people I look for to fill top management spots are the eager beavers, the mavericks. The...
LEE IACOCCA Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
BRUCE LEE You just wait. I'm going to be the biggest Chinese Star in the world.
BRUCE LEE The future looks extremely bright indeed, with lots of possibilities ahead -- big possibilities. Lik...
BRUCE LEE I'm no idealist to believe firmly in the integrity of our courts and in the jury system -- that is n...
HARPER LEE As you grow older, you'll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you ...