لو أصبحت أكثر الوحيدين وحدة .. فإن الله موجود, فهو سبحانه كمال من لا كمال له.., و لو أن جميع الخلق أصبحوا ذئابا متوحشة , و السماء تمطر علي رأسي وابلا من الحقد و الضغينة, فأنت يا إلهي الرحمن الأبدي الذي لا يضره شئ. إلهي ..و يا ملجأئ الدائم, علمني كيف أحيا ؟ أما كيف أموت..؟ فإني سأعرفه
Ali Shariati
Related هناك تضارب و تباين شديد بين ماهية الشئ الذي نستطيع منعه... AZZA BONDOK و الحق أن الرجولاتِ الضخمة لا تُعْرَفُ إلا في ميدان الج... محمد الغزالي يا من يرى ما في الضمير و يسمع * أنت المعدّ لكل ما يتوقع محمد بن إدريس الشافعي والعمر علمني الكثير أن أدفن الآهات في صدري و أمضي... فاروق جويدة سألوا يعقوب، و قد ابيضت عيناه من كثرة البكاء و الحزن عل�... أحمد خيري العمري إني أمقت الكذب و الرياء والنفاق والخداع , لا لأنها تصيب�... يحيى حقي و لو أراد الله أن نكون متشابهين ،لخلقنا متشابهين ، لذلك... ELIF SHAFAK يا خيبتي ، يا خيبة ! يا شجاعتي التي لا تموت أنت تضحكين... KAHLIL GIBRAN مشاعري معهم .. مع الإخوان .. رغم أنهم تخلوا عني و عن الديم... محمد نجيب اختلاف الأماكن من بلد إلى بلد اّخر لا يعنى كثيراً,و إنم�... مصطفى محمود او تظن ان التقرب الى الله لا يكون الا بالخشوع و السجودو ... يوسف السباعي إن هناك كلمة نتنه تقال دائما .. ديمقراطية .. لا شئ يدعي دي... أحمد خالد مصطفى دوماً يعاكس الحب توقعات العشاق، هو يحب مباغتتهم، مفاجأ... أحلام مستغانمي الديب نكح الخروف..و خروفنا مابيرمش الكلب جه ينجده..قا... حسن كمال لا تصالح علي الدم .. حتي بدم! لا تصالح! و لو قيل رأس بر�... أمل دنقل إن الطريق إلى إقامة الصلاة حقاً هو استشعار عظمة الله فى... أحمد بهجت أنت تجد في الشرق أحد اثنين .. تجد من يرفض العلم اكتفاء با... مصطفى محمود ليس هناك كتابا أقرأه و لا أستفيد منه شيئا جديدا ، فحتى ا... عباس محمود العقاد و كلما زادَ الكسل و التواكل و زادت السلبية، كلما زادت خ�... أحمد خيري العمري الناس يختارون العمل فيما يحتاجونه أكثر, فالأطبا�... صلاح الراشد مشكلة الأحزاب يا صديقي دائما أنها آخر من ينزل الشارع و �... مصطفى شهيب كيف ترعرع في وادينا الطيب هذا القدر من السفلة و الأو�... صلاح عبد الصبور قال أحد الطيور الذكور لإحدى الطيور الإناث في قبة سليما�... أحمد بهجت -سرحان ف إيه بس؟ -هو فى غيرها؟؟! أصلها جميلة أوى يا أش�... لؤى طارق تذكروا أنكم أبناء من خضعت ... لسيفهم دول الرومان و العجم<... عمر حمد كانت ملابسهم رثة، غير أن نظرات السلام و التصميم على الن... كنود هولمبو لقد جمع بلفور اليهود فى وطن واحد وعدهم به و بهذا أراح ال... أحمد خالد توفيق السفر من بلادك لأخرى لا يعني هروبك من الرقابة ، أو الإف�... جابر حدبون و ما معنى الإيمان الجاد بالله إذا دار في خلد المسلم أن ع... محمد قطب احنا اتفرقنا و على الله الرجوع و المفرّق و المجمّع ر�... رضوى عاشور المفكرون الحقيقيون قلة و كل مفكر مثقف, و لكن ليس كل مثقف... جمال حمدان ربنا ما أتيت الذنوب جرأة مني عليك و لا تطاولا على أمرك و... مصطفى محمود الحضن هو الشئ الجسدي الوحيد بين البشر، الذي يلمس روعة "�... محمد صادق يا صديقي؛ إنَّ الله رحيم، و من رحمته أنه أخفى القلب و أخ... مصطفى صادق الرافعي المؤمن لا تتم له لذه بمعصيه أبداً بل لا يُباشـرها إلا و ... ابن قيم الجوزية شكراً لكِ " ابتسم ابتسامه واسعة و استطرد قائلاً AZZA BONDOK لا تنس أبداً أنك حر ...و أن إظهار انفعالاتك لا يدعو للخجل... باولو كويلو ويكفيك عِزًا وكرامة أنك إذا أردتَ مقابلة سيدك أن يكون ا... محمد متولي الشعراوي واحـر قلــــباه ممــن قلبــه شبــم **** ومن بجسمـي وحـال... AL-MUTANABBī من لا يكرم نفسه لا يكرمه الاَخرون و من يعتد التفريط فى ح... عبد الوهاب مطاوع اسرع الي خلع خفيها عن قدميها الرقيقتين ان كانت لابستهم�... OVID يمكن للصلاة عندما تكون حقا صلاة , أن تكون خبزنا , لأنها س... أحمد خيري العمري الخوف لا يمنع من الموت و لكنه يمنع من الحياة. نجيب محفوظ يقول لي منزلي : ناشدتُك ألا تهجرني فها هنا يقيمُ ماضيك .<... KAHLIL GIBRAN هل تعلم ذلك الشعور المحبط الذي يراودك عقب الانتهاء من ق... حسني محمد أن مأساتنا كبشر هى أن مواقفنا من (العدل ) و (الحق) قد تتغي... عبد الوهاب مطاوع الفقير الذي لا يحمل شهرة بيل جيتس و لا أوراق بنيامين فر�... محمد الكتبي ومِن النّاس مَن لا تَصحُّ مَحبّتُه إلا بَعدَ طول المُخ�... IBN HAZM AL-ANDALUSI ابن حزم الأندلسي حين تغيب لا كحل، لا أحمر شفاه ، لا عطر ربما إطار خ... محمد الكتبي مأساتي و مأساتُك أنني أحبك بصورة أكبر من أن أخفيها و أع�... غسان كنفاني لا يجوز أن تلعن أي شيء يهطل من السماء.. حتى لو كان مطرا ELIF SHAFAK سـ تتعلمين كيف تتخلين كل مرة عن شيء منك .. كيف تتركين �... أحلام مستغانمي هذا هو الذهن :فنجانك الذهبي .من طبيعة الذهن أن يكون فارغ... حسين البرغوثي جرب جرب و لا تخف , فالذين صنعوا سفينة نوح كانوا من الهوا�... إبراهيم الفقي لقد أحكموا الحلقة من حولنا , و أعطونا الخيار بين أمور كل... شيرين هنائي • المشكلة أنني أحارب من أجلك .. أقاتل من أستطيع ومن لا أ�... AZZA BONDOK فلماذا اذن يجب ان اصغي الى قلبي؟ لأنك لن تنجح في اسكا... باولو كويلو ففي الدعاء حاجات أبعد من حاجات المادة ، و أرفع مما هو في... ALI SHARIATI أحتاج إلى شريكة أسكن إليها واثقا من تعاطفها معي، أصدقه�... AHDAF SOUEIF لقد عودنا الموت أنه ليس له قواعد و لا قيود .. لما لا يُدر�... يوسف السباعي كنت دوماً أجد أنه من المؤلم أن الناس لا يصلون.. خصوصا�... أحمد خيري العمري هو الخوف جعل آباءكم يحشرونكم و أجدادكم يحشرونكم جماعات... KAHLIL GIBRAN قد يكون في الدّنيا ما يغني الواحد من النّاس عن أهل الأر�... مصطفى صادق الرافعي يا صديق نحن نعقد ما لا تعقيد فيه بنداري ساعات و نخبي ونك... AZZA BONDOK ما أذكره أنّني كنت يوميّاً أحلم بتحريرها, أقول في نفسي �... نردين أبو نبعة و المذيعون خِراف .. و الإذاعات خُرافة .. و عقول المستنيري... أحمد مطر فبُعد ووجد و اشتياق و رجفة ... فلا أنت تُدنيني و لا أنا أق... قيس بن الملوح كل صباح أعدّ قهوتي و أفتح نافذتي لاستقبال ذلك اليوم الج... AMAL SAGHEER لا تكون رحلة النضوج هذه سهلة أبدا , بل إنها تشبه أحيانا �... أحمد خيري العمري والمقولة الى بتقول انه أكثر أسرارك ممكن جدا بسهولة تطل�... AZZA BONDOK إن الأغلبية الساحقة من الناس لا يفكرون مطلقاً، و الذين ... ELIF SHAFAK و كن من أنتَ حيث تكون و احمل عبءَ قلبِكَ وحدهُ MAHMOUD DARWISH لا تقطع صديقاً وإن كفر , و لا تركُن إلا عدوِّ و إن شكر .. أدونيس في كل مرة نحاول أن نكون مثاليين و كاملين، تكمن وراء أي غ... ديوك روبنسون ألم تكن غريبة هذه الصداقة بيني و بين هذا الشاب على ما ك�... طه حسين و لو أنني أستغفر الله كلما ... ذكرتك لم تكتب عليّ ذنوب قيس بن الملوح إذا أساء إليك أحد فقل له : إنني أغفر لك جنايتك علي ، و لك�... فريدريك نيتشه لكن ألا تظنين أنه يوجد فرق كبير بين الجنسين عندما يتعلق... إليف شفق أحتقر من يثير الشكوك ليقال بأنه ذكى , و من يكتم إعجابه ل�... محمد الغزالي قال لي : " أنت تعرف بالطبع المثل الشهير (اللي يخاف من الع�... أحمد صبري غباشي لو أن كل إنسان فعل ما بوسعه لتجميل رقعة الأرض الصغيرة ا�... عبد الوهاب مطاوع أخي صارَ ملاكاً. و أنـا.. سأكون شيطاناً، هذا لا ريب فيه. محمد شكري المصريون يئسوا من العدل في هذه الدنيا فصاروا ينتظرونه �... علاء الأسواني أتهزأ بالدعاء و تزدريه... و ما تدري بم صنع الدعاء سها�... محمد بن إدريس الشافعي و كلما أمسكت بحالة من حالاتي و قلت هذا هو أنا .. ما تلبث ه... مصطفى محمود و رجعت وحدي في الطريق اليأس فوق مقاعد الأحزان يدع�... فاروق جويدة و شردتُ في اللاشيئ الذي لا أراهُ أمامي منى المرشود ما أجمل أن يعيد الإنسان تنظيم نفسه بين الحين و الحين, و �... محمد الغزالي أن تمسك قلماً و تخط جرحاً على الورقة ، معناها أن تملك قد... واسيني الأعرج أنا هنا. و أنا أحبك. لا آبه إن اردت البقاء مستيقظة تبكين ... ELIZABETH GILBERT نحن لا نبذل مجهودا كي نبلغ عمرا ما ، بل نبلغه لأنَّنا ليلى الجهني سألت الشيخ عبد ربه: كيف تنتهى المحنة التى نعانيها؟ نجيب محفوظ عبر تاريخ طويل مررنا بهزائم و انكسارات , تركت آثارها في�... أحمد خيري العمري لا أظن هناك فارقا كبيرا بين الانسان فى حالة الجنون أو ف�... يوسف السباعي شعرت بدفء في داخلي و أنا أعمل , كما شعرت أنني من عباد الل... ORHAN PAMUK إن ضغط الدم و القلق و الأرق الذى يصيبنى من الحقائق أفضل ... مصطفى محمود أتمنى أن أبكي و أرتجف , التصق بواحد من الكبار , لكن الحقي... أحمد خالد توفيق البعض نحبهم لكن لا نقترب منهم...فهم في البعد أحلى �... KAHLIL GIBRAN عادَ النبيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم أعربيًا مريضًا يتلوَّى... محمد الغزالي يحدث أحيانا ً أن أبكي مثل الأطفال بلا سببٍ يحدث أ... نزار قباني
More Ali Shariati
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Has America ever been a democracy with the institution of slavery? TATYANA ALI I even lived on campus to get the college experience. I had five roommates and I still keep in touch... TATYANA ALI I had short hair for a while, but I ended up loving it. TATYANA ALI Young women and men who joined the far-left groups did so for the best of reasons. They wanted to ch... TARIQ ALI Scandinavia was awash with Maoism in the '70s. Sweden had Maoist groups with a combined membersh... TARIQ ALI Those who really value Ukrainian sovereignty should opt for real independence and a positive neutral... TARIQ ALI Ralph Miliband was a socialist intellectual of great integrity. He belonged to a generation of socia... TARIQ ALI The hostility between India and Pakistan has become a habit to which both the elites have become add... TARIQ ALI Political pundits in Delhi and Islamabad have berated the West for its relativism and double-standar... TARIQ ALI The only decent daily paper of record in France is the online 'Mediapart,' which exposes gra... TARIQ ALI I don't regret what I did in the Sixties. I was young and took myself terribly seriously. In the... TARIQ ALI I was never totally what we would now call 'politically correct,' even in my most militant p... TARIQ ALI The human voice deployed to recite the Vedas and later aid the temple dancers was paramount before a... TARIQ ALI The weakness in traditional Scottish nationalism lay in its own inability to grasp that identity cou... TARIQ ALI History rarely repeats itself, but its echoes never go away. TARIQ ALI 'Theogony' should be read before the great Homeric epics because it gives an account of the ... TARIQ ALI I was in my mid-teens when someone gave me a copy of 'Pears Encyclopaedia of Myth and Legends... TARIQ ALI Indian classical music was born when time barely existed. It developed further within the structures... TARIQ ALI The origins of Indian classical music, not unlike their western counterparts, lie in the Vedas, the ... TARIQ ALI In the calculus of western interests, there is no suffering, whatever its scale, which cannot be jus... TARIQ ALI Power can shape 'truth,' but not forever. TARIQ ALI The only continent where social movements have led to political parties that have pushed through ser... TARIQ ALI When I arrived to study at Oxford in October 1963, the bohemian style was black plastic or leather j... TARIQ ALI The Greek city-states politicised citizen and subject, creating institutions that were way ahead of ... TARIQ ALI Poland, after the First World War, was beset by chaos, disorder, and a foolish incursion by the Red ... TARIQ ALI In the Seventies, we still had dreams and hopes of Utopia, but by the end of the decade, the world h... TARIQ ALI I am, in general, favourable to activism and social movements and hostile to graft and corruption. TARIQ ALI I am a keen observer of my own films; I also try to discover myself through the movies I make. IMTIAZ ALI Usually, you lose interest in a story beyond a certain point. But with 'Highway,' there was ... IMTIAZ ALI I try to travel as much as I can... I'm always looking for a reason to. IMTIAZ ALI I have always tried to make profitable films because people's offices shut down if films fail, a... IMTIAZ ALI I'm not the 'look at me' kind of a person. I do not like showing off in public or writte... IMTIAZ ALI I was called to audition for a play when I was very young, following which I continued to act as wel... IMTIAZ ALI I want to direct what I feel is interesting - not what is supposed to be my zone. IMTIAZ ALI I come from a middle class background. I have travelled a lot by trains and have lived in the world.... IMTIAZ ALI All the conscious decisions that I have taken in my life have never borne fruit. Not even come close... IMTIAZ ALI I enjoy looking beyond the obvious and look at the stories happening all around me - you kind of for... IMTIAZ ALI Anything I wanted to do and achieve has not been influential in my life, but my failures have. IMTIAZ ALI Through travel, you discover a new aspect to your personality. You discover things which you wouldn&... IMTIAZ ALI The story of 'Highway' is completely about travel. It is about the fascination of travel to ... IMTIAZ ALI I think I am a travel junkie, and I have never enjoyed anything else in my life more than travelling... IMTIAZ ALI I was complexed and awkward that I was good for nothing and was always lying. I would lie to my scho... IMTIAZ ALI Especially on unexpected journeys, you have time; you can figure certain deeper things out, like who... IMTIAZ ALI When you write a story, it just flows and you don't control it. It's subconscious. IMTIAZ ALI All of us are so mixed. My great-grandfather was white. MUHAMMAD ALI Ever since I first came here in 1963 to fight Henry Cooper, I have loved the people of England. MUHAMMAD ALI It's in my blood to be around people while I was training. MUHAMMAD ALI I had a good time boxing. I enjoyed it - and I may come back. MUHAMMAD ALI If I said I would knock out Sonny Liston in 1 minute and 49 seconds of the first round, that would h... MUHAMMAD ALI You think the world was shocked when Nixon resigned? Wait till I whup George Foreman's behind. MUHAMMAD ALI No boxer in the history of boxing has had Parkinson's. There's no injury in my brain that su... MUHAMMAD ALI White people just don't want their slaves to be free. That's the whole thing. MUHAMMAD ALI Never put your money against Cassius Clay, for you will never have a lucky day. MUHAMMAD ALI When you can whip any man in the world, you never know peace. MUHAMMAD ALI I'm more at home with my log cabins than I am in my house in Cherry Hill. MUHAMMAD ALI The white man is destroying the world. MUHAMMAD ALI We who follow the teachings of Elijah Muhammad don't want to be forced to integrate. Integration... MUHAMMAD ALI The fact is, I was never too bright in school. I ain't ashamed of it, though. I mean, how much d... MUHAMMAD ALI I didn't want to submit to the army and then, on the day of judgment, have God say to me, 'W... MUHAMMAD ALI My lectures, based on Islamic teachings, were on various subjects. Some of the titles were, 'The... MUHAMMAD ALI You can't keep your mind on fighting when you're thinking about a woman. You can't keep ... MUHAMMAD ALI Anywhere I go, there is always an incredible crowd that follows me. In Rome, as I land at the airpor... MUHAMMAD ALI All black Americans have slave names. They have white names; names that the slave master has given t... MUHAMMAD ALI To be able to give away riches is mandatory if you wish to possess them. This is the only way that y... MUHAMMAD ALI I used to tease Joe Louis by reminding him that I was the greatest of all time. But Joe Louis was th... MUHAMMAD ALI Joe Frazier got hit more than me - and he doesn't have Parkinson's. MUHAMMAD ALI I had to prove you could be a new kind of black man. I had to show the world. MUHAMMAD ALI People don't realize what they had till it's gone. Like President Kennedy, there was no one ... MUHAMMAD ALI I know I got it made while the masses of black people are catchin' hell, but as long as they ain... MUHAMMAD ALI Joe Frazier is so ugly that when he cries, the tears turn around and go down the back of his head. MUHAMMAD ALI My trainer don't tell me nothing between rounds. I don't allow him to. I fight the fight. Al... MUHAMMAD ALI God tries you in certain, certain ways. Some people are rich, and they believe in God. They lose the... MUHAMMAD ALI No one knows what to say in the loser's locker room. MUHAMMAD ALI There are no pleasures in a fight but some of my fights have been a pleasure to win. MUHAMMAD ALI I wish people would love everybody else the way they love me. It would be a better world. MUHAMMAD ALI I have been so great in boxing they had to create an image like Rocky, a white image on the screen, ... MUHAMMAD ALI I said I was 'The Greatest,' I never said I was the smartest! MUHAMMAD ALI At home I am a nice guy: but I don't want the world to know. Humble people, I've found, don&... MUHAMMAD ALI I figure I'll be champ for about ten years and then I'll let my brother take over - like the... MUHAMMAD ALI When I won the Golden Gloves in 1960, that made me realize I had a chance. And when I won at the Oly... MUHAMMAD ALI I got no quarrel with them Vietcong. MUHAMMAD ALI I should be a postage stamp, because that's the only way I'll ever get licked. I'm beaut... MUHAMMAD ALI I'm not the greatest; I'm the double greatest. Not only do I knock 'em out, I pick the r... MUHAMMAD ALI No intelligent black man or black woman in his or her right black mind wants white boys and white gi... MUHAMMAD ALI I shook up the world, I shook up the world. MUHAMMAD ALI The only thing that matters is submitting to the will of God. MUHAMMAD ALI Frazier is so ugly that he should donate his face to the U.S. Bureau of Wild Life. MUHAMMAD ALI To make America the greatest is my goal, so I beat the Russian and I beat the Pole. And for the U.S.... MUHAMMAD ALI I always bring out the best in men I fight, but Joe Frazier, I'll tell the world right now, brin... MUHAMMAD ALI It will be a killer, and a chiller, and a thriller, when I get the gorilla in Manila. MUHAMMAD ALI The Nation of Islam's main focus was teaching black pride and self-awareness. Why should we keep... MUHAMMAD ALI A rooster crows only when it sees the light. Put him in the dark and he'll never crow. I have se... MUHAMMAD ALI I don't have to be what you want me to be. MUHAMMAD ALI I've been everywhere in the world, seen everything, had everything a man can have. MUHAMMAD ALI My only fault is that I don't realize how great I really am. MUHAMMAD ALI Go up in an airplane. Go high enough, and it's like we don't even exist. MUHAMMAD ALI It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep co... MUHAMMAD ALI I would say things like 'I am the greatest! I'm pretty! If you talk jive, you'll drop in... MUHAMMAD ALI Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. MUHAMMAD ALI Don't feel sorry for me. MUHAMMAD ALI I calculate that I took 20,000 punches, but I earned millions and kept a lot of it. I may talk slow,... MUHAMMAD ALI America is the greatest country in the world. MUHAMMAD ALI Life is so, so short. Bible says it's like a vapor. MUHAMMAD ALI I'm the most recognized and loved man that ever lived cuz there weren't no satellites when J... MUHAMMAD ALI I wanted to use my fame and this face that everyone knows so well to help uplift and inspire people ... MUHAMMAD ALI I'm no leader; I'm a little humble follower. MUHAMMAD ALI I've made my share of mistakes along the way, but if I have changed even one life for the better... MUHAMMAD ALI Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn't matter which color does the hating... MUHAMMAD ALI I never thought of losing, but now that it' s happened, the only thing is to do it right. That... MUHAMMAD ALI I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before... MUHAMMAD ALI I'll beat him so bad he'll need a shoehorn to put his hat on. MUHAMMAD ALI My way of joking is to tell the truth. That's the funniest joke in the world. MUHAMMAD ALI A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life. MUHAMMAD ALI It's not bragging if you can back it up. MUHAMMAD ALI Wars of nations are fought to change maps. But wars of poverty are fought to map change. MUHAMMAD ALI All fighters run. The constant motion prepares you for being in the ring. And running strengthens yo... LAILA ALI Running is my time for myself. I'm like, 'I'm going for a run!' and my husband knows... LAILA ALI People like to see me fight. A name can only take you so far. There are only a few fighters out of t... LAILA ALI My kids know the importance of being active - and that's why teaming up with the USTA was such a... LAILA ALI I don't play video games. My husband does. He plays sometimes the football, and every once in a ... LAILA ALI I want to encourage women to take control of their health. LAILA ALI I never ran with my dad. He was old-school. He had a whole different idea of training. He ran in ste... LAILA ALI My dad lived by example. I lived by watching him. I watched all the great things he did and said. I ... LAILA ALI I never intended to box forever, and always planned to move on to do other things. LAILA ALI I'm Muhammad Ali's daughter, but my father and I are very different in that area. I don'... LAILA ALI I'm a professional world champion. Of course if you're a world champion, you're working ... LAILA ALI I do my best to work out 5 days a week. There are times when I can only get in 3 days a week because... LAILA ALI I love engaging in conversation with other moms because we can relate to one another, and we swap va... LAILA ALI Anyone who's seen me before knows that when it's fight time, I don't have much to say. LAILA ALI People who are fit are the same as anyone else. The only difference is their level of commitment. If... LAILA ALI I like to play by my own rules. LAILA ALI My father loves people. No matter what their race, no matter what their position in life, he treated... LAILA ALI You have to fight for your health and stay on top of it. Our bodies are meant to be healthy. LAILA ALI While I was boxing professionally, I never thought about my looks. The furthest thing from my mind w... LAILA ALI I think that if you do want to be a fighter, then you need to work harder than everybody else and ma... LAILA ALI I saw women's boxing on television for the first time when I was 18, and that's when I wante... LAILA ALI I think that the greatest lesson I learned from my father is just having compassion towards people. LAILA ALI There's this Method Man album called 'Tical.' It's his first album. I would just lis... MAHERSHALA ALI My friends in college, several of whom are still my closest companions, would tell you that I was al... MAHERSHALA ALI I think Don Cheadle has always done great work. MAHERSHALA ALI People do bad things, but that doesn't mean they don't have other colors or qualities. MAHERSHALA ALI In my humble opinion, the ages 22 to about 27 are the most critical years of your adult life. It'... MAHERSHALA ALI At that moment in time when we feel like the other, we were not the person embraced, not one of the ... MAHERSHALA ALI I started traveling by myself as early as 5 to see my dad. I'd go to Toronto or Los Angeles, dep... MAHERSHALA ALI Now, being one who lived in the era of Obama, there are so many markers of improvement made. It'... MAHERSHALA ALI In thinking about it, the villains often have a little bit more range because their morality is diff... MAHERSHALA ALI I have had that same experience where there are several people who have come up in my life at the ri... MAHERSHALA ALI You want entertainment in general, every aspect of it, to be more of a reflection of the diverse wor... MAHERSHALA ALI I don't really compare any of the characters I play; I try to go into them being very open to wh... MAHERSHALA ALI There was a sadness over me, a melancholy. That's always been a part of me - those are some of t... MAHERSHALA ALI 'Moonlight' is a project that resonated with me more than anything else. I wouldn't have... MAHERSHALA ALI The people that I admire have a wonderful balance of self-belief and humility. MAHERSHALA ALI It's still amazing, but when I was growing up, Harlem was the Mecca of black culture. I was so i... MAHERSHALA ALI Understand that we are all co-creators of our respective destinies. MAHERSHALA ALI Your life, your circumstances change, and you have to continue to grow as a person, and once you hav... MAHERSHALA ALI To really be conscious of how long the journey is, be patient, push yourself, persevere, and always ... MAHERSHALA ALI Who is that person that comes around and says, 'You are OK, you are worthy, you are special?'... MAHERSHALA ALI Social media has colonized what was once a sacred space occupied by emptiness: the space reserved fo... MAHERSHALA ALI Family are the people that can hurt you the most. MAHERSHALA ALI I write my songs many times to chord progressions on a piano. Unfortunately, I can't keep playin... NADIA ALI I love music in general. It's like girls and their clothes and shoes; when you love shoes, you l... NADIA ALI I believe the most attractive thing about a guy is his personality and the way he views the world. I... NADIA ALI The advice I would give to girls from Eastern backgrounds who are interested in the arts is that it ... NADIA ALI I love the Middle East and have been lucky enough to visit a few of the countries like Egypt, Lebano... NADIA ALI As a person, I believe that I am sensitive, which helped me be the artist I am. NADIA ALI I love Chicago. It's one of my favorite cities, hands down. NADIA ALI I am definitely a spiritually centered person and that is usually one of my biggest guiding lights b... NADIA ALI Personal relationships are usually my biggest inspirations for writing my songs. The best way for me... NADIA ALI I think being an Asian woman has been more of an advantage than a disadvantage. It helps me stand ou... NADIA ALI Since I was a child, I always loved music that made me want to dance. As a teenager, I used to dance... NADIA ALI How could 30 years be the blink-of-the-eye it felt? It was the difference between black-and-white fo... ALI SMITH Cause nobody's the slightest idea who we are, or who we were, not even we ourselves - except, ... ALI SMITH We form bonds. It's a very female bonding kind of dance. AISHA ALI It's normal to move the pelvis. It's not meant to be lascivious. It's meant to be a form of everyday... AISHA ALI Eventually they get interested in all the different kinds of music we play...and they want to know a... AISHA ALI The neck moves and the shoulders move and the chest lifts and the diaphragm lifts. The pelvis goes u... AISHA ALI The builders have no right to construct any building without the approval of the layout plans by the... AHMED ALI Suddenly we found the Sunnis pushed out of the Iraqi government. Because of that, we decided to go t... AHMED ALI All people hope Islam helps everything in life. Islam will make jobs. Islam will make freedom. Islam... AHMED ALI